Blacksmith21 ago

Theory (summary):

  • Flynn intentionally gets caught in "lying to the FBI"
  • The media goes ballistic (ABC, Behar, Rose, etc.) and winds up with egg on their face. Again.
  • The libs go wild and start chanting in unison. Now Flynn is their great white hope to "dethrone" Trump.
  • Libs and MSM go wild at the thought of LTG Flynn testifying to a Senate committee - Judiciary, I would guess (versus Intel)
  • With grim face, LTG Flynn goes to the Hill to testify on "any and all crimes he observed"
  • Flynn gets on the stand and says "well, I never observed any crimes being broken by Trump and team, but I did happen to stumble upon this...."
  • Flynn testifies as to what he knows. Everything.
  • By this point, all of the sealed indictments are fully filed and ready to execute. Possibly as LTG Flynn's testimony is ongoing.
  • The hearings will be covered live by every MSM outlet hoping to scoop the story.

I know this sounds like a pipe dream, but follow my logic. Flynn, Trump, and team know EVERYTHING. I mean EVERYTHING. They saw the life insurance files. They've seen the videos from Orgy Island. They've seen the rotten core of the DS.

My belief is that this is all part of the plan. I do not believe for a moment that Trump/Flynn and co are doing anything less than executing a plan brilliantly. Time will tell.

Verite1 ago

I just searched for video of Flynn leaving the courthouse he’s definitely not wearing red shoes they are brown.

Verite1 ago

How can we get this post back to the front page and it’s obvious it’s been slid down. Everybody needs to be sharing this information. The Liberals are so fucking self righteous an arrogant they think they know what’s going on

Verite1 ago

Wow he was wearing red shoes? No fucking shit. Oh my god this is crazy

Blacksmith21 ago

My guess is that was a finger in the eye to the Deep State Lucifarians.

Blacksmith21 ago

The chickenheads apparently were going nuts on daytime.

Dressage2 ago

Here is another thought for you I just read on 8chan. Q said the “Future is the Past.” Flynn is going to TESTIFY about the past Obama administration.

Blacksmith21 ago

He always said he wanted to testify. He's taking a bullet. I believe this whole thing is very carefully planned out.

Vindicator ago


Are_we_sure ago

Flynn pleaded guilty to a crime and agreed to cooperate against others in the Trump campaign/adminstration. How does what you wrote factor into that?

migratorypatterns ago

This has nothing to do with human trafficking, Levinson, or Iran. This has to do with the POTUS' balls in a Cuisinart. That's what this has to do with. Flynn isn't going to get up and testify and extemporaneously give a list of the Pedo elites. He's going to testify that:

President Donald Trump and Trump transition officials directed him to make contact with Russians during Trump's 2016 presidential campaign.

That's everything the dems were trying to prove. That's their case! By Flynn testifying that Trump directed him DURNG THE 2016 CAMPAIGN, Trump is toast!!! There is no other testimony that he needs to put forth, and the POS Mueller certainly isn't going to ask about Iran.

Flynn to testify that Trump directed him to make contact with Russians: Report

  • Former National Security Advisor Gen. Michael Flynn is reportedly willing to testify that President Donald Trump and Trump transition officials directed him to make contact with Russians during Trump's 2016 presidential campaign.
  • Flynn has pleaded guilty to making false statements to the FBI, a felony that is believed to be part of a deal to cooperate with Special Counsel Robert Mueller.
  • Trump has vehemently denied that he ever had anything to do with Russia.

Hortance ago

BTW---Flynn got APPROVAL from the Obama White House to talk to the Russians, as well. Therefore, the discussions? STILL LEGAL. Flynn is ONLY in trouble for what he said or didn't say about them to the FBI.

Biggest "tell"? He's up on charges of "Lying to FBI". NOT charged for the act of talking to the Russians.

Tallest_Skil ago

Reminder that this account is owned by a self-admitted jew, paid to shill a narrative.

Hortance ago

Sorry. Flynn's discussions with the Russian Ambassador were LEGAL. LEGAL. Flynn got a "process" charge....asked questions over and over...any inconsistency is called a lie. Or maybe he just didn't admit he had the talks w/ the Russians....or he forgot....So, he gets a "Lying to FBI" charge for "lying", NOT for having the discussions. Key point? The discussions he had with the Russians were LEGAL. Therefore, Trump's directive--if there was one---to have the talks? LEGAL as well.

I'm sure this info will relieve your worries about your President. He's legit.

Vindicator ago

Not only that, but The Kenyan's administration illegally unmasked G. Flynn's communications, based on FISA warrants obtained using the phony piss dossier paid for by Podesta, if I understand this mess correctly.

Are_we_sure ago

ABC News has now "clarified" their report. So I would hold off on using that.

But Flynn is cooperating and he's getting a sweet deal to do so. That means there's some bigger Fish than Flynn they are after.

Who could that be?

Pence Don Jr. Kusher POTUS

Who else is a bigger target than Flynn?

Dressage2 ago

The entire fucking Obama admin including Barry himself.

think- ago

Great comment, thank you!

