AssFaceSandwich2 ago

Probably the college loan his wife f'ed up. That cat is outta the bag, so moving on to 2020...

10388806? ago

bernie was mis-direction, and ether trump really surprised the left, or bernie knows exactly what is happening.

the only a government knows where it's people stand is to incite innuendo using past tropes. public reaction sets their agenda from there.

quantokitty ago

Total misdirection.

I believe Trump surprised them. I really think they had the election in the bag. The election of The Cannibal Queen was her prize for doing so much evil. Her masters rewarded their Red Queen.

Corninmypoop ago

Bernie got to play dirty old hippie politician in Vermont for years and then they called in a favor. He did what was asked and then returned to his old socialist hippie shtick, fuck him.

quantokitty ago


Nice summation. In a nutshell: yes.

Upvoat for you.

AngB23 ago

Whatever blackmail they have on Bernie, it has to be pretty big. When several joined on the DNC Lawsuit, its was probably 90% Bernie supporters, with evidence of voter fraud against Bernie and were on Twatter also talking about investigators that were murdered.

Bernie said nothing. No support, kept quiet about voter fraud and put his efforts behind HRC during the campaign. Either he's an ignorant moron or the obvious, blackmailed to remain silent and keep up the charade as a loyal little puppet.

This_Ruined_Pizza ago

He also made multiple statements denouncing the email investigation. The one thing there is literal evidence of that should have taken his opponent out of the game.

Comey stood in front of America and laid out a case against Clinton, citing felony on top of felony, then said she won't be prosecuted because she is Hillary Clinton. Why every candidate didn't make that their sole talking point, is beyond reason. It's proof to me they are all in it for the same goal. To advance the position of their handlers.... the Global Elite, who even Clinton works for.

quantokitty ago

What's the saying? The silence is deafening.

All good points. They all point to how HUGE this leverage was. It couldn't have been what his wife did. Those type of infractions, although criminal, only generate sympathy for the spouse of the accused.

And we're leaving out the elephant in the room, Seth Rich's death. Very weird that there wasn't a peep out of him. If nothing else, he's known for shooting his mouth off on subjects, but nothing. Zilch.

Tallest_Skil ago

Why would he have said anything about Seth Rich? It would have taken down the DNC and destroyed the kike's most powerful party. That's against his desires.

quantokitty ago

It does say something about his motivation.

2impendingdoom ago

has he said why he doesn't fight for his voters? the lawsuit would be a million times more meaningful if Sanders was the plaintiff. this silence says speaks volumes.

AngB23 ago

As far as I know, he has not spoken up once about the lawsuit. And unfortunately, the judge threw the lawsuit out. Had Sanders had any balls and spoke up, I bet the lawsuit may have had a different out come. Instead, he left his loyal supporters high and dry as he was driving around in his new sports car.

2impendingdoom ago

I think that the Becks are intending to appeal it, as it was thrown out on failure to state a claim or some similar wacky technical jargon, and bring it to the higher court where judges have safety in numbers.

AngB23 ago

I hope they actually get a fair and impartial hearing the next time. The evidence was overwhelming and it was a big slap in the face.

DeathTooMasons ago

Bernie is a commie anyhow like the rest of them. Only Cabal members are allowed on the ballot, so who cares?

Poot_McGarvey ago

He was talking about things that mattered beyond his shit economics.

He was against TPP, against mega-corporation influence on American policy, against Military Industrial Complex, against Mega-bank and Central Bank Fraud, against giant companies like google working with U.S intel to create monopolistic 4th ammendment violating monoliths, against police state and police militarization, against useless wars for globalist ends, against CIA subversion and exacerbation of political movements....

I don't agree with him economically by any means but there is quite a bit of policy overlap between him and someone like Ron Paul... despite the fact that they couldn't be more far apart when it comes to sane economic policy.

quantokitty ago

Well, we should care because these are the people leading the country ... and that were selling it down the drain.

We need to clean things up and revealing everything, all these scummy secret deals is important to the process of #drainingtheswamp.

DeathTooMasons ago

This is actually what most of us assumed. Bernie did not even complain when he got cheated. Then Bernie endorsed Hillary. In short, it was a show.

quantokitty ago

Absolutely 100% right.

We were right and here's the proof. So people that say speculation is wrong, no, it's very accurate sometimes.

Votescam ago

GH --

That's completely untrue.

Sanders united this liberal nation in the understanding that it is immensely liberal -- and that there is HUGE support for the liberal issues which Bernie raised -- from student loans and usary, to National Health Care for All and everything in between.

Not something that the DP nor the GOP would want to see happen, obviously.

Bernie made clear that HILLARY was not qualified to be president because of her support for corporatism and the WEALTH she was receiving from corporations for "speeches."

Nothing could be clearer than that we are being governed by the insane, including those heading up our MIC/NSA.

Capitalism is suicidal.

This_Ruined_Pizza ago

Hillary committed felonies at the expense of the American taxpayer and he was in the best position in the world to truly expose what she did to those with ignorance that blocks reason. But he didn't. Just like Trump, he balked and denounced the server/email investigation. If he wanted her gone, that's the one thing that could have done it.

Instead of denouncing Comey's statement, he consigned it.

Do you simply not understand the gravity of that? Do you not realize that should have nailed her? Read his statements. Look up the statutes.

Votescam ago

If there were known "felonies" then it wasn't up to Sanders, it was up to DOJ, not Sanders. Server/email stuff is also up to FBI/DOJ. Sanders didn't "denounce" them, but he did make clear they were a distraction in the debates/the primary. At that point, not too many Americans really understood what the whole "server/email" stuff was about.

Yes, of course, Sanders is pretty much a G-Man and it was all up to him ... Grab those bracelets, Bernie, and throw Hillary into one of those nice orange jumpsuits.

Do you simply not understand the gravity of that? Do you not realize that should have nailed her? Read his statements. Look up the statutes.>


This_Ruined_Pizza ago

You're an idiot. If he wanted to win, that was his golden ticket. Review Comey's statement and match the crime to the statute. Felony upon felony. Stop being willfully retarded.

Votescam ago

Some postes here are very anxious to try to suggest that ...

Sanders was in agreement to lose. He was enlisted to put on a dog and pony show. The old fool got his ego inflated by the numbers and realization that he could win.<

I think it's likely that Bernie agreed NOT to run an independent campaign, but he certainly criticized HRC during the campaign. AFTER the dinner meeting, things seem to have gotten rougher when it was so obvious that Bernie Sanders could win the election against Trump if he had the DP nomination. Hillary made sure that didn't happen. And the story is that Bernie and Jane had a visit from a few guys and that Bernie got pushed around and bruised (which we see on the video that night), but there also seemed to be a threat to beat up Jane. After than, Bernie dropped his resistance to Hillary (which likely wasn't part of the original agreement) and also dropped his often spoken of promise to "go all the way" at the Convention.

Bernie, of course, turned out to be a much more effective campaigner than Hillary which undoubtedly wasn't something they expected.

And there is no proof of this or anything like it....

Sanders went over the line and "criticized" HRC. How dare he? But, again, IT'S WHAT HE AGREED TO. This wasn't a surprise. He was supposed to play ball and paid the penalties. So all his supporters being refused seats? It's what their candidate was in full agreement with.>

Nor any proof of anything like this ---

Sanders is a tool. He was there to pull numbers away from the GOP and pretend to be an antagonist to HRC. At the last minute, he was to throw his support to her, the logic being, his followers would follow orders.>

Or this --

Gee, I wonder what kind of blackmail they could have had?>

Tallest_Skil ago

You know nothing about jews and are awfully suspicious for shilling for one.

Votescam ago

Sounds like your main problem with Bernie is that he is Jewish which makes you pretty suspicious as a white-supremacist.

Tallest_Skil ago

Sounds like your main problem with Bernie is that he is Jewish

That and the marxism, yeah.

which makes you pretty suspicious as a white-supremacist.

  1. You have absolutely no fucking argument whatsoever.
  2. You have absolutely no comprehension of what judaism is.
  3. You have absolutely no comprehension of what marxism is.
  4. You can’t reply to the discussion with anything of meaning, so you character assassinate and claim to have won.
  5. You have absolutely no comprehension of what race is.

  6. Genetics:

  7. Myths:
  8. Diversity:
  9. Genocide:

Read that fucking book.

Votescam ago

Tall --

So first you begin with anti-Semitism ... and actually, anti-African-American sentiments, as well ....

but you're also confused about Democratic Socialism which is practiced in most countries -- National Health Care for All being but one example of it.

Public Education being another example of it.

Communism -- which has basically never been practiced anywhere -- seems to have been an invention of Capitalists in order to create the distraction of an "enemy" system. Rather, Russia was ruled either by the rule of Royalty or later by the rule of dictators - Lenin and Stalin.

Hitler -- who was being recruited by and supported financially by international Elites -- took over a LIBERAL organization (NAZI Party) which stood for women's rights, LABOR, labor unions, public education, public health care ... and turned it upside down. Hitler's dictatorship had nothing to do with social welfare or social programs, nor democracy. It was a dictatorship.

As for the other mess you deliver to try to suggest you're not a "White supremacist" ....

IF you are at all human, you will find that in the end HATRED will only destroy you.

Tallest_Skil ago

So first you begin with religious bigotry --


but you’re also confused about Democratic Socialism which is practiced in most countries

No, marxism isn’t practiced in most countries.

National Health Care for All being but one example of it.

Failing everywhere it is implemented, yes.

Public Education being another example of it.

Nope, try harder.

Communism -- which has basically never been practiced anywhere

Reported for not even fucking trying.

seems to have been an invention of Capitalists in order to create the distraction of an “enemy” system.

Holy mother of god, kill yourself. Literally all literature on the topic proves you wrong.

a LIBERAL organization


Hitler's dictatorship had nothing to do with social welfare or social programs. It was a dictatorship.

K. And?

As for the other mess you deliver to try to suggest you’re not a "White supremacist"

Refute the content or you accept its factuality.

IF you are at all human, you will find that in the end HATRED will only destroy you.

Nope, hatred is necessary and good. Kill yourself, you mentally defective pile of science-denying shit.

Votescam ago

Tall -

Reported your post -- not that I think they'll do anything about you, but if anyone gets a chance to read it they feel a bit ashamed about having you as a member.

