Votescam ago

Thank you for the reply and glad that you put this on the record. Not surprised about CPS as there are just too many failures to be believable that it's by accident. Don't know the ages of the children, but very much hope that their lives will improve somehow. Perhaps something else will break this -- the children may try to tell someone at school -- something like that. If TS is being blackmailed (and there may be others, as well) ... I doubt that he's too happy about that and he may try to do something about it. But I do hope that others will read this and will perhaps have some advice for you.


Votescam ago

Cc -- Trust that others will comment on this, but you have no complaints with his work on Marsy Law, right? You're just suggesting that it could be used to intervene in this situation where you say Spitzer - a City Councilman -- should have been able to help the children you discuss here ....

I went to him for help in a child abuse case.. he didn't help , he made it worse. I blame him for aiding and abetting a meth attic prostitute that neglects her children . He lived a few doors down from this druggy...<

Did you ask him to do anything specific? And did he do something on his own which you say, "didn't help" and "only made it worse"?

Meanwhile, are the people at the "Unhinged" site also familiar with the problem of children being abused and neglected by this mother? And are any of these people familiar with the fact that this woman is a "meth" addict? Are you referring to methamphetamines or some other meth drug? You don't mean methadone, right?

Is there a child protection agency or agent involved with this case?

Is "CPS" = Child Protection Services?

twistedmac11 ago

Wolftrail7272 ago

I'm fine, everyone. Don't give up. Everyone does their part.

Jem777 ago


YingYangMom ago

Excellent :)

Votescam ago

As we try to review your records, is there any advice you can give us as to most promising ways to go?

(NOT that I'm actually capable of doing investigative work - I stink at it -- but some here likely are capable.)

twistedmac11 ago

Phew, glad to know you’re good. Better safe than sorry! Thank you for taking the time to respond!

jangles ago

Wolftrail - thanks for checking in :) your contributions here have and continue to be valuable. Any leads you need eyes on?

@carmencita @jem777 @twistedmac11 @YingYangMom @srayzie

YingYangMom ago

Awesome! Glad to know WolfTrail7272 is fine :)

Wolftrail7272 ago

I try not to telegraph my actions too much. I was wrong about Comey, that much I'll say for now.

jangles ago

This and that

carmencita ago

Hey. Just Hey and so glad you are OK. PM me anytime.

srayzie ago

He checked in??

mooteensy ago

I can confirm @WolfTrail7272 is just fine. And onto something. Keep digging, friends.

carmencita ago

Can you please tell him I said Hello. I just saw this part of the post, was away for a while. Am so glad to hear he is safe. Tell him he can PM me again like before , only if he wants or can.

jangles ago

Could you convince him to log into voat and comment on this thread?

mooteensy ago

Probably. Reaching out now!

jangles ago


mooteensy ago

No problem, just glad I could help.

UnicornAndSparkles ago

@phishingteam looks like he could have been one of the people he private messages but went dark 2 months ago. Mentions St.Louis a lot?

SecondAmendment ago

I hope you are lawfully exercising you Second Amendment rights, @Cc1914. All if us should be. Stay safe.

mooteensy ago

I saw him a couple of days ago.

jangles ago

Could you elaborate?

@Jem777 @carmencita

carmencita ago

Please tell me elaborate on what? I am answering so many. Thanks.

jangles ago

the comment was intended for @mooteensy , carmencia your a blessing to this community. Thanks for being here :)

carmencita ago


carmencita ago

I want to make an apology to readers of this post. If my comments are a little mixed up it is because I am so very upset today. I miss my wonderful and courageous friend @Wolftrail7272 Please Excuse. Thank You.

carmencita ago

For some reason I made this comment in the PIE PAL thread above, and I am sorry at that time I was not good at links so there is no source. But if I included it it must have been important.
"They will regroup, and become as big as they were." Statement by an Interviewed pedophile. It has regrouped and is somewhere here in the USA. I propose it is possibly near the last one. St. Charles Mo. There is a reason it was named (operation Cathedral) LE was sending a message. @Jem777 @twistedmac11

Votescam ago

It does seem that a lot of the original investigators who were here don't seem to be around much anymore. I imagine there are many reasons for that -- some as we know have been threatened. Have many have just simply dropped out since then?

carmencita ago

But Imo’s also has a large following of ardent fans. In 2013, actor and St. Louis native Jon Hamm professed his love of Imo’s Pizza on the late-night TV show “Jimmy Kimmel Live,” calling it “delicious pie.” This came from this article: The article has a lot of info on Imo's Pizza (Obama's favorite Pizza Place). I have long thought that the founders and the whole co. are involved in this whole mess. Are thy part of the mafia connection like in Racine? IDK but it is something to think about.

