darkknight111 ago

Given that @are_we_sure sent Jem an image of a decapitated Jeffery Dahmer victim in the same Arch of Hysteria pose as in Pedosta's art collection and now Jem777 is dead, he had better explain himself. He was eerily silent on the day of her death and refuses to come clean.

Okay AWS, you better come clean right now and answer every single question if you want the suspiscion around you to go away, because a significant amount of people in this board think you had some involvement in her death.

  1. Do you regret sending Jem that corpse picture, because now that act is coming back to haunt you?

  2. Why the suspiscious silence on the day of her death (8/13/2018).

  3. We want an hour by hour account of your whereabouts from 5 pm 8/12/2018 to 5 am 8/14/2018.

Only the guilty have something to hide, so why keep dodging the questions instead of coming clean on day 1? You've been hiding something for several days now.

Shizy ago

I'm still left questioning how we really know that Jenny Moore was JEM777? Is it because some people here communicated with her and knew her true identity?

Also, how to we know for sure that Jenny Moore is deceased? The sources reporting this seem sketchy and questionable. I began to suspect something wasn't right when I tried to find anything in a local new report regarding a body being discovered at the hotel where she reportedly died. There is nothing. No reports in local news that I can find. Either that area is such a crap hole that a woman being found dead in a motel room is no biggie, or it didn't happen. I'm not sure what to think about this one.

think- ago

Yep, so true, @Shizy. The initial sources were George Webb and TruePundit, whom I never trusted. TruePundit has posted disinfo before (the famous 'interview with a Saudi princess with Le Monde' that never was conducted, it was fake).

Also, how to we know for sure that Jenny Moore is deceased?

@Shizy: Maybe fancy doing a post about your thoughts? But expect a lot of flak....

And George Webb is a limited hangout imo.

Shizy ago

Aww man, why would you want to do that to me! I'll be swarmed! Actually, I don't mind, I just don't think I know enough of the backgroind on JEM to do a thorough job.

think- ago

Aww man, why would you want to do that to me!


I just don't think I know enough of the backgroind on JEM to do a thorough job.

Idk - maybe srayzie could help? She was in touch with Jem777 when she was a regular user here. But that would of course put both of you in the spotlight, so not sure whether it's really a brilliant idea.

If you plan to do a post like this at some point, I would strongly recommend to send a draft to Vindicator and me before actually submitting the post - but I will leave all this totally up to you.

new4now ago

so true, ME will claim backups delay, Tom Clancy didnt have an autopsy for 5 dys

enough time for certain poisons to fade out

Good news is that Maryland State laws say autopsy are public info, so time will tell

the whole story seems to come from 3/4 people, news wise, George and the guy he was with, Thomas Paine whoever he is and Robyn Gritz

others here have claim to know, but who are they really

shoot, I dont even know you Shizy, few things, but nothing that would be concrete, just little things lol

maybe there was a dead women, was it Jem?

this is one hell of a who done it and with what and the biggie, was there even a crime

never had this problem with Clue :)

Shizy ago

Yes you're exactly right! We are getting information from very limited sources. We also don't know each other here like you said, so who is to say what we can honestly know for sure.

new4now ago

cant even count on an autopsy report, they have had their troubles in Maryland

saw where it was Robyn who got ahold of the family, have it somewhere

was surfing and just saving

George and Robyn have multiple twitter accounts, saw that also

I have a few things in my saves, trying to get a picture what just happened

its been said she traveled cross country with Webb

Robyn and her London Center have addresses in Chicago, NY and DC

Racine would be less than an hour from Chicago, maybe a lot less

I just going for as much as I can find, I tend to go off the beaten path sometimes

think Jenny's back story might have been a surprise for some, but it was a start for me

I just cant help but get a spooky vibe from all this

Robyn has the most background on the web, she's been involved with a lot of stuff, stuff that is playing out now

will see, research and watch, that's what I gonna do :)

Blacksmith21 ago

@new4now: This is an old post of mine. Relevant to SSA Gritz:


new4now ago

Robyn was interesting when I first checked into it

by any chance is she related to Bo Gritz?

thought I saw somewhere George Webb had asked her that, but dont know what answer was given or where I saw it

