carmencita ago

FOX 2 reporter placed in handcuffs for attempting to cover city meeting*****Just wanted to add that title from another news story. YES. It is the same reporter that did the Missing Kids story. This guy evidently does not fool around. I am thinking his covering the Missing Children will only be the beginning. I will stay on top of this and post something when there is more. Hope to hear from @Wolftrail7272 to keep us posted as well.

Jem777 ago

There are many sinister aspects to pizzagate/pedogate as we know STL is a hotbed location where all aspects of this evil takes place. Wolftrail has been working this angle for sometime & others are aware. The truth is as evil as can be imagined.

As @dressage2 stated this does involve melanin & non calcified Pineal Glands. If you have not researched pgate into this level of depravity you should because that is what it will take to stop it.

It also involves Satanic Ritual sacrifice of these children first and organ harvesting. The culprits are priests & politicians & others. There are secret "morgues" where bodies are brought and organs are harvested.

There are "treatment centers" where much of this knowledge is known. Research all of it. Looking away is not an option anymore.

carmencita ago*****This is a Post by @Wolftrail7272 That features info about Organ Harvesting. Also you might look at another of his Posts on a crime in St. Louis @Wolftrail7272 and I have made comments that probably is a reason we are both being monitored. There is West Lake Landfill that is filled with uranium from the Manhattan Project and the fire in the landfill never goes out. The EPA is involved.

YingYangMom ago

Tonight at 10 p.m. in the FOX Files, Chris will discuss the one small north county community thats seen 33 young people disappear since 2000. Youll hear from police about what they fear is happening and what you can do about it.


carmencita ago

I know. It is horrid. But I am waiting to find out what they and we can do about it. The fact that the police are even admitting it is somewhat hopeful. I am keeping my fingers crossed that this might be the beginning. This is better than DC calling them runaways.

YingYangMom ago

Please, keep us updated :)

carmencita ago

I certainly will. I will try to keep checking on fox and the story itself. I will also be hearing from @Wolftrail7272, but hard to know when. Soon I hope. Chris Hayes is the name of the news caster. Too sad that Chris Hayes of MSNBC has not picked up on this story. Another sell out.

mooteensy ago

Which neighborhood in north county STL had 33 missing?

carmencita ago

Don't know the exact statistics, but having researched sex abuse, murder and CP in St. Louis for the last few months, I would have to say College Hill. There are bullets flying almost any time of day or night.

ben_matlock ago

College Hill is a neighborhood in North St. Louis city, not county. The neighborhood with the 33 missing kids is about 12 miles to the north, Berkeley, MO, which incidently borders Ferguson to the west.

carmencita ago

@Wolftrail7272 Sorry, I did not read that right. My first thought was Ferguson but I thought only about the neighborhoods. Thank you for the info.*****This is another video and article that has even more news. It is more hopeful even that it mentions that the news caster is saying many are being sold for sex. Oh, please let it be so, that they are waking up. "Chapelle-Nadal told me in person, “There are people zeroing in on our young girls -- and men as well -- because they want to capture them and make them part of the sex trade.” She told those words to Chris Hayes of fox news. This is good. I have a feeling he will not let go of this story that easy.

HillBoulder ago

This is probably happening in most big cities all over the world. Who knows the horrors they've gone through God help us all. Why are so many of them black?

carmencita ago

Dark-skinned people, who produce more skin-protecting eumelanin, have a greater protection against sunburn and the development of melanoma, a potentially deadly form of skin cancer, as well as other health problems related to exposure to strong solar radiation, including the photodegradation of certain vitamins such as riboflavins, carotenoids, tocopherol, and folate. TPTB are very interested in melanin for this reason. It is a protection that they do not have.

HillBoulder ago

God dam that's definitely not what I expected

carmencita ago

Yes, and I do not even want to know how what they do with it and how they profit from it. This stuff gets me sick. I never thought I would ever be reading things like this.

Intheknow ago

So the vampires can go out int the sun.

carmencita ago

Yes, vampires. Do you remember the vampire movies a few years ago? I think they were trying endear them to us. You know the blood drinking and all. How perfect that would be, to be able to be able to drink blood out in the sun. Ick.

Littleredcorvette ago

This shows that America is waking up. This is what it takes. Asking Questions. Finding common ground. It builds one neighborhood at a time when people start standing up for their human rights.

carmencita ago

Yes, we heard about the Missing girls in dc. Now the media is finally starting to cover these children. This can only be good. Maybe it is the start of something big.

remedy4reality ago

Ok.. this article is extremely weak and it's looking like news platforms are starting to throw up anything associated with PG just for hits.

senpaithatignoresyou ago

200 missing kids over a 20 year period is something to be concerned about. I do not think that they are mentioning this for pg hits, as pg is still a small movement in a pool of larger movements.

They are mentioning this because it is news worthy.

carmencita ago

It is a statement of the number of missing children in one city, St. Louis. The point is that this needs to be told. There are so many in each state and when it is all added up it will be shocking. But does anyone other than us really care? This article I believe will be the beginning of what will be coming out of St. Louis, that is all I can say for now.

Red4reel35 ago

This is so under reported and we for sure are not getting the correct numbers of the missing. Over 4,000 according to the Michigan State police here

carmencita ago

It is so very sad what is going on across this country. It is happening in every state, but in some states there are so many more than in others. If the very real number where ever published people would be astounded.

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carmencita ago

@Wolftrail7272 has reached out to me and asked me to post this article. He still has an active account and has been very busy doing what he can to help with our children. There have been 200 missing children in St. Louis since the year 2000. What has happened to them?

Dressage2 ago

The elite want to prolong their lives and they believe melanin and pineal glands are needed to reach this effect. These kids have the desired melanin and do not have the calcified pineal glands. Remember the children in DC that disappeared. They have been disappearing for years in record numbers. The author wrote this article about the missing kids in 2015 before Pizzagate blew up. Imagine what this woman is thinking now.

Votescam ago

Thank you -- really interesting ... but sadly so.

So, it seems that our insights, our spiritual connections -- perhaps even our compassion and empathy may be related to the pineal gland .... and we've been lied to about it. And basically, somehow that gland got shut down to produce a "white" race, it seems.

carmencita ago

Thanks for the link. I remembered we had info on here before, but the wonderful search button on here did not oblige. How so very sad. The girls are still missing and may never be found. Let us pray.

fartyshorts ago

Use the "" search on Google or try

carmencita ago


Vindicator ago

There's a new link in the sidebar to a an article summarizing all the great ways to search Voat, too. :-)

carmencita ago

TY. From a challenged techie :-)

Vindicator ago

You are welcome, from another challenged techie. ☺