The thing about "White supremacists" is that they so fear the intelligence of the African that they have done all they can to bar them from education since the days of Slavery.

And the only tool they have to work with is VIOLENCE -- that's always been true and it's still true today.

Yet, in return, the African has risen here by PEACEFUL means against White Supremacist violence.

They are also 15% larger physically that "whites" - stronger which the "white" man has always feared. They are powerful athletes, talented musicians and artists. And, as educational opportunities have been opened up for them, they are becoming our scientists and our scholars.

My advice is to check your skin color against a sheet of white paper ... There is no such thing as "white."

Tallest_Skil ago

Reported your post

For what, exactly?

they feel a bit ashamed about having you as a member.

How about you have an actual argument, kiddo?

The thing about “White supremacists" is that they so fear the intelligence of the African

Uh… no. You know absolutely nothing whatsoever about any of the topics you’re failing to discuss and cannot reply to or refute any of the points I have brought up. Do not speak on a topic when you know nothing about it, but ask any questions you need TO learn about said topic.

Bone up. Start with those.

that they have done all they can to bar them from education

Complete falsehood in every capacity. You have no evidence for this claim or any other. It is definitively proven false here.

since the days of Slavery.

You mean white slavery? You know, the thing that continues to this day and was always larger in volume than black slavery? Or do you mean black on black slavery, which also continues to this day? Speak up. We need clarification.

And the only tool they have to work with is VIOLENCE

Objective universal scientific truth works, too.

that’s always been true and it’s still true today.

Not really, no.

the African has risen here by PEACEFUL means

In no way, shape, or form is that accurate, and your sheer divorce from reality draws you into considerable suspect.

White Supremacist violence.

Which doesn’t exist, statistically, and is nonexistent compared to black on white violence.

They are also 15% larger physically that “whites"

This is also scientifically false.


Except no black will ever win a weightlifting competition, as white muscle and bone are denser than that of blacks.

They are powerful athletes

They run quickly. Only those who run quickly can escape predators on the savannah. They have large lungs and flared nostrils because they need more oxygen to run quickly. They can’t handle being far above sea level, though, which is interesting.

talented musicians




And, as educational opportunities have been opened up for them, they are becoming our scientists and our scholars.


My advice is to check your skin color against a sheet of white paper

My advice is to have an actual argument, you racist sack of shit.

There is no such thing as “white.”

There is such a thing as people of color, though.

Gee. What ELSE have you been lied to about…?

Votescam ago

Again, thank you for your posts which reveal your obsessions as a "White Supremacist" ...

Keep at it -- !!

Yes, there is such a thing as "people of color" -- and they are not "white."


Tallest_Skil ago

Reported for admitting to supporting the genocide of an entire race and for openly undermining pizza gate and its purpose.

your obsessions as a “White Supremacist"

Prove your claim or don’t make it.

Yes, there is such a thing as “people of color" -- and they are not "white."

Prove your claim or don’t make it. You have been proven wrong.

Votescam ago

You're now on ignore--

Tallest_Skil ago

  1. Cry harder, bitch.
  4. Thanks for admitting I am right.

quantokitty ago

but he certainly criticized HRC during the campaign. AFTER the dinner meeting, things seem to have gotten rougher when it was so obvious that Bernie Sanders could win the election against Trump if he had the DP nomination. Hillary made sure that didn't happen.

The problem is that there's over a year separating this May 2015 email from Reynolds and the June 2016 incident where Sanders face is bruised.

You're really not making a very strong case. Logically, if he had an agreement, and they're calling him out for breaking it, criticizing Killary was one of the stipulated points in said agreement. I mean, Reynolds didn't say, "Damn! We should have included that in the agreement made with him, so let's use that leverage to do it now." Further, if we go by your logic, then Sanders wasn't a puppet. Nonetheless, he shows up with bruises on his face to endorse Killary, and further, doesn't object to his supporters being shut out of the convention. So the leading candidate of the Democratic Party is roughed up and threatened and he doesn't go to the police of FBI or make any kind of reports or statements? He sucks it up? It makes no sense when put in that context. Something huge was hanging over his head for him to shut up and make like a puppet. It's because he was a puppet and the roughing up was to remind him of that.

Votescam ago

So very likely it had nothing to do with the primary.

We don't know what any "agreement" was or if any actually existed, except in Podesta's mind.

Bernie said all along in the campaign, he'd go the distance at the Convention. BEFORE that however, there was the "dinner" and it seemed that was the beginning of threats. These are serious people -- they'll kill you as fast as look at you. They controlled the Kennedy's with threats of violence after the coup on JFK. Jackie Kennedy knew who had her husband killed and why. And she also knew that her own son was in danger. Sadly, he went on to challenge those who killed his father.

Gee. ... why don't these people think of going to the police or FBI ... Wow .. how dumb of them.

Clearly it seems you really don't understand what these people are capable of.

quantokitty ago

Three replies without saying anything? All I can say is: Shills gotta shill.

2impendingdoom ago

Yes, its super clear that he was threatened, so the question is what was the threat?

A. death or injury to self and loved ones


B. exposure of damning wrongdoing?

Votescam ago

It seems obvious the threat was standing against Hillary at the Convention ...

and Bernie had promised to go all the way.

If you have any proof of "damning wrongdoing" by Sanders, present it -- Where's the evidence of it?

Vindicator ago

@quantokitty, I'm giving this a "Potential Lead" flair. Great thread.

DeathTooMasons ago

That means this has nothign to do with PG. Thanks for the tip. How are the kids?

quantokitty ago

Fantastic! Thanks so much.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Bernie is a Pedo, plain as day! Adopted kids the whole 9,yards! Anyone with a brain could see that Bernie was in cohoots with HillPedo from the start! No one runs against the Evil Pedo Hag on their own!

quantokitty ago

I lean towards this explanation.

The only thing different is that I'd say "alleged" for legal reasons, but it really would fit the scenario and known facts.

quantokitty ago

All that and more.

He was just warming up the crowd for The Cannbal Queen's entrance. OMG!!!! We dodged a bullet when that woman lost!!!

srayzie ago

I'm surprised that there are so many supporters here that support Bernie Sanders, considering the fact that we are against the torture of children. This isn't about politics. This is about children. Bernie Sanders supports partial birth abortion.

How can anyone be ok with partial birth abortion? For those of you who do not know what that is, I am providing a description. This procedure is done when a fetus is 5 months along all the way up until 9 months along. A baby that would be viable outside of the womb is murdered. There is no other way to describe it.

I'm sure there will be a lot of people that disagree with me. I already know that Hillary was for the same thing. But, this discussion is about Bernie Sanders. I could never support somebody that is ok with this procedure. If a baby is viable outside of the womb, then the woman's health doesn't even play a part because either way, the baby is delivered. A baby that is stabbed in the back of the neck and has their spinal cord cut sounds like pure torture to me. Especially as the baby gets closer to maturity.

Description of Partial Birth Abortion

Involves administration of medications to cause the cervix to dilate.

Next, the physician rotates the fetus to a footling breech position. The body of the fetus is then drawn out of the uterus feet first, until only the head remains inside the uterus.

The physician then uses an instrument to puncture the base of the skull, which collapses the fetalhead.

Typically, the contents of the fetal head are then partially suctioned out, which results in the death of the fetus and reduces the size of the fetal head enough to allow it to pass through the cervix.

The dead but otherwise intact fetus is then removed from the woman's body.

Bernie Sanders on Abortion

  • Voted NO on restricting UN funding for population control policies. (Mar 2009)
  • Voted NO on defining unborn child as eligible for SCHIP. (Mar 2008)
  • Voted NO on prohibiting minors crossing state lines for abortion. (Mar 2008)
  • Voted NO on barring HHS grants to organizations that perform abortions. (Oct 2007)
  • Voted YES on expanding research to more embryonic stem cell lines. (Apr 2007)
  • Voted YES on allowing human embryonic stem cell research. (May 2005)
  • Voted NO on restricting interstate transport of minors to get abortions. (Apr 2005)
  • Voted NO on making it a crime to harm a fetus during another crime. (Feb 2004)
  • Voted NO on banning partial-birth abortion except to save mother’s life. (Oct 2003)
  • Voted YES on forbidding human cloning for reproduction & medical research. (Feb 2003)
  • Voted NO on funding for health providers who don't provide abortion info. (Sep 2002)
  • Voted NO on banning Family Planning funding in US aid abroad. (May 2001)
  • Voted NO on federal crime to harm fetus while committing other crimes. (Apr 2001)
  • Voted NO on banning partial-birth abortions. (Apr 2000)
  • Voted NO on barring transporting minors to get an abortion. (Jun 1999)
  • Rated 100% by NARAL, indicating a pro-choice voting record. (Dec 2003)
  • Emergency contraception for rape victims at all hospitals. (Sep 2006)
  • Rated 0% by the NRLC, indicating a pro-choice stance. (Dec 2006)

Abortion in all nine months of pregnancy

Bernie Sanders has a 100% pro-abortion voting record, and doesn’t support ANY restrictions on abortion. In his own words, he thinks we need to expand abortion access:

"We are not going back to the days when women had to risk their lives to end an unwanted pregnancy. The decision about abortion must remain a decision for the woman and her doctor to make, not the government."

Supporting and expanding Planned Parenthood

Sanders leaves no question on his view of Planned Parenthood. On his own campaign website he says:

"We are not going to allow the extreme right-wing to defund Planned Parenthood, we are going to expand it."

Letting babies suffer during and after abortion

Both candidates voted against the Partial Birth Abortion Ban, which means they support the right to kill a baby who has emerged almost completely from the birth canal. National Right to Life notes:

The bill banned a gruesome abortion procedure, used in the fifth month and later, in which an abortionist delivers a living baby, except for her head, then punctures the base of the skull and suctions out her brain, after which the now-dead baby is removed from her mother.

Both candidates voted against the Unborn Victims of Violence Act, which states:

Whoever engages in conduct that violates any of the provisions of law listed in subsection (b) and thereby causes the death of, or bodily injury (as defined in section 1365) to, a child, who is in utero at the time the conduct takes place, is guilty of a separate offense under this section.

With their votes, both candidates show that, they don’t believe a preborn child is worth protecting in the womb.

