Gothamgirl ago

Great post!

9849087? ago

Thank you for this post. I read about Chris Cornell's untimely death. Did a little research.

Saw him on one of his last interviews.

The interviewer asked a question. (About his song The Promise)

"Yes, I am donating the proceeds that I receive from this song to The International Rescue Committee." Chris answered.

kestrel9 ago

David Miliband was a moderator at the 2015 McCain Sedona Forum, for the topic: 'Dealing With ISIS', panel included Adel al Jubeir, Saudi Arabian Ambassador to the United States, Falah Mustafa Bakir, FM of Kurdish Region of Iraq and Jon Kyl, former U.S. Senator.

I also had this in some old notes, "Expected to be given an important envoy job for US under HRC had she won." but don't have the source link (I had one with it, but is wasn't the correct one).

I have other notes related to IRC which I'll go ahead and post for anyone interested.

Some history on the IRC:

In 1942, the Emergency Rescue Committee and the American branch of the European-based International Relief Association joined forces under the name the International Relief and Rescue Committee, which was later shortened to the International Rescue Committee (IRC). The IRC is a leading nonsectarian, nongovernmental international relief and development organization that still operates today. In July 1933, a committee of 51 prominent American intellectuals, artists, clergy, and political leaders formed a branch of the International Relief Association in New York, at the request of its chief, German-born physicist Albert Einstein. Among them were the philosopher John Dewey, the writer John Dos Passos, and the theologian Reinhold Niebuhr. Other prominent citizens, even including Eleanor Roosevelt, soon joined the effort. 

IRC mentioned in regards to helping the Lost Boys of Sudan

In 2001, as part of a program established by the United States Government and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), approximately 3800 Lost Boys were allowed to resettle in the United States.[8] They are now scattered over at least 38 cities.[1] Halted after 9/11 for security reasons, the program restarted in 2004. As of 2006, the largest population of Sudanese refugees in the United States is in Omaha, Nebraska, which hosts about 7,000 people.[10] Numerous resettlement agencies, such as Catholic Charities, Lutheran Social Services, the IRC (International Rescue Committee), World Relief and others assisted in the resettlement process. A variety of programs have been initiated to help these displaced people, in areas of education, medical assistance, reconnecting with families in South Sudan and in rebuilding efforts and providing humanitarian aid in Southern Sudan.

Interesting History of Morton I. Abramowitz

Abramowitz played a leading role in the foundation of the International Crisis Group, and has been a board member since its inception in 1995.

In 1991, Morton Abramowitz was named the seventh president of the Endowment. Abramowitz, previously a State Department official, focused the Endowment's attention on Russia in the post-Soviet era.[7] In this spirit, the Carnegie Endowment opened the Carnegie Moscow Center in 1994 as a home of Russian scholar-commentators.[13]

International Crisis Group

The International Crisis Group was founded after a chance meeting in January 1993 between former US diplomat and then-President of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Morton I. Abramowitz and then future World Bank Vice-President Mark Malloch Brown on a flight to Sarajevo.[2]

The international community's difficulty in responding to the Bosnian War provided the catalyst for "an independent organisation that would serve as the world’s eyes and ears on the ground in countries in conflict while pressing for immediate action."[2] George Soros was involved in discussions early on and provided seed money.[2]

Disaster relief specialist Fred Cuny made significant contributions to disaster relief in Bosnia, and was brought on board later that year, though participation was cut short by his death in 1995.[2]

In November 1994, the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace announced plans for Crisis Group, while former Congressman Stephen J. Solarz toured foreign capitals to promote the new organisation and raise funds, gaining early support from Martti Ahtisaari (President of Finland), Gareth Evans (Foreign Minister of Australia) and Bernard Kouchner (founder of Médecins Sans Frontières and future French Foreign Minister).[2]

A January 1995 meeting in London brought many international figures together, and approved a proposal for an annual budget of $8m and 75 full-time staff. In mid-1995 it was formally registered in the US as a tax-exempt non-profit organisation.[2] From 1996 to 1999, Crisis Group had an annual budget of around $2m and around 20 full-time staff; by 2008 its budget was $15m.[2]

Following the death of its first president, Nicholas Hinton, in January 1997 and his replacement by Alain Destexhe, Crisis Group moved its headquarters from London to Brussels.[2] Destexhe resigned in October 1999 and was replaced by Gareth Evans, with Martti Ahtisaari becoming Chairman both from the beginning of 2000.[2][page needed] Louise Arbour became president in July 2009,[2] succeeded in September 2014 by Jean-Marie Guéhenno.[3]

I have more on Morton I. Abramowitz that includes, which deserves it's own submission I think, so as not to drift too far off the topic of this thread.

