think- ago

Hi @dreamdigital, I will unsticky the post now, so that we will be able to sticky other posts. Thank you.

dreamdigital ago

No problem. I think it's gained enough attention.

Dackelmommy ago

This is tremendously sad news, not only as she was doing some amazing work, but also as her epilepsy got her. I am epileptic, too, and know how the stress can cause seizures to hit. (Ironically, due to some major stress in my life currently, I had two seizures this past week. Fortunately, my husband was with me, and I'm almost back to normal.) Sincerely, I hope this was not induced some how, and missed by the autopsy people. :(

Narcissism ago

Its a real warning to everyone if you have info don't bother going to authorities just dump in on the web and lower the chances of anyone whacking you - and if they do well it just draws attention to the case. If Trump was doing his job properly these deaths would have ceased by now. But as it stands its the community that takes the brunt of it while believing that Trump has their back - wake up he doesn't !!

Kekalicious ago

This shit sucks. We can't play the game if the other side keep eating the pieces. Thank you mods for scraping down the walls. When in pig heaven you don't make waves in the mud.

Piscina ago

Imagine the trauma and PTSD those kids suffer from. The people who do these things to children are those screaming on their death beds because the demons come to drag them to hell.

Marfa-Lights ago

Such a sad loss, her work here will not be forgotten.

BaconandEggz ago

The only article I can find on this is the True Pundit one. All other mentions refer back to the True Pundit article.

Does anyone have any other information from an original source?

dreamdigital ago

Scroll up or down

Plan1988 ago

None. Not here or on Twitter.

Ateam ago

The Clinton's have proved time and time again they can get away with murder. I wonder why the seth rich murder was botched, must not have been the normal guy they use.

YogSoggoth ago

Had to ask some questions in the hospital, like where is the thumb drive?

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Just an aside, since Vindicator said there isn't any evidence that Jem777 is Jenny - George said to find TaskForce on Patreon to search up Jem. I don't remember where he said that. I tried, and couldn't find her on Patreon. I regret that I didn't, I would have loved to support her in life.

John 15:13 RIP

Are_we_sure ago

didn't she return to VOAT at one time as MEJ and talk about hooking with George Webb and going to DC? Somebody did. They posted a picture of Comet Ping Pong and was like guess where I am?

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I don't know, but if you saw it maybe you can find it again and contribute the link to the thread. ?

Are_we_sure ago

She posted an update and linked to her twitter.

She also claimed I called her an agent in this thread. Baffling.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

thanks, looks like people are down voting me for saying she's probably really Jenny. Weird.

Are_we_sure ago

You're right, I reversed the I stated to stated I was an agent.

Might be time for new glasses. There is another thread on the Papal Foundation that I read as PayPal Foundation.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

easy mistake

Plan1988 ago

⏩ My opinion only⏪ These investigative journalists death circumstances

     very similar to Jenny Moore:

Andrew Brietbart

Michael Collins Piper

Max Spiers

dreamdigital ago

Yes, but we're all born with natural intuition and a god given ability to use discernment. It's not hard to know and understand the term scientists use, yet don't even follow, that there is no random pattern in a coincidence. These are happening in random patterns and that is no coincidence. People who call out these "unspeakable dregs" as Mr. Breitbart had done, he ended up dead, as have these others. What is causing all of these Hollywood movie stars to suddenly off themselves in a time when the world is changing. People don't just randomly off themselves. You may say "I can't believe they did that." How did I not see the signs? I have had three friends kill themselves, one being a girlfriend, and the signs were there we just didn't realize it until after the fact. What signs did Jen Moore show that she could possibly die of a seizure? The signs we have seen is that people were actually trying to kill her. That's the evidence. We have no evidence showing she was sick or had some illness. Our evidence is that people were trying to kill her. Let that sink in.

dreamdigital ago

I also meant to say that your opinion @Plan1988 is not unfounded.

Plan1988 ago

🌻 thank you

victuruslibertas ago

Is True Pundit the only source to this story. Is there any MSM coverage at all? I can not find any. Thanks

Plan1988 ago

Have found none Neither here or on Twitter

dreamdigital ago

And of course, MSM isn't covering it.

Are_we_sure ago

Why would the MSM cover this? She wasn't a well known figure.

So far the folks who have talked about this are people who knew her

Webb Robin the ex FBI True Pundit

Basically all of them were colleagues of her. Ordinary deaths don't make the news unless you live in real small town.

Plan1988 ago

But the word is spreading and spreading fast.

dreamdigital ago

There is plenty of other places talking about this. Here: Laura Loomer just tweeted about it from another source. Laura Loomer Tweet and Link

Plan1988 ago

Quite a bit of of exposure on Twitter.

Konran ago

Why the fuck does anyone trust the fucking authorities like the alphabet agencies or police with this kind of thing?

Isn't it obvious by now that evidence will be lost at the least or someone will be eliminated at the worst?

It saddens me greatly that we've lost a true warrior for justice.

Plan1988 ago

⏩Queen Maxima Of The Netherlands ⏩Fashion Designer Kate Spade (suicided). Others. Both hung with a scarf she put on the doorknob. dead dead dead.

think- ago

Queen Maxima is alive and kicking. Her sister died.

Plan1988 ago

Thank You. Yes Really thank you.

You are correct!

Plan1988 ago

Jenn mentioned in latest Q posts. Not by name though. @jangles. True.

jangles ago

idk about either. GW is full of good intentions and careless at times.

Plan1988 ago

what does idk mean?

jangles ago

I don't know

Plan1988 ago

Thank You! 🌻for explain @jangles.

Plan1988 ago

Thank you. Just read on Twitter no autopsy is scheduled as of yesterday. #JennyMoore is hashtag. Numerous posts.

Vindicator ago

If there has been no autopsy, how does anyone know if she had a brain aneurism or a seizure or whatever else is being claimed?

Also, I've seen no proof that Jem777 and Jen Moore actually were the same person. I know zero about Jen Moore. Everything I personally saw from Jem777 on Voat does not fit with the wholesome image people seem to have of her. In my dealings with her, she was disingenuous, evasive, made numerous unsourced claims, was combative when asked to abide by community rules, refused to do so, expected special treatment, and constantly claimed she was being victimized.

Plan1988 ago

Interesting. Thank You.

Plan1988 ago

Copy to @dreamdigital

jangles ago

@Camulos you may want to amend your post here ...

srayzie ago

I have screenshots. I agree with @Camulos
I’m sorry. I was suspicious of her and stayed in touch with her on Twitter privately as well. I’ve saved things. I saved Voat conversations before in case I ever needed them. I’ve had them in the cloud.

srayzie ago

See parent on this one too

@rhink- @Vindicator @putitout @Shizy

Camulos ago

Thanks for the heads up, but I wont amend anything. I don't believe what we're being told is the truth. I don't believe this Jem/Mej user is who people are saying they were and I don't believe this user has or ever had voats best interests in mind or any community within voat for that matter. I do believe this user had control - or was part of a team that had/has control of this army of bots that's been spamming voat for a long time. I also believe this Mej/Jem user is a part of a much larger disinformation campaign that's been raging for well over a year and this campaign has done irreparable damage to the Pizzagate community so much so that I honestly believe they were wholly successful in spreading their disinformation to the degree that much of what the pizzagate community believes as complete fact is actually manufactured specifically to mislead and in many cases completely made up.

Shizy ago

Do you have any more information to back up why you are saying? If what you say is true it should really be exposed.

srayzie ago

I think you are right and I have screenshots to prove it.

srayzie ago

srayzie ago

Oops. I spelled your name wrong @Think- See parent

Plan1988 ago

If the accolades about Jenny Moore are NOT warranted as

far as accurate reporting, I feel a person should question True Pundit also.

Have hunch about True Pundit for about a year and it is not positive to our


ane Thomas Payne also. ➡Just a hunch just an opinion here ok?Hav

So I am confused. Never knew or followed Jenny Moore. Have I been punked?

Time will tell. If I was, the excessive research I hace done has been a

distraction at a very critical time in our hope to be a great soon nation.⛅

new4now ago

Robin Gritz and The London Center isn't looking too good either

thought at first they were good guys, but digging into some of the Fellows not good, especially Wolsey, he hooked up with Cheney and a Rothschild and may have been a plant on Trumps team

Glad this is coming out

just wish I saw this before I made the post

Plan1988 ago

👍 Thank You for this info! ☑

new4now ago

Thank you for Michael Piper, I didn't know that one

new4now ago

my feet were planted in middle but began to waver until Zorilla started looking stuff up

you might find more info in here, comments

Plan1988 ago

Thank You🌴

new4now ago

Me and another going to keep looking at the Center, it may all be CIA controlled

going to have to look all the people up

now I wondering who all is part of it, will have a lot to look into

I have to be up in 6 hrs, lol not sure if I can get to it tomorrow

boy am I pissed, kinda funny though if True Pundit setting the stage for articles coming out soon LOL

I did ask why no George Webb or True Pundit articles

I'm so glad this came out

Plan1988 ago

Does anyone have an intuition avout True Pundits validity?

