johnpedostalol ago

Huma is hot

quantokitty ago

John Pedosta would say that ....

carlofusilier ago


independenceday ago

I'm glad you understood what I am saying. Your comment caused a flashback for me....

Are_we_sure ago

Are we sure of this?

Bernie Sanders is also central to the scheme to get Killary in The White House at all costs

How so?

Also I think you are wrong about hidden meanings. This is internal communications among Clinton's team.

I know you are wrong that "Huma Abedin Likens Sanders Debating to a Fictional Serial Killer" because when you look at the image of the page in that tweet, it clearly identifies Jake Sullivan as the person making the Something About Mary reference.

and given that nobody knows that killer's name would he be the reference you would use if you wanted people to think of him as a killer?

TrishaUK ago

Just found this email from From: Sent from: Huma Abedin 10/11/2011 11:51:19 AM +00:00 To: H Quote: 'and its en route whitehaven. marina will make sure you get pouch. this is in addition to the bfg you got last night'. Anyone know what 'bfg' is because I looked it up on urban dictionary and it comes up:- BigF..kingGun lol hopefully its not that. If it is we need to see who was killed around 10/11/2011 haha (to me, in english, this is Nov, but probably Oct)

BlowjaySimpson ago

Marina Abramovic?

Are_we_sure ago


quantokitty ago

Have no idea. Is there a link to the email?

TrishaUK ago

Just checking emails around this date. She was at the white house that day but I can't find any other reference to 'bfg', no attachment that I could see.

TrishaUK ago

'SHINE THE LIGHT CONFERENCE' - 13th October - 'from delusion to truth' - WOW - All of us need to watch this man! - he is coordinating this conference to connect with pizzagate researchers and formulate a programme that is cohesive and enabling us to share and make the public aware of pizzagate in a credible, united way.

quantokitty ago


That's what we need -- a strategy.

TrishaUK ago

PLS Watch this video its important. I posted this on voat last month about: #Pinkygate: A #Pedogate Tale - by:- 'from delusion to truth' & another - I notice Honeybee mentioned the little girl at 6:06 mins looks like the one on JA.Instragram pics. I agree do you? - & -

quantokitty ago

Hmmm... there is a resemblance. What are the dates of those two pics? Does anyone know? It would help in determining the legitimacy of the claim.

TrishaUK ago

What the heck? I just went onto google to check if I could see the dates, and it says:- Quote 'JIMMY COMET OWNER OF COMET PIZZA ASKED ABOUT PICS OF KIDS ON HIS INSTAGRAM' AND 'YouTube Privacy Warning YouTube (owned by Google) does not let you watch videos anonymously. As such, watching YouTube videos here will be tracked by YouTube/Google'. SO IF I CLICK ON IT THEY ARE GOING TO TRACK ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - ACTUALLY THIS MEANS THAT THEY DO HAVE ALL THE DETAILS OF THESE SICK PERVERTS THEN - IF THE VIEWER HAS NO PRIVACY AND THEY TRACK USERS!!!

quantokitty ago

Amazing how they're using the info to harass people trying to do something about this. Meanwhile, JA and his crew are given a pass.

It'll give you an idea of what we're dealing with.

quantokitty ago

Will take a look.


TrishaUK ago

Hes a great researcher, just noticed hes done another one, watching it atm. :)

10396535? ago

misdirection, schmucker was weiner's boss, weiner being schmckers protege, and killary's entrance into NYC.

NEW YORK IS A HELLA TOWN for...anyone they want.

stop shilling fagots and know your masters

quantokitty ago

Upvoat. Was not aware of this either. Will check it out.

srayzie ago

Was she posting these during the debates then? Or she's just now posting them? I have no clue. It would have to be code for something. Not random. I hope they didn't drug him and video him performing some beastiality act or something. It sounds crazy. But these freaks ARE CRAZY.

quantokitty ago

I hope they didn't drug him and video him performing some beastiality act or something. It sounds crazy. But these freaks ARE CRAZY.

I swear this passed through my goddamn head. It is crazy and I dismissed it, but is this what she was hinting at?

