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jangles ago

@Camulos you may want to amend your post here ...

Camulos ago

Thanks for the heads up, but I wont amend anything. I don't believe what we're being told is the truth. I don't believe this Jem/Mej user is who people are saying they were and I don't believe this user has or ever had voats best interests in mind or any community within voat for that matter. I do believe this user had control - or was part of a team that had/has control of this army of bots that's been spamming voat for a long time. I also believe this Mej/Jem user is a part of a much larger disinformation campaign that's been raging for well over a year and this campaign has done irreparable damage to the Pizzagate community so much so that I honestly believe they were wholly successful in spreading their disinformation to the degree that much of what the pizzagate community believes as complete fact is actually manufactured specifically to mislead and in many cases completely made up.

think- ago

Thanks for the heads up, but I wont amend anything. I don't believe what we're being told is the truth. I don't believe this Jem/Mej user is who people are saying they were and I don't believe this user has or ever had voats best interests in mind or any community within voat for that matter.

Excellent comment, thank you. I wish people here wouldn't be so gullible re Jem777.

I also don't trust the story about an allegedly male victim of Bill Clinton.

RIPJem ago

You and many others here on Voat are dead wrong about JEM.

Why are all of the mods and their crews piling on with such hate and disinformation about a Voat user who was just murdered?

We know JEM in real life.

Those are her initials.

She is a great person who truly cares about others, particularly victims and children.

JEM is MEJ, and is Jen Moore in real life. We Are Sure.

She was threatened by Are We Sure and many others here on Voat.

She was assaulted in real life and could barely walk.

She partnered with George Webb Sweigart because he was one of the few people close to the Truth with a following on YouTube.

George Sweigart is so far ahead of anyone else except for Q, Thomas Paine, and a very small group of other investigators.

None of them see eye to eye, and none of them are revealing the real Truth. They are all holding back something.

She wanted to sway him to reveal the real Truth and join the Good side. She kept trying until her very last day.

George Webb Sweigart is not a Trustworthy person like JEM.

George is associated with many bad people including known con artists and liars. George plays all sides.

He was her friend however and she is really dead. She was murdered. This is not a hoax.

Both George and JEM were very close to different angles of the Truth. Neither knew everything, but only one of them was Trustworthy.

George did not commit murder yet is not wholly innocent. George knows much more than he is telling.

JEM believes in the real Jesus Christ. JEM knows about the secret societies and partnerships involved.

JEM was correct about a lot of her research, and was subsequently attacked on Voat for that as many others have been.

Anyone that gets close to the Truth is attacked on Voat from all sides by evil doers and tricksters.

JEM left Voat to stop fighting with fools, agents, shills and fakes, and took her research to the street.

The mods cannot be trusted on Voat - and you are one of them @think-.

We trust ZERO mods on here, and you are partially responsible for JEM's murder.

@Vindicator is Evil and corrupt. @think- is Evil and corrupt. @srayzie is Evil and corrupt. There are more.

We do not trust @putitout either.

This is much deeper and darker than anyone realizes.

That much Q is right about. Q knows much more.

JEM was murdered for knowing The Truth and she is not the first nor the last.

She was a victim. She met with other victims and was a fearless investigator.

So many of you are here to purposely attack real victims and real whistleblowers.

So many of you are misinformed about JEM, or are Evil and corrupt and spreading false information.

Look back to her research. She was getting too close. We Are Sure.

JEM knows The Truth.

srayzie ago

I had suspicions way before Jem left Voat. I talked to her a lot. I would take screenshots of our conversations. We remained “friends” by staying in touch thru private messages on Twitter. I kept those screenshots too. Why? Because I knew she was disinfo and I wanted to keep track of her. I’ve caught her in many lies. She always wanted to feel important. She would exaggerate everything.

You don’t find it suspect that she stood up for George Webb from the very beginning? She knew him ALL ALONG. She leaves California, and right away I find out that she’s staying with George Webb. She spent every day of her life traveling with George Webb. A stranger? Bullshit.

Look back at comments. She was very protective of him. Who do you think is letting George Webb survive? He researches and calls out all the bad characters in Washington, on LIVE video. He would have been silence long ago. He was allowed to continue. He’s even said he was Mossad. He had a drinking problem and would say things and then regret it.

I’ve caught them in a lies because she would tell me one story that I knew was bullshit, not knowing that George Webb was going to talk about it on video. That made me confront her. I don’t want to put myself in danger by saying too much either.

I’ve been debating for a couple of days on whether I should share some of this. I don’t want to disrespect the dead. But I can promise you, YOU ARE WRONG. If this is Sara, I’ve got things she’s said about you too and what her agenda was in regards to you. I’ve often wondered if you worked together SARA.