If you do please post or Dm me.🌻 Thank You.

Vindicator ago

They've been right about some stuff. But I have noticed ever heavier monetization of their site, and a clickbaity approach. I only know of one confirmed instance of them spreading disinfo, and that was when they shared that LeMonde article interviewing the Saudi princess who claimed PG was happening. The LeMonde article shared was fake. LeMonde confirmed they never published it. When I notified TruePundit, they did not publish a retraction. I don't know if they took it off their site.

@think- do you still have any links to that incident?

think- ago

@think- do you still have any links to that incident?

Here it is:

It has been my understanding that they didn't take it off their site, even when you alerted them at the time that it was fake; they even pushed it via their Twitter.

Vindicator ago

Thanks you for that link. :-)

Someone needs to do a deep dive and look into what other verifiable disinfo they've published. I haven't followed them much recently, but up until summer hit, I saw their stuff daily on my Twitter feed and didn't see much that was questionable. Definitely needs looking into.

think- ago

You're welcome, Vin. Yep, would like to know more about them too.

Are_we_sure ago

Thomas Paine of True Pundit claims the following in his twitter bio. These are almost all certainly lies. If they were true, you would be able to identify the person. The Polk Awards don't even name Nominees. They announce the winners of the Award and that's it.

*Gerald Loeb Award Recipient, *2-Time Pulitzer Prize Inv. Reporting Nom, *George Polk Political Reporting Nom

Of course, my introduction to True Pundit was when he claimed that the NYPD seized Anthony Weiner's laptop and the FBI took it away from there. Disproved by Federal Warrent and by the IG report. I believe True Pundit to be an active participant in that hoax.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Wow, good info. Thanks. It is starting to look like most of the people who trend or end up promoted in some way are blatant propagandists. I'm so sick of propaganda I barely even bother getting into these stories unless they are independently verifiable.

Plan1988 ago

Thank You.

I am not on the fence any more. I do not trust them.

A distraction at this critical week? I did not know Jenny Moore.

But right now I am thinking I have been punked.

thoughts? @cumulos @think-

@Vindicator. You know disinfo. agents throw in some correct reporting sprinkled / loaded with lies.

Maybe I am overeacting.

News of Jen supposed death stirred me up about Andrew Breitbart, Michael Collins Piper and Max Spiers deaths because appeared to be similar death circumstances.

Those deaths hit me hard.

new4now ago

and I was thinking Seth Rich

we have been punked, I feel stupid for what I was thinking, but some good will come of this

Thomas Paine said he would be coming out with what he and Jem were working on

I thought it odd that Clinton was with a boy

Vindicator ago

I am seriously questioning True Pundit right now, too, Plan.

If you or anyone else has time to make a post examining Jem777's conduct here on Voat, and explore what may be going on here, it would be very valuable. I realize that will make you a target. But it needs to be done. We are in the midst of a bullshit hurricane at the moment and it appears to be sweeping just about everyone up. I am having trouble keeping up.

jangles ago

How should it be titled. I would do it for her, she may have been frazzled and underdeveloped in thought or reasoning yet @jem777 was Jenny Moore and she is a hero.

Vindicator ago

That does seem to be the consensus. What I am wondering is if shills were taking advantage of her real life reputation to LARP as her with the Voat accounts.

Does anyone have any proof from Jenny that she had accounts on Voat?

Shizy ago

I was wondering the same thing vindicator. There is something really not right here and things don't add up! On top of that, we are being bombarded with trolls and accounts that have been inactive for some time trying to shame everyone and get us to run with emotion instead of digging for the facts and using logic!

think- ago

I am seriously questioning True Pundit right now, too, Plan.

Interesting, Vin. Apart from the stuff we know about Jem777, as I said - I have never heard any allegations about BC being into male children. And now they suddenly have a bunch of male survivors? I don't buy it.

Not that I could not see BC raping a male child 'for a change' - maybe he did - but I don't buy the story in this Jem777 context.

@Plan1988 @cumulos @Crensch

If you or anyone else has time to make a post examining Jem777's conduct here on Voat, and explore what may be going on here, it would be very valuable. I realize that will make you a target. But it needs to be done. We are in the midst of a bullshit hurricane at the moment and it appears to be sweeping just about everyone up.

Maybe @srayzie can do it, if she has the time? She's the one here who interacted the most with Jem777, IIRC.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

@think- Cathy O'Brien stated that Bill Clinton and Hillary are both bisexual, Bill more on the homo side and Hillary more into girls. Obviously this would include boys, hence Pizzagate and pedo island.

srayzie ago

I left a big comment. Allegations of BC? Who is that?

Plan1988 ago

Bill Clinton.

Shizy ago

Jenny Moore was said to be working with a man who said he was raped by Bill Clinton as a child

Vindicator ago

Yeah, the BC claim seemed odd to me as well.

Plan1988 ago

Acquainted with Betsy and Thomas on Citizen Investigative Report?

I think they are frauds.

Wanted to scream because his name was Thomas Payne also.

Did a # with my brain at the time because I kept

getting the two mixed up. I unfollowed Betsy and Tom over

their Q comments. I follow Q.

Plan1988 ago

Thank you. Important.

think- ago


Plan1988 ago

What does yw nean?

think- ago

'you're welcome' ;-)

Plan1988 ago

:-) 🌻

think- ago

I can look for it tomorrow, am about to leave for the day. ;-)

Maybe using using 'Saudi princess' as keyword will get you to the submission in question.

Plan1988 ago

Thank you. Am reconsidering the situation and my comments now..

I did not know or follow her. It bothered me incredibly

when I heard she associated with George Webb.

jangles ago

I know you are wrong. My understanding is that she was a victim of the disinformation campaign.

Shizy ago

Then prove it.

think- ago

Thanks for the heads up, but I wont amend anything. I don't believe what we're being told is the truth. I don't believe this Jem/Mej user is who people are saying they were and I don't believe this user has or ever had voats best interests in mind or any community within voat for that matter.

Excellent comment, thank you. I wish people here wouldn't be so gullible re Jem777.

I also don't trust the story about an allegedly male victim of Bill Clinton.

RIPJem ago

You and many others here on Voat are dead wrong about JEM.

Why are all of the mods and their crews piling on with such hate and disinformation about a Voat user who was just murdered?

We know JEM in real life.

Those are her initials.

She is a great person who truly cares about others, particularly victims and children.

JEM is MEJ, and is Jen Moore in real life. We Are Sure.

She was threatened by Are We Sure and many others here on Voat.

She was assaulted in real life and could barely walk.

She partnered with George Webb Sweigart because he was one of the few people close to the Truth with a following on YouTube.

George Sweigart is so far ahead of anyone else except for Q, Thomas Paine, and a very small group of other investigators.

None of them see eye to eye, and none of them are revealing the real Truth. They are all holding back something.

She wanted to sway him to reveal the real Truth and join the Good side. She kept trying until her very last day.

George Webb Sweigart is not a Trustworthy person like JEM.

George is associated with many bad people including known con artists and liars. George plays all sides.

He was her friend however and she is really dead. She was murdered. This is not a hoax.

Both George and JEM were very close to different angles of the Truth. Neither knew everything, but only one of them was Trustworthy.

George did not commit murder yet is not wholly innocent. George knows much more than he is telling.

JEM believes in the real Jesus Christ. JEM knows about the secret societies and partnerships involved.

JEM was correct about a lot of her research, and was subsequently attacked on Voat for that as many others have been.

Anyone that gets close to the Truth is attacked on Voat from all sides by evil doers and tricksters.

JEM left Voat to stop fighting with fools, agents, shills and fakes, and took her research to the street.

The mods cannot be trusted on Voat - and you are one of them @think-.

We trust ZERO mods on here, and you are partially responsible for JEM's murder.

@Vindicator is Evil and corrupt. @think- is Evil and corrupt. @srayzie is Evil and corrupt. There are more.

We do not trust @putitout either.

This is much deeper and darker than anyone realizes.

That much Q is right about. Q knows much more.

JEM was murdered for knowing The Truth and she is not the first nor the last.

