becki_p20 ago

I have talked with both Kenneth and Felicia personally. They are true born again Christians wanting to help put a stop to this torturous abuse

TheVobProject ago

Lol, this is NOT the same Ken Dawson. This is "Kenneth Dawson", the founder of The Voices of Butterflies. I would appreciate you having your facts CORRECT before you go posting things like this, wrongfully defaming my name and associating THAT person to THIS project. First of all the Ken Dawson YOU are referring to is this guy Perhaps if you took as much time to watch the actual video linked to MY name in the description, as you did playing detective, you would CLEARLY see that we are not even close to being the same person. Do you know how many 'Ken Dawson's" come up when you type the name in? Maybe it made you feel better to just pick the one with the most heinous crime you could find and just peg him as me. How come you didn't pick the NFL player, or the engineer? BTW, I think it's pretty ironic that your name is "thetruthwillsetufree", yet your posting false information. Just saying...

thetruthwillsetufree ago

Frustrated? Maybe you need to learn some Public relations skills by actually answering emails and peoples concerns. I have a Gift from our Lord, Knowledge to Really know who is For Us and Who Isn't. Take that GOFUNDME money and feed a family. Making a Film is a waste of time, so is Hollyweed, LA We all have internet, that is the most powerful way to research. GO Fund Me is the Biggest Racket of this Decade! Research the Father of Sandy Hook Victim "Smiling" after he lost his child....."ON CAMERA" This GOFUNDME is a racket

TheVobProject ago

First of all I'm not sure what "emails and concerns" YOU are referring to. Because I didn't receive any. Secondly, YOU have of all people have no position try to put someone in check with your false accusations, and sharing incorrect information base on you THOUGHT I was. YOU look like the idiot. So all of this non-sense that you speak of in this email is irrelevant. Maybe if you spent more time researching your information before you go publicizing it, you'd be better off. So if anyone has something to learn is you. Message me again with this garbage and I'll report you.

thetruthwillsetufree ago

i did watch your vid BTW. I watch everything.

wecanhelp ago

Can you confirm that this is the same Ken Dawson?

TheVobProject ago

No, they can't cause It's not the same person.

wecanhelp ago

That was my though as well. If you're the real Ken, welcome to the Voat community, and thank you for doing what you do.

TheVobProject ago

YES, this is the real Ken lol. Thank you so much for the welcome, and it is an honor to be able to do this project!

wecanhelp ago

If I may recommend something, in order to clear doubts about your identity for the future: would you mind verifying yourself sometime? Stating on your official Twitter or GoFundMe that you're the user TheVobProject on Voat would totally suffice, and if you then backlink to that statement from your Voat profile bio (that you can set here), people will immediately see that you're the real Ken. This is not compulsory at all, but is useful to do to avoid suspicion and misunderstandings. Once you do that, I recommend you actually submit a well-sourced post about your project to get the word out in the community. If you decide to do that, feel free to reach out to me and I will help you make sure it complies with our submission rules (I'm a moderator on here).

TheVobProject ago

Thank you very much for reaching out and for the advice. I'm a newb on here, so I'm still trying to figure out the lay of the land and how VOAT works. I will look into everything you suggested and try to get that done asap. Thanks again, really appreciate that.

wecanhelp ago

Sure thing. Whenever you have any questions, feel free to drop me a line. Since you can't send private messages until you reach 100 Comment Contribution Points, or CCP (that you receive for the upvotes on your comments), to make sure I get notified just comment somewhere and mention me with the @ sign before my name, like this: @wecanhelp.

TheVobProject ago

I really appreciate the help, surely gonna need it. Not quite the Twitter/Facebook "ergonomics" that I'm used to. I'm trying to replicate the submission that you made for our project with Becki, with the links and separate appeal section etc... I'm assuming there isn't necessarily a way to "share" a submission or whatever the correct verbiage would be on VOAT. I somewhat have an idea, but not really getting what I want. Any help would be MUCH appreciated!

wecanhelp ago

If you click source below the submission, you will get the raw code of my post. But if you're thinking about resubmitting the same, with only minor differences, then don't do that as the community here frowns on duplicate posts. If you just need some of the formatting, but otherwise the content will be different, then just grab the source, and play with it. Here's some help for understanding the formatting code, if you don't want to mess with the editor. Since my submission was focusing on Becki and her appeal to survivors themselves, it would make sense that yours focuses on the project, and appeals to the audience and donors instead, and people will be able to ask you anything in the comment section about the project. Once you have a draft, if you like I can check it for you, just post it here as a comment reply, the same formattings apply in comments as well. You can always delete your own comment later.

TheVobProject ago

That's helps a lot, thanks! I was looking at the source information yesterday, but wasn't sure if that's what I was needing to mess around with. Really appreciate the heads up on the resubmissions. As I mentioned, I'm still trying to learn the lay of the land, so that is good to know. I'm going to play around with the raw code and see what I can come up with. As always, really appreciate the help.

wecanhelp ago

You're very welcome, glad to help.

TheVobProject ago

Just sent over a draft for your opinion. Also, I know that you mentioned that it is frowned upon to submit duplicate post. Does that mean even your own? For instance if I wanted to submit this in another subverse.

wecanhelp ago

Just sent over a draft for your opinion.