I have tons of info on “Sara” because she was my stalker with tons of accounts here, on Twitter, youtube, and more. I have a long list of that too. I kept screenshots from our conversations when it was happening. I set out to investigate them both. I blocked her several times. Jem told me that Sarah was the smartest researcher here. Sara is many of the names on that shill list! Jem and Sarah talked EVERY DAY. After Jem found out that I was getting really suspicious, she told me that Sara is dangerous and to not talk to her anymore.

Before you go run your mouth with some new account, acting like you know everything, you better know your facts. You say us mods can’t be trusted. I can back my words up. Can you? You say us mods can’t be trusted because @Vindicator banned her. I wasn’t even a mod at the time and I KNEW she was giving disinfo. Vindicator was doing his job.

We aren’t shady. Users who get mad need someone to blame. Some NEW profile making a post glorifying Jem, tried to make people distrust the mods, and even Voat, with NOTHING TO BACK UP THEIR CLAIMS, is very suspect to me.

@Think- @Putitout @Crensch @Shizy - Vindicator is pinged in the message.

seekingpeace ago

As someone who had many disagreements with Jem777 (mostly re GW and her lack of evidence or dubious sources), I agree with your assessment of the situation.

She seemed to be in control of an online "army" for want of a better word and they harassed people. This same 'army' posted positive comments on the "American Hero's" Youtube channel.

Imho, the combination of alcohol and pain killers contributed to her paranoia and possibly her ultimate death. Spending all that time with GW no doubt contributed to her paranoia and fed her conspiratorial fantasies.

I don't believe she has any credible evidence although I do think in her mind she was doing the right thing, whatever that may be...

R.I.P Jenny

srayzie ago

She wasn’t the one that was drinking and on pain killers. She tried to avoid pills. She would have a drink but the alcoholic was George. I have gathered a bunch of screenshots and have been organizing them. It would open people’s eyes. I have been struggling on what I should do because I don’t want to disrespect the dead. But, people shouldn’t make her a martyr and trust everything she has said,

seekingpeace ago

Your instincts told you to screenshot the conversations for a reason. I understand your hesitation but you really have to post them now. Let people make up their own mind...

She always argued that those who opposed her and GW were "on the wrong side of history." I think Voat/pizzagate contributors need to know the truth.

"Sunlight is the best disinfectant."

srayzie ago

Yeah. Maybe I will today. The whole Voat community is going to hate me now tho.

seekingpeace ago

The only people that will "hate" you are the people that don't want the conversations to see the light... The discerning members of the community will make up their own mind. Although, I do understand your hesitation.

srayzie ago

Yeah. I get you

Vindicator ago

Thanks for giving your perspective, srayzie. A few links supporting it would probably be good.

Speaking of which, here is the thread that led to Jem777's final ban on v/pizzagate. Our former [O] @VictorSteinerDavion tried to help her get her post in order and she refused. This was the very last problem post, but there were several of them, and she refused accept the submission requirements. Instead, she recruited various different users to try to get her reinstated.

Plan1988 ago

Within the last two days I have viewed inter-changes.

I can clearly see why @Vindicator banned her. And I became glad that

he? she? was faithful to do the job. Actually I have viewed this

subverse since 12-2016 and have felt that @Vindicator showed quite a

lot of mercy. I followed her when she commented about the poposed DC rally when

when David Seaman and others spoke. She helped me through it and I think

I, in turn, was able to help a few othets.

Vindicator ago

Thanks for the kind words, Plan. I remember that shitstorm. Largely organic, though that wasn't clear at the time.

I don't think it was a manipulated one like this one we're in now, though. Do you suppose it has anything to do with the fact that Q is posting the Podesta Art swimming pool pics as we speak? Nah...that's just a coincidence.

Plan1988 ago

Thank You for your comment. That was manipulated only by a few voaters I think. I felt uncomfortable with the people that were guilt tripping and pressing me to go.

So many sincere pizzagaters back then.

As of this Jen matter. I follow Q. He wrote the previews are over so this is a heavy week.

I think adversary is trying TO DISTRACT us this week. Q writes (last week) next week

and Jen is found dead over the weekend. I do not think the Podesta matter solely kicked this off.

oh no when will the murders stop? Thinking about prior fatalities etc. Researched nothing but Jen death for two and 1/2 days. Pretty much

Ignored everything and DID NOT concentrate on the impt. Q and Qanon posts.

Vindicator ago

Researched nothing but Jen death for two and 1/2 days. Pretty much Ignored everything and DID NOT concentrate on the impt. Q and Qanon posts.


I've got business related house guests -- and had to explain why I was stuck on this computer all day. Blessing in disguise, because now three IT execs have been redpilled about Q and pizzagate. I read them aloud some of the stuff from the board and explained what was going on. They were amazed. Seeing disinfo in action is VERY convincing. Funny how things work out. :-)

Plan1988 ago

Things "working for the good." Really good news and relieving.

Getting up and happy again.