She was a victim. She met with other victims and was a fearless investigator.

So many of you are here to purposely attack real victims and real whistleblowers.

So many of you are misinformed about JEM, or are Evil and corrupt and spreading false information.

Look back to her research. She was getting too close. We Are Sure.

JEM knows The Truth.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Why are you referring to her in present tense as though she's still alive?

MolochHunter ago

has Jem staged her own death ?

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

That's my suspicion.

MolochHunter ago

and then returns as @RIPJem, to divide and distract just as other important #pizzagate stories are breaking

we're spinning our wheels while Qanon redpills the world on red shoes made with the skin of children

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Makes sense to me!

Plan1988 ago

Copy to @FactFinder2.

srayzie ago

I had suspicions way before Jem left Voat. I talked to her a lot. I would take screenshots of our conversations. We remained “friends” by staying in touch thru private messages on Twitter. I kept those screenshots too. Why? Because I knew she was disinfo and I wanted to keep track of her. I’ve caught her in many lies. She always wanted to feel important. She would exaggerate everything.

You don’t find it suspect that she stood up for George Webb from the very beginning? She knew him ALL ALONG. She leaves California, and right away I find out that she’s staying with George Webb. She spent every day of her life traveling with George Webb. A stranger? Bullshit.

Look back at comments. She was very protective of him. Who do you think is letting George Webb survive? He researches and calls out all the bad characters in Washington, on LIVE video. He would have been silence long ago. He was allowed to continue. He’s even said he was Mossad. He had a drinking problem and would say things and then regret it.

I’ve caught them in a lies because she would tell me one story that I knew was bullshit, not knowing that George Webb was going to talk about it on video. That made me confront her. I don’t want to put myself in danger by saying too much either.

I’ve been debating for a couple of days on whether I should share some of this. I don’t want to disrespect the dead. But I can promise you, YOU ARE WRONG. If this is Sara, I’ve got things she’s said about you too and what her agenda was in regards to you. I’ve often wondered if you worked together SARA.

I have tons of info on “Sara” because she was my stalker with tons of accounts here, on Twitter, youtube, and more. I have a long list of that too. I kept screenshots from our conversations when it was happening. I set out to investigate them both. I blocked her several times. Jem told me that Sarah was the smartest researcher here. Sara is many of the names on that shill list! Jem and Sarah talked EVERY DAY. After Jem found out that I was getting really suspicious, she told me that Sara is dangerous and to not talk to her anymore.

Before you go run your mouth with some new account, acting like you know everything, you better know your facts. You say us mods can’t be trusted. I can back my words up. Can you? You say us mods can’t be trusted because @Vindicator banned her. I wasn’t even a mod at the time and I KNEW she was giving disinfo. Vindicator was doing his job.

We aren’t shady. Users who get mad need someone to blame. Some NEW profile making a post glorifying Jem, tried to make people distrust the mods, and even Voat, with NOTHING TO BACK UP THEIR CLAIMS, is very suspect to me.

@Think- @Putitout @Crensch @Shizy - Vindicator is pinged in the message.

seekingpeace ago

As someone who had many disagreements with Jem777 (mostly re GW and her lack of evidence or dubious sources), I agree with your assessment of the situation.

She seemed to be in control of an online "army" for want of a better word and they harassed people. This same 'army' posted positive comments on the "American Hero's" Youtube channel.

Imho, the combination of alcohol and pain killers contributed to her paranoia and possibly her ultimate death. Spending all that time with GW no doubt contributed to her paranoia and fed her conspiratorial fantasies.

I don't believe she has any credible evidence although I do think in her mind she was doing the right thing, whatever that may be...

R.I.P Jenny

srayzie ago

She wasn’t the one that was drinking and on pain killers. She tried to avoid pills. She would have a drink but the alcoholic was George. I have gathered a bunch of screenshots and have been organizing them. It would open people’s eyes. I have been struggling on what I should do because I don’t want to disrespect the dead. But, people shouldn’t make her a martyr and trust everything she has said,

seekingpeace ago

Your instincts told you to screenshot the conversations for a reason. I understand your hesitation but you really have to post them now. Let people make up their own mind...

She always argued that those who opposed her and GW were "on the wrong side of history." I think Voat/pizzagate contributors need to know the truth.

"Sunlight is the best disinfectant."

srayzie ago

Yeah. Maybe I will today. The whole Voat community is going to hate me now tho.

seekingpeace ago

The only people that will "hate" you are the people that don't want the conversations to see the light... The discerning members of the community will make up their own mind. Although, I do understand your hesitation.

srayzie ago

Yeah. I get you

Vindicator ago

Thanks for giving your perspective, srayzie. A few links supporting it would probably be good.

Speaking of which, here is the thread that led to Jem777's final ban on v/pizzagate. Our former [O] @VictorSteinerDavion tried to help her get her post in order and she refused. This was the very last problem post, but there were several of them, and she refused accept the submission requirements. Instead, she recruited various different users to try to get her reinstated.

Plan1988 ago

Within the last two days I have viewed inter-changes.

I can clearly see why @Vindicator banned her. And I became glad that

he? she? was faithful to do the job. Actually I have viewed this

subverse since 12-2016 and have felt that @Vindicator showed quite a

lot of mercy. I followed her when she commented about the poposed DC rally when

when David Seaman and others spoke. She helped me through it and I think

I, in turn, was able to help a few othets.

Vindicator ago

Thanks for the kind words, Plan. I remember that shitstorm. Largely organic, though that wasn't clear at the time.

I don't think it was a manipulated one like this one we're in now, though. Do you suppose it has anything to do with the fact that Q is posting the Podesta Art swimming pool pics as we speak? Nah...that's just a coincidence.

Plan1988 ago

Thank You for your comment. That was manipulated only by a few voaters I think. I felt uncomfortable with the people that were guilt tripping and pressing me to go.

So many sincere pizzagaters back then.

As of this Jen matter. I follow Q. He wrote the previews are over so this is a heavy week.

I think adversary is trying TO DISTRACT us this week. Q writes (last week) next week

and Jen is found dead over the weekend. I do not think the Podesta matter solely kicked this off.

oh no when will the murders stop? Thinking about prior fatalities etc. Researched nothing but Jen death for two and 1/2 days. Pretty much

Ignored everything and DID NOT concentrate on the impt. Q and Qanon posts.

Vindicator ago

Researched nothing but Jen death for two and 1/2 days. Pretty much Ignored everything and DID NOT concentrate on the impt. Q and Qanon posts.


I've got business related house guests -- and had to explain why I was stuck on this computer all day. Blessing in disguise, because now three IT execs have been redpilled about Q and pizzagate. I read them aloud some of the stuff from the board and explained what was going on. They were amazed. Seeing disinfo in action is VERY convincing. Funny how things work out. :-)

Plan1988 ago

Things "working for the good." Really good news and relieving.

Getting up and happy again.


Vindicator ago

Where there is evil, Grace abounds all the more. ;-)

Plan1988 ago

Yes. So impt! 🌻

Plan1988 ago

🌻Thank you for your work #Srayzie. This piece helped me more

understand the situation. I did not kbow or follow Jem. But I did a voat

search on her that helped.🌻

srayzie ago

Thank you. This person is accusing us of being evil when they don’t know the story. 🌸

think- ago

Oh, I think they know the story only too well in fact.

RIPJem ago

We are in the story.

We know Jenny in real life.

We know George in real life.

We know many players involved in real life.

Life is not a series of coincidences.

Those who know the Truth are in extreme danger.

You and Vindicator and other mods cannot be Trusted and are partially responsible for Jem's murder.

Jem is not the only one who was threatened.

Jem is not the only one who was murdered.

You are Evil.

You lie. You cheat. You deceive.

JEM is a Good Person.

JEM knows the Truth.

So many of you are slandering her and attacking the victim.

Who does that?


Crensch ago

We are in the story.

We know Jenny in real life.

We know George in real life.

We know many players involved in real life.


That's not suspicious at all.

You and Vindicator and other mods cannot be Trusted and are partially responsible for Jem's murder.

Happy to take all of that blame, here. Disinfo shills for pizzagate aren't human.

Jem is not the only one who was murdered.

Oh, good.

You lie. You cheat. You deceive.

Your sources for these claims are AMAZING... err... where are your sources?

JEM is a Good Person.

Is? Suspicious.

Good? Kek.

JEM knows the Truth.

Knows? Suspicious.

Truth? I bet - you have to know what's real to know what to guide people away from as a disinfo shill.

So many of you are slandering her and attacking the victim.