YingYangMom ago


Do you remember the "14 and fish" John Podesta photo and the fact that some people said it was in reference to this "Request for WJC to be on Pew Trusts' new Global Ocean Commission" email?


Global Oceans Commission – to focus on preserving the high seas, which cover 50% of the planet and are mostly international waters – and they are asking WJC to be a “patron” alongside 12 other leaders including David Miliband and Ted Waitt. They say the Law of the Sea provides a framework but it doesn’t go into detail on specific issues or activities happening on the high seas.

This is all interconnected, I believe.

Commoner ago

Yes, I think they have their fingers in and on everything.

paulf ago

Outstanding research. David Milliband is also connected to the highly unpopular YouTube video #morethanarefugee which was also funded by Soros.

artfullyours ago

I haven't read this yet, but will. I think even being the little simple minded Granny that I am, I understand that WE are the ones they have manipulated to pay for their evil deeds. So sad it makes you want to cry!

I'm just holding out hope that President Trump isnt in on it too! Seems like he is trying to straighten this Country out, but after all the facts you researchers have found...just hoping and praying that there are a few good men and women in Government.

4_InquiringMinds ago


I'm just holding out hope that President Trump isnt in on it too! Seems like he is trying to straighten this Country out

I feel your pain but trump doesn't give a flying f. He doesn't appear to be into SRA (so far) but he's shown some real issues with Ivanka. Search trump ivanka disturbing pictures/like ivanaka basically doing a lap dance on dear ol'dad. Very disturbing pictures of the two of them while she was still a child. Research his connection to various mafia's and his whore of babylon wife whose official WH portrait sports a 25K blood diamond courtesy of one of his mafia connections.

I wanted to believe too...hoping against hope that at his age he had some kind of epiphany and decided to do some good to make up for all the bad/but nope.

He is responsible for many civilian deaths in the ME...many/not just Syria/and many of those deaths are children. He's corrupt thru and thru...sadly.

Warnos44 ago

While I agree that Trump may not have our interests at heart, I completely disagree about the photos being disturbing. A loving father daughter relationship can look like that. The photo of her "lap dancing" was at a concert and she's sort of leaning as if she's swaying to the music. Lap dance is so much of an exaggeration. It appears as if there wasn't much seating available and she's sitting on his right leg, not even his entire lap. However, I say that and then say that him arranging for Michael Jackson to see her dance in a play is disturbing. But maybe that was before so much came out about him.

artfullyours ago

I've also wondered about his son-in-law. I've read some iffy stuff about him.

What do you think Trumps deal is then? They are all working together? Some master plan?

4_InquiringMinds ago


I've also wondered about his son-in-law. I've read some iffy stuff about him.

There is so much stuff on him, slum lord is a compliment to all the other illegal things he's into.

What do you think Trumps deal is then? They are all working together? Some master plan?

I don't think they have a master plan. I don't think any of them are intelligent enough to have one. They are bought and paid for and do as they are told. They follow the plan laid out for them, not make one. They are all reaping financial windfalls from this presidency. They hob nob with leaders of slave mentality countries, send US troops to fight Israel's wars, waste money on bombs while ppl here suffer and that's just for starters. The game plan has not changed, just a little behind what Killary would have done sooner. He would not have been allowed to become prez if the deep state did not think he could be controlled. He's a B grade actor who is playing his part. Family dynamics are twisted at best. The trump family is about money and power, that's it.

This from someone who gave them every benefit of the doubt and at one time thought trump was sincere. This from someone who made excuses when his cabinet started filling up with globalist neocons. Even if he did not have an epiphany (which was my hope) I, along with some friends, thought he is such a megalomaniac narcissist he would do the 'right' thing bc he craves praise and adoration and wants his children to inherit the trump name in a positive light as his legacy . Boy was I naive.