RweSure ago

There's no medical procedure named partial birth abortion.

Tallest_Skil ago

Shill for murderous kikes harder, please.

srayzie ago

Is late term abortion better for you? If not, then how about we just call it murder. Because that's what it is.

Votescam ago

sray --

I'm surprised that there is still anyone supporting the GOP and their lies, but here you are. We have two parties not only war-mongering all over the world but killing living mothers, fathers and children.

Everyone and everything on this planet is threatened by the US terrorist nation and the Congress' support for these endless and illegal wars of aggression.

"Partial Birth Abortion" is a piece of right wing propaganda to hide the reality of LATE TERM ABORTION... which saves the lives of many women who late in their WANTED pregnancies find that they will not survive if the pregnancy continues and/or that the child will not be capable of life and is effecting their health and well-being. ALSO, that if the pregnancy is not terminated by abortion that they will lose their ability to have children in the future.

These abortions are rare-- about one in every county in the US every year.

It is only the compassionless and inhumane who will push for the loss of life of the Mother and/or her future fertility.

And further you have no problem in trying to punish millions and millions of women dependent on Planned Parenthood for gynecological services and birth control, breast exams and other tests.

It is millions of pregnant women, themselves, who make the individual decision about whether or not to have an abortion. And most of those decisions are made when the pregnancy is still in the embryo stage - the first weeks of pregnancy.

This is a liberal nation which supports reproductive freedom, including abortion by simple majority. And supports PPH and the work they do and the funding of those services by our government.

Come back when your life is threatened by a pregnancy and you have other children, a husband and family to care for

srayzie ago

I figured there would be people that disagreed with me. But, no joke, I KNEW YOU WOULD. In case you don't remember me, we have gone over our views on women's rights several times. Our conversation lasted for like a week. You would come back and forth that week and our conversation went on and on.

You have some of the craziest views I've ever heard of. In MANY ways. You went on and on about how gay men are much less likely than heterosexual men to molest children. You spoke so highly of gay men but so low about heterosexual men. Then you started on the is God real debate.

I told you then and I'm telling you now, that I would NEVER kill my baby. Yes, partial birth abortion and late term abortion are basically the same. If a woman's life is in danger and she's delivering a baby that could be viable and saved outside of the womb, then the excuse of murdering your child to save her life does not apply.

There is a great solution for women who are not able to care for a child. It's called adoption. There are many great couples who would love a child and are unable to have one of their own. Despite all the sick stories of rape and torture of children here, the majority of people who adopt a child are great people.

An innocent baby did not ask to be conceived. Regardless of circumstances, that little human being has a right to live. ESPECIALLY when it's in the 3rd trimester and is viable. They can feel pain! That is torture. That is what we are here for. For these children that are abused and tortured. If a baby is at the age where it could make it outside of the womb, it doesn't matter if it hasn't yet came all the way out of the woman's body or not. It is murder. A cruel painful murder.

Would you like to be stabbed in the back of your neck and have your spinal cord cut and your brains sucked out? I mean, that is inhumane! You're lucky that you were allowed to survive. Can you even imagine seeing this little human being just thrown out like trash? After everything we've learned here, then you should also know how much satanists would love to get ahold of the babies organs. It's just the most disgusting image I can think of.

Have you ever thought deeply about how amazing it is to create life? A life with a soul? What a little miracle. So innocent that they depend on us adults to take care of them. So trusting. That's how our life cycles go and it's beautiful. We take care of the young and the old. Or at least, we should. It's really sad when a baby doesn't have that chance.

I could go on and on. We've been thru this. You say we live in a liberal country. You are on the very extreme side. I am a conservative. My opinion on God and the right to life will not change. You and I will never agree. We've established this. We've agreed to disagree. I thank you for your reply and stating your opinion. But I'm not going back and forth with you again. I am going to agree to disagree, even if you do not.


Votescam ago

sray -

Yes, I remember your obsession with abortion and your reluctance to admit that you're in a fanatical minority on that issue. That even Catholics support abortion and that Catholic women have just as many abortions as any other women. That's a lot of opposition for your obsession.

I didn't "go on" about anything .... rather I gave you information from a STUDY which presents information which shows that it is MALES who sexually abuse children and that they are heterosexual males. And that the STUDY further shows that "Homosexuals are 100X LESS likely to sexually abuse a child."

Again, when you have a problem pregnancy which threatens your life, let us know about it. And I certainly wouldn't think better of any woman who abandoned her responsibilities to other living children and her family. I would suggest anyone thinking that way is more than misguided about their responsibilities to their families.

And yes, it's always been called "later term abortion" ....

Yes, partial birth abortion and late term abortion are basically the same.<

And the GOP fanatics at war with women have to invent new terms to fool the fanatics who follow them.

And this is the kind of obsession and fanaticism that helps others see it every time you restate it....l

If a woman's life is in danger and she's delivering a baby that could be viable and saved outside of the womb, then the excuse of murdering your child to save her life does not apply.<

Women having "later term abortions" do NOT "deliver a child vaginally because if they did, they would likely be maimed for life and, of course, they would not be able to have other children. And to delay the abortion only puts the female more at risk of loss of her own life.

Wait a minute ... isn't this a website clearly showing that what we have is a world of children suffering REFUGEE status because of US wars? And also clearly we have many examples of "adoptions" where the child is being sexually abused....

There is a great solution for women who are not able to care for a child. It's called adoption. There are many great couples who would love a child and are unable to have one of their own. Despite all the sick stories of rape and torture of children here, the majority of people who adopt a child are great people<

Adoption also requires child to be carried by the female to term - something which is impossible when the female's life is threatened by the pregnancy.

the majority of people who adopt a child are great people<

And I'm sure you know ALL of them.

And soon, there will likely be opportunities for people like you to take on these pregnancies and carry them to term...

An innocent baby did not ask to be conceived. Regardless of circumstances, that little human being has a right to live. ESPECIALLY when it's in the 3rd trimester and is viable. They can feel pain! That is torture. That is what we are here for. For these children that are abused and tortured. If a baby is at the age where it could make it outside of the womb, it doesn't matter if it hasn't yet came all the way out of the woman's body or not. It is murder. A cruel painful murder.>

So, AGAIN, I say, when you have the opportunity to PROVE anything like you're saying, then come back and tell us about it. Otherwise you're just blowing more hot air.

Let me put it to you this way... Who gives a fig what YOU believe or believe in. Only YOU.

And the majority of people on this planet -- where they have the freedom to do it -- support reproductive freedom, support female equality and supporting Choice. Even Catholics. And Latino Catholics.

That's the war that's on all over the world -- the war on women which is opposed by .. Male Supremacists.

srayzie ago

As I've told you so many times before, I am NOT Catholic. Let that sink in. I'm also not Latino. Yes, a late term abortion is usually delivered vaginally. You probably say women are maimed vaginally for life because that's what happened to you. Since abortion is totally acceptable to you, you've probably had many.

YOU are in the minority. If people were to go back and read your views on life, they'd trip out. You're WEIRD. You have this hate for males that is just insane. I like men to act like men. I'm not intimidated by men. A man and a woman fit well together. You are obsessed with men bashing. Unless of course he's gay or transgender. You blame men for everything. I am not a feminist.

I am an average American conservative. Pro life. I am not perfect, but believe in Christian values. That is not a fanatic minority. I can't imagine the weird lifestyle you live. I will never agree with a baby killing, man hating, atheist that worships gays like you do.

Guess what Miss Thing? Nobody gives a damn what you think either. Especially me.

Votescam ago

sray --

What does it matter that you're not Catholic or Latino?

What matters is that you are in a fanatical majority mainly shared in religious obsessions.

Late Term Abortions are vaginal AFTER other means are first used to terminate the pregnancy and permit vaginal delivery. Those means are used to prevent the fetus from doing any further harm to the female. To protect the body of the female and her life and her future fertility.

What I'm telling you about late term abortion is based in the well known medial procedures which you can read about at any time, including on the internet, if you have any curiosity about knowing the truth.

You continue also to try to make this personally about YOURSELF and now trying to make it about ME. This is about all women -- and in all history of women and childbirth -- there are times when abortion is required. For too long laws put in place by male-dominated societies have let women die or allowed those pregnancies to do harm to their lives. That's not, however, something you want to acknowledge.

Try reading just this 4th Chapter from an OP on this site in regard to Lydia Chacho work in Mexico fighting child sexual abuse, the Mafia and corrupted governments. You will see that those who rape children are MALE.

And if you had ever bothered to read the STUDY which clearly shows that our sexual abusers of children are MALES you would have also noticed that even right wing women's groups acknowledge that reality.

Clearly you are NOT a feminist. You don't give a crap about women ... unless it's a embryo or fetus. Like the male-dominated Congress, you'd be just as willing to let women die by denying them abortions.

There's nothing average about being a right wing conservative. In fact, it's unusual in the US where the Evangelists are also disappearing. From what we've seen of "Christian" values they're not much different from Mafia values. Recall that it was Papal Edicts which advocated the "enslavement or killing" of non-Christians all over the world. Of natives they labelled "pagans" only fit to be fed to dogs. And the same Papal Edicts were used to support SLAVERY in the nation - a system that went on for more than 250 years plus another 100 years of Segregation.

Again -- your "beliefs" are exposed here in your own words.
Your obsession and fanaticism is exposed in regard to depriving women of reproductive freedom.

The majority of this nation -- which includes all Christians -- support Planned Parenthood, support the funding of Planned Parenthood by the government.
And that same majority also supports reproductive freedom for women and CHOICE.

You're here to try to push your obsessions about abortion, that's clear in all your posts.

You're by your own admittance not a feminist but a supporter of right wing political positions-- and "Christian" which doesn't at all suggest you're on the correct side of protecting children from sexual abuse by males -- especially female children. Christian churches are very much involved in the sexual abuse of children - something else you seem to want to ignore.

Any time you try to push your right wing positions on abortion here, I will reply.

srayzie ago

Late Term Abortions are vaginal AFTER other means are first used to terminate the pregnancy and permit vaginal delivery. Those means are used to prevent the fetus from doing any further harm to the female. To protect the body of the female and her left and her future fertility.

Awww isn't that nice? So they try to kill the baby in other ways first, so they can prevent harming the mother. The mothers comfort should always come before the painful torturous death of a baby. Right?