Votescam ago

In looking at this thread: "pedophile rights movement" (PIE, PAL) and The Wonderland Club ....

I don't know if everyone would agree with me but as I look at it there are two separate issues ....

Other than by legal subterfuge, I see no way that the American public's opinion on pedophilia as something to be condemned and as a crime can be changed other than by legal subterfuge. The American public will not buy the idea that children can be sexually assaulted and that it would not be a crime. Nor will they buy the idea that children are capable of full and aware consent, especially such consent which would permit sexual activity between themselves and adults. However, legal subterfuge is something to be watched carefully, especially because of majority now of right wingers on the Supreme Court.

Quote -- This Australian 60 Minutes report on pedophile networks includes an interview with the founding member of PIE, Pedophile Information Exchange. He states that the reason that there is a problem is the guilt trip put on children by moralists that causes their problems and not the actual sex practices they have participated in. He believes children can give consent to participate, and that there are methods to evaluate that consent.

The research into this shows that beginning in 1973 or so, a movement was formed to gain legal status for pedophiliacs. Coincidentally, this is around the time that Hillary Clinton wrote her thesis on "Children Under the Law" -- which argued that laws of "minority status" for children should be abolished. See:>

I am not saying that both aren't serious issues, but that they are different issues ....

The other issue ....

Quote -- And then there was the "Wonderland Club" that was a network of people who exchanged child sex pictures and videos. To join the club you had to submit original pictures of children. It was not just pictures. It was videos. It was sounds. It was the sounds of children being raped. And the children became like STARS in the network. Some people would travel to take pictures with their favorite "stars." The Wonderland Club --> And so, I am suggesting that many of the pizzagate pictures with children are actually trophies of admirers of the sex videos and pictures the "stars" are in. And as is said in the video, when they broke up the Wonderland Club, it just found another venue. It is called the Wonderland Club after Alice in Wonderland. Lewis Carroll fell in love with his 4-year old student, Alice. Now there is an "Alice Day" in which pedophiles wear pink. Some say it is April 25, some July 4. April 25 is the day Lewis Carroll met Alice. July 4 is the day he took Alice and her sisters on a canoe trip and told them stories that he later made into Alice In Wonderland.

I believe that to understand this whole investigation, one must understand the pedophile world and what they believe, and what they do.

From the above, if the Wonderland Club still exists somewhere on the internet, I presume that pedophiles can be found there. And perhaps some information about their activities which might give some new insights as to how organized pedophiles may be there, and what role the Wonderland Club may play in child pornography, or child trafficking.

carmencita ago

I thought you might be interested in @Wolftrail7272 Submission on the Wonderland Club

Votescam ago

Read it now and there is a LOT there .... of course again involving the Catholic Church and their pedophile priests ....

and looking at sex offenders registered at this address, some are involved in the production of child porn.

Literally all other publicized instances of pedophilia in St. Louis involve child porn/snuff film production:>

Sometimes I think the police might just as well camp outside all of the churches.

Obviously, some of the police must have tracked this back to that address ... right?

carmencita ago

Most definitely there is snuff going on. The Wonderland Club has just been relocated. As I have said before there is too much money to be made to just let it fade away. There is an article about the place called Club Ped. The priests are sent from all over the country to this place. It goes as high up as the Cardinal. Part 1 There is a Part 2 as well. It will open your eyes. Also here is a link about Fr. Fred Lenczycki who came from Joliet Il. and ended up in Forest Park Hosp. he is connected to Ricky McCormick That should be a good start. I feel like I am Wolftrail and you are me.

Votescam ago

Took me a while to get back to you -- didn't make note of your username ....

But did check out those websites -- and all of those priests should be in jail serving sentences. HOWEVER ... in cases where we are saying that pedophilia may be a sickness that can't be cured ... and it does seem that way, then imo they should be confined to a facility for the mentally ill. But they should never be left with the RCC in charge of what happens to them.

Was also happy to see SNAP involved with the investigations as was wondering if I should post your links to them.

