Jackiestbird52 ago

Does he handle assault of military members children?

2impendingdoom ago

I'm just citing the article, I don't know anything personally about Gabe Podesta or military / JAG procedures.

2impendingdoom ago

thank you for posting the video link. I am working my way through them, I'm on 3 of 4 now and it is so relevant. I think everyone here should see these, can you repost them as a new thread? When she talks about scull and bones & cap and gown, with the induction process, and rising stars, it makes it all crystal clear what's going on in the world.

NotOfIt ago

Just too coincidental. Maybe he is extra charming to cover up that dbl life. I mean, would you have ever guessed about his "well respected" father and cronies, even O? It would be a miracle and apples DO fall remarkably close.

2impendingdoom ago

start watching the Kay Griggs videos that Nite Flights linked to, it makes it all crystal clear. The secret society inductions and the "rising stars"....

2impendingdoom ago

And they can fly them around, no passports required...so this is how the hotdogs and tortillas are getting flown around.

zzvoat ago

You can't make this stuff up.

KingKongisCTR ago

The Air Force does have bases all over the world and they don't do much, ha. They would be ideal locations for any government involved trafficking I would think.

Stellarjay ago

Everyone seems like a normal guy, you till you start looking.

Infopractical ago

As I usually do, I immediately hunted for Gabe's name on Wikipedia to see the exact family connection and other details. While it isn't particularly surprising that he doesn't have his own Wikipedia page, I noted that John Podesta's Wikipedia page is absent family information that tends to be ordinary on the pages of high ranking government officials.

2impendingdoom ago

Don't get too excited, he is a lawyer.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Jesus, how do these freaks seamlessly function in with the rest of us? The kids of the Evil Pedos have they to been abused, do abuse?

postfascion ago

No proof just yet. The fruit doesn't necessarily have to fall close to the tree. Saying that his job does raise questions.

2impendingdoom ago

they are probably brainwashed to accept it.

somegirlinnewzealand ago

i thought John Podesta didnt have any children

ZalesMcMuffin ago

They are seldom mentioned, from what I found when I went looking -- at least, seldom mentioned in articles about John.

2impendingdoom ago

I posted about each of them today, Mae is the most emeshed in the family business, actually worked for CHAI for 5 years, see for Megan Rouse: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1526723

2impendingdoom ago

Three. Tony had adopted children in his first marriage that were later adopted by their new step father, but I have not found them.

DustyRadio ago

This is very bizarre imo. To go through the entire adoption process and then let another man adopt the kids from their adoptive father. Terrible thing to do to kids and shows he has no concern for even kids he knows.

2impendingdoom ago

Little bit more on Gabe: Email from Afganistan;

Re: Afghan Commerce

From:[email protected] To: [email protected], [email protected] Date: 2014-03-30 05:55 Subject: Re: Afghan Commerce

You never washed your underpants and socks before. Why are you starting now?

From: Gabe Podesta gpodesta@gmail.com Date: Friday, March 28, 2014 2:46 AM To: "[email protected]" john.podesta@gmail.com, Josh Fryday jmf@joshfryday.com Subject: Fwd: Afghan Commerce

Quick follow-on for just you two:

Laundry service here is contracted out. Free for service members, but no more than 20 items per laundry bag (strictly enforced). Service is actually pretty good: wash, dry, and fold in 24 hours. In a typical day I dirty a pair of boot socks, a pair of underpants, an undershirt, a pair of athletic socks, a pair of PT shorts, and a PT shirt. Throw in a uniform top and pants and I am at 20 items every three days.

I learned yesterday that under the terms of the contract, the US taxpayer pays $25 per bag of laundry. Assuming I have to drop a bag every three days, the taxpayer will pay $250 per month or $1,750 over the course of this deployment on my laundry alone (mind you, we haven't even factored in towels and sheets). One of my coworkers has seven laundry bags and drops off a load of laundry every single day ($5,250 over a 210 day deployment).

I'll kindly ask that you join me in being quietly appalled by this. To the extent you wish to describe to others, please do not quote me by name.