Attacking an evil scumbag that would try to throw people off the trail of child rapists. I'll do that all day long, even if they're dead.

Who does that?

I do.


You'll find out very soon what EVIL really means.

@Vindicator @srayzie @think- @Shizy

think- ago

LOL. Strangely, the guy sounds exactly like Jem777. A ghost?! ;-)

Crensch ago

I never knew Jem777; not that I would remember one user that posted horseshit from the next.

RIPJem ago


Why do you think JEM left Voat?

Jenny did more to help victims of human trafficking than you ever will.

Jenny exposed more corruption and abuse involving top officials than you ever will.

Why are you making more thinly veiled death threats if there is nothing for you and the others involved to hide?

Why did you slander, attack and threaten JEM before you banned her and drove her away?

Why are you slandering and attacking her again now after she was murdered for knowing the Truth?

Is Voat CONTROLLED BY EVIL? Reddit is. Coincidence?

Now you are threatening others who know her in real life.

Do all of the other mods support your thinly veiled death threats?

Who does that?


nottfadeaway ago

You’re @Wisconsin_is_Corrupt, aren’t you?

Agenda 21.

Shizy ago

Oh calm down cuckoo, no one is threatening you! You sound just like my good buddy @speaksoft ! He's an utter nutter too!

Crensch ago

Why do you think JEM left Voat?

Her disinfo wasn't working, and she got banned from PG for running afoul of the rules consistently.

Jenny did more to help victims of human trafficking than you ever will.

No, she didn't.

Jenny exposed more corruption and abuse involving top officials than you ever will.

No, she didn't.

Why are you making more thinly veiled death threats if there is nothing for you and the others involved to hide?

Who said I was hiding anything? Your kind are teetering on the edge of a cliff, and you don't even see it. If things don't get much better, very quickly, you'll find out exactly what I mean.

Why did you slander, attack and threaten JEM before you banned her and drove her away?

I wish I had. I didn't know this person, but I can see the evidence of her being a disinfo shill. She deserves all the bad things that happened to her.

Why are you slandering and attacking her again now after she was murdered for knowing the Truth?

Because, if she did know the truth, she tried to hide it from others.

Is Voat CONTROLLED BY EVIL? Reddit is. Coincidence?

What a stupid thought process. Are you a nigger, RIPJem? Maybe a Jew that fancies himself smarter than a nigger? (hint: you're not)

Now you are threatening others who know her in real life.

I'm warning you of what's to come. Disinfo shills will be lumped in with the pedos. You think your lives have meaning?

Do all of the other mods support your thinly veiled death threats?

I don't really care what they support. I do what I was brought on to do, and will continue to do so. My opinions and words do not change that fact.

Who does that?

I do.


You'll be locked up with EVIL, very soon... or die alongside them.

Vindicator ago

LOL. I think it's a bot trying to do hypnosis. Total fail.

Shizy ago

I'm not so sure it's a fail.... I get pretty darn sleepy after I start to read their crap!

think- ago


Crensch ago

Please feel free to dump the heat right at my feet; I'll very happily be the target of their ire.

Vindicator ago

Thank you, Crensch.

Pretend I added a cool gif of Eastwood from Gran Torino. Too tired to go find one.

Vindicator ago

The mods cannot be trusted on Voat - and you are one of them @think-.

We trust ZERO mods on here, and you are partially responsible for JEM's murder.

@Vindicator is Evil and corrupt. @think- is Evil and corrupt. @srayzie is Evil and corrupt. There are more.

We do not trust @putitout either.

This is much deeper and darker than anyone realizes.

I think we're being Corsi-ed here.

You're making a lot of claims but presenting no evidence of them at all, while hiding behind a one-day-old account. You really think this is going to fly on Voat?

Are you trying to whip up emotional folks here to sow distrust? Or are you trying to play 3D chess and make Voaters who see through that crap doubt the people you are claiming you support?

srayzie ago

I made a big comment. I think we’re being Corsi-ed here too.

Shizy ago

This @RIPJem person sound san awful lot like @speaksoft

Zorrilla ago

I was thinking the same thing.

Vindicator ago

Yes...I keep cracking up reading it. "Wooo you are being hypnotized by my magical ALL CAP suggestions". LMAO.

think- ago

Well, the guy certainly is hilarious, LOL.

Shizy ago

It's just so over the top!

RIPJem ago

Corsi is a FAKE.


Her murder and others are REAL.

This is NOT A GAME.

You are the one who BANNED JEM.

You are CORRUPT.


Only a select few here know the TRUTH.

You are not a person who can be TRUSTED.

Why are you so AFRAID OF THE TRUTH?



MolochHunter ago

pretty much occams razor applies here

Im inclined to trust users who stick to their one account / profile -and thus stand by their former words

people who make up new accounts and profess to claims of legitimacy, gtfo.

srayzie ago

This is also speaksoft from GreatAwakening who says Jesus hates Trump lol.

RIPJem ago

The reason involves murder and attempted murder.

Is that reason enough for you?

MolochHunter ago

well, if theres no obituary, no official record, its 'ALLEGED' murder/attempted murder

ONCE we have fully established in fact that she is dead and was murdered, THEN we can entertain your line of reasoning

what makes me suspicious is your refusal to engage in fully establishing Jem's death, and persisting with this community wide flame-thrower attack

Shizy ago

Well said MolochHunter. All many of us want is some documentation of what happened instead of relying on 3rd hand information from some questionable sources. Once we get the information we can assess and make a decision. We could just run off emotion but facts are what matter. There's nothing wrong or evil for wanting facts.

srayzie ago

You sound CREEPY. You seem like the one that told me that Jesus doesn’t love me and I’m going to hell.

If you aren’t new here, tell us your real username. Who is WE and why do you talk about Jem like she’s still alive.

@Vindicator banning Jem does not make him corrupt. You keep getting downvotes. You aren’t making a good case for Jem.

Plan1988 ago

One thing I think is incredible: My understanding

is she had presented evidence to at least

               two federal agencies 

before she died. So they have nanes and some info inside.

With Wray at the helm, maybe FBI will invesrigate.

the Bill Clinton allegation.

Dsonophorus ago

It sounds to me like her mistake was approaching the FBI where a mole was alerted to her info.

I became aware of this yesterday, knew nothing of Jenny, but I figured retweeting some of her stuff might help. Within 20 mins, Twit locked my account with no option to unlock. I have 250 followers.

90% chance her info is 100% legit.

AaronRouseFBI ago

PS: Our field agent offered the actor "Jenny" help on several occasions, this is all documented. He obviously denied our help because his entire story was a fabrication. He was never in any danger because he is a special agent with Mossad and I am within my jurisdiction to make this statement considering the grave deviations from decency made by the agency themselves.

AaronRouseFBI ago


I am Special Agent Rouse with the Las Vegas FBI. "Jenny" is in fact George Webb. So for the sake of yourselves, I suggest you put a stop to this tom foolery pretty quickly before you land yourself in some trouble with the Federal Government.

"Jenny" is a fabrication, hence why no main stream news outlets have covered this obviously staged hoax. We're getting pretty tired of having to clean up after you boys, so maybe you could just cool it and let us get on with our jobs. Since we have the sanctity of public trust to ensure. Don't get me started on the academics within this group who have made absolute fools of themselves.

Cut it out guys.


Dsonophorus ago

The pattern of main stream news covering/not covering something has become a contra-indicator of validity. Everyone is aware that it is now used primarily for propaganda. Your appeal to that as an 'evidence' of a hoax demonstrates either willful deception or ignorance.

What is your goal in threatening people who are looking into this?

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

he created his account to harass me and then Srayzie. He's a fake stalker.

Vindicator ago

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

"AaronRouseFBI" only wishes he was in shape enough to become a stripper, then he wouldn't have to hit ctrl + v so many times per day and get the carpal tunnel that interferes with his love life.

Vindicator ago


Shizy ago

Oh my God this is hilarious!!!

jangles ago

AaronRouseFBI ago

Thank you for your welcome, it's appreciated.

jangles ago

God speed good sir

srayzie ago

That’s Sarah @Jangles. She started tweeting me publicly today on another account calling me Jem, George Webb, GothamGirl, Mossad, etc... then she started on @Shizy

@Vindicator @Think- @Crensch

Vindicator ago

She started tweeting me publicly today on another account calling me Jem, George Webb, GothamGirl, Mossad, etc

Interesting. I wonder which user she is here on Voat (permanently I'm talking, not her disposable alts that are obvious).

Shizy ago

You can't be serious jangles? You actually fall for this nonsense?

jangles ago

no reason to disrespect, if it is a LARPer than good for them. I still feel like honor and dignity comes from respect without presupposition, following actions and proclamations are worth scrutiny with good intention .