The part of the story which deals with Ricky McCormick is also interesting as we can only believe that the real involvement in this trafficking and cover for it comes from Elites .... HOWEVER, we do know that there are thugs used for kidnappings if you're familiar with Belgium case/Dutroux and that likely they are pedophiles. And that many of them may know the names of higher up's.

I certainly couldn't break the "code" in the notes that were found on him -- and was very interested and reading the thread where someone thought they broke the code and now I can't find my way back to it. But I will check my "history" tomorrow and hopefully will find it again.

Anyway, the police never confirm that this was Ricky's handwriting. How do we know it was? Maybe these two notes were given to him by someone else. Obviously someone took his ID off of his person because they had to use fingerprints to ID him. Why would that person leave notes on him?

The whole hospital story is freakish and his visit to Forest Park and having been in jail with the priest who worked there-- but FBI don't say if they checked the hospital records to find out what he was doing there?
Or who he saw which presumably would have been a doctor. Not sure either what kind of work the priest was doing there?

Notice that he had heart & lung problems -- which would probably also make him a poor candidate for organ donations. Evidently he was on "disability" so presume the health problems were real.

The family and father denies that Ricky knew anything about codes. It's confusing ... as some o the info says he dropped out of high school, but he could read & write. Family again says he'd "jot nonsense and call it writing." Father says he could only write his name. No capacity to write such notes.

FBI had asked people to send in suggestions about the notes -- but I couldn't find the list of suggestions. But they mentioned that some said automotive terms -- instructions -- or serial numbers -- technical stuff. Vin #'s. Hospital terminology - or something to do with medications.

The fact that it has dots and at least one dash between letters suggests to me it could be URL's, but also notice it doesn't include any ////'s which are usually used in website addresses.

Looks also like he suffered a head injury.

Found only 5 days after last seen alive and weighed only 73 pounds.

Still not sure if "Wonderland Club" is an actual physical establishment or on internet -- and if latter, has anyone found a new link to it on internet?

Of course, we all want this to move faster and the whole thing to fall .... But I also think that this church stuff goes right to the top -- the Pope -- and always has .. except for Pope John XXIII who tried to make the church a democracy with Vatican II. In that regard I'm trusting that the women of the church and those who support birth control and a democratic church will continue to whittle away at it until it falls.

So -- basically I've added nothing to this but will remain tuned in for updates.

I'm generally around here at some point every day/evening.

carmencita ago

No one has broken the code, the person that said they did, did not break it. Ricky was known to have his own way of communicating and writing in HIS own way or code. People knew about it and there was not any rhyme or reason to it, it was his own design. Ricky was a pedophile and had a couple of kids with teens, underage. Also, I am going to tell you that Ricky had the coloboma eye. He befriended the priest who was a horrible priest from Joliet Il. Wolf and I figured he may have been robbed of organs for he was way too light. About the Wonderland Club, look up Operation Cathedral which was a global raid on CP. It no longer exists under that name. Wolf seems to think it has morphed into something else and so do I. Also the Jane Doe of St. Louis case is extremely fascinating and is listed on Wikipedia. Wolf always tried to impress upon me that Obama's favorite pizza place was PI Pizza in St. Louis. Reggie Love is from St. Louis. Yes this goes all the way to the top. Bishop Carlson is in control of it all. Also very important is Westlake Landfill. Loaded with Uranium from the Manhattan Project. There is a never ending burning fire there. Also Organ harvesting is a big biz in St. Louis. That's enough for now. I would suggest to look at his Submissions. Will be busy tomorrow but can write in eve. Great to hear your interest.

Votescam ago

Hi -- Will take a look when I have time -- Just want to mention -- and no need for reply -- that in looking at the situation with male circumcision, they are using the tissue for various commercial products - quite expensive, actually. Don't know if you've seen any of my posts on this subject (See: The Bloodstained Men) but the foreskin is actually a sexual organ which they are removing ... obviously to make masturbation and intercourse less pleasurable. Others have also said that it creates an irritation, more frequent erections, premature ejaculation.;_ylc=X3oDMTFiN25laTRvBF9TAzIwMjM1MzgwNzUEaXRjAzEEc2VjA3NyY2hfcWEEc2xrA3NyY2h3ZWI-?p=male+foreskin+tissue+being+used+in+commercial+products&fr=yfp-t&fp=1&toggle=1&cop=mss&ei=UTF-8

Votescam ago

OK -- I haven't looked at everything that's archived on Wolf, but fairly caught up. There is too much, of course, to hold in your mind but the record will be very important for those researching.