What matters to me is that you keep calling me Catholic. I'm not. That's why it matters. This isn't about ME. You keep talking about women's rights. Babies are humans too. They should have rights. Stop putting me in your little groups. I don't care what most right wing women groups believe.

No, I'm not going to go read about how males are the worse creatures on earth. Males are more likely than females to molest. But, your view is that gay men are less likely than straight men. Did you go to the woman's March in a vagina costume? You are a full fledged feminist. There are many wonderful men out there that are not child molestors

It's not that I don't give a crap about women. It's that I think all life is precious. A baby has the right to live just like the woman does. You keep acting like abortions are usually performed because of some life threatening situation. NOT.

So am I not protecting children if I allow children around my husband? I'm really curious because you trip me out. What do you think about a little girl having a bond with her daddy? Do you think all straight men are pervs? If so, I feel sorry for you. Something must have happened to you.

You think the majority of Christians support Planned parenthood? Are you kidding? Not abortion girlfriend. Go do your homework. I'm not going to get into your pathetic argument about how Christians are like the mafia blah blah blah. Whatever 🙄 This isn't a religious discussion. Nothing you have ever said seems normal. You've really got some screws loose.

Anytime you push your extreme left view on baby murder, I will respond. I've always thought to myself, what kind of doctor could perform abortions? The thought just makes my heart hurt. It's people that think like YOU. It's sick!

Votescam ago

sray --

Awww isn't that nice? So they try to kill the baby in other ways first, so they can prevent harming the mother. The mothers comfort should always come before the painful torturous death of a baby. Right?

Obviously, you'd prefer to see the Mother die ... right?

YOU are a right wing woman ... why wouldn't you care that even organized right wing women's groups stand against your beliefs. They CONFIRM that MALES are our sexual abusers of children. Something you can't stand to admit.

Of course I'm a feminist and for female equality ... why wouldn't I be?

And, again, the information I gave you that "Homosexual males are 100% LESS likely to sexually abuse a child" is from a published STUDY of heterosexual males. NOT something I created.

And Thank You for continuing to make ever clearer that what you care about is an embryo or fetus not LIVING human beings ... which is very typical of the right wing.

Millions of LIVING men, women and children can be killed every year, but it doesn't matter to you ... as long as no one has an abortion!

Now you'd like to make this personally about your husband . . . Really?

You think the majority of Christians support Planned parenthood? Are you kidding? Not abortion girlfriend. Go do your homework.>

The majority of Americans support planned parenthood -- and the fact that you live in such denial is being wonderfully made clear by YOU over and over again --

"By TWO to ONE Americans support Planned Parenthood and funding for it --"

"75% of Americans Support Federal Funding for Planned Parenthood"

"Americans -- even Republicans -- support Federal Funding for Planned Parenthood"

'MORE Americans support Roe Vs Wade than ever before ....';_ylt=AwrBT77TULBZl6UAKytXNyoA;_ylc=X1MDMjc2NjY3OQRfcgMyBGZyA3VzaC1tYWlsbgRncHJpZANmYUtxMlc5NlM0T1JDMDF1V2k1U0pBBG5fcnNsdAMwBG5fc3VnZwMwBG9yaWdpbgNzZWFyY2gueWFob28uY29tBHBvcwMwBHBxc3RyAwRwcXN0cmwDMARxc3RybAM0MARxdWVyeQNBbWVyaWNhbnMlMjBzdXBwb3J0JTIwUm9lJTIwdnMlMjBXYWRlJTIwBHRfc3RtcAMxNTA0NzI3Mjcz?p=Americans+support+Roe+vs+Wade+&fr2=sb-top&fr=ush-mailn

Here's some more "homework" ...

Seven in 10 Americans believe Roe v. Wade should stand, according to new data from a Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll, as the Supreme Court abortion-rights ruling ...

I'm proud to be a liberal along with the entire nation which liberal and supports liberal ideals.

The right wing as we see throughout history can only rise on VIOLENCE ... against Women, Homosexuals, Jews, Native Americans, Africans. And, of course, against all of Nature.
That history of the right wing destroyers cannot be denied.

Bye --

srayzie ago

I'm not part of a "group". I have my own beliefs and I definitely wouldn't believe online polls. The poll results leading up to the election should have taught you that they are rigged. I'm very proud to NOT be a liberal and to NOT be a feminist.

Are you going to answer my question? What do you think about a little girl having a strong bond with her daddy? Would that be suspicious to you? Or do you think that it means the dad is probably a perv? You seem to not like males at all. So I'm very curious. Would it be strange to you for a dad to change his babies diaper? Just answer the question instead of changing the topic.

Votescam ago

sray --

Sorry, but I don't deal in nonsensical game playing --

This is about male violence and their sexual abuse of children --

And male-dominance of our government and society and oppression of women.

If you're here to discuss sexual abuse of children by males, fine ...

Otherwise take your anti-abortion propaganda somewhere else.

srayzie ago

You can't answer because you know you'd sound even more crazy.

We're also here because children are being tortured and murdered. A baby being murdered in the last trimester, by being stabbed in the back of the neck and having it's spinal cord cut sounds like torture to me!

How about this.... If you are here to just bash all things male, maybe YOU should take it somewhere else. Leave me alone now. We have nothing else to talk about.

Votescam ago

sray --

It is typical of the right wing that they see no difference between a two week pregnancy and a living child.

They also have no compassion or concern when the life of a Mother is threatened by a pregnancy --

if she dies, it's of no importance to them -- despite the fact that she might have other living children to care for.

One of the reasons I'm here is to make sure that families know who our sexual abusers of children are. And they are MALES.

And Lydia Cacho confirms that for you.

How many posts now have you made to show your obsession with abortion?

srayzie ago

A late term abortion where a baby could be able to live outside its mothers womb, IS A LIVING CHILD!

How many posts have you made showing how much you hate men?

Votescam ago

sray -

Do you now profess to be a doctor?

You're simply repeating right wing propaganda.
RATHER, listen to what women who have gone through these experiences have said in their testimony to Congress. These are women with WANTED pregnancies which turned out to be life-threatening.

But again, you make the choice to kill the mother ... really interesting look into just who you are.

I make no posts about hating men --

I write posts exposing the reality that STUDIES show that MALES are our sexual abusers of children

Evidently, you don't like that exposure ... though it may help parents save their children from sexual abuse.

srayzie ago

Are you done now? 😴

Votescam ago

Only if you are -- or any other anti-abortion fanatics here ....

Have a good day -- :)

srayzie ago

You too 🙂

huhWHAThuh ago

Are you aware of the thousands of medical doctors on record saying that abortion is never under any circumstances required or even helpful in saving a woman's life? This includes many former abortionists who could not continue to perform what they know without doubt is murder of the most innocent among us. i will provide you a link for reference, but a simple search will render millions of results saying the same thing. edit And by the way i am not a Republican.

Votescam ago

huh --

Thousand of doctors ... ? Out of millions and millions?

If these shows of obsession and fanaticism weren't so ridiculous, they'd be laughable.

Any doctor who has left the service of women in performing abortions has likely left because of the murder of doctors doing abortions by religious fanatics

If you need a link to those MURDERS OF DOCTORS ... by crazed anti-abortion fanatics, let me know ...

but I think you probably remember them because you probably celebrated them.

Bye --

huhWHAThuh ago

No. Unlike to you, i do not support or celebrate any murders.

Votescam ago

Randall Terry would tell supporters ... "If you think abortion is murder, act like it."

And vulnerable religious fanatics began bombing clinics and murdering doctors.

Of course, Randall Terry isn't in jail for what he did, but the fanatics are.

Only pro-life fanatics support and celebrate the murder of doctors.

quantokitty ago

Hey, thanks for the info.

Upvoat for you.

srayzie ago

I was just about to comment. Again!

I appreciate the fact that you can have a discussion and even disagree without going ballistic. Unlike A LOT of people. I wish more people would be ok to agree to disagree if they have different beliefs. You challenged people's comments constructively. 🤓

quantokitty ago

Thanks. I'm on my meds today. Makes it much easier!

Actually, the only time I go ballistic is if I think they're shill posts. I'm so sick of shills, but if someone has an honest difference of opinion, that does not bother me. Just NO SHILLS!!!!

srayzie ago

🤣 At least your honest lol

I have a couple here that I like to go balistic on. I'm sure you know lol

quantokitty ago

Yeah, well, shills gotta shill. As for this exchange, don't know why it's showing up as the ONLY comment in the post.

Weird mojo around here at times.

srayzie ago

True lol

srayzie ago

I'm sure that Bernie Sanders was aware that even if they had nothing on him, they would create a scandal. This is what they do. If you guys were Bernie Sanders, and you knew that the deep state already had their mind made up and tell you what role you are going to play, would you try to fight? We already know what happens to people that do not cooperate.

I just posted a comment here about an investigation him and his wife are going thru. Bernie Sanders knowing how the deep state could sway the outcome of that investigation, as well knowing that they can construct anything they want, as long as it means that they get their desired outcome, I can see why he would cooperate.

This_Ruined_Pizza ago

So the very best case, he is a pussy who refused to stand up for himself. Yet you think he would stand up for you and The rest of the country as a leader? At best he gave up when he should have stood up stronger. He literally could have ushered a revolution, but he refused. He played ball and that is disgraceful. The best place to fight the deep state is when all eyes are on you. They have a harder time getting people in the light. They're a shadow organization.

srayzie ago

No. I posted a long post on this thread about why I do not like him and do NOT support him. I'm just saying that when it comes to giving up, I guess you could say he's a pussy. If you want to use that term. But, if I had the deep state after me, I wouldn't want to mess around. That's why I would never put myself in that situation in the first place.

quantokitty ago

This is "the least possible red pill narrative". You still get to think Bernie is that great guy, but the facts don't line up. Here's your quote:

I'm sure that Bernie Sanders was aware that even if they had nothing on him, they would create a scandal. This is what they do. If you guys were Bernie Sanders, and you knew that the deep state already had their mind made up and tell you what role you are going to play, would you try to fight?