In terms of the first question, my understanding is that she just did this. If this is a correct assumption, it means that Huma and HRC are still majorly pissed at him! But for what? An infraction? Remember, he was roughed up. What went on? What does this mean? Why are they so angry?

srayzie ago

Well since Assange recently put out a tweet saying that Mook threatened Bernie Sanders, maybe it's a warning for Bernie to keep his trap shut. What do you think? It's just too weird to be a random thing someone would post. It has to be a message to him somehow.

LongDongKeyhote ago

It HAS to be? Do you read tea leaves too, wench? I could totally imagine you do. I cant help but notice you women are much more interested in reading twatter and speculating and watching Jewtubers than getting down to actual new research. But the latter is so very easy -- surely even you are capable. Does it just bore you, all the reading? Do you not know how to use search engines effectively?

srayzie ago

What research do you do besides research on JEWS? I do a lot of reading on psychology. That's how I know you have such low self esteem that you come online to act like a big bad bully behind your computer screen you insecure scrawny little coward.

I proved the other day that you're a fag who's been engaged twice. To men! You also like to go to the transvestigation sub. No wonder you don't like women. You want to be one!

You're a narcissistic asshole who has to always be right. Guess what? You aren't in control of this board fairy boy. You definitely don't control me. So stop being jealous over my comments about alpha males. Stop thinking that I must like you. I don't go for ugly narcissistic little bitches that like to be bent over. If I were looking for a man, he'd be manly. Definitely not a fag.

LongDongKeyhote ago

A lot of reading on psychology you say, LOL! Does it take a lot? Cuz it seems pretty simple: everything is the opposite, aggressivity is really insecuirity, neat and easy for your kindergarten brain.

Check it out, though: attacking my manhood cant give any satisfaction because its just speculation, whereas WE KNOW YOURE DUMB and get further confirmation with every post laden with choppy retard prose like this:

You write bad. Your sentences are very short. You are a bully. I bet youre a fag. You dont control me. I proved that.


srayzie ago

I asked your equine profile a question about a lame comment he left. Go sign in so you can reply.

srayzie ago

That's your answer for EVERYONE. Practically everyone here is dumb in your eyes. There's no need to speculate on your manhood. It was proven in your own words in a post you left on another site.

Stop avoiding the question. What research do you do besides research one Jews?

DonKeyhote ago

CLICK "submissions" YOU STUPID BITCH! My posts have run the entire gamut and there arent any for the first several months about Jews whatsoever.

Your only response to any counterfacts will be that i simply laid all that evidence long in advance -- but guess what, stupid? At a certain point of effort required on my part NORMAL PEOPLE will begin to doubt. Suppose i have 100 DMs from equine -- supposedly me writing to myself. How about 300?

DO YOU UNDERSTAND, STUPID? You are not NORMAL. You are BELOW AVERAGE INTELLIGENCE, so watch that confirmation bias of yours, because your ENTIRE CASE depends on SUSPECTED PUNS LOL

srayzie ago

I've seen your lame submissions. Your contribution points should embarrass you. I'm literally laughing right now. Are you YELLING AT ME?

DonKeyhote ago

How RETARDED must you be to not realize that ANY POINT SYSTEM WILL BE MANIPULATED TO OUR DETRIMENT? And even if the system were benign, you got 377 points for "contributing" this knowledge that was clearly only going to be relevant for a few hours:

BREAKING: Reddit admins are talking about how to ban /r/The_Donald entire subreddit!!!!!

Speculation, internet gossip, hysterics -- pretty much what id expect a bitch to "contribute" LMAO. Jesus what a sad figure.

srayzie ago

It must be the Jews huh? 🤓

DonKeyhote ago

No, the reason your posts are useless is YOU ARE FUNCTIONALLY RETARDED. Why are you flippant about the jews, cant you see more people are waking up here? I assume youll change your tune and go with the crowd eventually: ITS WHAT DUMB IMPRESSIONABLE BITCHES DO LOL

srayzie ago

You're dillusional. Almost everyone here can't stand you and you get on our nerves. However people feel about Jews is up to them. But, you go way too far. What I find funny is that you AND your alt, Equineluvr, are both extreme Jew haters. But both alts admit to being Jew 🤣 Now THAT IS RETARDED! Lmao!

DonKeyhote ago

Have you ever read a book cover-to-cover? One without pictures i mean? It's "DELUSIONAL" and your inability to reconcile a part-Jew exposing Jewish crimes proves your mental handicap. Seriously, your family should apply for a tax break from the state, if youre even a taxpayer, which i doubt.