I'll look at these links tonight --

I've been aware of John Stockwell former CIA but this year is the first time I heard him say that the CIA is "Catholics In Action." Also believe they've been very involved in campaign to demonize Muslims -- a large part of it covert over 40 years -- and CIA involved in trying in every way to create a more violent wing of Islam.

Wonderland Club is simply website -- right? Is there a new link to it?

Gotta go -- have some things to do --

SNOWDEN movie will play on cable Sunday night/Showtime

Just Watching some of "Burn Motherf..., Burn! The squeeze of LAPD racism and humiliation of the citizens combined with CIA's "Dark Alliance."

Thanks for the info - CIA is key to all of this, imo. But it's a really immense agenda to serve Elites who want everything.

Cable companies now given huge monopolies to spread violent porn -- and they keep moving CP into the mix, imo -- and as others have pointed out here (I think) into other regular programming.

Think YouTube is another target where Google takeover signals use as a tool for right wing ... to stop info about Pizza-gate, but also to destroy the effort at truth-telling which YouTube has been part of over decades now.

It's promising that both the left and the right can come together on this issue of sexual abuse of children. Really like that -- !!

carmencita ago

I am glad too that we can unite on something so important too, for I believe that we all agree on so many things if we just stop to think. Wonderland has morphed into another type of moneymaker, that is something that Wolftrail told me, but I know and feel that he cannot divulge.As far as I know, he may not be positive as to what it is, and I don't either. All I know is that they would never give up a way to make money. Yes, CIA was Catholics In Action before they hijacked it and stuffed it full of Nazis and Jesuits. Same with the Vatican. The info I sent you was just something to get you going and there is no rush, for this stuff is not easy.

Votescam ago

Hi -- thanks -- I'm working my way through the thread -- and will add this link to others.


Jem777 ago

You can't possibly believe what you are writing. Why in the world would you attempt over and over in your posts to blame right-wingers now mentioning the Supreme Court while championing "Democratic Socialism" This is not a political argument where you use child trafficking as a tool. There are no moral heroes in any political party or ideology. We will not look into PIE & the Wonderland Club to gain new insights as into how organized pedophiles may be there if they still exist as you say! We don't need insight, what other insight do you need. Take action. We need more @Wolftrail7272. Get on them and pressure them 24/7 and call your senators and Congressman and the President. I have over & over. There are others that have sent letters and others naming names. Yes it is dangerous but what are the options do we just let these kids and these heroes down?

@carmecita @jangles @dressage2

Votescam ago

Jem --

Why would I blame right wingers? Are you kidding me? Just who do you think the !% are? Who do you think Elites are? Who do you think corporations are? Who do you think the people who control government and our political parties are?

Who do you think our Founders put in control of our people's government? Who do you think our Founders redistributed the nation's wealth to other than the right wing?

Democratic socialism is a liberal concept -- don't confuse it with what Hitler did to Nazi party or with the fakery of Russian communism. Democratic socialism has nothing whatsoever to do with them.

You don't recognize that the balance of the Supreme Court is now in the hands of the right wing? Actually, even those appointed by Obama are right-wing in the sense that they are corporate shills.

And ... What in the heck does this mean?

This is not a political argument where you use child trafficking as a tool.>

Here's what I said about Wonderland Club ... based in the poster's idea that we should be finding out more about pedophiles and how they work ....

From the above, if the Wonderland Club still exists somewhere on the internet, I presume that pedophiles can be found there. And perhaps some information about their activities which might give some new insights as to how organized pedophiles may be there, and what role the Wonderland Club may play in child pornography, or child trafficking.>

And we do need "insight" into every issue that we are trying to understand and deal with and hope to overturn.

I've long been active in contacting Congress and media -- phones, email, snail mail, etal.

YingYangMom ago

WolfTrail7272 comment history archived.

WolfTrail7272 submission history archived.

This thread archived.

@twistedmac11 @carmencita @Jem777 @srayzie @jangles

slidy ago

You only archived the first page of WolfTrail7272's comments. Here are the rest.