The problem is that this email is dated May 2015, and the day he showed up with bruises on his face was June 2016. So t was a over a year later that he did try to "fight". Fight over what, we don't know that, do we? Just like we don't know what they were "leveraging". Logically, all we know from the email is that the he had an agreement that he breached. But mind you, according to the email which means according to the facts of what we know, what Sanders did was criticize HRC about wealth, so the agreement had to have stipulated "no criticism". So according to you, why did he break the agreement if they could just arrange all these things? Why fight? And why fight again a year later?

What you say makes no sense. Running at all would make no sense. Why would he lead people to believe he had a snowball's chance in hell when he ddn't?

Berne is a self-serving sick man. He's not the man you thought you were voting for, but there's no way you're going to believe me. He struck a deal with The Devil and paid the price.

Vindicator ago

"Least possible red pill"

Upvoat for you QK

quantokitty ago


Appreciate it.

srayzie ago

I just made a big comment below. You will read there what I really think of Bernie. I do NOT support Bernie Sanders. But, I've always felt that he was blackmailed or threatened because he gave up too easy. I didn't know he had bruises!

I do believe tho, that the deep state can create any scenario they want. What I mean is that, it wouldn't matter what candidate were in his shoes, they wouldmost likely be willing to cooperate. Because, rather they had something they could blackmail them with or not, they are going to get their way.

I don't know if he's a perv or not. I was never interested in him.

srayzie ago

This could be the reason he agreed...

Bernie and Jane Sanders, under FBI investigation for bank fraud, hire lawyers

Politico Magazine first reported the Sanders had hired lawyers to defend them in the probe. Sanders' top adviser Jeff Weaver told CBS News the couple has sought legal protection over federal agents' allegations from a January 2016 complaint accusing then-President of Burlington College, Ms. Sanders, of distorting donor levels in a 2010 loan application for $10 million from People's United Bank to purchase 33 acres of land for the institution.

According to Politico, prosecutors might also be looking into allegations that Sen. Sanders' office inappropriately urged the bank to approve the loan.

8Ball ago

What if both Julian Assange and Bernie Sanders are controlled opposition? Bernie is a closeted pedophile/philander who they probably blackmailed relating to his sexual acts. Assange is a CIA operative who was raised in an MK-Ultra child trafficking/brainwashing cult.

quantokitty ago

Look, if that's what you think, then that's what you believe.

No way is Assange CIA. Some people overcome outrageous beginnings, and he seems to be one of them. In other words, there are lots of people I know that suffered sexual molestation when young who didn't grow up to be molesters.

We owe Assange a lot. Think about it, he changed the landscape. No way any of us would know what went on and that they were throwing kids in pools and exchanging coded messages about pizza. So to me, he really is a hero. Heroes to me are people that go beyond their frailties and do the right thing ... whatever that is, and I feel Assange has done that. He's earned my loyalty. I know loyalty is big with Trump, too, and I agree. Stay loyal to those that do things for you. We tend to get madder at them then the scumbags molesting kids.

This_Ruined_Pizza ago

Never say never

quantokitty ago

True. Hope springs eternal.

I've written something off before and been wrong.

awakenaware ago

Blackmail yes.. I think he was always compromised.. He is a crook. Just another one. As I thought all along, he was always supposed to bow down and give his support to Hillary.

This video mic accidentally on shows volumes..

LightlyToasted ago

Assange: "Sanders & Mook need to clarify what the 'leverage' & 'agreement' was & what Sanders did in response to the 'leverage' threat."

As a person who agreed with Bernie's stated platform, I agree with Assange's demand for clarification. I have the same demand in question since Wikileaks drop.

quantokitty ago

A lot of us are in that camp. Just tell us what happened.

This is really unraveling.

quantokitty ago

I believe it was more than that. It wouldn't have hurt him.

The blackmail was HUGE.

quantokitty ago

I gotta say this is the way I'm leaning. DWS was unable to even describe the difference between a democrat and a socialist.

I believe he also tested the waters of socialism. His job was to make it appealing, something that Warren has picked up on. You can see, that if HRC had won (GOD FORBID!) it would have given the dems the perfect excuse to weave socialism into more and more programs.

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

Doesn't mean the DNC didn't cheat him. They did. He may not have put up a fight over the cheating because of the blackmail. That is beside the point.

The point is the DNC cheated the American public out of a fairly elected candidate, which in the eyes of many amounts to treason.

Tallest_Skil ago

That's sedition. Treason involves foreign parties. Yes, Israel was involved and yes, Bernie is technically a foreign combatant, so YES, this specific instance was treason, but it's sedition 9 times out of 10. Know the difference and use it correctly because people will dismiss you offhand if you don't.

RweSure ago

The point is the DNC cheated the American public out of a fairly elected candidate,

The guy who lost by 12 percentage points?

carmencita ago

What they are also trying to imply is that he is a pedophile. That he has been brownstoned. That they got to him because they had something nefarious to blackmail him with. This is a Warlock Hunt, imo.

srayzie ago

They can create that scenario tho

carmencita ago

What upsets me is that it has been called blackmail when in the email it says agreement. An agreement may have been reached because of a threat. But again, there is no mention of the word blackmail. They never said "There was blackmail so we have an agreement". If one wants, they can read anything they want into that sentence. Again, blackmail is not necessarily an agreement. It is a forced situation that is made with a threat. "You will do this or else we will......"

srayzie ago

True. I see what you mean. You probably won't like my view on Bernie Sanders. I just made a long comment on my view. Let's just agree to disagree ❤️

quantokitty ago

The point is the DNC cheated the American public out of a fairly elected candidate, which in the eyes of many amounts to treason.

This is a fair point, but the rest is not accurate nor laying blame on his doorstep.

According to the email (and I think we should stick to the wording for the purposes of figuring out what went on), even "CRITICIZING" HRC was out of bounds and not in keeping with "the agreement". Think about it.

When did you know a political candidate to be restrained from talking ill about an opponent? Isn't that the whole point of running against someone? But even bringing up the subject of wealth was not in accordance with this mysterious "agreement" that Sanders had with the DNC.

Bernie is dirty. He was working in cahoots with HRC. I really think the power went to his head when he started seeing those numbers. Hence, the email, the physical beatdown, and the reminding him of the blackmail.

I know this disillusions many, but this is about facing truth, not continuing to idolize someone that doesn't deserve it.

Votescam ago

NOTE that it was especially in regard to the WEALTH of Hill/Bill that the objection was made.

That WEALTH raises many questions about Hill/Bill -- not about Bernie Sanders.

This_Ruined_Pizza ago

Um... glad you're catching up.

quantokitty ago

That's the entire point.

neo50 ago

I really liked Bernie; I thought he was the most honest politician running for POTUS. The passion he had seemed genuine. But your right.....he's dirty. To me, this email confirms my suspicions after he started supporting Hillary. That was the worst betrayal he did to his supporters. Any normal person would raise hell after the farce that was our primaries, not fall in line to a criminal. He may or may not have been blackmailed, but there was definitely an agreement. He could have agreed to lose for a large sum of money. Either way, he's dirt under my feet.

quantokitty ago

Upvoat for accepting the red pill.

I've had to change my opinion on a lot of people I admired, so I know how you feel. It's a necessary process, but I do thank God for these emails. I don't have to second guess myself because there it is and I refuse to turn my back on it.

2impendingdoom ago

Is Christina Reynolds a real person or a pseudonym for one of the Clintons?

I think that the Beck's need to reopen their case, this kind of proof of "leverage" indicates flat out fraud, and the people voting in a primary were duped into waiting in line thinking that they could make a difference.

I'm pretty thoroughly disgusted. Seems that Jane's college deal wouldn't be coming up even now if that was the "leverage". Lets see what Sanders does now that this is out there. They were going after him pretty hard for a complicit pedo. if he is, this means that they are ALL pedo and that we may be too late.

quantokitty ago

It says she was a former communications staffer, but she was just as good as an altenate personality.