Shizy ago

i don't honor or respect total liars who want to come here to manipulate and play games for some weird reason. If you are seriously not certain if this is a larper and weren't able to figure that out within their first 5 words then I have some serious concerns.

jangles ago

I am not quick to be judgmental, that develops. Please don't think I am not skeptical, I am just not rude. I am no troll.

Shizy ago

Ok, I will respect that.

Plan1988 ago


darkknight111 ago

Found this on 8 chan. Its possible a neurological weapon was used in the murder.

"Of interest, in a "YouTube comments section" this link showed up briefly then disappeared:
so checked it out.
@45 min 21s → ~ 46min Dr. Giordano states: "Nanoparticulate matter … high CNS-aggregation material that is essentially invisible to the naked eye…these are then inhaled through the nasal mucosa or absorbed through the oral mucosa - they have high CNS affinity, they clump in the brain or in the vasculature and the create a hemorrhagic diathesis …in other words a clot predisposition in the brain. What I've done …is created a stroke agent…" (that is difficult to detect.)"

flyingcuttlefish ago

Daily Rabbit Hole #396 | RIP Journalist Jen Moore

sgd1971 ago

Let's not forget that Jenny's husband was also murdered. Less than a year ago if I'm not mistaken.

ESOTERICshade ago

She claimed her fiance was murdered, not her husband.

sgd1971 ago

I stand corrected. Thank you.

dreamwarrior23 ago

What did it feel like? Is it like what most people say it is? That you feel absolutely nothing?

Shizy ago

Fuck off scum of the earth!

ESOTERICshade ago

What did it feel like? Is it like what most people say it is? That you feel absolutely nothing?

You sure that question was meant for me? I don't understand the question.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

he's dropping MK Ultra triggers for people who might be programmed or programmable.

ESOTERICshade ago

He is a damn troll of some kind.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

yeah I wish they would just go back to playing fortnite

dreamdigital ago

I'm glad you said this. I think people are overlooking that, especially skeptics about this.

sgd1971 ago

It certainly is a red flag. Nothing is a coincidence.

Babylon5 ago

... and the Clinton Kill List has another victim. Please share this story & attempt to red-pill. Stuff like this really can get us down. Haven't posted in a while but appreciate the hardwork that goes on in this sub.

Rest In Peace Jenny.

OoLaLaFrenchGirl ago

RIP Jem777. I hope that your passing will not be in vain & may we one day be able to avenge your death. This is heartbreaking.

dundundunnnnn ago

Oh Jem. She's with our Heavenly Father now. We sure could have used her influence a little longer. If there was foul play, God saw it all, you evil pieces of shit.

darkknight111 ago

Then let's hope He actually USES his power to strike them down dead.

Few dozen lightning bolts or some surgical fireballs on their homes or opening up the earth in a targeted hole to hell should suffice.

I'm fed up with good people constantly being allowed to be screwed over or killed off.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Well the Bible describes the judgment day as this: those who are going to be subjected to God's wrath will wish that they were tied to a millstone sinking in the ocean. I don't think it will be a fun day for those folks. Clearly they're unsave-able reprobates.

dundundunnnnn ago

I hear you. I really do.

RockmanRaiden ago

Seen this already, @srayzie?

srayzie ago

Yeah I’ve been commenting in other threads. It’s shocking. So sad. 😢

dreamdigital ago

She has.

Dressage2 ago

Wouldn’t be amazing if Jen’s death takes the Clintons to prison because this story blows up all over the Internet. Her death would not be in vain. Jen loved helping the victims. This was her passion. She knew the risks involved as we had discussed them. We both said we were willing to die to move our country into the light and out of the reach of the Cabal. Jen was willing to give her life to take these bastards down. She will not be forgotten.

Plan1988 ago

She was mentioned today in Q posts toward the end. Name not mentioned. @srayzie (I listened to Stroppy Me. Heard this.)


thisistotallynotme ago

Apparent Suicide
Died of a seizure

One of these things is not like the other.

darkknight111 ago

There's also been reports of a brain hemmorage. Without external head wounds, then this had to have been done by poison.

Menthanol poisoning is possible.

21yearsofdigging ago

Or directed energy weapons

Camera_Eye ago

Is there any confirm from medical examiners.. PG County (where I’ve lived) I’m assuming would conduct in Balto. Do we know case officers in PG Detectives handling it? Important questions to run down.

Truthseeker3000 ago

Thank you so very much for everything you did Jem777. I had no idea who you were in life but I remember you on here. I will be watching all of your videos in your honor and hope maybe we on Voat can work through what you uncovered. The Clinton Coven is evil to the very core and we know they have their own Navy Seal mk ultra assassins to take care of people anywhere in the world at any given time. Why they chose you means you were doing extraordinary work and well onto the right path. You are what we need more of in this world. May you Rest In Peace and may those involved in your death feel the wrath of karma like never before...

dreamdigital ago

You all also need to know that Craig Sawyer is talking about this: [Craig Sawyer Tweet(

carmencita ago

Jem/Task Force Video 7 m. video from 5 days ago She was at the Manefort Trial. She explains why. It all connects to Child Trafficking. The coup of Ukraine under Obama and HRC. Many made money off it.

Vindicator ago

dreamdigital, I'm going to go ahead and sticky this as a reminder to everyone to review their personal security, and in honor of @Jem777 aka @Mej777.

@Crensch @kevdude @Madworld Heads up: a PG investigator may have been Arkancided.

paulf ago

Wait, didn't you ban her from here?

jangles ago


Plan1988 ago

Thank You. This thread is the very first story I have ever

read accusing William Jefferson of Pedophlia with a male minor child.

MolochHunter ago


but then again, Alefantis' instagram avatar was Antinous - the 13 yr old 'lover' of a Roman Emperor

Alefantis would have been about 13 when Bill was POTUS

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Do we really think that James Alefartface is Bill's type? He seems more like a Tony Podesta boy.

cryptopancakes ago

Vomit. Just read the story of Antinous. I forgot about Alefantis's IG pic. They're all such sick fucks...

Plan1988 ago

You are sharp. OK. Thanks!

dreamdigital ago

Thanks, Tiffany FitzHenry, Craig Sawyer, Isaac Kappy are all talking about this.

ESOTERICshade ago

Thanks, Tiffany FitzHenry, Craig Sawyer, Isaac Kappy are all talking about this.


dreamdigital ago

Craig Sawyer

Tiffany FitzHenry (Followed is a slew of other tweets by her after she made this one)

WalnutSauceGoat ago

Links to where they are talking about it? Thanks!

con77 ago

handcuffed herself then jumped into the polar bear enclosure after shooting herself twice in the back of the head?

In_Cog_Nito ago

His name was Seth Rich.

Her name was Jenny Moore.

carmencita ago

Both True Patriots that died for Our Country and Our Children.

RIPJem ago

JEM is a Patriot.

Seth Rich may someday prove to be the Patriot that JEM is, however there are many unanswered questions about Seth Rich including if he ever actually died or was a co-conspirator. Seth Rich's family ties seem to suggest the latter, much like Donald Trump. To assume that Seth Rich was a Patriot, one must also assume that both Julian Assange and Donald Trump are Good people, and that Donald was selected to Drain the Swamp. Neither Seth Rich nor Donald Trump are Trustworthy, nor are Julian Assange and Wikileaks.

JEM and George Webb Sweigart did not see eye to eye on everything, and their differences escalated over time.

JEM is Trustworthy. George is not.

NeonRevolt also suspiciously removed a comment about JEM recently when his site went down for an extended period of time.

No other prominent YouTuber covering Pizzagate or the Great Awakening has yet proven to be Trustworthy.

They all have been given the same opportunity as JEM. They have all Failed. It is not a short list.

JEM knew about the real Agenda.

JEM knew The Truth.


Chiken-lover_Hater ago

The way you talk reads a lot like the way Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt used to. I wonder what happened to that guy...

srayzie ago

Jem even said she was going to Racine.

Chiken-lover_Hater ago

My mind was on the whole "Racine was Trump's litmus test" malarkey and I smelled an alt, but you may be right here. Maybe Racine is off limits.

srayzie ago

She asked me in April if @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt was still around because she was heading to Racine.

darkknight111 ago

Cause of death was a brain hemorage.

If she was looking into the Clintons, then this was another Clinton Body Count. Probably ordered by either the Clintons or Aquelino.

More calm now. Less enraged, so no one has to worry about me flying off the handle and doing something rash anymore.