Totally agree with you.

Christosgnosis ago

He's going to testify that: President Donald Trump and Trump transition officials directed him to make contact with Russians during Trump's 2016 presidential campaign.

That's what ABC reported and then retracted. You got punked by fake news - should try to think harder the next time

Mrs_Kravitz ago

He's gonna testify that he 'lied to FBI' about being in on the biggest sting / bait and switch the Deep State has ever seen! And Killary, Obama, Holder, Lynch Podestas are going DOWN

Dressage2 ago


migratorypatterns ago

Thank you.

I don't know what part of this people aren't getting.

think- ago

You're welcome.

I don't know what part of this people aren't getting.

Yep, same here.

Blacksmith21 ago

What the fuck are you talking about?

Dressage2 ago

Yes, it was not during campaign, but during the transition phase. So he will not testify to that.

BlueEyedDevil64 ago

“Trafficking in Iranian Girls and Women” Kish Island, Iran. Could their be a battle between the Saudi's and Iranians over the trade of sex slaves? If Flynn Knows,maybe a trial will bring evidence to light?

DomKeyhote ago


Edit: LMAO!!!

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

This is political theater. Trump took total command about two weeks ago....everyone is working for him even if they may not know it exactly. We could not arrest 3/4 of congress even after we took command. The normies would have brain melt downs. So they are going with a slow reveal plan. It may take years. But the kid trafficking is basically stopped. Now the Jew/masons will have to snatch kids off the streets here in America to do their special spirit cooking dinner dates.

They are leaving Pelosi free because she is a clown and fun to watch have mkultra breakdowns on camera. Never forget Trump is ruthless and has a sense of humor. He made them switch McCain's boot to the other foot....because now the shoe is on the other

Have no fear...Putin and Trump got this......

Blacksmith21 ago

I have to agree with you on this. Though your comment has nothing to do with this post. It is political theatre.

Dressage2 ago

You are absolutely correct. Flynn has the Pizzagate elite list. He knows the Cabal, Epstein’s flights to Lolita Island with BOTH the Clintons, Weiner, videotapes in Weiner case, etc. The Storm has arrived.

TrishaUK ago

This comment "The swamp in being drained because the money spigots have been shut off" brings me to ABCs reporting - My guess is Soros money is being bound, so he probably had a bet on the Stock Market falling. Not sure how to check this but it does need checking! - NEWSABC News Scorched Over ‘Correction’ to Flynn Story that Tanked the Stock - (scroll for video)

Dressage2 ago

I believe you are right. I am sure there are those who made $$ from the DOW. I wonder if class action for people loosing $$ due to ABC actions.

TrishaUK ago

So pleased that Cernovich thinks the same as I thought 10 hours ago, and they actually have some way to check high up! I hope this proves Meuller, Soros was doing inside trading and that they get justice for it! - Cernovich: Did Mueller Help Soros Make Billions off Flynn Indictment? @ srayzie @carmencita @2impendingdoom

carmencita ago

I think all this will come out, if people are listening. For many it will go right over their heads.

TrishaUK ago

True, but at least so many more people are waking up, thanks to MSM and all their fake news forcing the eyes open, as they are fooling less and less people every day!

Blacksmith21 ago

They put everything they had at Flynn and the best they could do was hit him with a white lie charge. You can pin one count of “willfully and knowingly” making “false, fictitious and fraudulent statements” to the FBI (Washington Examiner) on anyone if you grill them enough. It's a speeding ticket. He took the bullet to protect Jr.

Are_we_sure ago

A white lie charge? Is that what they are calling these days?

The reality is they only hit with one charge because he is cooperating and if he doesn't cooperate fully, they can revoke the agreement and hit him with all the charges they have against him.

You are basically making excuse after excuse.

Vindicator ago

They both seem to put themselves in legal jeopardy to avoid talking about something. What could that be?

The Art of War

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

Your a jew and we are sure.

Matt_Helm ago

You are basing your argument on fake news media reporting same old bullshit lies. You need to think in a different way it's why you are here right? Stop spouting mainstream bullshit. Or go away and stop wasting your time here you might be too stupid to ever understand.

Are_we_sure ago

Too stupid to understand? I'm the one who understood Flynn was guilty of crimes for months. I'm the only one who kept telling people this investigation wasn't going away and people would be indicted.

Nothing I have spouted was false.

Y'all would like spin fantasies trying to ignore that. Did you hear that Bob Mueller gave uranium to Putin on a tarmac?

Dressage2 ago

We are not buying your shilling here. Thanks for stopping by.

Dressage2 ago

Here is something I just read. You might like it.

bopper ago

"General Flynn certainly has a story to tell, and he very much wants to tell it, should the circumstances permit."

Blacksmith21 ago

That's a great summation. It aligns with everything I've said here in the last year. I try to hit his Twitter once or twice per week.

Vindicator ago

They kicked him off of Twitter most of the past week. He only got his account back yesterday. Love that guy.

Dressage2 ago

Me too.

derram ago :

What Really Happened to Robert Levinson, the Former FBI Agent Who Went Missing in Iran?

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