DeathToMasonsASAP ago

You know what did not get labeled 'possibly disinfo'? Podeta brothers arreested and interned in Gitmo. Marines arrest the CIA at Langley. Trump. All the Trump threads that paint the Rotchschild stooge, pedo Island visiting Jesuit as secretley fighting the cabal, just not in public and no way we can verify, but it is happening!

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Metabunk mods and snopes shills in the comment section. Happy New Year.

think- ago

If you don't read French and don't trust my translation, try google translate or whatever.

Your bitterness and cynicism is getting pathetic.

Vindicator ago

Cat_anon, I'm going to flair this "Debunked", since @think- has shown it to be fake news.

think- ago

Thank you.

Vindicator ago

No, thank you, think-. I fell for this one, myself. I dropped your link on ThomasPaine on Twitter last night afterward, as well.

think- ago

Never mind and thanks for forwarding! :-)

DomKeyhote ago

Disinfo site, so of course MFer deletes

badgoysbadgoys ago

always advertising

undertheshills ago

Such bullshit that they take Bangladesh sex slaves every one knows ypu have to take you sex slaves in war. Anything else is haram

beece ago

I'm only here to lear at the photos...disappointing. Besides, we all know that Talel was arrested as part of an attempted coup that occurred in Las Vegas Oct 1st.

Lordbananafist ago

Luckily the house of saud has self purged and doesn't do that type of shit anymore...

... seriously

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Hahah. Yeah. The Trump disinfo shills were in here to say Trump and the altruistic Saudi prince locked up the bad guys to save the world, and they deserved the torture.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

Hahaha royal elite purging themselves huh? You believe that?

argosciv ago


Pwning4Ever ago

Saudi Arabia takes child rape more serious than sweden.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Yeah, they are serious about rape.

novictim ago

Oh, but its like, ya know, their culture! /s


MolochHunter ago

truepundit can be dodgy. But aside from that, we do know the Clinton Foundation has certain interests in Bangladesh

think- ago

I'm very sorry, @Cat_anon, but she never did that interview with Le Monde.

This has been debunked; I looked at Le Monde's website at the time, couldn't find the original article, but later saw a notice by Le Monde that said they'd never published it. And no, I don't think it was scrubbed.

On the other hand, sadly enough, what 'she' describes in the article you linked, very likely has absolutely been true. This applies to all faction in Saudi Arabia, not only to al Talal and his buddies. And unfortunately, there's no evidence children were saved in the past weeks.

Will try to find Le Monde's notice and edit this comment later, providing a link..

4_InquiringMinds ago


Thank you for being ever vigilant to correct the rumors that circulate. gateway pundit known disinfo. Do they do it just for clicks or to d-legitimize ppl...could be both. If anyone were to use critical thinking skills the princess could not have had an interview like this and still be alive...period. And unless she had a death wish (and torture prior) she would never do such an interview.

think- ago

Yes. While I credit OP for making an honest effort to expose child sex slavery, not knowing that the interview was fake, I don't understand why the mods didn't delete this, since this will certainly discredit us. Maybe they could a second look and read the linked Le Monde notice where it was confirmed that they never published the linked interview.

Thank you. @Vindicator @Millenial_Falcon