Pizzalawyer ago

Former FBI Agent Robin Gritz was a fellow whistleblower who was wrongfully dismissed by Andrew McCabe after 16 years working counterterrorism. She said that upon learning of McCabes dismissal that she along with another dozen agents were quite happy to hear the news.

Hopefully she can assist in verifying Jen Moores research and formal complaints regarding childtrafficking and the Clintons.

The oppositiion might have gone too far this time. George Webb is claiming he was responsible for getting the hotel clerk Jens room. He better have an explanation as to how Ms. Gritz did the same.

Elbower_of_Quants ago

There is an assassination unit that works for the DNC. Their activities have been proven time and again. Frankly, some arenas are best left to those who understand how to survive the workings of deep shadows and it is not independent journalists.

merica_fk_yeah ago

Oh my This is so sad. This is why the Clintons and their canal must be brought not only to heel but to be tried and put to death to rid the earth from their evil. Jem wouldn’t stop and paid the price, but I for one will not stop and many others as well will not stop trying to get the truth out. This is a silent war but a war nonetheless and the kids must be saved from these sick people. The damage that the mass murderers known as Clinton’s makes hitler look like a schoolboy. Jem was one of the top contributors here she will be missed. May the Lord Bless her.

darkknight111 ago

Not just put to death....given a "Very Special Punishment"!

As in "Arkancidopoloza" ie death by every single method used to arkancide someone or kill sequence...not ending until the final method, even if she dies from the first method in the sequence.

Dressage2 ago

Where one dies, another two step in her place. We have the hive mentality. Like swatting bees as Alefantis said in an interview. This will just make more people determine to root out this evil. We can hear them breathing and are coming for them.

Camera_Eye ago

As noted by this indi reporter (Jennie Rodriguez-Moore/San Joaquin Blogs? confirm) who appeared to be a LEO watch dog, the garden-variety diddlers are easy to nab, even the dark web dudes are getting locked up; its the institutionalized organized pathology, or Pedocracy where Chan\Voat crowdsourcing won't be enough IMHO. MSM has a lock on cover-up until its hand is forced. Fast trials: death sentence would be too kind.
I didn't see any info on JM in WTOP then over to NBC Washington, Interestingly enough, there's a post about a 1000 affected kids in the hands of the church: Grand Jury Report Released on Child Sex Abuse in Pennsylvania Roman Catholic Dioceses. So, where's the news item for JM other than some what's published in alternative media? Any hits on local news ANONs?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Cc1914 ago

This is Jem777.. she was one brave woman ! So sad to hear this . This is no game !

jangles ago

@Vindicator banned her @jem777 account, her original account is still banned. maybe now she can at least have the respect from this community. All the hate against her here @pizzagate upset me knowing her valor and who she was. So many times I wanted to shut down Jem777 naysayers with the truth about who she was. I didn't in respect for her anonymity, I hope now people will can reevaluate their positions.

srayzie ago

@Vindicator is not ban happy. He gave her many warnings. It’s not right to make him the bad guy now because she passed away. The mods are always the one to blame. Of course Jem did nothing wrong right? People don’t know the whole situation so you shouldn’t make judgements.

Cc1914 ago

I concur ! Why is there a thread dedicated to Jem777 and all her alleged bot accounts posted as a sticky here ? Have you seen that and what is it all about ? She only had 2 names that we all knew of .

MolochHunter ago

I didnt catch the whole thing so my opinion aint the most qualified, but it seemed to me Jem777, undoubtedly well intentioned, just went off the rails with the stress and danger of what she was doing, and was fragmenting here on voat.

@Vindicator didnt ban her without repeated warning and recommending she take some time out to cool her heels, and i saw the posts where she wasnt observing submission rules

was Vindicator vindicated in banning her? Who's to say definitively. But it wasnt without some level of merit

Lansing-Michigan ago

Perhaps this is a good time for reevaluation. What if we appreciated people for their intentions and the good that they do? When you are in the trenches like Jem777 was, perhaps she would go off the rails at times. It would be unrealistic to think that she did not know her life was in danger with the political climate the way it is? Re. Trump, I often think of the freemason law of reversals which seems to be very important to them. i.e. Obomba smiled at his wife, made great speeches and held his children's hands often in public. Trump ignores his wife and children in public...can't make a speech and the pedophiles and rapists being exposed are unprecedented in American history. Doesn't this come under draining the swamp ? The number of lawmakers who are resigning? To is reversals.

jangles ago

I agree with your assessment. I just think it would be respectable to un ban her original account for good merit.

ASolo ago

Yeah this is pretty hardcore. I've been trying to wrap my head around it and piece together what I can but all of it seems just as big a mess as any other conspiracy.

I guess she went by the handle @Taskforce on twitter.

I can remember the constant harassment she would get from many of the early pizzagaters here, believers and detractors alike, hopefully her work will not be in vain.

exposethecriminals ago

Is anyone able to explain how Jenny Moore is Jem777, as Jem777 was recently outed as a bot/shill in a v/pizzagate sticky?

I did not see this thread at first, so I just posted this comment in @DerivaUK's thread:

(Quote from the sticky excerpt)

The list of bots associated with this user: and < Appears to be real accounts, but there's always one of the other bots welcoming him back whenever he posts in a thread. [...]

Thank you

Cc1914 ago

I don’t know how they came up with Jem777 being a bot ? She has been here since the beginning and I think this is all a set up . Several of us have conversed with her over the past 2 years . She was real and was very passionate about children as we all are .

exposethecriminals ago

I don't know, their explanation is in their post here, which was stickied on v/pizzagate recently.

I don't know if that OP was setting her up, or, noticing things.

I just came across something that may explain why Jenny Moore/Jem777 allegedly had so many Voat accounts - she seemed to claim she didn't know about them, I don't know -- this is all so sad:

I am the one who actually worked so hard to isolate those accounts until I could find the real identity which I have to be able to battle back with truth...

I deleted my other comments -- I got my question answered as to how did people associate Jem777 with Jenny Moore --

Vindicator ago

I deleted my other comments -- I got my question answered as to how did people associate Jem777 with Jenny Moore

I, for one, would like to know the answer to this question, too. I've seen no evidence, and my experience with the Jem account does not jive with what people are saying.

exposethecriminals ago

This was enough to answer the question for me anyway:

Vindicator ago

Thanks EtC :-)

Cc1914 ago

Something is really strange .. I can’t access that sticky you sent anymore ? It takes me to a “ Voat “ login page on the way back machine ? I was able to see it earlier .

exposethecriminals ago

Oh gosh. Which link? I'll fix it if I am able to. If it was one of those long addresses that needs to be copied and pasted into a browser bar, perhaps the entire address was not copied? That has happened to me.

Cc1914 ago

It was the link for the list of supposed bot accounts linked to Jem777. Who made that list , did you say you did ? 😐 sorry so confused

exposethecriminals ago

No worries, it is pretty confusing, and there are so many threads on Jenny Moore.

This is the link that mentioned Jem777:

The person who posted it did not make that list, they noted the original poster in the body of the post.

In my comment a few comments above, I pasted part of an exchange between Jenny and Vindicator I noticed, indicating Jenny was unaware that many alternate accounts were associated with her:

Excerpt from my comment :

I just came across something that may explain why Jenny Moore/Jem777 allegedly had so many Voat accounts - she seemed to claim she didn't know about them, I don't know -- this is all so sad:

I am the one who actually worked so hard to isolate those accounts until I could find the real identity which I have to be able to battle back with truth...

It's all very strange.

exposethecriminals ago

@Cc1914 just to add to my reply to you:

I just now noticed you had asked me not only who made that list, but did I make it?

No, I had nothing to do with it. I simply read it when it was a sticky recently at the top of Pizzagate.


I'm thinking you probably didn't see my earlier reply to your comment, below, maybe that will help clarify:


Link to your comment and my reply, below: :

[–] Cc1914 2 points (+2|-0) 1 day ago

I don’t know how they came up with Jem777 being a bot ? She has been here since the beginning and I think this is all a set up . Several of us have conversed with her over the past 2 years . She was real and was very passionate about children as we all are .

permalink parent save source reply report


[–] exposethecriminals 2 points (+2|-0) 21 hours ago

I don't know, their explanation is in their post here, which was stickied on v / pizzagate recently.

I don't know if that OP was setting her up, or, noticing things.

I just came across something that may explain why Jenny Moore/Jem777 allegedly had so many Voat accounts - she seemed to claim she didn't know about them, I don't know -- this is all so sad:

I am the one who actually worked so hard to isolate those accounts until I could find the real identity which I have to be able to battle back with truth...