Every Jew mentioned here validates me further, but I have no doubt you will ALWAYS resist and think youre spiting someone. Just as youll never admit I'm not equine even though it is TOTALLY ILLOGICAL ON ITS FACE if you think for one minute. Just get your self-esteem from something more within your reach, like a puzzle. But not a crossword, i mean like a 20-piece puzzle.

srayzie ago

Yawn 😴😴😴😴😴

DonKeyhote ago

You tai-tai from arts and crafts and need a story for naptime?

There once was a cunt named Crayzie,

She wanted to help but was lazy,

Dumb as a rock,

But she sucked a mean cock,

For a five or a tenner (memorys hazy)

srayzie ago

You didn't think I would let this opportunity pass me by did you? 🙄

Dedicated to my little bitch donkey

Stupid ass donkey sat on a cock

His screams were so high pitched.

His hair is pulled and he's slapped around

Because someone made him their bitch.

He asked Crayzie for help but she said no

And threw his nasty ass in a ditch

Written by Srayzie 2017

Drop the 🎤

DanKeyhote ago

ALL you had to do was keep the meter and NOT take an hour to compose the retort. You failed on both counts because HUMOR requires INTELLIGENCE.

Better luck next time, keep sucking at PG. If we organized and you were Twitter Monitor, and you acknowledge your low position, its cool.

srayzie ago

Awww don't be a sore loser. I'm just better at poetry than you are. It's ok ((( donkey ))) I doubt in real life I'd throw you in a ditch. I'm not cruel. But I would bitch slap you several times for the hell of it. Oops. Did I type that out loud? 😶

srayzie ago


quantokitty ago

You know what? That's an excellent point.

It could well be a follow up. In other words Assange is asking what the leverage was, and Huma is reminding him that they know where the bodies are buried?

Makes sense, but is it the truth.

Are_we_sure ago

@srayzie Huma did not say the thing about the serial Killer in There's Something about Mary. Jake Sullivan did and he didn't do it this week, it was back during the campaign.

The reason this is coming out is it's from Hillary's new book.

The official publish date is next Tuesday, but independent bookstores have got copies already....there are not supposed to sell any until the publish date, but obviously reporters have got there hands on them.

srayzie ago

Oh ok. Thanks for the info

Gothamgirl ago

I am 99% sure Anthony's MIT mk ultra session, included animals.

quantokitty ago

You know what, you could be right.

She printed out a horse and posted this underneath it. It could be nothing ... no, it couldn't be nothing .... but it might mean something else.

independenceday ago

OMG, I just remembered certain adults playing that game with me when i was a child :/

srayzie ago


independenceday ago

These "Furry" pervs might tie in too, there's a whole Pony Furry fetish, but I thought the photos were too porno to post here:

quantokitty ago

Oh, really? Thank for this. Had no idea. I guess I lead a sheltered life.


independenceday ago

Found this: When Pony Play was brought to my attention for this segment I wasn’t quite sure what it was and what to expect. Once I saw pictures, I assumed this was just some kinky sexual activity. I had no knowledge of anything in the BDSM world and in fact I had to look up the definition of BDSM. Before meeting Persephone, I assumed she would be a handful being that she was a dominatrix and the trainer of her ponies. Upon meeting Persephone my view of her changed immediately, she welcomed us in her home and was very nice to us and even bragged to us about her herb garden.

Once Persephone fully explained and showed us what pony play was, I quickly realized that everything I thought this was going to be was actually not the case. While some people do engage in sexual acts during pony play, that is not a necessity. I learned that pony play is actually more of a role-play and that Persephone’s Pony Play was not sexual at all. Both Persephone and her pony Ivy both have committed boyfriends and they do not engage in any sexual acts outside of their relationships.

While some pony players play for the sexual stimulation they get from it, Mistress Persephone and Ivy Red do not do it for that reason at all. Mistress Persephone enjoys the power she has over a person and dominating them rather than “getting off on it.” Persephone’s pony does not play for any sexual reasons either, but likes to be dominated and be the center of attention which is why her costume is so detailed. The more intricate the costume, the better the experience they get out of it. The entire payoff for these ladies is for the pony to act like a real pony.