I saw she was over in the middle east

the turn of events have me questioning quite a few things

when I get home was going to dig some more

Thanks for link, funny I never thought of FBI working out of country

Things sure are getting interesting

want to still look into that London Center

that Woolsey is tied in with Cheney and Rothschild

one was in intelligence, Shaffer, DuBois is a former Seal

her linkin page says shes a fellow with this group, but I dont see Robyn's name

the mystery gets bigger

thanks again

Blacksmith21 ago

I tore Al Gore's internet up when I wrote that post. I could find nothing indicating she is related to Bo Gritz.

new4now ago

you should check out Robyns linkin

she was sent to Germany for some schooling , Nato?

new4now ago

did you know Robyn worked as a Juvenile Probation Officer in Camden Vicinage in New Jersey 94 to 97?

97 was when she started working FBI

I hate working on my phone lol

new4now ago

I know he had 4 kids, thats as far as I got

it just might be a miss, just thought you may have come across that

Al Gore, he sure got rich over what he was preaching

they all make me ill, hope he on the arrest list

new4now ago

I was wrong, Jem may have been in wrong hands when she was on here


scroll down till you see Camulos

WOW, I foolish, but will keep looking at this center and Robyn


Plan1988 ago

**** copy to @srayzie @Vindicator

darkknight111 ago


Found this. Jem said that if she were ever killed, then the culprit is most likely either corrupt California law enforcement or the FBI.

new4now ago

I seriously wonder just what she got herself into

will dig when I get home

new4now ago

they might like to have this link darkknight

Vindicator or srayzie

new4now ago

sry look for srazie comments

new4now ago

thinking I wrong after reading this


comments important

carmencita ago

The deputy director’s testimony provided some of the strongest evidence in the case of possible retaliation, because he admitted the FBI opened an internal investigation into Gritz’s personal conduct after learning the agent “had filed or intended to file” a sex discrimination complaint against her supervisors.

If Flynn supported Robyn in her accusations against her abusers, well then he would keep in touch with her in some way, imo. Also Jem has said that Flynn followed her on Twitter. So possibly he is pulling some strings behind the scenes. Getting Jem to safety. I am hoping. This is an amazing bit of news.

new4now ago

we must look at everything

hmm Flynn was following her, interesting

I was hoping not to have to go through all my stuff to find what Jem had all said, I just might have to LOL

carmencita ago

I know how you feel, I have had to do that many times. Yes, She not only had it on her Twitter, she told me a couple of times in comments, I believe. This cold is making mind fuzzy.

darkknight111 ago

My bad regarding the brain hemmorge. Sorry, just sending what I've been hearing. Guess this rules out that neurologic weapon 8 chan was talking about when trying to help look into her death and menthanol beinf slipped into a drink.

In my honest opinion, I suspect Jen's death was caused by poison. That would explain the seizures without the external injuries. Been looking into possible compounds that could do this. Found fentyal and champor compounds are plausible.

Pizzalawyer ago

I wonder if the preliminary diagnosis of a seizure was based upon some outright evidence like a bitten tongue. An aquaintance of mine died from her one and only known grand mal seizure in which she had bit her tongue to the point of causing some blood around mouth. It was assumed she had a pre-seizure aura because she had used her lipstick to scrawl a cross on the bathroom wall where she was found. She was otherwise healthy. Can you imagine the relentless stress Jen must have been suffering, feeling like she was hounded and hunted. Fentynal could lead to a speedy death but doesnt necessarily cause a seizure, just a shutting down of heart rate and respiration. We will just have to wait.

new4now ago

she just may be dead

I just pointing out she may be alive

carmencita ago

There are things pointing in both directions. I agree she may have passed, but all things must be looked at.

new4now ago

Fellow at the London Center

Anthony Shaffer (born 1962) is a retired U.S. Army Reserve Lieutenant Colonel who gained fame for his claims about mishandled intelligence before the September 11 attacks and for the censoring of his book, Operation Dark Heart. He is currently Senior Fellow for the London Center for Policy Research.



