anotherdream ago

Very busy night last night wasn't it? Thanks sray. - Loving this. We need this shit to see the light of day. I hope Q Team & POTUS have a plan for releasing all of this. - I want to see every false illusion they have woven over the past 20 years TOTALLY SMASHED. He said: July 2018 - the month the world discovered the TRUTH.

srayzie ago

Me too!

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

Thanks Srayzie! I always mean to do this right away but I go directly to Q!

srayzie ago

You’re welcome! Should I take you off the ping list?

Shizy ago

I KNEW there had to be some shady stuff going on with that jet blue plane! I wonder if we will ever find out what it was 🤔

srayzie ago

I hope. I love when things get all interesting like this!

Micheal84 ago

This guy shows a great, and easy way to support Qanon.

Anyone with a dirty car can do this.

srayzie ago

That’s awesome!

Metkim ago

Who is RR?

srayzie ago

Rod Rosenstein

Shizy ago

Rod Rosenstein?

Wrathfullyawakenedww ago

Just remember... you fight fire with water... don’t go hot! Lessons from the wizard of oz...

RockmanRaiden ago

New post for the 27th. False flag incoming?

Chatter. Trains. Buses. Be vigilant. Q

anotherdream ago

Definitely planning some domestic terror to shift the narrative. - Slimy fucks. Now also using Wikileaks to continue their bullshit shit posting.

heretolearn ago

hard to take the "illegal spying" part seriously when the nsa and govt continue to spy on us illegally, like criminals.

Kiwi_Slave ago

YES YES YES!!! In the end there is no such thing as a "white hat" secret policeman. ALL of the alphabet agencies need to go. They have no place in a free society. There are no threats other than the satanic globalists, and all of the spy agencies are globalist instruments. They should not exist at all. We need to purge the globalists, kill, imprison or sterilize every one of them, end the dynasties. No descendants, no problems. No private central banks with their debt slave money. Then dismantle the empire, and have a REAL department of defense. One that exists to defend America's sovereign borders, the maritime EEZ, and the air space. Nothing else. Every other country with the freedom and responsibility to sort our their own internal problems. No global policeman, no global nanny state.

heretolearn ago

you said it better than I ever could have.

Hypercyberpastelgoth ago

I'll be so happy when James Comey is rotting in a prison cell and when the FBI is a pile of ashes and no more along with the rest of them. I will break them.

srayzie ago

This guy said he was on that plane...

bopper ago

PAIN is coming, they got it all...

MolochHunter ago

death threats on tape, that seems to be Q's inference

EricKaliberhall ago

Lordy, I hope there are tapes...

EricKaliberhall ago

It has begun...

TurdLord5000 ago

I don't know what I'll do if it "begins" another fifty times. Are we tired of all of this "beginning" yet? Not me! Tell me when it begins for the 5000th time 10 years from now.

bopper ago

One just needs to look at the Drudge headline (and all the subheads) to see exactly what Q said was coming...unrest.

That JetBlue plane is in the news somewhere (the pics that Q posted). Surrounded by police.

Gothamgirl ago

Thanks for the ping. I am going away for a little bit. I will keep praying.

srayzie ago

Ok should I take you off the ping list?

Gothamgirl ago

You can leave me on for now, thanks for asking.

srayzie ago

You’re welcome

bopper ago

Thanks for those screenshots (as always). Very helpful.

srayzie ago

You’re welcome!

bopper ago

Put AWS on your ping list cause I saw he's going to have to eat his words if he's wrong ... and he couldn't be more so. It's not a good time to be on the wrong side of history.

Shizy ago

And it's just never a good time to be a boring buzz kill so either way he's totally screwed 😝

srayzie ago

Oh that’s a great idea