As for the case, yes, please reopen it! Find out WTH went on and what this "leverage" was.

~~~ Seems that Jane's college deal wouldn't be coming up even now if that was the "leverage". Lets see what Sanders does now that this is out there. They were going after him pretty hard for a complicit pedo. if he is, this means that they are ALL pedo and that we may be too late.

I believe it doesn't prove or disprove he's a pedo. The Jane's college might be something that was used by the authorities as an opening salvo to dig deeper into what was going on. It may be that in investigating what went on, there might be a crumb, or it could be that the DOJ could "leverage" Sanders with something they find out.

I can't say definitively I believe Sanders is guilty of being a pedo. My opinion is that he's in bed with pedos, and being "leveraged" by something that has to be HUGE. But wait a minute, didn't a member just post something about pedos and Vermont? Or am I misremembering? Something about a little girl on the beach? Anyway, my faulty, spotty memory is that the article had something to do with Sanders, but it could only be that it happened in his state. But another member did bring up his FB page being spammed with CP. Now that is freakin' weird. Perhaps someone does know something.

2impendingdoom ago

Assange, DotCom, whomever, its time to dump all the files, unredacted and verified. Let's have it already!!

quantokitty ago


Now we're talkin'! Upvoat for truth.

Blacksmith21 ago

Considering they had all of the tools of the Shadow Government/Deep State - Full NSA surveillance; the ability to fabricate false evidence and plant that evidence; plus the full weight of the DOJ/FBI to back it up, the poor old fool didn't have a chance.

He's always struck me as the pervy, impulsive type. Even if he never committed such acts before, I'm sure the DS figured out a way to capture some high def video doing something bad.

quantokitty ago

He's always struck me as the pervy, impulsive type. Even if he never committed such acts before, I'm sure the DS figured out a way to capture some high def video doing something bad.

Absolutely! I think porn is one of those things that cultivates ideas you wouldn't organically have. Then there's the "passive" perv who looks the other way and allows human trafficking through his/her state for a few million dollars passed under the table. Or for favors. Or to keep his senate seat.

It would really help to know how dirty he is. I had the same non-opinion of him, but others didn't share my low ... very low ... view of him.

pizzaequalspedo ago


I didn't see this when I posted, but that's what I believe happened......

"We know what your wife did. You bow out, and her problems all go away when Hillary wins"

Votescam ago

What we see constantly is that the push to make something of this comes from the GOP ....

Yet, the Catholic Church DENIES what the GOP is saying -- !!

Breadleaf ago

Holy shit, would you be so kind as to link me to this email? This would help me redpill many Berniecrats that I know.

pizzaequalspedo ago

Sorry for the confusion. That's not a direct quote, just projecting how it went down.

carmencita ago

Where was that quote taken from? I would like to see the source, since you have it in quotes. Who said that? I am interested in reading it.

pizzaequalspedo ago

It's not an actual quote, I'm summarizing how I think the conversation went down.

All circumstantial of course.

pizzaequalspedo ago

I fully believe that there was blackmail involved. He gave in too easily.

I tend to believe Clinton made a deal that she would make his wife's illegal financial transactions at the college she ran go away in return for bending the knee.

Of course the wrinkle is that she lost.

quantokitty ago

I fully believe that there was blackmail involved. He gave in too easily.

Oh, the blackmail is proven. It's irrefutable that they had something. But even before he ran, he knew made that deal. Remember, they called him on merely "criticizing" HRC. That's a pretty restrictive agreement when a candidate isn't allowed to criticize an opponent.

I tend to believe Clinton made a deal that she would make his wife's illegal financial transactions at the college she ran go away in return for bending the knee.

No way would he capitulate for such a minor offense. It wouldn't ruin his career, and this type of crime illicits sympathy.

Nope, something HUGE.

This_Ruined_Pizza ago

Unless it wasnt blackmail and he was doing his job all along.

quantokitty ago

I believe it was blackmail because of something I just found on Twitter. Lookie what Huma Abedin printed out:

There's no love lost. Huma is clearly furious with him. Good stuff!

srayzie ago


quantokitty ago


It is YUGE!!!!

carmencita ago

This is what you believe. Do you have proof and sources for your beliefs? You tend to believe, We know she lost. But how does that make him a pedo? Where is the proof where it says that? We all can believe this or that, but on what credible information and source. We can come to conclusions because we believe after reading certain things. But whether or not they are true, where is the real proof.

carmencita ago

The two people doing this take down of Bernie are Trump supporters. It is obvious. Almost all of the replies are favored for Trump or totally against Bernie. The articles against Bernie on voat are usually if not always very right leaning. They are not fair and open minded and always look at things through a political lens. But thank you for sending it.

awakenaware ago

im not right or left or anything.. I see Bernie asa just another agent who said all the right things to gain support and then attempted to hand over his supporters to Hillary as per the game plan all along, but he failed, because his supporters didnt like Hillary, an establishment hag.. they wanted something different, someone radically different than the revolving door elitists.. so they went for trump..

This_Ruined_Pizza ago

I am decidedly anti-trump... I also rage hate Sanders for the way he betrayed his supporters. The way he betrayed you. It pains me to see you so misguided in your support of someone who took, and continues to take advantage of your support.

carmencita ago

Don't feel sorry for me. I am old enough to make up my own mind. You have just as many to work on with the Hillary and Trump supporters. Go work on them.

srayzie ago

Are you a Bernie supporter? Or you just disagree that he's a pedophile?

carmencita ago


quantokitty ago

There is no proof. There's only speculation, but what about Vermont? Let's do a basic search:

Jul 05, 2008 8:26 PM,-liberal-judges,-pedophiles-and-stupid-parents-n782997 Vermont is for Lovers, Liberal Judges, Pedophiles and Stupid Parents

Nov 26, 2008 Why is Vermont so Lenient with Dangerous Criminals? (Rutland, Barre: sex offender, crime rate) Read more:

July 25, 2013 Vermont town worried over high-risk sex offender's release

April 27, 2016 Vermont Sheriff Risks His Career by Hiring a Sex Offender

Isn't it noble of that sheriff to hire a sex offender and put the community at risk? Then there's this:

Jul 3, 2008 Disgraceful performance in Vermont Vermont has the worst record of any state when it comes to protecting children against pedophiles. Their judges have to be among the most corrupt when it comes to leniency shown to Class three sickos. Time and again Vermont judges let these characters avoid harsh sentencing and allow them to prey on unsuspecting children with impunity.

If Sanders isn't involved, he certainly hasn't helped. This is his state so where is the outrage? Where is he in the lead to try to change this? So while it isn't "proof" that he's personally involved, it is proof it's not on his radar and that someone is profiting from all this. So who could it be?

As I stated, the "leverage" could only be profiting by looking the other way. And these were not the only links. There are hundreds of them with people complaining and it seems to have gotten worse. Who the hell in law enforcement hires a violent sex offender?

carmencita ago

This is going on in every state. Bernie cannot appoint judges. These judges have been appointed by whoever is in power to do so by both Dems and Republicans. Bernie has the support of many Republicans and that is how he has been able to stay in office all these years. Please check out this YT vid It shows Bernie introducing an amendment supporting increased funding for human trafficking especially that of women and children. I am not attacking anyone I am trying to understand how all of a sudden this has come to light. The email mentions nothing about blackmail. But many are quick to assume. That is all I am saying.

quantokitty ago

Here's an article on something off of Sanders' website. He quotes a known advocate for lowering the age of consent and not thinking pedophiles are that dangerous:

Pretty scary stuff.

And supporting funding is a tell he's in on the human trafficking. You've been here a while and you know that The Cannibal Elite set up sham agencies and staff it with faux advocates for the purpose of diverting funds INTO human trafficking.

quantokitty ago

The email mentions nothing about blackmail. But many are quick to assume. That is all I am saying.

Yes, the email does mention blackmail.

This isn't in keeping w the agreement. Since we clearly have some leverage, would be good to flag this for him.

"Leverage" is the word most of us are interpreting as blackmail, and it is an apt definition given the circumstances. Assange calls it out also:

What is the 'leverage' that Clinton manager Robby Mook ([email protected]) believed he had over Sanders?

That is how the word is being used so it's entirely fair to speculate on what "leverage" could be so great as to make Sanders obey to the agreement he forged in not criticizing HRC. It would be a very weird so of agreement to make. If I were running a political campaign, I'd never agree to not criticizing an opponent.

If you don't interpret it that way, it's your right, but it is not unfair. Absolutely not. The definition of extortion:

Coercion: the practice of compelling a person or manipulating them to behave in an involuntary way (whether through action or inaction) by use of threats, intimidation, trickery, or some other form of pressure or force. These are used as leverage, to force the victim to act in the desired way.

WhyNoDonuts ago

Any notion of sanders Bering blackmailed with PG stuff is entirely conjured by the "everything relates to pizza gang." there is simply no proof whatsoever involving him in that although he obviously bowed to their authority in september and october. they simply could have threatened his family. These people are killers as well as rapists. Same for Julian. He mentioned putting his family through difficulty right after his november disappearance.

Tallest_Skil ago

You can't threaten a jew's family. You can, however, hire a jew to be a patsy to try to get your shabbos into the White House.

quantokitty ago

Any notion of sanders Bering blackmailed with PG stuff is entirely conjured by the "everything relates to pizza gang."

Yes and no. Even if you aren't part of the "everything relates to pizza gang", he took orders from the "pizza gang" or my preferred term "The Cannibal Elite".

there is simply no proof whatsoever involving him in that although he obviously bowed to their authority in september and october. they simply could have threatened his family.

True. There is no proof and the assertion is speculative. But again, you yourself say he genuflected to The Pizzagate Elite. And it was way earlier than September and October. The date of the email is:

May 26, 2015 at 9:22:07 AM

That means that whatever "agreement" Sanders had with The Cannibal Elite was previous to May 2015. And look at what he's being called on the carpet for: he criticize HRC! Political opponents are supposed to do that! It's what campaigns are all about, so this "agreement" was restrictive. Again, not conjecture. Truth.

The "threatening his family" excuse is getting tired. Plus, it is entirely speculative, something you're complaining about. If you're dealing with factual evidence, there is no factual evidence his family was threatened. Moreover, the conditions that Sanders were brought in on were termed "agreement". So he formed an agreement with people that you describe as "killers and rapists." What's the saying? Birds of a feather?

The problem here is that you're negating speculation on what this "leverage" by you yourself speculating. And since this cabal is speculated to be in the human trafficking business, then it's not unfair to speculate that the people they had dealings with were like-minded and also involved ... to some eoxtent. Someone could have been paid money to look the other way. Is that the same as being a pedo? Not to me. I wouldn't give them high marks for morality, but it's not as depraved as serving kids up on platters.

I tend to think the leverage HUGE. It don't believe it was a threat against his family because if it was then why would he be surprised by them calling him on breaking this agreement? Remember it's over a full year later July 29, 2016, that he appears with the facial bruising.

So if we're going to stick with facts, those are the facts. The in May of 2015, he has an agreement, and is being controlled by "leverage" that you say is a threat to his family. And yet, he overrides a threat to his family by killers and rapists, and has to be roughed up a full year later?

Makes no sense when we rely on facts and reason.

Votescam ago

quant --

What's really getting tired is your attempt to hang something on Bernie Sanders.