---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Gabe Podesta gpodesta@gmail.com Date: Fri, Mar 28, 2014 at 3:04 PM Subject: Afghan Commerce To: John Podesta john.podesta@gmail.com, Mary Podesta podesta.mary@gmail.com, Mae Podesta mpodesta@gmail.com, Megan Rouse meganrouse@gmail.com, Gordon Rouse rouse.gordon@gmail.com, Gabriel Rouse gabriel.rouse@gmail.com, "[email protected]" ms.maribel.rouse@gmail.com, Judge Thomas Spieczny tspieczny@epcounty.com, Kitty Spalding spalding@elp.rr.com, Molly Spieczny molly.spieczny@gmail.com, Joseph Spieczny spieczny@gmail.com, Nspieczny nspieczny@aol.com, Manya Scheps manyascheps@gmail.com, Tosh Scheps tscheps@elon.edu, Tony Podesta podesta@podesta.com, Catherine Chieco crchieco@gmail.com, Todge Spieczny todges2000@yahoo.com, cynthia spieczny fenwickstar@yahoo.com

When I learned that I was deploying to support a contracting command, I figured I would learn about the Afghan economy. What I hadn¹t figured was that those lessons would have nothing to do with my official duties. When I stepped off the helo pad at Camp Phoenix and into my office for the first time I was immediately introduced to GS-15 DoD employee. She asked me how many ³cartouches²I wished to purchase. A cartouche, I learned, is a cheap pendant necklace engraved on one side with an English name and on the other with the same name in Dari (or so they claim; it may well say Go Home American Swine for all any of us know). I initially demurred but eventually relented and agreed to purchase three. Even that compromise was met with an incredulous look and a puzzled ³just three?² The interaction seemed odd but I figured that I just happened to arrive as a bulk order was being placed and that purchases like this were atypical. I was wrong. My coworkers spend multiple duty hours each and every day shopping at the bazaars. They buy jewelry. They buy rugs. They buy electronics. They buy fur coats. Fur coats! Not a day goes by without someone coming into my office to show off a new purchase. My Afghanistan workplace is Project Runway and I¹m Tim Gunn‹I disapprove of everything around me and hope everyone will be sent home. Yesterday a handful of them reviewed their bank statements to figure out how much they¹ve spent since being here. Consensus was between five and ten thousand dollars. Throughout my life I¹ve been called cheap. Throughout my life I¹ve been called crotchety. So maybe this is just a continuation of the same but I thoroughly disapprove. Rather than speak up, however, I sit here meekly and feign agreement with the ridiculous notion that a mink fur will look resplendent at the Dyess Officers¹ Club in Abilene, TX when she redeploys this summer. Hope you are well. Love and miss you all. And no, I will not put in purchase orders for you. Gabe

Gabe Podesta

lostinthevalley ago

Podesta's daughter Megan has also positioned herself near children as a trustee of the Dublin (CA) school board: https://onedublin.org/2016/10/26/dublin-school-board-trustee-megan-rouse-responds-to-wikileaks-allegations/ In this article she responds to Wikileaks revelations that she's involved in her father's murky financial dealings. Notice that he was fundraising for her school board campaign with long-time family friends in DC. ( Interesting that this whole family got beat by the ugly stick, Megan makes Chelsea look doable.) Here's more on the wiki allegations: http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2016/10/20/wikileaks-bombshell-john-podestas-daughter-received-75000-shares-putin-connected-energy-company/

Infopractical ago

John Podesta was not beat by the ugly stick. He is an ostrich. That is what ostriches look like.

postfascion ago

By focusing on their looks you undermine your post FYI. Bitch me out, I don't care. The true investigators here will share that perspective.

lostinthevalley ago

I am not focusing on looks, just commenting. This is an intense site, research is lonely and nerve-wracking, a little humor doesn't hurt. Beyond that, if the Podesta kids either were abused or at least have knowledge of Daddy's predelictions ("pedelictions"?) maybe it could account for the somewhat "closed in" look of their faces.

postfascion ago

Good point, I like what you said. I was being a twat, sorry.

2impendingdoom ago

Please feel free to add material research of substance, in the meantime we are providing what we can find on line and through public sources.

postfascion ago

My opinions are based on research. I think people are doing good things here. I'm not afraid of having my views questioned if coming from a genuine place. Nor does anyone who is seeking the truth.

2impendingdoom ago

I posted about each of the three today, here is the post on Megan Rouse


Singleservename ago

Check the building of the Dublin Unified School District. It's a very weird ford-like structure connected to an octogonal centre that hosts Easter Seals Caleidoscope, where they work with (on) mostly autistic children.

