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carmencita ago

@Wolftrail7272 has reached out to me and asked me to post this article. He still has an active account and has been very busy doing what he can to help with our children. There have been 200 missing children in St. Louis since the year 2000. What has happened to them?

Dressage2 ago

The elite want to prolong their lives and they believe melanin and pineal glands are needed to reach this effect. These kids have the desired melanin and do not have the calcified pineal glands. Remember the children in DC that disappeared. They have been disappearing for years in record numbers. The author wrote this article about the missing kids in 2015 before Pizzagate blew up. Imagine what this woman is thinking now.

Votescam ago

Thank you -- really interesting ... but sadly so.

So, it seems that our insights, our spiritual connections -- perhaps even our compassion and empathy may be related to the pineal gland .... and we've been lied to about it. And basically, somehow that gland got shut down to produce a "white" race, it seems.

carmencita ago

Thanks for the link. I remembered we had info on here before, but the wonderful search button on here did not oblige. How so very sad. The girls are still missing and may never be found. Let us pray.

fartyshorts ago

Use the "" search on Google or try

carmencita ago


Vindicator ago

There's a new link in the sidebar to a an article summarizing all the great ways to search Voat, too. :-)

carmencita ago

TY. From a challenged techie :-)

Vindicator ago

You are welcome, from another challenged techie. ☺