1 ... There is NO evidence for any of this ....

Yes and no. Even if you aren't part of the "everything relates to pizza gang", he took orders from the "pizza gang" or my preferred term "The Cannibal Elite".>

And #2 .... YOU admit there is NO evidence for any of it ....

True. There is no proof and the assertion is speculative<

vanievilgenius ago

Votescam you are being far more speculative than he is... they're all pieces of shit. If any of you are hanging your hats on people in power you are in for a major let down.

Votescam ago

I'm not "speculating" that there is NO evidence for what's being suggested in this OP.

I'd be the first to tell you that criminals have reached the highest levels of our government and governments around the world -- and by design of Third Reich and those Elites/wealthy who supported it -- and with help of Allen Dulles set it up through CIA to rise again as the Fourth Reich we're watching now.

Sanders has very little power, but he consistently speaks against Big Pharma and for all of the liberal issues, uniting the nation.

Very few will try to stand against MIC which is the most dangerous thing to do. That includes Sanders.

Bernie had to run as a Dem in order to get any attention from media for his primary campaign.

What threat he may be under after that, no one can say.

quantokitty ago

Sorry if some things aren't simple enough to not need an explanation. I'm pretty clear on where I stand, and I believe this is the first time I've ever posted on Sanders. This email is important and clears up some conjecture. Of course, the mystery remains as to what this "leverage" is/was.

Votescam ago

quant --

The email may very well be important, but obviously we have no idea what it's about or whether there ever was an "agreement" with Sanders or what it might have been about.

Might have had something to do with threatening Sanders with losing Committee positions?

Clearly -- we DON"T know.

quantokitty ago

Shills gotta shill (hereinafter referred to as "SGS")

RoBatten ago

I've read that they threatened him with losing all of his committee spots.

cthulian_axioms ago

I was trying to explain to folks a year ago that Bernie was forced to bend the knee in order to remain unframed for child molestation or possession of child pornography. I was called all sorts of nasty names and generally ignored; this despite the fact that CTR shills got Bernie-supporters' Facebook pages deleted by literally spamming them with CP. Where would they have gotten the material from? Why did no one get in trouble for it?

Then the whole Pizzagate thing broke shortly after Bernie bent the knee, which solidifies my point even more.


The oldcuck fucks and kills kids

fogdryer ago

you see, that's exactly what I read but who knows......what a shame what killbot did not that I wanted bernie

River_Otter ago


No one wants to hear this, even now.

The emails made it very clear that Bernie was being blackmailed. Some may argue that it had to deal with the loan deal under investigation now, but I highly doubt it, as he seems to be shrugging the whole thing off. It must be much, much worse, to make him bow out, as he had a better shot at the seat than Killary.

Votescam ago

Baloney --

There is no evidence that Bernie was being blackmailed.

There seems to be some evidence in "BRUISING" that Bernie was pushed around by people acting in the interests of Hillary and DNC.

And Hillary made sure that the DNC did not give Bernie the nomination -- that much is clear.

But your eagerness to try to hang something on Bernie is noted.

Are_we_sure ago

And Hillary made sure that the DNC did not give Bernie the nomination -- that much is clear.

What the fuck are you talking about? The voters did not give Bernie the nomination. Bernie lost.

Votescam ago

Bernie would obviously have won any election against Trump had the DNC given him the nomination.

Bernie in the end supported Hillary for the nomination ... bruises and all.

Are_we_sure ago

"had the DNC given him the nomination" There you go again.

It's not a beauty contest, there are rules on winning the nomination and Bernie lost and it wasn't very close. It only went on and on because the Democrats are not winner take all and California with the most delegates went in June. But it was pretty much over by Super Tuesday. Had the Democratic primaries been winner take all like in the Republican primaries, this would have been clearer early. These are simply the facts. Clinton got the nomination because the voters preferred her.

If the whole country voted at once like in the general election and she won by 12 points, no one would have said it was close. Of the 10 largest states, I think Bernie only won 1 or 2.

If it was a general election the electoral college would have been 404 to 134 or a bigger win than the last seven presidential elections.

She won. He Lost. It was not "given."

Votescam ago

Evidently you think we have honest elections ... ?

Sorry, but the Hillary camp were even using "white out " on ballots in San Francisco.

PLUS the hack-able voting computers we've been voting on for 50 years now which can be re-programmed from a distance -- actually now suggested that can be done via satellite.

And the polls more clearly showed that Bernie Sanders was the favorite. There was every kind of criminal manipulation of the voting by HRC camp -- even fake polling stations.

Again, the DNC recognized that the nation wanted Bernie Sanders, but they gave it to HRC nonetheless.

Had Bernie gotten the nation, it would have been an overwhelming response by the public ... which doesn't guarantee the outcome of the election will be in agreement with the actual votes cast by the public.

This_Ruined_Pizza ago

The voters, or the super delegates she paid for?

Are_we_sure ago

Of course the voters, she recieved almost 4 million more than he did.

16,914,722 13,206,428

cthulian_axioms ago

The voters did not give Bernie the nomination.

We cannot know what the electorate's decision actually was, because THE RESULT WAS FRAUDULENT. The vote was conducted using electronic voting machines which can be easily rigged. They tried to rig the general election too, but the overwhelming groundswell of support for El Donald was--some might say miraculously--able to overcome whatever rigging mechanism they put in place. Perhaps Kek undid some of it, too.

Are_we_sure ago

Yeah, they rigged the voting machines, they did it wrong.

Cool story, bro.

cthulian_axioms ago

The voting machines in question run closed-source software which is specifically exempted from the freedom-of-information laws.

Unless the code is made public, along with clear chains of custody for both the machines and the code, it is by no means a guarantee that the result obtained from said machines is legitimate.

To what parts of that argument do you object, and why? Be specific. "Nuh uh, bro" is not going to fucking cut it.

Are_we_sure ago

To what parts of that argument do you object, and why?

The part I object is you committing the fallacy of talking about something that might be possible and acting it was what happened.

And it's compounded ridiculous logic. So they massively hacked the voting machines, but forgot to do for the general election?

cthulian_axioms ago

talking about something that might be possible and acting it was what happened.

Well, then you shouldn't have a problem here, because that's not what I'm doing.

Let me break down the argument into five parts, and you show me the bits with which you disagree.

PART 1: It is the responsibility of a democratically-elected government to demonstrate, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that the result of its elections are legitimate. The burden of proof lies with the government, because the government is the only entity with that ability in the first place.

PART 2: Electronic voting machines are computers designed for a certain purpose, namely the counting of ballots with greater accuracy and speed than can be achieved by humans. Computers have no intelligence of their own; they run only the code that is entered into them. Computer code is of two types: machine code, which is the literal ones and zeroes flowing through the processing unit, and source code, which is human-readable. Source code is like a set of instructions that tell the machine what to do; it must be "compiled" into machine code that the computer can understand. Source code is of two types as well: open-source, which means that the source code is freely available for anyone to read, and closed-source, which is kept secret by the people who wrote it (or their employer).

PART 3: There are three major manufacturers of electronic voting machines: Diebold, Dominion, and ES&S. All three manufacture their machines under closed-source terms. This means that no one outside the company is allowed to look at the source code and verify that it in fact does what they claim it does: i.e., count ballots with greater accuracy and speed than can be achieved by humans.

PART 4: Because the several voting-machine manufacturers do not make their source code available for review, we cannot be certain that the machines supplied to various polling places are actually counting votes accurately, especially given that the machines are connected to the internet. The several State and local elections boards also do not make available clear, verifiable chains of custody for the machines.

PART 5: Given the foregoing, the present government cannot prove that the results of its elections are legitimate. I also cannot prove that the results are fraudulent, but I do not have the burden of proof. I should not have made a blanket statement to that effect, however. A more accurate--and logically-sound--statement would be to say that THE RESULT CANNOT BE PROVEN LEGITIMATE. It is absolutely possible that the result was fraudulent, and if the result cannot be proven legitimate, it cannot be disproven that it is fraudulent, either.

So they massively hacked the voting machines, but forgot to do for the general election?

If you dare to put words in my mouth again, I will shit in yours. Go run tell that to your cocksucker of a boss. You shills always make with the exaggerations of scale to discredit people. It's bullshit, and I don't much care for bullshit.

There was no massive hacking. A massive hack requires a lot of resources, a lot of collaboration or head-turning on the part of local officials, and carries a high risk of being discovered. But if you're trying to rig an election, you don't need massive in the first place. The electorate of the empire is pretty neatly divided, so the spread is not that big. In a race where the winner wins by ~5-6%, one needs to fake, flip, or erase only 2-3% to change the outcome. You just need to know where to concentrate the effort. In races where 50% turnout, this isn't actually a lot of votes.

Do you remember the VAN "hacking" scandal during the primary? Well, the North remembers. There exists, somewhere in cyberspace, a database called the "Voter Action Network" which contains voter-registration information gleaned from the public records of the fifty states of the empire. This database includes information on who donated to whom, because that information is also public record. The several campaigns have access to this database, but the donor information is supposed to be kept confidential. I believe they called it a "firewall". At any rate, right before the New York primary, this firewall was hacked. A low-level staffer of the Bernie campaign (who immediately quit) was alleged to have done the deed. But during the period that the security breach was ongoing (only a few hours, IIRC), both campaigns had access to each other's donor information. The Clinton family had the means, motive, and opportunity to steal that information. Based on the evidence, I conclude it is more likely than not that they did.

With that information--knowing where and who to target--the result of the primary election could easily have been altered with a combination of faking, flipping, and erasure of votes amounting to a relatively small portion of the electorate. How many thousands of people had their voter-registration information mysteriously lost? How many were turned away at polling places? In what proportion? Those are old-fashioned means of election-tampering which don't even have to resort to playing with the machines themselves. The Clinton family used every single trick up their sleeves, both legal and illegal, to guarantee a victory. We cannot know what the result would have been if it were honest, but they sure as shit can't prove it was legitimate, either.

As for the general election, they didn't forget to try, they tried and failed. They did not have accurate data; among other things, the polls were unreliable. No one would fucking admit an intention to vote for the Cheeto, and they guessed wrong on how many Berniecrats would flip. Further, because the electorate is so much larger for a Presidential election than the primary, it would have been a larger effort to accomplish it in the first place. Finally, Hillary Clinton is a witch-demon who drinks baby blood. Donald Trump is a demented television personality who is stuck in the locomotive of a runaway train, and he ain't driving. A frog-headed Egyptian chaos god accidentally summoned by the fucking Internet is driving. We are all passengers on the train. I am trying to get off the train, so that I can spread 𓎡𓎡𓅱𓏭's wisdom elsewhere in the universe, and you have the temerity to mock me.

Cease your intention immediately, fall to your knees, and repent. 𓎡𓎡𓅱𓏭 is your God now, and 𓎡𓎡𓅱𓏭 commands it.