Also it's right in the middle of the Livermore/Diablo Canyon nexus that appears to be a hotbed of, well... Activity.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Autistic children easier to abuse! I think Sessions should look into each of these Podesta kid's jobs!

2impendingdoom ago

If you have more on Megan, can you add it to https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1526723 thanks!!!!!

jstayz44 ago

He does seem to have a moral compass for taxpayer dollars! At least there's THAT - as he is surrounded by nauseating elites who don't GAF about any of us!

NoRagrets ago

^ This, knowing nothing else about this guy, I'd go so far as to say I just might like him.

jstayz44 ago

Yeah, except that he has some pretty sketchy relatives and may have some odd predisposition he doesn't even know about yet. Besides that, he does seem pretty likeable. But, he looks exactly like his father...and that irks me.

jstayz44 ago

They certainly do cover all of their "bases." All jokes aside, we need to find out how many convictions he's gotten and how often he invokes his attorney privilege to speak on behalf of his victims. He's a Podesta by blood, so I'm skeptical as hell...and wonder about the depth and breadth of Gabe's knowledge and involvement in all things illegal/nasty/sadistic/pedophilic/disgusting, meaning: Is he like his father?

blind_sypher ago

I think it was Cathy o'brian who described her mkultra torture and rape occuring in a airbase bunker at one point. Cannabilism, sacrifice, big idols of dagon, mass rape. This adds to the story nicely.

Godwillwin ago

Fiona Barnett said lots of military bases and underground trains

2impendingdoom ago

I just added an email in the comments that shows some of his character in regards to military...

thewebofslime ago


In Feburary 2014, the Podestas' son, Air Force Captain Gabriel Podesta, reports back to the fam about a recipe inspired by his time in the service: "For some inexplicable reason, my MRE contained PB and tortillas. Attached please find a photo of my first ever Peanut Butter Taco." Note to Gabe: Don't search that term in Urban Dictionary.



Peanut Butter Taco 1. The act of placing peanut butter on one's pussy and having someone lick it off. 2. The act of placing peanut butter on one's pussy and having a dog lick it off. ~What I did to your mom last night. ~And your dad. by Pope John Paul II November 17, 2003


In a March 2014 email titled ‘Afghan Economy’, John Podesta’s son Gabe, an Air Force Judge Advocate, wrote to his father from Afghanistan, comparing his workplace to the fashion show ‘Project Runway’.

2impendingdoom ago

He seems to be ethical, what am I missing??

Infopractical ago

He may be in a position to identify members of the military with sexual proclivities that make them easy to blackmail. He may also be able to help them in return for favors ranging anywhere from covering up operations to assassinations to working for the Clinton Foundation in one of its many regime toppling missions.

jstayz44 ago

I found an email where he requests feedback on whether to take that position, afraid that staying with the armed services for too long might make stovepiped for armed services work. Looks like he took it, but other than the PB Taco item which can be seen as just "silly" everything else looks legit. Based on current emails it seems son Gabe may not be a pedo. Oddly, he seems pretty tight with his father and Pedo Bro Tony, though...which begs the question of how well the Podesta Bros hide their sins from loved ones and others who may actually have a moral compass.

2impendingdoom ago

I can't see how a military victim of assault (sexual or otherwise) can be properly represented by a military appointed lawyer. There is a conflict of interest and I wonder how these lawyers handle that.

jstayz44 ago

Agreed. Complete conflict. I can't imagine that victims feel justly represented. I would red flag that for women going into the military...it would be a good "FYI."

thewebofslime ago

Well, mainly I just like to use articles to database the relationships between everyone, so it doesn't necessarily mean that I think someone is guilty or innocent.


If I were very suspicious of this man, I would say that he has placed himself, like Laura Silsby, in a place to protect a human trafficking ring while either assimilating or convicting the competition.

Notice that NCMEC has a great deal of power to help victims, but, generally, just sit on all the of the child porn that gets fed to them by AOL and other companies. They safe surprisingly few children and the fact that they are constantly acquiring new evidence but doing nothing with it speaks volumes.

2impendingdoom ago

Yes, there seem to be several instances where he fails to speak out.