I deleted my other comments -- I got my question answered as to how did people associate Jem777 with Jenny Moore --

permalink parent save edit delete reply report


The thread was posted by someone named Camulos, in politics according to the link, but he/she indicated (near the top) that the actual author of the list was brandon816. And of course I am not either of those people, I only have this account. Does that answer your question?

Cc1914 ago

Thank you ! 😊 yes that clears things up . I saw who posted it , but was unclear who helped with that list .

exposethecriminals ago

I think @Camulos was saying Jem777 was associated with spam bot accounts, and would write as a person through Jem777. I think. I do not understand how these things work.

This is the recent v/pizzagate sticky that appears to out Jem777:

I wasted a ton of time earlier on in Pizzagate fact checking some Jem777 comments, as I fact check almost everything in general, only to find those Jem777 comments were not based in any fact but sounded eloquent. Nothing earth shattering, just, as an example, so and so owns a house on such and such island and they do human sacrifice - no sources. Or, leading someone else's thread's comments based on misidentification of a person in the OP as someone else who has the same name - but doing so very compellingly. Eventually, when I found zero of Jem's comments I fact checked turned out to be true in any way, I refused to read any comments by Jem777. I'm sorry, I really don't care if most on here love Jem777, that's fine with me! I'm not spending any more time thinking about that account. I'm just confused over why people identify Jenny Moore with Jem777? Do you or does anyone else know why that is? Thanks!

carmencita ago

I am finding that some are saying that GW had something to do with her death. I never followed him so don't know much, but do know that some accused him of being with Mossad. IF that is true, well I suppose it is possible. But that's a Big IF. I also have read a couple comments dissing her because she posted some of GW's info. There are many following Q and GW and others, I am not going to dis those people because of their choices. These are very strange times in our history and many lies are being told. It is hard to know what the truth is and who is telling it. I watched the video last night of GW telling of her cause of death, and wondered how he knew so early in the game. That should make us wonder. SMDH.

notagame ago

He's a loose cannon.

What was she thinking?

carmencita ago

She was taken in by GW for a short while. Plenty on here Idolize him. The longer she was with him the less she trusted him. I am tired of posting things on Robin Young's twitter. I am doing the research and knowing Jem as I did on here and from proof presented by many on twitter, being Young and Sawyer. That is what I based my decisions on. Amen.

notagame ago

I don't understand why anyone would trust GW. Especially after making the fake call to the FBI. But wasn't that partly on a Q message? I seem to recall all these people posting about all these ships moving in because they were going to arrest HRC and then use the military to enforce martial law? That Q post seems to have slipped many Q fans memories also. If only ONE thing he posts about comes true, I'll publicly apologize for trashing him, but GW? No, he's a clown. Makes me doubt people when they believe in someone that is that obviously a fraud.

carmencita ago

GW is disinfo I agree. Too many are ready to believe that someone on a White Horse can ride in and save us. We are Our Saviors. WE must do the work. We cannot keep believing in others. Only US and Jesus Christ are the Saviors. We must pray for his help and work hard to beat down the rapists and those who are doing the Devil's Work.

notagame ago

Wholeheartedly agree.

And support those who are helping. It means supporting our POTUS who has willingly put himself in the middle of a war. I've never seen a president take this kind of abuse, and some were not that popular, but this? This is unprecedented. It also means supporting Assange. He is not "Our Savior" on the level of Our God, but he is a savior in terms of letting us know WTH was going on. I can't thank him enough for that. Even with all the rancor, I'd rather have read those emails and learned what those people were like. I would have never dreamed they were absolute scum. Never. Not without those emails.

carmencita ago

Yes those emails opened Pandor's Box. A God Send.

Narcissism ago

Total load of garbage the GW had anything to do with her death - just another muddy the waters, blame the victims, disinfo story.

carmencita ago

You should read the comments in the Sticky about Jem/Jenny. They have Taken Her Down with Flimsy Evidence and it was horrible. Shameful really. These are our own people taking down One of Us. It was hateful.

Narcissism ago

I don't think that they are "our own people" Srazye and Co are disinfo agents IMHO.

carmencita ago

Well, I hate to pin that on them, but I am very disappointed by the take down. SMH.

Pringle ago

I find it horrible that anyone would try to implicate George Webb in Jenny's death. Him and Jenny worked together for over a year and he would not have had anything to do with killing her. He went looking for Jenny because he hadn't heard from her and that's how he found out she was dead.

Shizy ago

Are you aware she was posting on the chans how she felt he was using her to her to get to her research for free? She said she was done with him! And that was 3 days before her death. Seems like a good motive.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

me too @Pringle

carmencita ago

Well, I never followed him I did my own research, as many others here did. The fact that he sent someone else to check on her stands out and I am sorry but his first report of her death, just didn't cut it for me. That's just my personal opinion. I don't know whether he personally had anything to do with her death, and we really don't know that she really is dead, but he has been connected to Mossad and possibly with the CIA. These may all be untruths to you for you are one of his followers, all I am saying at this point, as usual we don't have much to go on. His announcing her cause of death just hours later, is very very strange indeed.

Pizzalawyer ago

im not disputing anything in your comment except that GW had to report to hotel staff in order for them to open the door of her locked hotel room.

carmencita ago

Imo, he should have gone himself if he was that worried about her. He wanted us to think he was crying, I watched his video. If he was so very moved and so connected to her, then why didn't he go himself? I believe they were not as close as he implies. I don't know what is behind that, but there is proof that I have posted that she was not that close to him. She found out she had read him wrong. Whatever that means.

bibigirl_ ago

He seemed sincerely hurt by her death

carmencita ago

Seemed maybe. But not sincerely. There were no tears. They put the camera on the other guy because he didn't want us to see his face. I don't trust him. I have been on the fence about him, and this just sealed it. He also had word about her cause of death. According to him Jem was still alive yesterday morning. So, he had that info by last night? Only someone well connected to whoever took her out would know that. Way too early. I am sorry, at first I thought the same as you, but the cause of death thing was just too much.

BehindTheCurtain ago

Actually, there were tears. My gut reaction was that he was acting...that he purposefully produced those tears for the camera. Just my gut...but who knows. Watch the first 2 and a half minutes.

carmencita ago

Possibly, but I can't see them. Have not been well. But he is a Master at Fooling, imo.

bibigirl_ ago


carmencita ago

Yeah, wow is right. I think she was on and off about Webb. There are many possibilities here. But no one knows for sure which answer is correct. She could have found him out and was thinking of exposing him or since she was under the Witness Protection Program, possibly they asked her to feed them info on him. She is either in hiding or someone killed her. Like I said, too many answers. And I bet here are more.

ASolo ago

I'm shocked she was hanging with him and went with him. As intelligent as she was I just can't believe she couldn't see he is probably truly mossad and highjacked much of pizzagate. I do believe her death indicates their preferred method.

notagame ago

UpVoat and agree.

I don't know if he had anything to do with it, but it's like getting into bed with AJ. Why? If you're doing legitimate work, stay legitimate and don't get involved with the fringe.

auralsects ago

lol aren't you supposed be the shill-spotter. truepundit is literally a fake news site.

carmencita ago

Somehow I think there is more to this than we know. I don't trust GW and I do trust her. She was way too honest and smart to get taken in by him. Something just doesn't add up. Was she working on something with the White Hats? Working on exposing GW? Either she is being protected or someone took her out.

DerivaUK ago

I’ve just done a repeat post on this as I didn’t see this submission. Had no idea this was Jem777. Didn’t she have to change her handle and back off a while ago because of threats?

think- ago

No, she changed her handle because she was banned from v/pizzagate.

notagame ago

Why was she banned?

Why is Voat giving legitimate posters such a had time? Makes no sense.

DerivaUK ago

I see. Thanks.

Cc1914 ago

She’s been working on the ground and use to be a cop ! She was banned on voat and we all tried to get her back . And yes Are_We_Sure threatened her and some think George Webb killed her . This is insane . She was fearless !

dias17se ago

How is that piece of shit a mod if he threatened her ?

Cc1914 ago

He’s not a mod and nobody is sure now if that was a threat .

Are_we__sure ago

And yes Are_We_Sure threatened her

This is absolutely false .


Didn’t she have to change her handle and back off a while ago because of threats?

No. She changed her handle because she was banned. When she came back, she let everyon know it was her. She did not try even to hide it. JEM came back as MEJ.

She was banned because she kept violating posting rules is the reason that was given.

Cc1914 ago

That’s the rumor , then I guess you have a chance to prove you didn’t threaten her .

