anotherdream ago

It's wishful thinking but I hope those fuckers all crumble after the Seth Rich info comes bursting through the dam aka. Kim Dot Com. Although he and Hannity yucking it up on twitter seemed a rather stupid move.

Truthseeker3000 ago

This woman is also a sick fuck who's so full of herself. She was privy to the underground "theatre room" in their home while married to pedofile Tony Podesta. They must of had some great wine while watching their large collection of 'artistic' child snuff films together. Fucking creeps. I'd bet she had some pull in covering up Comet Ping Pong and other nefarious activity throwing her weight around with the corrupt DC police chief (who's also a rumoured pedofile). These monsters make me sick.

cantsleepawink ago

This is a point that was raised months ago. Your post really illustrates why it's entirely relevant to go over old ground as pieces of information are understood in the light of hindsight. She was also involved with the airport.

Piscina ago

She now calls her firm Invariant

Here is Heather and her lobbyists:

Heather's firm is not averse to dirty tricks. Her firm represented Herbalife. documentary, Ted Braun's film "Betting on Zero," focuses on activist investor Bill Ackman's quest to portray Herbalife as a pyramid scheme and profit from shorting its stock. Heather Podesta's firm bought half the tickets of the movie being shown at a film festival 'Double Exposure'--all in an effort to ensure the movie WASN'T seen by the public.

Here is a list of companies which have retained the services of Invariance, and the amounts paid for her services:

Truthseeker3000 ago

LMFAO good god she's so full of herself. I can't get past a couple minutes on her "Invariant" webpage. Did you check out her ugly ass photo she's all decked out in red with her Kabbalah red string bracelet and red lipstick, she looks like Satan herself. She's one ugly woman physically but spiritually etc she's so much worse. Yes, of course she would pick up Herbalife and run with it, the owner of that sat on a website flying prostitutes into his Miami compound every week. Bunch of psychopaths running the show.

MDE ago


Vindicator ago

@privatepizza, I'm giving this an "IMPORTANT" flair. Excellent contribution.

privatepizza ago

Thanks x 2, @Vindicator : )

NotTooLate ago

Seth Rich's brother works for Northrup

privatepizza ago

Do you have a source for that at all? If so, maybe youd like to archive and post it here? Someone else in the thread said the same but their source had been scrubbed.

GeorgeT ago

.....Making it safe for the Pedophiles that the wording they meant to use?

13Buddha ago

Well, isn't that special? Live it up while we can. The magnitude of corruption and pure evil is deeper than hell. We expose, and nothing is done. It's time for action. I have read enough words to last seveal lifetimes.

abcdefg222 ago


Blacksmith21 ago

Everything is fucked. Sell the family. Abort. Abort. Abort.

HennyPenny ago

"Thomas Afferton Northrop Grumman Information Systems": Seth Rich's brother Aaron works for Northrop Grumman in Colorado as a senior software engineer.I posted on this yesterday using this source : and it's been scrubbed.

privatepizza ago

Do you have an archive of it at all? I see it's 404'ed.

HennyPenny ago

No, I didn't think that it would be scrubbed, such an innocuous article but apparently they want privacy.

FuckReddit69 ago

SPC = Slime Per Capita

unclassified ago

SPC, great more abbreviations to keep track of.

The_Crux ago

I'm sure some of these names are well-meaning but naive people who don't know the primary purpose of the DC police.

undertheshills ago

That would explain the lack of amber alerts for the missing dc girls

privatepizza ago

Great point.

DonKeyhote ago

I just witnessed a phone emit the worst loud buzzer sound ever, followed by a text amber alert for a city hundreds of miles away

SurfinMindWaves ago

Close second - Vatican City

Ziggystrife ago

Safe for everyone who enjoys preying on children.

2impendingdoom ago

what a surprise. they really have every angle covered. Probably on the board at the hospital too.

privatepizza ago

Now that would definitely be worth looking into.

equineluvr ago

100% Jews and crypto Jews.

Gee, what a SHOCK! (not)

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

I think "Jews" are just one of the many fuckwit brotherhoods that think we are the vermin. What about the Saudis? Are the CIA all Jews too?! What logic is that.

saknad ago

The Saudi Royal Family are Jews

FuckReddit69 ago

Secret societies.

leaveperiods ago

Fuck off.

privatepizza ago

Wow, quick work! Please share your list of sources!

anonOpenPress ago

Woohoo, thanks for the list! Also Ginger Laytham rings a bell... owner of "1789" and the "Tombs", wife(?) of Tom Meyer... check: /v/pizzagate/1738219

privatepizza ago

Ah, Tom Mayer of Clyde's 'restaurant fame?! Oooof !! Steak n Cheese all round, huh?

Very nice find !!! Thanks for sharing this !

anonOpenPress ago

Maybe we should check all the husbands/wifes of that list.

Back on Podesta, himself in both politics and press, brother in sick art business, wife in police foundation, cousin who knows where (any family in logistics?), friend in pizza business (money laundering too, or is that via art only?). Now where's the first domino to fall.

duhiki ago

I'm thinking of cross referencing these names with those on the Counsel of Foreign Relations... see if there's any connection from a local to an international level.

anonOpenPress ago

did you

privatepizza ago

Great idea and excellent list. Add to that Brian Podesta of NCMEC complete with special access (nephew, was he?)

anonOpenPress ago

@sensitive @Vindicator Maybe flair this as potential lead?

Vindicator ago


anonOpenPress ago

You're on to something big with this list, and the Podesta family, stay on focus and keep submitting!

privatepizza ago

Thank you for your encouraging words and support Anon ; )

carmencita ago

Thanks for the list. You can bet many of these are as dirty as can be. One hand washes the other?

privatepizza ago

Think we'd be pretty safe putting money on that ; ) All the board members I thought to include, in the event anyone wants to do a little excavation.

Thanks for your comment @carmencita

carmencita ago

I am working on 2 things right now. If I find extra time I will look some up:-)

privatepizza ago

Hey no worries and thanks ! Good luck with your things ; )