But dwelling on the past never accomplishes anything. Looking for the positive in all of this...if trump had done the right thing it would only have empowered the radical throat cutting right This way ppl get to suffer more, see more clearly that it's all propaganda and perhaps in their misery they will be more open to the truth of the matrix. When ppl struggle for basic survival they are less inclined to hold on to sacred cows. They become open to new information in a way they were not before.

As it stands the radical neocon right and radical neocon left are in a tailspin (the left being in the lead but the right will catch up) and from that chaos and misery new understandings can emerge. It just might be why more ppl are becoming open to the likes of pg and more. It will take awhile before the full brunt of misery flowers but it will. Everything I read on policy agenda spells an ever increasing austerity and sacrifice of the average maxed out person with subjugation under a police state. That's the good news. When ppl are fat and satisfied they tend to stay status quo.

The other positive about trump is he is a wild hair and blurts out whatever idiodic thought rumbles thru the empty halls called his mind. Killary was more seasoned know the public vs private persona. Trump what you see is what you get lol. Bragging about eating the most beautiful piece of chocolate cake while killing innocent ppl at the very same moment. He's a sociopath for sure/not sure if he's to the level of psychopathy of Killary...time will tell on that one.

I still can't see him into SRA but honestly at this point nothing would surprise me.

Another promising sign is the Balkan states have told the EU to shove it and not taking any more migrants. They say these are not refugees/they are migrants and they come to destroy our countries and guess what, we aren't going to let that happen. They are putting up boarders of razor wire and electric fence with signs in Arabic no less. The EU is have to do as we say, it's the law. Their reply...maybe it's time to leave the EU and join the other team. This would have the NWO in a scramble. Push ppl far enough where they have nothing left to lose and amazing things start to happen. The only other time the US had this astrological config was the Ame Revolution and the Civil War.

It's not going to be the same boring dutifully trudging along into hell that has been the norm. Hold on for the ride, thrills, chills and surprises. It's the Matrix Reality Show, bad crisis actors and all.


fogdryer ago

Our friend Wisconsin is corrupt

Cards Thank you for sending this. We had some across this organization awhile back, but taking a fresh look at the Board, we are seeing more connections than before. This is absolutely a cover organization with many overlapping players in Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption. The World Bank is a primary hub involved at many levels in particular. Also in recent news Conrad Hilton donated millions to this and other groups including Save the Children.

They are doing the same thing in Racine. They started The Fight to End Exploitation. Everyone involved is part of the circle of Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption. It is linked to both the Clinton and MCain Foundations as well as Ashton Kutcher. They are using these groups to control the investigations.

IRC Board of Directors and Overseers

The International Rescue Committee is governed by a volunteer, unpaid Board of Directors. In addition, the IRC Overseers provide advice on policy, advocacy, fundraising and public relations. Katherine Farley Tracy R. Wolstencroft Co-Chairs, Board of Directors Timothy Geithner Chair, IRC Overseers Liv Ullmann Vice Chair, International Glenda Burkhart Secretary Gordon Smith Treasurer David Miliband President and Chief Executive Officer Alan Batkin Winston Lord Sarah O’Hagan Thomas Schick James Strickler Jonathan Wiesner Chairs, Emeriti