Vindicator ago

Where there is evil, Grace abounds all the more. ;-)

Plan1988 ago

Yes. So impt! 🌻

Plan1988 ago

🌻Thank you for your work #Srayzie. This piece helped me more

understand the situation. I did not kbow or follow Jem. But I did a voat

search on her that helped.🌻

srayzie ago

Thank you. This person is accusing us of being evil when they don’t know the story. 🌸

think- ago

Oh, I think they know the story only too well in fact.

RIPJem ago

We are in the story.

We know Jenny in real life.

We know George in real life.

We know many players involved in real life.

Life is not a series of coincidences.

Those who know the Truth are in extreme danger.

You and Vindicator and other mods cannot be Trusted and are partially responsible for Jem's murder.

Jem is not the only one who was threatened.

Jem is not the only one who was murdered.

You are Evil.

You lie. You cheat. You deceive.

JEM is a Good Person.

JEM knows the Truth.

So many of you are slandering her and attacking the victim.

Who does that?


Crensch ago

We are in the story.

We know Jenny in real life.

We know George in real life.

We know many players involved in real life.


That's not suspicious at all.

You and Vindicator and other mods cannot be Trusted and are partially responsible for Jem's murder.

Happy to take all of that blame, here. Disinfo shills for pizzagate aren't human.

Jem is not the only one who was murdered.

Oh, good.

You lie. You cheat. You deceive.

Your sources for these claims are AMAZING... err... where are your sources?

JEM is a Good Person.

Is? Suspicious.

Good? Kek.

JEM knows the Truth.

Knows? Suspicious.

Truth? I bet - you have to know what's real to know what to guide people away from as a disinfo shill.

So many of you are slandering her and attacking the victim.

Attacking an evil scumbag that would try to throw people off the trail of child rapists. I'll do that all day long, even if they're dead.

Who does that?

I do.


You'll find out very soon what EVIL really means.

@Vindicator @srayzie @think- @Shizy

think- ago

LOL. Strangely, the guy sounds exactly like Jem777. A ghost?! ;-)

Crensch ago

I never knew Jem777; not that I would remember one user that posted horseshit from the next.

RIPJem ago


Why do you think JEM left Voat?

Jenny did more to help victims of human trafficking than you ever will.

Jenny exposed more corruption and abuse involving top officials than you ever will.

Why are you making more thinly veiled death threats if there is nothing for you and the others involved to hide?

Why did you slander, attack and threaten JEM before you banned her and drove her away?

Why are you slandering and attacking her again now after she was murdered for knowing the Truth?

Is Voat CONTROLLED BY EVIL? Reddit is. Coincidence?

Now you are threatening others who know her in real life.

Do all of the other mods support your thinly veiled death threats?

Who does that?


nottfadeaway ago

You’re @Wisconsin_is_Corrupt, aren’t you?

Agenda 21.

Shizy ago

Oh calm down cuckoo, no one is threatening you! You sound just like my good buddy @speaksoft ! He's an utter nutter too!

Crensch ago

Why do you think JEM left Voat?

Her disinfo wasn't working, and she got banned from PG for running afoul of the rules consistently.

Jenny did more to help victims of human trafficking than you ever will.

No, she didn't.

Jenny exposed more corruption and abuse involving top officials than you ever will.

No, she didn't.

Why are you making more thinly veiled death threats if there is nothing for you and the others involved to hide?

Who said I was hiding anything? Your kind are teetering on the edge of a cliff, and you don't even see it. If things don't get much better, very quickly, you'll find out exactly what I mean.

Why did you slander, attack and threaten JEM before you banned her and drove her away?

I wish I had. I didn't know this person, but I can see the evidence of her being a disinfo shill. She deserves all the bad things that happened to her.

Why are you slandering and attacking her again now after she was murdered for knowing the Truth?

Because, if she did know the truth, she tried to hide it from others.

Is Voat CONTROLLED BY EVIL? Reddit is. Coincidence?

What a stupid thought process. Are you a nigger, RIPJem? Maybe a Jew that fancies himself smarter than a nigger? (hint: you're not)

Now you are threatening others who know her in real life.

I'm warning you of what's to come. Disinfo shills will be lumped in with the pedos. You think your lives have meaning?

Do all of the other mods support your thinly veiled death threats?

I don't really care what they support. I do what I was brought on to do, and will continue to do so. My opinions and words do not change that fact.

Who does that?

I do.


You'll be locked up with EVIL, very soon... or die alongside them.

Vindicator ago

LOL. I think it's a bot trying to do hypnosis. Total fail.

Shizy ago

I'm not so sure it's a fail.... I get pretty darn sleepy after I start to read their crap!

think- ago


Crensch ago

Please feel free to dump the heat right at my feet; I'll very happily be the target of their ire.

Vindicator ago

Thank you, Crensch.

Pretend I added a cool gif of Eastwood from Gran Torino. Too tired to go find one.