Comment history as of June 26, 2017 -

page 0

page 1

page 2

page 3

page 4

page 5

page 6

page 7

page 8

page 9

page 10

page 11

page 12

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page 14

page 15

page 16

I have been reading this guy's posts all day. I don't think he's dead; hoping the FBI told him to shut up because he was spoiling their investigation. If he is dead, then we've lost a brave and dedicated investigator.

They will regret it; if he was indeed murdered. His martyrdom would inspire several young Wolfs.

YingYangMom ago

Great, thanks. I thought the archive would automatically include all pages of the comments' history. Well done :)

twistedmac11 ago

This is awesome, thank you!

@mooteensy says they know him in real life and that he’s okay. They’re trying to see if he’ll log in and post on this thread. They said he’s onto something.

mooteensy ago

@slidy @twistedmac11 Thanks for archiving all of his posts! I can also confirm he really did speak to the FBI. The only reason I have not said our connection is because I am terrified of doxxing him. I messaged him and asked him to comment in this thread. If he can not, I will ask him if he has any message to pass on or a reason for him not to log back on.

twistedmac11 ago

You’re awesome! Thank you!

Jem777 ago


srayzie ago

Thank you

YingYangMom ago

Glad I could help. Good luck :)

Touchdown50 ago

I dont trust anyone. I would just disclose everything on 4chan .

bopper ago

Maybe they just changed their username.

DonKeyhote ago

I will walk away for $50,000 offer expires tomorrow.

Shillaxe ago

Here , $50,000 for you or did you want that in sheckles ?

DonKeyhote ago

Yes please before the kikes crash every other currency =/

carmencita ago

This must be upvoated or again it will go nowhere and just die agaian. Please UPVOAT and leave a comment. Thank You.

carmencita ago

His statement on Castlewood State Park: Notice the landfill is positioned where the bend on the river is, where all the kids have drowned. This is by design. All landfills create what is known as leachate. It must drain somewhere. There is a utility shed that burns off and vents the methane on the southern part of the landfill, near that bend in the river. There is an illegal drain that creates the undertow that causes a lack of boyancy (spelling?) and that is why kids drown there. The schools that take inner city kids there do this by design and the organs are harvested when they are recovered. If you are familiar with George Webb's videos on organ harvesting and disaster creation this should make some sense. There is a lot here if you dig on it... This is the clincher. He also made this statement:The drownings in Castlewood State Park are for organ harvesting. Many children have died there. Many. Look into it. @Jem777

carmencita ago

Thank you I may have read this, but I will read again. I am always ready to refresh my memory.

Touchdown50 ago

Ohhhh wow. That makes sense.

carmencita ago

If you have time at all please read his comments he has so much to say about what is going on in St. Louis, but really it can be applied to so many more areas in the country.

Votescam ago

Thank you for this report -- Wasn't familiar with all of this and will try to catch up.

carmencita ago

Yes, it is really important. One of our very own is missing or has not been heard from for about 2 mos.

Votescam ago

OK ... will follow the info, but I'm not really a researcher, but will try -- :)

carmencita ago

Thank you :)

DarkMath ago

"I do trust the FBI, to be clear, to do the right thing"

LOL, well there's the problem right there isn't it?


twistedmac11 ago


I will not rush them, but what I do want is for them to listen to me and I want to see/hear some confirmation that they have followed up. I trust they will give me this confirmation in time.

Hopefully this isn’t the confirmation.

Jem777 ago

It is deadly important that St.Louis is exposed. The topics of the Wonderland Club & the link to the IMO Pizza should be attacked in numbers. As well as the Pedophile Priests Center & Tenet Healthcare and organ harvesting. Could go on but it is shocking. Read his posts. Research

Edit: Yes @jangles the Uranium story at the landfill is part of it. There are also multiple arson/fires involved now apparently

@jangles @dressage2

Dressage2 ago

Thanks for heads up. Going to dig into this.

carmencita ago

Yes, it is so very important to pick up where @Wolftrail7272 left off. You are so right that his comments should be gone through with a fine tooth comb. There is a comment towards the end that he made about leachate at a park that is a huge clue as to what is happening to the children that swim there. So yes, do your work people and read and dig. Please.

twistedmac11 ago

I think it would be good to shine a light on what he was working on and try to continue his work, but on a larger scale this time. It’s a lot easier to make one person go missing than it is to make multiple people go missing, no? What do you think the safest way to do this is?

jangles ago

Further info

@WolfTrail7272 has reached out to me and asked me to post this article. He still has an active account and has been very busy doing what he can to help with our children. There have been 200 missing children in St. Louis since the year 2000. What has happened to them?

