Cbradio ago

ACLU has become way odd. Can never get them to help any veteran scandal, Obamacare scandal, Home medical supplies for children, taking kids,,; and you have to email a app, never hear back. You call, they are rude.

Atlanta had a director job opening. Agendas were very limited to gay, black, some prison..They say that cases must have large impact. So they ignore largest root ones above, and home business rights.

They take a single man case in Florida to not have to take drug tests for his daughter's Foodstamps. Yet, monthly pain meds for the disabled, must have urine labs. Then every hospital visit is delayed by disabled urine tests and pregnancy. Hospitals have Years of records of no illegal drug use, won't believe a femalebis not celibate, ignores how many female heart attacks/strokes/Clots are failure to DX and they worsen, die, getting kicked out of hospital roughly, to die right in parking lot.

As usual, mass profit and money for Npo. Tzedahah.org is chock full of pertinent data.

Wessleys Resource for Women and Children, same limited issues and research, none ever at base Issue to save lives, empower, get out of poverty.

I hope ones care of any race/ population as various vulnerable groups have been the phasee one depopulate/ crimes Ag humanity.

Animals too, and we need ones to get on Fb and elsewhere, and get the citizen advocates on this as they give momentum..The initial systemic infrastructure and multi industries are utilized, and were based off the animal, institution and prison models. Hauser, Carolina Biological Supply Co, pharmaceutical ( euthanize), gassing, gassing chambers, metal/ plastic/ medical supplies, and chemical companies.

Disabled of all ages have no where to turn for advocacy and legal. Just as ACLU has turned away over a decade, so do the govt funded disability rights, disability commerce, local and national advocacy groups. Ones tell ones to call 311 to get those leads. What they advertise and mission statement to do, they do not do. Disabled need rights, justice, advocacy and protection, not shower bars or below min wage temp jobs that npos and hiring npos and corps get the high profit from, as middlemen.

To normalize drunk driving and minimize, as disregard so many suffering, abused, dying as mass state and fed laws and contracts are violated, is a sham. Where are ACLU rights for child rights and safety and govt entity adherence?/

Psalm100 ago

I just did so.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Wasn't Obungholes's mother with the Ford Foundation! They ALL run in the same sick circles!

Orange_Circle ago

Why is so much of this hateful scandal connected to gay men?

2impendingdoom ago

My theory is that these men like the sex with kids aspect (Catholic Church has same problem), so for them its willing participation vs others who may be tricked into a pedo photo op blackmail scheme.

Psalm100 ago

At this point, though, we don't know if Romero is actually involved in pizzagate, just that he is apparently close enough to the Sandlers and John Podesta to take a social trip with them. And we also know that while he's been at the ACLU, he divided the organization and people within it found him to be dishonest, secretive and manipulative.

Orange_Circle ago

He's involved enough to have been scheduled to go on the trip where the handkerchief with the pizza related MAP was discovered....

Psalm100 ago

I don't know. There are certainly many pedophiles obsessed with girls, as we know, but the adult man being obsessed with boys isn't considered harmful or "as harmful" by many homosexual men and liberals in general. And Satanism seems embraced by liberals and many homosexuals as well.

LeoDavinci ago

The Sanders are Jews, the ACLU is a Jewish lobbyist group, and Martha's Vineyard is basically an island of rich Jews.

abortionburger ago

gtfo shill

bolus ago

Uhh. Guess who has a verified twitter account with zero tweets? I went to check to set what he was doing during the handkerchief trip.


393 followers, following 0 people.

He's scrubbed out something good, I'm sure.

Someone please tell me it's archived somewhere.

abortionburger ago

I searched all the archive sites I know of, no avail. He did just join in July, I suppose it's possible he just hasn't tweeted, although unlikely with almost 400 followers.

Psalm100 ago

I'm pretty sure that the Sandlers and John Podesta must be talking about Anthony Romero from the ACLU, but I just discovered that "Anthony Romero" is also a gay pornography star (link provided for verification purposes, I'm not going to watch the video myself):

Uploaded on Dec 12, 2011

Next Door Studios brings you an exclusive interview with porn star, Anthony Romero. Hear about your favorite stars first time having sex, what they enjoy, how they became a porn star and what it's like working in the porn industry and so many hot men, jocks and twinks like themselves."


Psalm100 ago

I also found a story of his scrubbed too - his response to the Trayvon Martin verdict, which the ACLU twitter page promoted. You have to wonder why they would remove that.

bolus ago

Met with podesta in the white house on 10/1/14, per the logs.