Verite1 ago


quantokitty ago

Know that major pushback signals you're right. I learned that the hard way. Silly me for thinking that when I posted something and got called horrendous names that the post was tantamount to a "shit post". Slowly, the lightbulb went on when I saw really great posters being attacked with the same tactics.

While it's conjecture as to what the blackmail could be, yours is the logical conclusion. If not, it had to be pretty big stuff for a viable candidate to agree to the farce. Could be he was profiting from sordid criminal activities. Again, speculation. There is no proof except for this. And, yes, the FB postings are telling. It's all evidence and you wonder when the actual charges will be filed.

fogdryer ago

or not........ :(

quantokitty ago

Yes, there's that. :)

cthulian_axioms ago

profiting from sordid criminal activities

As much as I am a rabid Bernie supporter, I will admit that the matter of his wife Jane running Burlington College into the ground and leaving with a gold-plated parachute is suspicious as fuck. You can smell the stink of it from atop Mount Mansfield with the right wind conditions.

While that kind of scandal would mar Bernie's squeaky-clean reputation, financial misdealings can often be explained away fairly easily. "The College's investment portfolio underperformed; expected donations did not materialize; mistakes were made; I am giving back my severance package." There you go.

Note that this wouldn't excuse Jane and Bernie in the moral sense, but in the legal sense, I don't think they'd really get nailed for it.

Nah. It had to have been CP. David Brock is sitting on a mountain of it.

quantokitty ago

I totally agree with you. A spouse's financial dealings aren't career breakers.

Had to be something HUGE! CP is HUGE! If proven, you never get your career back.

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

Excited speculation is still speculation. Scandal is scandal, especially if mostly clean like Bernie. This might not even fit into Clinton's jam-packed folder. If they really had CP or something like that Bernie wouldn't have broken out once he saw the numbers were there.

Repeat: If Bernie was CP compromised he would't have tried to go all the way once he saw the numbers.

RweSure ago

Know that major pushback signals you're right.

or someone who is incredibly wrong and politicizes when people try to explain that.

Votescam ago

quant --

You're posting "conjecture" over and again .... and you acknowledge that it is "speculation" over and over again.

And, by your own words you make clear that there is NO proof for any of this.

quantokitty ago

Yes, some of what I posted is "conjecture" and "speculation". What part? It's the part of what exactly that "leverage" was. But we know there was an agreement that included not criticizing HRC even though she was an opponent, and that they had "leverage" on him that they would use to ensure he'd comply.

Votescam ago

You don't know anything but that Podesta suggests there was an "agreement" with Sanders.

And, besides, Bernie went on to criticize Hillary right through the entire primary.

And quite obviously he would NOT have supported her nomination to be the presidential candidate for DP.

I don't think at the time of the email there was a campaign which would have made them "opponents."

Might also mean that Bernie was discussing some things other than Hillary they didn't want America to hear.

But, bruises came after the "dinner" and as their need increased to have Bernie Sanders (the front runner in the primary) nominate Hillary for the nomination of the DP.

quantokitty ago

Shills gotta shill.

quantokitty ago

Not a problem.

I've skipped over things and know how it goes.

Jobew1 ago

This is petty stuff. Pg goes beyond the phony left right paradigm. Btw ur assuming a lot to think assange is 100%

quantokitty ago

Thanks so much for your comments.

I don't believe Assange is 100%; I believe the emails because these are The Cannibal Elite's own words. No false narrative here. How do you think #pizzagate got started?

And the fixing of a presidential election through blackmail is never petty.

Jobew1 ago

maybe i'm in the minority here, but i couldn't care less about whether there was blackmail on the dem side of this past election cuz that type of stuff has gone on forever. the truth is in the emails (not in assange and maybe not that much in wikileaks generally as it may be controlled) and i'm interested in the p/g ones, not the 'selection' process

quantokitty ago

Unfortunately, I don't think you are in the minority and that's really sad. It shows the really low benchmark you hold politicians to meeting. I think in this particular case, it's who's doing the blackmailing, and just as importantly, what the nature of the blackmail is. As you've probably seen, the old commie is already speaking out and going on like he's it's 2020 campaign time. I would like to know what sort of blackmail people have on him because he could easily be compromised if does have something to do with sex crimes. Those types of crimes tend to be repeated. Take the case of Rick Nelson, mayor of Stillwater. He was recently arrested for CP, and sure enough there were three incidents of sexual deviancy, one involving a FIVE-YEAR-OLD.

And this email has proven to be very true. In today's MSN propaganda, I read an excerpt from Killary's book about why she lost the election. Sure enough, she complains bitterly about Sanders' criticism of her. She says that his criticism was what led to her downfall. Hence, Assange's flagging this email was righteous.

Sorry you think so little of politicians as to not care that they're blackmailing opponents. And even sorrier that you don't care about what acts they're engaging in to be blackmailed. I suppose we can do away with caring about homicides also since Cain killed Abel. I mean, why bother, right?

Jobew1 ago

hrc and sanders are puppets on a string. if you wanna talk about the forces behind them which have played a dark hand in most major elections and are doing the blackmail of hrc, sanders, and many many persons in positions of power across the globe (think, pizzagate) than you have my attention. that group is int'l userers that have been pulling the strings for a long time. hrc is not the major shot caller that we need to overly worry about (tho i'm all for exposing her connections to p/g through haiti and perhaps elsewhere even if there are persons far above her that need exposing and removing). no need to feel sorry for me. i think one day you might understand my point of view.

quantokitty ago

Yes, we do have to worry about people like Sanders and HRC. Look at what's going on in our country because of the power exerted by The Cananibal Queen and the false narratives dreamed up in the sick head of Pedosta. And in order to get these "forces" you talk about, you need to get the major players. Jail is a good way, but that isn't enough. You need to discredit them by shining a spotlight on what crimes they've committed. Exposing them taints them and disperses their power. Take Ed Buck. People are scattering in all directions to get away from this major donor who was wheeling and dealing a few weeks ago. Oh, what a difference a video and some nasty sexting conversation will do.

It's why we have to pound away at all these leads and not get into some ridiculous head in the clouds strategy about getting only the monster behind the curtain. The puppets on stage are important. Very important. They're what allows these fools to stay in power and keep collecting money to do more evil. Then there are the children. They're what's this about. Even a low level handler is a threat to them.

Jobew1 ago

i already said i'm interested in hrc or any of these puppet's p/g activities (and any other crimes to some degree), but the ultimate goal is to spread the light on the puppet masters. if its' not sanders, hrc, or anyone (please don't forget the republicans) it will be someone else. u have to get to the root of the problems. worrying bout if bernie or hrc did the other "dirty" is not important to me. but we can agree to disagree

quantokitty ago

but we can agree to disagree


I'm about to post something about one of the "big dogs" and it ties to this and demonstrates my positioning on why HRC and Sanders are really big deals.

carmencita ago

There is a difference between a blackmail and a threat. There seems to be a vendetta going on here. I have been very fair regarding Trump. There have been many shills on here posting about his rape of a girl and his associations with Epstein. I have not posted anything in regards to him being guilty of such because I know that there is much out there in the media that will try to take down anyone that has run or will run as a candidate. I have always said he is our President and I am willing to give him a chance. This is the second posting insinuating that Bernie Sanders has reason to be branded as a pedophile. I also think it is pretty obvious that the upvoats are from Trump supporters and some Shills from Brock that will try to take Bernie down, for they know that he may be running again next time around. I will continue being fair but am disappointed at those that have joined in this pummeling and rock throwing and also such a nasty accusation and insinuation of pedophilia. I am sorry I have even had to write this.

This_Ruined_Pizza ago

I don't understand the support of Sanders. I'm not a Trump, or Clinton supporter. It was crystal clear from the beginning what Sanders purpose was in the election. You could see he was pained in his face during his concession, but that entire primary was a farce. He spit in the face of every one of his supporters and he did it for a VERY self serving reason. We all deserve to know what that was.

carmencita ago

You are entitled to your opinion.

Verite1 ago

It's absurd. Ppl are so Fucking stupid. They are gonna trash the ONE person, the most popular politician in the country who actually stands for something, and has been fighting for average working class Americans his whole life. According to a lot of ppl on this sub verse EVERYONE is a pedophile.

carmencita ago

Yes and most of the evidence they presented is laughable. I have seen that stuff all the time on Reddit and now on here. It is the same ones and of the same ilk. ilI have had to fight of this stuff by many right wingers and hillbots. It is only going to get worse if he runs again and his supporters are rabid for him to do so. I think that is why some of these articles are popping up again on the Rep. sites because they want to take Bernie down before he gains too much speed. If you have problems with his policies I get that, but marking someone a pedo with flimsy excuses is going pretty low. YES he did not win exactly because he was the most popular. They kept him from doing that for a reason. I was involved in some of the election info in my state and I can tell you that there are states that he actually won in but did not realize until later when the audits were done. The audits were a joke btw. I cannot say more or I will dox myself.

This_Ruined_Pizza ago

He has far fewer supporters than he had before his concession. Most Bernie supporters I know can't shake the feeling of total betrayal. Even the ones who do still think he is the be-all-to-end-all still realize he sold out to the most evil faction of US politics the lay person has ever seen.

Verite1 ago

Ditto to everything you said.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Sorry, but Bernie is a snake! He deceived all those who supported him. A lot of hard working people sent money to his campaign and it was all a lie! He is also a Nazi supporter! That in itself is horrific. If I had a billion $, I would bet it all that Bernie is a Evil Pedo!

Verite1 ago

God you sounds so ridiculous. Grow a brain.

SayWhatNOWAY ago


carmencita ago

What makes him a Nazi supporter? Because he went to Russia on his honeymoon? That was set up by the person he replaced in office as Vermont's Sister City plan. Easy to just call someone you don't like as a candidate, especially since he called out Trump. I have never seen such vitriol on this board. I have been on here for 9 mos. and the hatred has finally peaked. I am really disappointed. There is no hard proof of him being a pedophile. Those are harsh words and a nasty accusation. I am now positively sure that the world would come crashing down on my head if I said the same about Trump. But of course, I have not nor have I said so. There have been posts about him raping a girl but I do not participate in such posts for there is not any harsh proof. Although others have not been as fair, I will continue.

This_Ruined_Pizza ago

Lol... omg... the Bernie martyr mentality is full blown in you. This is tame in comparison to some of the hate spewed in here. Why are Sanders supporters so whiney?

quantokitty ago

Where is the email on Trump? Where is the DNC calling out Trump during the election and discussing he needs to be pulled back in line because he broke an agreement and that they need to remind him by using "leverage".

You can believe what you want. Bernie is dirty. He's dirty to have formed this agreement with the DNC, and dirty for duping people into believing they had a choice.

Your opinion is always welcome even when you don't agree.

10376829? ago

Wow! Did you find this email yourself ? This is gold !

quantokitty ago

No. Assange tweeted it.

It's tantamount to telling us, "Hello! Everything you need to know is buried in those emails if you'd only read them and reading them is why we put them up!"

Thanks for the comment.