@Jem777 what do you think about this?

Votescam ago

Jem -- I think it makes sense that many are still investigating and trying to help, but not necessarily anything to report as yet.

PS: I think I lost your reply to me from last 18-20 hours. Can you resend? And I will keep trying to find it. :)

srayzie ago

Oh good. That concerned me. But, his account isn't showing activity.

carmencita ago

There was no contact 7 days ago. That comment was made by me talking about the submission made almost 2 mo. ago. I have had no contact with him since 2 mo. I have been extremely worried about him, almost to tears. Oh, My God, @Wolftrail7272 where are you? The tears are falling.

equineluvr ago

Oh, the DRAMA!!!!

equineluvr ago

So, some probable shill hasn't responded to you, and you immediately start crying like a baby?

Did it ever occur to you that they just haven't been online or on this particular platform? Or that they are still here under a different moniker?

SoldierofLight ago

Don't worry, asshole. When you go missing, no tears will be shed.

jangles ago

I just wish he would leave

SoldierofLight ago

It's probably his main source of income.

jangles ago

I think they are a subversion victim at least.

SoldierofLight ago


jangles ago

Ya victim. When one doesn't know they have been subverted they are a victim.

SoldierofLight ago

Gotcha. Just wanted to clarify. Many MKULTRA victims don't even know they're victims of mind control and have no conscious knowledge of their alters much less what their alters do. But you probably already know this.

srayzie ago

Oh no 😔

carmencita ago


srayzie ago

You guys used to talk privately? He never gave you his twitter or something? If you guys used to talk privately, maybe you can go thru them. I didn't know you were friends. I'm sorry. That's sad 😢 Hopefully he just got frustrated here and left. Or maybe got scared and made another username here. If that's the case, maybe he'll see this and send you a message.

carmencita ago

He asked me to make that Submission about the missing 200 children in St. Louis I messaged him the same night to let him know. I am at a loss to know why he did not respond after that. I am afraid that is why he has disappeared or has not been heard from. I am positive that he would have given me another way to contact him. We were very close because of the sensitivity of this investigation. There is no other contact that I am aware of. I have not checked out the reddit acct. but will do that now. I will be very surprised if he revealed anything it there.

srayzie ago

Gosh. No, he hasn't posted on reddit for much longer than he has here. Why didn't he want to post it instead of you? Did he feel threatened?

carmencita ago


mooteensy ago

@WolfTrail7272 has felt threatened before. I know this user in real life. I will pass along the sincere concern. This community rocks.

carmencita ago

Oh my God . Thank you I have been so worried I am about to lose my mind.

srayzie ago

That's scary. You be careful.

twistedmac11 ago

The comment you linked to was only posted 7 days ago. That is hopefully a good sign! @mooteensy have you personally spoken with @wolftrail7272 recently? Can you vouch for his wellbeing?

mooteensy ago

Yes. @WolfTrail7272 is safe. I can not comment on the inactivity. I will reach out.

twistedmac11 ago

Phew! So glad to hear that! Thank you! @carmencita

jangles ago West Lake Landfill that is filled with uranium...

and here 1 month ago a post on his behalf by @carmencita

carmencita ago

There is huge importance as to why there are always fires there in the West Lake Landfill and why they are never put out. Most fires are arson. @twistedmad11 @Jem777 @srayzie Please read all the hidden replies in this post they are all very important.Thanks.

srayzie ago

Thank you. I'll check it out

carmencita ago

Yes, they dumped uranium decades ago, from the Manhattan Project. All of you that have been hungry for the old days of real investigative work, this is your chance. I have been starting on the Racine Project, so I can still dig in and will help with what ever I can.

jangles ago


Jem777 ago

The Rancine project is the mother of them all. The list of the Council of 300 was posted a few days ago. Single most important document posted to date. @carmecita @wisconsin_is_corrupt @jangles @dressage2 @exposethecriminals @11-11

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

This is at the heart of the circles involved in Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption. Each of these groups have sub-groups they control. The network has spread to infiltrate as many boards, organizations, churches, universities, PACs, councils and businesses as possible. Council of 13, Committee of 300, Pilgrims Society, Knights of Malta, Knights of Pythias, and other freemason groups are all part of the chain. Racine is tied to all of these groups.

equineluvr ago

There is ZERO mention of Racine, Wisconsin in the link you posted.