Board of Directors Clifford S. Asness Managing and Founding Principal, AQR Capital Management George Biddle World Connect Mary M. Boies Partner, Boies & McInnis Florence A. Davis President, Starr Foundation Susan Dentzer CEO, The Network for Excellence in Health Innovation Katherine Farley Former Senior Managing Director Brazil, China & Global Corporate Marketing, Tishman Speyer Timothy F. Geithner 75th U.S. Secretary of the Treasury Corydon J. Gilchrist President/Owner, KCG Holdings I, LLC John Holmes Director, The Ditchley Foundation; Co-Chair, Board of Directors, IRC-UK David A. Levine Former Chief Economist,Sanford C. Bernstein François-Xavier de Mallmann Co-Head Global Consumer Retail and Healthcare Group, Goldman Sachs Eduardo Mestre Chairman of Global Advisory, Evercore Partners David Miliband President and CEO, International Rescue Committee Thomas Nides Vice Chairman, Morgan Stanley Michael J. O’Neill, Executive Vice President, Corporate & External Affairs, American Express Company Anjali Pant, M.D., M.P.H. Dr. Kathleen Pike, Ph.D. Professor of Psychology, Departments of Psychiatry and Epidemiology, Columbia University Medical Center H. M. Queen Rania of Jordan Omar Saeed, Principal and Portfolio Manager, Hutchin Hill Pamela Saunders-Albin Dr. Rajiv Shah, Founder and Managing Partner, Latitude Capital Gordon A. Smith Chief Executive Officer of Consumer and Community Banking, JPMorgan Chase & Co. Gillian Sorensen Senior Advisor, United Nations Foundation Sally Susman Executive Vice President, Corporate Affairs, Pfizer Inc. Mona K. Sutphen Partner, Macro Advisory Partners LLC Dr. Merryl H. Tisch Former Chancellor of the New York State Board of Regents Ercument Tokat Partner, Centerview Partners Maureen White Senior Fellow at the Foreign Policy Institute at the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University Nina Whitman Tracy R. Wolstencroft President & CEO, Heidrick & Struggles

Overseers Morton I. Abramowitz Senior Fellow, The Century Foundation and President Emeritus, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Madeleine K. Albright Chair, Albright Stonebridge Group Laurent Alpert Partner, Cleary Gottlieb, Steen and Hamilton Kofi A. Annan President, Kofi Annan Foundation, Global Humanitarian Forum; United Nations Secretary-General Lila Azam Zanganeh Writer and literary critic (Le Monde, The Paris Review) F. William Barnett Former Director, McKinsey & Company, Inc. Alan R. Batkin Chairman and CEO, Converse Associates, Inc Christoph Becker Chief Executive Officer and Chief Creative Officer, gyro Georgette F. Bennett President, Tanenbaum Center for Inter-religious Understanding Vera Blinken Chair, Primavera Mobil Mammography Program; Vice Chair, Foundation of Art Preservation in Embassies; Co-Chair, Blinken European Institute/Columbia University Betsy Blumenthal Senior Managing Director, Kroll Associates W. Michael Blumenthal Former Secretary of the US Treasury and Founding Director of Jewish Museum Berlin Andrew H. Brimmer Partner, Joele Frank, Wilkinson, Brimmer, Katcher Jennifer Brokaw, M.D. Associate Professor of Clinical Emergency Medicine, University of California, San Francisco Tom Brokaw Special Correspondent, NBC News Glenda K. Burkhart General Management Consultant Frederick Burkle, M.D. Senior International Public Policy; Scholar at Woodrow Wilson; International Center for Scholars Nestor Carbonell Former Vice President for International Public Affairs, PepsiCo Jeremy Carver Robert M. Cotten Trinh D. Doan Senior Vice President, Bank of America Jodie Eastman Member; Leadership Council, New York Stem Cell Foundation H.R.H. Princess Firyal of Jordan Kenneth R. French Carl E. and Catherine M. Heidt, Professor of Finance at the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College Jeffrey E. Garten Dean Emeritus, Yale School of Management Timothy F. Geithner 75th U.S. Secretary of the Treasury Robin Gosnell Evan G. Greenberg Chairman and CEO, Chubb Maurice R. Greenberg Chairman and CEO, C.V. Starr & Co Morton I. Hamburg Professional Photographer Karen Hein, M.D. Former President of the William T. Grant Foundation Lucile P. Herbert Volunteer, International Rescue Committee George F. Hritz, Esq. Kaplan, Fox & Kilsheimer LLP Aly S. Jeddy Director, McKinsey & Company Marvin Josephson Founding Chairman, ICM Holdings, Inc. Alton Kastner Former Deputy Director, International Rescue Committee M. Farooq Kathwari Chairman, President and CEO, Ethan Allen Interiors, Inc. Henry A. Kissinger Former US Secretary of State; Chairman, Kissinger Associates Yong Kwok Reynold Levy Former President, Lincoln Center Winston Lord Former U.S. Ambassador, China Vincent A. Mai Chairman and CEO, Cranemere, Inc. Robert E. Marks President and Chairman, Marks Ventures, LLC Roman Martinez IV Former Managing Director, Lehman Brothers, Private Investor Kati Marton Author and Journalist Jay Mazur President Emeritus, UNITE! David Miliband President and CEO, International Rescue Committee W. Allen Moore Distinguished Fellow, The Henry Stimson Center Kathleen Newland Co-Founder and Director, Migration Policy Institute Indra Nooyi Chairman and CEO, PepsiCo Sadako Ogata President, Japan International Cooperation Agency Sarah O’Hagan Former Co-Chair, International Rescue Committee Board; Consultant Susan Patricof Scott Pelley Anchor and Managing Editor, CBS Evening News and Correspondent, 60 Minutes David L. Phillips Director of the Program on Peace-building and Rights at Columbia University’s Institute for the Study of Human Rights General Colin L. Powell Former U.S. Secretary of State and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Milbrey Rennie Consultant Condoleezza Rice Thomas and Barbara Stephenson Senior Fellow on Public Policy at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University Andrew Robertson President and Chief Executive Officer, BBDO Worldwide Felix G. Rohatyn Special Advisor to the Chairman and CEO Lazard Freres Gideon Rose Editor, Foreign Affairs George Rupp Former President and CEO, International Rescue Committee George Sarlo Managing Director, Walden Venture Capital Tom Schick Fomer Co-Chair, International Rescue Committee Board James T. Sherwin J.D.; Hon LLD; Director, Hunter Douglas N.V. James C. Strickler, M.D. Emeritus Professor Medicine and Community Medicine, Emeritus Dean, Dartmouth Medical School Liv Ullmann William J. vanden Heuvel Chairman, the Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Institute Michael VanRooyen Ronald J. Waldman, M.D. Columbia University Rhonda Weingarten President, American Federation of Teachers Josh Weston Honorary Chairman of the Board and former CEO, ADP Jonathan L. Wiesner Owner and CEO, Sustainable Apparel Group, LLC William T. Winters CEO, Standard Chartered James D. Wolfensohn Chairman of Wolfensohn Co., LLC, Chairman of Citi International Advisory and Former President of the World Bank

