darkknight111 ago

Keep the good fight going. In a pinch, I've got encrypted "accounts".

Vindicator ago

@Mej777, I see what you are doing here, and shills have been at the same exact way for a year now. We have very clear rules that require supporting links for all major claims. You've already had one account banned for holding yourself above the community-establish submission standards for v/pizzagate. We have a sub for unsourced submissions, yet you continue to post here making wild unsourced claims, which you KNOW will get your post removed and if you do it enough, this account banned, too.

This behavior is very telling. You are trying to undermine mods. Knock yourself out, sister. I am more than happy to ban you if you want me to.

Removing per Rules 2 and 3.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Wow... this is incredible. I've been following/active for a long time, but, took a very long break and followed GWS extensively while doing some deep dives of my own.

@Mej777 - Assuming everything of what you said is true, which, I personally believe 100% based on some surrounding meta data - Thank you. And sorry that is all happening, but, thank you! If there's anything I can do to help out, let me know.

@Vindicator - Thank you too... once again

I always said that if/when the PG research looped back around to the GWS research, this would be the ultimate crack in the dam. There is too much data on each side. Like the left/right of a dam slowly forming cracks and then meeting in the middle.

Thank you so much, glad to be a contributor TF!


thingsudontknow ago

These guys are CIA & and I wouldn't be messing around if I were you. They are masters of gaslighting and mindfuckery. You can be sure they know everything about you and have you under surveillance. They have technology we don't even know about, I know this without a doubt but can never prove it. That's part of gaslighting.

IpointOutTrolls ago

Preach On. Live On. Fight On. Will get my contact info to you when time right.

Agent BIGLY17 reporting in to appear to be a secret "contact info" person when "time right." I used to watch you do this exact same thing on twitter.

Piscina ago

@Vindicator There is no reason to ban someone who's offered more in this investigation than most. Your actions say more about you than they do about Jem777. It doesn't make sense, unless you are what they say you are. Man up and reinstate account of @Jem777

Vindicator ago

We are required to ban accounts that flout the rules. Jem777 repeatedly posted on v/pizzagate without providing evidence to support claims, even though we have a separate sub for speculative, unsourced posts. I warned her repeatedly. She thinks she is above the rules. This post is another example of ignoring the rules, which I also have to delete, as @VictorfSteinerDavion @Crensch or @Kevdude will explain.

srayzie ago

I saw George Webb's video. Were you with him? 😮

IpointOutTrolls ago

Brought Agent JumpingJacks member for 13 minutes with you for protection too. :)


dooob ago

Post this in v/ProtectVoat

IpointOutTrolls ago

Post this in v/ProtectVoat

Legit problems do not get a hearing there. This larp would sink like a rock.

zeroinstinct ago

Your problem here is you went directly to the delusion, These half wits, I mean woke af-wits need a lead to follow.

My suggestion is you start on 4 chan and call yourself Z. Then slowly build up your story. All these larpers start with real names and places, resist that and start with a time machine. Hillary or Bill, it doesn't matter, are or is stealing children from different time zones, specifically choosing the children who were about to be lost in wars through out history. It seems a boring cliche story, but here is the kicker, they're feeding those stolen children to the vampire Obama, whose power lights the ping pong and Besta swirls.

new4now ago

Stay Safe Jem

JumpingJacks ago

@Vindicator it's time to remove the ban against @Jem777 It's unfair to allow trolls to stay and ban the ones that actually do their own research.

Vindicator ago

JumpingJacks, being a troll or a researcher has nothing to do with it. People are banned for one reason, and one only: repeated disregard for the v/pizzagate submission rules, or Voat's User Agreement. Jem/Mej believes she is above these rules, and can cause hatred of mods for enforcing them by purposely posting here without sourced links, which all are required to do. She has been asked repeatedly to keep posts filled with unsourced claims in v/pizzagatewhatever, and she refuses.

Arrvee ago

If you filed lawsuits, you can refer to the court case numbers. Can you post copies of your claims somewhere?

Mej777 ago

The court cases are filed. The information is out there. Everyone can research the links very easy to find.

Arrvee ago

So the answer is no, there are no court cases.

Vindicator ago


dtneslo ago

FWIW Here is the video from today with George Webb at Comet Ping Pon et al fwiw https://youtu.be/KiugC7HgkdI

Gothamgirl ago

Sorry you have to deal with that. I have certainly followed all of your posts here.

IpointOutTrolls ago

At the same time I and another whistleblower whose life has been under threat filed lawsuits against the Podesta Group, Clinton Foundation, FBI Brass, Fusion GPS, Pakistan Awan Brothers Spy Ring, and others.

Still larping on that George Webb fascination pretending to be a super secret inside whistleblower whose life is being threatened huh...I'm not sure why that is fun, but I know for a fact that it is BS.

Mej777 ago

You know nothing......

IpointOutTrolls ago

I figured it out by looking at your Twitter. Pretending to be passing and receiving secret information. Considering your fascination with Webb it would not surprise me if you went and toured Webb's work and took pictures.

What is BS is that you have super secret information from being an insider that is causing your life to be threatened. That is BS.

Mej777 ago

Really.....what would prove it the police report, the victim/witness paperwork, a letter from Devin Nunes, a picture of my dead fiancé in his casket.....is any of that helpful to you....

IpointOutTrolls ago

You did not come here today to provide useful information. You came here to be a victim. Your style is to pretend to have secret information by using riddles and questions, as if the information is so secret that you cannot tell it. This you hope leaves your audience with the impression that you are an important insider. It also shields you from having to provide information that can easily be verified as not being secret.

Mej777 ago

I have provided names and locations of some of the secretest locations and involved parties. I am not a victim I am a fighter and a survivor.....so fuck off drive yourself to DC and confront FBI & Alefantis....then talk to me.

BIGLY17 ago

Preach On. Live On. Fight On. Will get my contact info to you when time right.

derram ago

https://archive.fo/BJ0WA :

JM on Twitter: "What is happening here? t.co/ihjJ6kfttb"

This has been an automated message.