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Piscina ago

She now calls her firm Invariant

Here is Heather and her lobbyists:

Heather's firm is not averse to dirty tricks. Her firm represented Herbalife. documentary, Ted Braun's film "Betting on Zero," focuses on activist investor Bill Ackman's quest to portray Herbalife as a pyramid scheme and profit from shorting its stock. Heather Podesta's firm bought half the tickets of the movie being shown at a film festival 'Double Exposure'--all in an effort to ensure the movie WASN'T seen by the public.

Here is a list of companies which have retained the services of Invariance, and the amounts paid for her services:

Truthseeker3000 ago

LMFAO good god she's so full of herself. I can't get past a couple minutes on her "Invariant" webpage. Did you check out her ugly ass photo she's all decked out in red with her Kabbalah red string bracelet and red lipstick, she looks like Satan herself. She's one ugly woman physically but spiritually etc she's so much worse. Yes, of course she would pick up Herbalife and run with it, the owner of that sat on a website flying prostitutes into his Miami compound every week. Bunch of psychopaths running the show.