Our shoot was about three days long, and in those days I ended up being a part of that lifestyle—not to say I dressed up and participated, but just the impact of the people I met. Even though Persephone was the person I was filming, I mentally became a part of her world. When anyone would stare or say something under their breath, I found myself defending her and pony play. Being a non-fetish heterosexual African American male never in a million years would I think I would feel and care about someone like Persephone and pony play, but along the way she became my friend and I did for her what I would do for any my friends or family. In short, I learned acceptance. I walked away from this experience knowing 1.) There is nothing that can shock me. And 2.) It’s not what you do behind closed doors that shapes who you are.

quantokitty ago

Upvoat for you also.

Holy fucking shit! That's crazy! Absolutely crazy! Yeah, this makes sense and would be enough to blackmail or "leverage" him into playing ball.

The image this conjures up is getting me ill though. These people are completely sick, pervy scum.

Commoner ago

Have you seen this video? Maybe she is playing off this

Bernie Sanders is the Zodiac Killer

quantokitty ago

Damn! A lot of Upvoats today!

You are stupendous for ferreting out this. Never even saw it.

Yup, she could be riffing off of that. But in terms of his home state, has anyone even done a cursory sniff around to maybe child care advocates disappearing? Or opponents being eliminated? Has there been a hint of scandal, and the person raising the stink about Sanders maybe ending up in the river? Never occurred to me to even look.

srayzie ago

Well of that were true, too bad he didn't get Hillary

2impendingdoom ago

if it helps, I think that Huma met Weiner through the Clintons (arena of the ny political scene) and WJC officiated their wedding. What is going on in the tweet, I have no idea.

in light of this it may be no surprise that our most prolific commenter here is equinelvr & and the donkey ass alts

Are_we_sure ago

She met Weiner through Democratic politics, but not necessarily through the Clintons.

In a new interview with Vogue, Hillary Clinton‘s right-hand woman opens up about the moment she first met her husband, at a Democratic National Committee retreat on Martha’s Vineyard in 2001. “It didn’t go so well,” Abedin recalls. “A friend of mine came up to me and said, ‘He’d like to meet you.’ ”

2impendingdoom ago

Please provide a SOURCE

Are_we_sure ago

You can literally put what I quoted in a search engine and find my source.

I just googled how did huma meet weiner. It's a people magazine article referencing a Vogue interview from last year.

2impendingdoom ago

then link to it, its not my job. why can't you do that? You should back up your claim or AreWeNotSure??

DonKeyhote ago

Wow, he points out YOU RETARDS' ERRONEOUS CLAIMS and you criticize HIS lack of sources? More shameless amateurism, how obscene.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Roflmao!!👄👄👄👄👄 Good One👍 Horsefucker loves asses😉

quantokitty ago

Ha! When the shills come out, we're doing our job, man!

I have no idea either, but Huma is pissed in a BIG way. After all this time? Potshots? What is going on? I couldn't resist posting this because I know you guys/gals are geniuses.

LongDongKeyhote ago

Listen, dumb bitch: even if this is some code YOU WILL NEVER GET CONFIRMATION OF THAT, MAKING THIS A WASTE OF TIME like your attemtps to label shills.

This "shill" has expanded the codeword list substantially by FINDING FRONT ENTITIES -- thats verifiable because you can FIND OTHER EXAMPLES.

See the difference, bitch?

LongDongKeyhote ago

Omg LOL!! You will never get ANYWHERE qith that confirmation bias! No wonder youre more comfortable with these stupid women!

A pony is a stereotypical gift for a spoiled child ---> Bernie will spoil Americans with expensive handouts. Abs is something people want quickly with less effort TSAMary is one of the most famous comedy films ever.

This is how a woman writes a joke, not a "secret code" for you MORONS to decipher LMAO! I swear you are such a faggot larper.

Verite1 ago

This is exactly what this is about. The pony refers to Bernie promising single payer/expanded Medicare for all, something Hillary said would never happen and to promise it to his supporters, Bernie was promising something, "a fairy tale," that would never happen. THATS IT!!


As harsh as your comments may be, you definitely bring a good viewpoint to the table. Appreciate your calling out of a lot of the obvious confirmation bias that I see here. Your approach, well, it's unique ;)

srayzie ago

I was thinking the same thing