Shizy ago

I saw someone yesterday posted a message that JEM had sent to them on voat where she says are we sure threatened her. If I can remember who posted that I can ask them do make a thread....

Are_we__sure ago

That’s the rumor,

Did you ever stop to think about not spreading rumors?

then I guess you have a chance to prove you didn’t threaten her .

Which I can absolutely do. The thread is still public ally up on voat. I asked @vindicator to start a thread where I can respond. I am downvoated and thus not able to start new threads.

darkknight111 ago

Still dodging I see.

You could easily prove your innocence by giving what I've been asking for, an hour by hour account of your whereabouts between 5 pm 8/12/2018 - 5 am 8/14/2018.

You keep ducking us in that regard.

Guess that shows yes indeed you WERE involved in her death. Only the guilty have something to hide. Looks like you're very guilty.


MolochHunter ago

if your posting co-ordinates and decapitation picture were not a veiled death threat, then do kindly explain your motivation for posting said info

darkknight111 ago

Do you regret sending that image of the decapitated corpse and those coordinates to Jem?

Those actions that day are coming back to bite you. Nobody trusts you around here because of your constant defending of Democrat elites.

Due to those images, nobody trusting you, and your silence during the day of her death, a significant chunk of people here now think you were involved in her death.

A claim you could easily disprove by giving an hour by hour account of your whereabouts from 5 pm 8/12/2018-5 am 8/14/2018 (local time zone).

Since you keep dodging the question, it keeps further implicating your involvement in Jem's murder.

Only the guilty have something to hide.

darkknight111 ago

Still not explaining your EXACT whereabouts over the past 37 hours at every hour?

You're dodging the question AGAIN!

If you are truly innocent in her murder, you better fucking explain. Right now!

Your silence regarding those whereabouts is quite telling.

Only the guilty have something to hide.

darkknight111 ago

If you are innocent, you had better fucking explain EXACTLY where you were for the past 36 hours.

With physical evidence to prove you're not lying.

You are on very thin ice around these parts.

Reddit_is_shitty ago

Then Are_We_Sure should be doxxed and targeted, right?

think- ago

Then Are_We_Sure should be doxxed

No, he shouldn't, as much as I hate him - doxxing other users is against the Voat User Agreement, and will anyone who does it get immediately banned.

Please refrain from suggesting people should be doxxed here.

fartyshorts ago

I don't know if he still lives at his old address, but I have the one he posted on Flickr...

Are_we_sure ago

DM me, I'll tell you how close you are.

Pizzalawyer ago

this is ridiculous, sorry you are going thru this.

darkknight111 ago

He's going through it for the following reasons:

  1. That image of a decapited corpse he sent to Jem along with those map coordinates. He better explain his motive for that.

  2. He was eerily silent all day at the date of Jem's murder.

  3. He CONSTANTLY refuses to answer when questioned.

All he has to do is truthfully make an account of his where abouts during the time of the murder. Yet he won't do it. This is making more and more suspiscious.

There's an old saying that "only the guilty have something to hide".

His suspicious behaviour makes me SINCERELY believe AWS had something to do with that murder. He could easily disprove it by coming clean, then I stop permanetely. But he doesn't. Defamation is about INTENTIONAL falsehood.

Are_we_sure ago


I might need your help in helping folks understand what defamation per se is.

And how this falls under it. My state is a per se state.

Per se damages means the plaintiff doesn’t have to prove economic loss or injury because the defamatory statement was inherently harmful.

Under the per se standard, plaintiff can bring civil actions against defendants for making false, injurious claims regarding .....criminality .

darkknight111 ago

Then why do you keep dodging the question?

You could EASILY shake all suspiscion off of you regarding Jem's death by simply coming clean with that account. Yet you don't.

Come clean and all suspiscion goes away. Its that simple.

Do you regret sending that image of a headless corpse in a arch of hysteria pose to her? You haven't answered that question either.

darkknight111 ago

Still dodging the question of your EXACT whereabouts from 5 pm 8/12/2018 - 5 am 8/14/2018. Still refusing to answer.

LAST chance to prove your innocence in Jem's murder and therefore your last chance to prove your claims that those images you sent were not threats.

Only the guilty have something to hide.

@fartyshorts send me that information. Its time to out a murderer.

@Reddit_is_Shitty @Cc1914 @MolochHunter Yep, looks like Are We Sure is infact GUILTY of being involved in Jem777's murder due to his silence on the matter.

Cc1914 ago

Start a Q&A with the title @Jem777/ @Are_We_Sure . He said he would answer questions if you started a new thread . Let’s see what he has to say .

darkknight111 ago

You don't capitulate to the demands of shills. You put them in the hot seat and throw endless hate at them. Make them feel like the unwelcome vermin they are.

If he wants to prove his innocence, then he needs to do it right now, under MY brand of questioning.

He could easily prove his innocence right now. He's been silent.

Only the guilty have something to hide.

He probably doesn't regret sending Jem that image of the decapitated corpse in the Arch of Hysteria pose, because it was INTENDED as a threat (ie AWS is a liar).

Cc1914 ago

I get where your coming from , it’s hard to follow along in that thread so a new one focused solely on these questions would be good IMO . Not caving into AWS demands , just think it would be more powerful with its own thread .

Reddit_is_shitty ago

Post away!

darkknight111 ago

Send it to me privately along with the flickr account.

Vindicator ago

@darkknight111 @Reddit_is_shitty @fartyshorts

Please review the Voat User Agreement (link is at the bottom of every page). Doxxing of Voat users is not acceptable and is grounds for sitewide ban. Depending on what is posted, it can open Voat up to legal action and could jeopardize this forum. You are playing right into Shareblue's hands with this approach.

fartyshorts ago

Don't worry about me, I'm not going to doxx anyone on here.

darkknight111 ago

I'll settle for trying to get the truth out of AWS.

He's being very evasive and silent (and was silent all day when thr news came out) when all he needs to do is come clean. Then the suspiscion around him goes away.

Cc1914 ago

If he’s being accused of murder , I would think so 🤔 I personally don’t know what to think or believe yet .

DerivaUK ago

I thought she was working with Webb?!

Cc1914 ago

She was , but I saw a comment that had 17 upvoats about How GW could have done it . Who knows .. ? 😔 you should watch this video .. everyone should watch it because it shows just what type of person she was .

carmencita ago

Thanks for the video. I am reading this post through my tears. I am finally coming to the realization that she is gone (but not ever forgotten). We have lost a True Patriot here is another video from 5 days ago. She explains why she is at the Manefort Trial and how it all connects to Child Trafficking through a coup by Obama and HRC of Ukraine.

TrishaUK ago

Oh my goodness, how on earth is Jems death going to affect these poor victims? They felt so unsafe and unsure before meeting her? Who are they and who are going to protect them? OMGoodness where are they, if she was not even safe heart is aching for them, whos going to help them right now?.....what can we do???? - this is just so disturbing to listen too not knowing where they are or even who they are............

carmencita ago

Idk. This is all like a Bleeping Dream/Nightmare. Yes, those poor Victims. I wonder if any of them will come out after they hear about Jem. The original Whistle blower Victim, what about him? No answers.

Cc1914 ago

Wow she was really in this deeper than I knew ! What a brave woman ! I wonder who has her “ insurance files “ GW said she never gave him any !? That’s odd to me .

carmencita ago

Odd to me too. I have always been on the fence about him, especially since I didn't follow him, except for a few vids. Too busy. But now I am have thoughts. One thing, is what you just mentioned and how quick he came up with the cause of death and the no tears report. He should be seriously researched.

Cc1914 ago

I followed his Awan videos in the very beginning, but always with a critical eye . He started saying pizzagate was a distraction etc , I knew he was off . He also said people would be getting paid 1k dollars per tweet for exposing this eventually.. 😂 so alarms went off then too . Everyone needs a human savior it seems and it’s hard not to fall into the trap. Even ones who say they are woke follow you tubers who they depend on for accurate info , without doing the work themselves .

carmencita ago

That's what got us into this mess. We believed without verifying. We just trusted them blindly because we didn't believe humans could be that evil and vile to their own. Animals are kinder to their own and to others. I am glad to know that she did not trust her completely, good to know. He acts like she did, and she did not. He also seems like they were much more involved than they were. He should be so lucky. Maybe she was using him to get info to help with her investigating. And he found out. I said maybe, so shills don't bug me.


Cc1914 ago

Wow ! Something is odd . She broke ties with him and let people know evidently?

DerivaUK ago

Thanks so much.

Cc1914 ago



Isn't that the perfect set up?