fogdryer ago

Henry graces us again with his presence!

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Great find! These Evil fucks are everywhere and with all the Elites! Scott Pelly??? This fuck ?? WTF!!! Yep all corrupt!

Laskar ago

@Commoner et al

the horror of being a refugee:

Commoner ago

I included that in an edit. Thanks

Laskar ago

You are most welcome! We are in this fight together, and make no mistake, it is a fight. Have another upvote.

Jem777 ago

This is great research. These cards are the EID's better known as RFID's they changed a letter to throw off everyone's research. These are also better known as chips and are placed in vehicles, products, wallets, ID, cards, & yes implants under the skin.

A persons entire ID, medical history, genome, can be placed on a chip computerized then marketed if so desired.

You don't believe it? George Soros,HRC, Podesta's, & their friends the Rothschilds were all in charge and pushing all of this. Do you think these characters care about the poor refugees? They actually gave George Soros the Medal of Freedom Award....

fogdryer ago

Come on in and get yours too ! Hurry while supplies last Coming to a doctor near you !!!

carmencita ago

I am here. This is amazing research. Pretty scary stuff, imo. All you have to do is look at the names involved and it is a dead give away as to how corrupt this is. More Laundering. That is the key. The Laundering. They are doing that in many different ways. @Commoner A lot of hard work went into this. Excellent Find.

Commoner ago

Thank you. Liv Ullmann is on the board too. .. the Hollywood connection.

survey_girl ago

And (((Disney))) is in on it too!

SayWhatNOWAY ago

And Bill Gates!

JacobMRothschild ago

Speaking of Bill Gates

equineluvr ago

Good post except for the title.

You didn't find THE cards. You found one of MANY "card" references.

DonKeyhote ago

Looks good bro but before i read it lemme just post a snapshot i got from samsung of DoucheMath reading almost 100% jewish names there

11-11 ago

Thanks for the great research!

The fact that we are paying for the abuse is known.

They hijacked govt positions, re directed the money to pay their way and put judges in positions to protect everything by way of the judicial branch.

I don't know when it started as I'm not an expert on that but Bill Clinton's regime made a lot of progress in that direction.

Hillary would have put this country over the edge.