darkknight111 ago


A rule breaking submission by a Donkeyhote.

You want your opprutunity to get rid of him and his alts within the rules. You got it. Consider this as repeated violation of submission guidelines by the same person across many alts.

thesickofitall ago

He said 2 and 3 although the link is there and the relevance is clear...FAIL

Vindicator ago

No, Donkey. MF was right -- this is Rule 2 and 3. Rule 3 requires accurate titles, Rule 2 requires links that support all major claims. Both you and the NYT claim True Pundit is fake news, but don't support that claim. Therefore the title claiming TP is fake is equally fake.

think- ago

Thanks for linking to your previous thread, Donkey and to this comment:

[–] DanteKeyhoe -1 points (+1|-2) 2 months ago

Actually there's a vast amount of evidence to prove that being molested is FAR LESS HARMFUL than being raised with no father.




srayzie ago

Here he told @Darkknight111 that he would slit his throat from ear to ear. It's at the bottom.


thesickofitall ago

Lol that's a "pass" on perusing the vast amount of evidence I take it...not much of a reader eh?? Lmao I mean what of value could a father figure possibly provide young people right XDDD

Edit: maybe consider how fatherless kids might be precisely the ones in care of strangers or vagabonding around while their mum works to even be molested in the first place ?

srayzie ago

Oh yeah. I've saved screenshots. He's also said that more American women should be raped.

thesickofitall ago

*white women

Not by niggers tho, it's to make white babies, but keep lying. Soon it will be

GPS..Gps...gp...g...BOOM no more crayzie!

srayzie ago

So are you threatening me now?

thesickofitall ago

LOL ITS WORD FOR WORD THE "THREAT" TO ME YOU JUST POSTED A SCREENSHOT OF FUCKING CUNT! Yes I have a drone with a Roman candle on it! To make your bald patch wider!

srayzie ago

Well he didn't say he would slit your throat ear to ear like a terrrorist. You are dark.

srayzie ago

Omg another alt? 🙄

Oh_Well_ian ago

delete this shit mods


thesickofitall ago

Do you like how all I had to do to get enough CCP to post was comment:

"Wow, put the coffee on !!" <-- hey @2impendingdoom tell me again how important upvoats are, LMAO!

Oh_Well_ian ago

sickening that you would mock a subject like child rape and murder for your own enjoyment

there is a special place in Hell waiting for you

thesickofitall ago

STFU faggot and learn the lesson I am giving you.