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Jem777 ago

There are many sinister aspects to pizzagate/pedogate as we know STL is a hotbed location where all aspects of this evil takes place. Wolftrail has been working this angle for sometime & others are aware. The truth is as evil as can be imagined.

As @dressage2 stated this does involve melanin & non calcified Pineal Glands. If you have not researched pgate into this level of depravity you should because that is what it will take to stop it.

It also involves Satanic Ritual sacrifice of these children first and organ harvesting. The culprits are priests & politicians & others. There are secret "morgues" where bodies are brought and organs are harvested.

There are "treatment centers" where much of this knowledge is known. Research all of it. Looking away is not an option anymore.

carmencita ago*****This is a Post by @Wolftrail7272 That features info about Organ Harvesting. Also you might look at another of his Posts on a crime in St. Louis @Wolftrail7272 and I have made comments that probably is a reason we are both being monitored. There is West Lake Landfill that is filled with uranium from the Manhattan Project and the fire in the landfill never goes out. The EPA is involved.