Zorrilla ago

Do you think the London Center represents "The Good Guys" in the high levels of military and law enforcement? It would be nice to know if there was a network within the US gov't that was actually on our side.

new4now ago

I just looked up 2 of them, Intelligence Officer and ex Seal

its a good start

Zorrilla ago

I've been looking through them as well. Some look good, some look a bit creepy/suspicious, and some look like neocon Bush supporters. I'm not quite sure what to think.

new4now ago

might there have been people who worked with Bush who didn't like what they saw?

idk, I just sharing what I found

Zorrilla ago

Possibly, I'm not drawing any conclusions yet - just trying to figure out what the London Center is all about and what their objectives may be.

new4now ago

Good, you can help me look into it :)

Zorrilla ago

This is interesting: https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-james-woolsey-mueller-mar-a-lago-2017-11?r=US&IR=T&IR=T Woolsey is a London Fellow, and was appointed as CIA Director by Clinton. It looks like he stabbed Flynn in the back over him trying to get terror-cult leader Gulen out of the US.

new4now ago

maybe it was part of the plan

So we know one of the Fellows has talked with Trump, that's good in my book

Zorrilla ago

Do you know about Gulen? This is what Flynn was trying to stop when Woolsey reported him to Mueller: http://archive.is/xmok2

Zorrilla ago

I'm getting a bit suspicious the more I look at the London Fellows. There are a lot of CIA types, Israelis, big banking types, Georgetown graduates, CNN/CNBC contributors, etc. - mostly people who seem to be reinforcing the status quo. It may be a CIA front.

new4now ago

yes, these people could go different ways

guess I better start digging in :)

Zorrilla ago

The more I read the more confused I am. I don't know what The London Center is doing, or why all those people are Fellows. It's such a mixed bag.

new4now ago

with the Fellows bit, it must be a non profit

it is

London Center for Policy Research is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. Contributions are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. ©2017


Zorrilla ago

I think this might actually be important. If you read the Woolsey article carefully it looks like he may have been a CIA asset planted in the Trump administration. "The Washington Post reported at the time that Woolsey became uncomfortable after he was cut out of intelligence talks between Trump and Flynn and that he was taken aback by Trump's plans to restructure the CIA."

Gulen's activities in the US are probably CIA-backed. Both Flynn and Flynn Jr. were working to get Gulen out of the US. They have also been the only people on the Trump team to talk about PIzzagate related matters. This all makes me very suspicious of the London Fellows.

new4now ago

just realized Robyn not on this list

her linkin page says yes

has the team changed?

Zorrilla ago

Looks like it has changed. What was Robyn doing with them I wonder?

new4now ago

Alan West is an interesting fellow


new4now ago

ok, dug a bit, and you sound very right

he is hooked into the Rothschilds

Woolsey currently sits on the Strategic Advisory Board for Genie Energy with Dick Cheney, Rupert Murdoch, and Lord Jacob Rothschild. Genie is known for discovering a "massive" oil strata in Syrias Golan Heights near Israel


interesting...will look more

all these guys seem ex something

THANKS, interesting indeed

Woolsey is an advisor at the Gatestone Institute

The Gatestone Institute (formerly Stonegate Institute and Hudson New York) is a right-wing[2][3][4] anti-Muslim[a] think tank that publishes articles, particularly pertaining to Islam and the Middle East. The organization has attracted attention for publishing false articles and being a source of viral falsehoods


Zorrilla ago

Good finds. What we don't know is if Woolsey is representative of The London Center or just happened to be there. When the CIA is involved in something, things can get very confusing because they tend to add layers of falsity with things that lead to nowhere to keep people from figuring things out.

new4now ago

did you see the news on Jem?

I gave you the link, might explain why we are finding what we are

should be in your comment replies

keep looking though, I will this Center might be trouble

Shizy ago

Thanks for the info! Now I hope Robyn stays safe and is well protected.

new4now ago

just saying its a possible

Eggs-Vs-Bacon ago

Oh man, I had no idea about her connection to Flynn and McCabe. Great stuff.

new4now ago

its a thought

did you see all the Fellows in uniform at The London Center?

Eggs-Vs-Bacon ago

Yes I see that, only a handful of familiar names there.

new4now ago


scroll down to Camulos, Jem is a bad guy

check comments in this post what Zorilla and I found

geez was I wrong, now I wonder about Flynn and Co

new4now ago

didn't Trump bring in retired military?

I have to look up these guys as soon as I get a chance to sit down and dig

new4now ago

sorry no question mark in title

had so much trouble trying to post on laptop, went to phone

had trouble with banned domains

when I took linkin off laptop post, it still banned

went to phone, did it all over, took off linkin and it went through

was frustrated, never double checked Title Sorry