Psalm100 ago

Not long after the Martha's Vineyard trip.

bolus ago

Yes. Must have been over his "cold".

2impendingdoom ago

He had a cold, or maybe he was lying about that...

bolus ago

That's what i wondered. If he's known as a liar, or if they're covering for him, what else might be going on?

Nothing yet.

2impendingdoom ago

Glasser calls Romero a compulsive liar:

Romero didn’t mention the scandal to Glasser until August. To prepare for his next round of grilling by the board, he took the train to Glasser’s summer home in Connecticut. Glasser says they strolled the beach at sunset as Romero laid out the narrative of events. Glasser had heard some of it already. Delince, after sending her memo, called him to ask if she had any obligation to tell board members herself, and he told her no. But one part of Romero’s chronology diverged from the history as Glasser understood it. He told Glasser that Delince wrote her memo because he asked her to.

“I remember stepping on a clump of sand, trying not to stumble in astonishment, because I realized in that moment that he’s lying to me,” says Glasser, gripping a hand to his chest, Redd Foxx style. “He lied when it wasn’t even necessary. He lied the way you breathe, which is to say, unconsciously, and without being aware of it. I just remember being shocked. Here was my guy!”

He later added, “It was a shocking, pivotal point in my view of him. But if that had been the last thing he did, I would have brushed it off as something he was embarrassed about. Unfortunately, it wasn’t. I began to see that incident on the beach as a characterological pattern and not an aberration.”

Soon, another scandal of sorts arrived, from even further afield. A May 2004 article in The Wall Street Journal reported on a protest by nine elite universities against the Ford and Rockefeller foundations, which had inserted vague anti-terrorism language in grant contracts. To accept the funds, read the Ford contract, a recipient must abstain from anything that might be construed as promoting “violence, terrorism, bigotry, or the destruction of any state,” measures the universities considered overbroad and potentially censorious. Defending Ford in the article was an ACLU spokesperson who said that free-speech rights weren’t at risk because Ford was a private foundation and not a government office. The ACLU had accepted $136,000 from Ford under these conditions. “When I read that, I was appalled,” Kaminer remembers. “Of course there are free-speech issues—this specifically says what you can’t advocate.”

Psalm100 ago

Quite a few others have seemed to consider him a compulsive liar too. The ACLU was bitterly divided over him, to the point that rival organizations were set up to fight over his leadership.

Something else that the longer article mentions is that he was credited with bringing a lot of money into the ACLU through new memberships, so that may have made some people defend him, but the article attributes the new memberships to something having nothing to do with him: public reaction to the Patriot Act following 9/11. And the article notes that this brought a lot more money into the ACLU.

2impendingdoom ago

I saw that, it makes no sense. Was he faking along with the intention to infiltrate or did something happen to him?


Romero was born in New York City on July 9, 1965, to Puerto Rican parents Demetrio and Coralie Romero. Romero spent the initial years of his childhood growing up in a public housing project in the Bronx. He was the oldest of his siblings. His father worked as a houseman at a large Manhattan hotel and was repeatedly turned down for a more financially lucrative job as a banquet waiter, being told that it was because he did not speak English well enough. Demetrio Romero later decided to seek assistance from the attorney of the labor union he belonged to, hoping to file a grievance against his employer. He won the case, which allowed for him to seek out better paying work and later allowed for the family to improve their standard of living. The family subsequently moved to suburban New Jersey, where Anthony graduated high school.[1][2][3]

Romero was the first member of his family to graduate from high school. He graduated from Princeton University's Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs in 1987 and from Stanford University Law School. He is a member of the New York Bar. He was a Dinkelspiel Scholar at Stanford University, a Cane Scholar at Princeton, and a National Hispanic Scholar at both institutions.[1][2][3]

Psalm100 ago

Yes I thought that was interesting too, particularly given his closeness to the Sandlers and John Podesta and that circle of non-profits.

2impendingdoom ago


This is my post about Gabe Podesta. His emails make him sound decent, people like him, I thought he comes across as ethical, but maybe he hasn't gotten high enough career-wise to show his true colors yet.

Psalm100 ago

I read that. We just don't have much information on him either way, though, at this point. It's useful just to have the background information, in any case.

2impendingdoom ago

OKAY I am interpreting this as evidence of larger broader infiltration plan. I posted earlier about Gabe Podesta, JAG lawyer in the Air Force, he comes across as a really decent guy, but what happens when he gets to the top of the ladder, is that when his true colors come out??