Jem777 ago

Nice to see you again fucking idiot. You actually tried to make a logical post about Seth Rich and Pandas4Bernie on your own thread. Nice try explaining away what redditors & voaters already archived. You are not just a fucking moron as everyone believes you are a heartless bastard.

Remember the days when you would write your stories about the books you were about to publish because you were so damn smart. Now you are left with constant use of capital letters like a five year old having a tantrum saying SHILL every other word.

FYI: Very aware this is International and the Queen is in charge. That is the point you idiot. Look at the names. That is the 2010 list and is called the Illuminati Council of 300. Geitner, Kerry, Clinton, GHW.Bush, Kissinger, Pope, Queen, Rothschild's, King Abdullah (S.A.) The bankers.

I did not connect some of this to Racine of course it is international. Someone involved in Rancine connected it.

I followed through as did others. Get the fuck out of here.

equineluvr ago

Jew777 wrote: "The list of the Council of 300 was posted a few days ago."

The Committee (NOT COUNCIL) of 300 membership roster has been out for DECADES. The Council is headed by QE II, is international, and is NOT related to Racine, Wisconsin.

Got a new script, you shill?

Dressage2 ago

Well now, my observation is you spend so much time being the shill hall monitor that you let real life happening around you escape. Wake up before it is too late.

Jem777 ago

Standing up for the Queen & the Rothschilds now....that is a good look for you;)

Shillaxe ago

Maybe off topic but Kate Winslets mother is Jewish (Goldsmith) so the next heir to the throne will be too.

twistedmac11 ago

Yes, we need to get a massive investigation going for Racine. I was actually looking into that when I came across Wolftrail’s profile. They’re desperate to cover this up. We are safer in large numbers.

Jem777 ago

Link to Racine & Illuminati world power structure....they scrubbed this last time I posted it.

carmencita ago

Thank you for repeating that link. I wish we did not need any sleep. We could do research 24 hrs. per day.

equineluvr ago

Jew777 wrote: "Link to Racine & Illuminati world power structure... they scrubbed this last time I posted it."

The word RACINE doesn't appear on that page.

jangles ago


Jem777 ago

The committee of 300 illuminati list as of 2010. This is the world government. Check out who is in and what countries are represented. This is connected to Rancine. I mentioned the names a few days ago and my comments were scrubbed. In 2010 Ob...economic secretary Geitner, B.Clinton, J.Kerry, Pope, Queen all members

equineluvr ago

Jew777 wrote: "The committee of 300 illuminati list as of 2010. This is the world government. Check out who is in and what countries are represented. This is connected to Rancine. I mentioned the names a few days ago and my comments were scrubbed. In 2010 Ob...economic secretary Geitner, B.Clinton, J.Kerry, Pope, Queen all members

"This is connected to Racine."

HOW and WHERE? The word "Racine' DOES NOT APPEAR on the page you linked.

twistedmac11 ago

I saw that too, so I reached out to @carmencita a little earlier, who said their last communication was a month or so ago.

srayzie ago

That's scary! What the heck happened to them? I don't think anyone should ever admit to having important information that they are keeping secret. Especially on a public forum or social media. We are watched here like a hawk and we should always keep that in mind.

That kind of thing can get you killed. People need to tell others and say that they are not suicidal. Once your secret is told to others, the risk of being a target goes down. The point is that "they" don't want secrets to come out. If it's just one one person that has the information, then offing them is their best solution to their problem. That's another reason that people have a dead mans switch. I hope that person is ok.

They have a reddit account too.

It's been a really long time since they've made any comments there. But, it shows that they may use this username on other accounts as well.

equineluvr ago

"That kind of thing can get you killed."

NOT if you're a shill / disinfo agent. :)

twistedmac11 ago

And your grounds for calling him a shill/disinfo agent are....what? Looking at his input vs yours, I’d peg you as a shill over wolftrail any day.

twistedmac11 ago

Just realized I never addressed the other portion of your comment (sorry! I’m scatter brained sometimes!):


twistedmac11 ago

I did a Google search for the username, but Voat and Reddit is all I was able to find.

srayzie ago

Yeah me too

PizzaGateDiscovery ago

Thank you for the links. I had forgotten all about Hillary's thesis on children.

abcdefg222 ago