From a submission requirements point of view, I see absolutely nothing wrong with the post. I have two notes, but as a reader and community member, not as a moderator:

  • The first two sentences don't really make sense to me grammatically, you might want to tweak them a little bit.
  • I would suggest rewriting this in the first person, it feels unnatural to read about "The founder of this project, Kenneth Dawson" in the narration of the founder of this project, Kenneth Dawson. :) This is an opportunity for you to connect with the community, and be direct. Your post reads more like a formal advertisement for your project, which may have been an appropriate voice in my own post about it since I'm a third party sourcing information about your project, but you're the project founder himself, so I would make it a little more personal if I were you. Feel free to greet the community, introduce yourself in the first person, they will appreciate the gesture and the transparency.

Just my two cents. But as I said, from a strictly technical point of view, your post already complies with the submission rules, so feel free to submit it when you feel like it.

Also, I know that you mentioned that it is frowned upon to submit duplicate post. Does that mean even your own? For instance if I wanted to submit this in another subverse.

No, that's acceptable if it's justified and doesn't come across as adspam. I meant duplicates within the same subverse, which we also remove as moderators.

I also have a question (two actually): is your wife called Felecia, or is that a typo? Becki spells it as Felicia, so that's what I copied. And also, is it correct to call her your wife? Both questions are just so that I can edit my post for accuracy if I need to.

TheVobProject ago

Thanks for mentioning the suggestions to the first two sentences. Funny thing is that I noticed that as I was writing, but guess I got so caught up in the "coding" that I lost track of that.

Lol, yes it's Felecia. We aren't married "officially" just yet, but close enough. So calling her my wife is just fine.

BIG thank you again!

wecanhelp ago

Thank you, I corrected my post with the proper spelling of her name. And, again, you're very welcome.

TheVobProject ago

Your thoughts on the revision?

wecanhelp ago

So much better. I suggest you pick a busy EST-early-evening hour, and submit it.

TheVobProject ago

Awesome, I will do that. I know I've said thank you a gazillion times already, but it's a habit lol.

Thank you for all of your help!

wecanhelp ago

No problem at all, I hope this gets you a few supporters.

TheVobProject ago

So do I.

TheVobProject ago

Hey everyone in the VOAT community. I'm Kenneth Dawson, the founder of The Voices of Butterflies Project which advocates against child sex trafficking. I'm the father of two young daughters, which are my inspiration for advocacy, but it was GOD who planted the seed in my heart for this project.

I am joining together with Executive Producer Becki Percy, a satanic ritual abuse, and child sex trafficking survivor to produce a documentary that takes viewers beyond the statistics of child sex trafficking, to highlight the issues that influence them. The supply and demand, corrupt law enforcement, the failure of government and state agencies that are supposed to protect victims, and limited recovery assistance for survivors to name a few.

The desire for us to do this project is not enough. WE NEED YOUR HELP!

You can support this project by:

  1. Donating to our Gofundme campaign
  2. Following us and Sharing on Twitter Instagram Facebook
  3. Praying for the victims, the survivors, the families, this project, and that God would change the hearts of the abusers.

A final word from the founder

In conversation about child sex trafficking, I notice that many people don't want to hear the harsh realities of what these children suffer through. It's "too horrific". Well just imagine how it is for children who actually have to live it. Rape, torture, abuse, imprisonment et...

Some are ok with just feeling sorry, or sympathetic, but if only that was enough. We must be compelled to DO something.

Even if you don't have children of your own, you may have a niece or a nephew, or a child that you care about, that could easily become a victim. It's not a parent issue, it's a human race issue.

I want my daughters, your daughters, your sons, and every child to grow up in a society where child sex trafficking doesn't exist. A society where children can just be children, the way life was intended for them. Full of joy, fun, and freedom.

Until that day, please help me be their voice, their fight, and their hope.

This project is a labor of love, and I truly need YOUR support. The victims and survivors need YOUR support!

Thank you in advance!

Kenneth Dawson

If you'd like to know more, want to share your story, or volunteer in some way, please contact us!

The Voices of Butterflies

Becki Percy:

TheVobProject ago

The Voices of Butterflies, along with Executive Producer Becki Percy, a child sexual abuse, satanic ritual abuse, and child sex trafficking survivor are joining together to produce a documentary on surviving child sex trafficking. This film that takes viewers beyond the statistics, to highlight the issues that influence them. The supply and demand, corrupt law enforcement, the failure of government and state agencies that are supposed to protect victims, and limited recovery assistance for survivors to name a few.

The founder of this project, Kenneth Dawson, is a father of two young daughters, which were his inspiration to do this project.

You can support this project by:

  1. Donating to our Gofundme campaign
  2. Following us and Sharing on Twitter Instagram Facebook

A final word from the founders Kenneth and Felecia

We ourselves are the parents of two young daughters, and we want our girls to grow up in a society where child sex trafficking doesn't exist. Until then we will do what we can to fight for those that are exploited, victimized and can't fight for themselves. This project is a labor of love, and we are eternally grateful for the calling that God has given us to to do this project.

We thank everyone in advance for their support!

If you'd like to know more, want to share your story, or volunteer in some way, please contact us!

The Voices of Butterflies

Becki Percy:

V____Z ago

Thank you sincerely for posting this.

wecanhelp ago

You're very welcome, thank you for the comment.

redditsuckz ago

Becki Percy the "christian" that shills for Israel.

Same with her "handler" Catherine Grace;


Dont let Becki Percy's cute demeanor fool you...she is a shill for Israel and will protect the Jews that are perpetrating pizzagate so she will never denounce them or speak out against them.

Proof that Jews are behind /Pizzagate

Jewish Ritual Murder Revisited:The Hidden Cult [FULL & HD]

Contacting Becki Percy would lead SRA survivors into a fucking honey pot.

becki_p20 ago

Thanks for bringing yourself into the light. I wouldn't have mentioned anything if you hadn't mentioned my mum (Catherine). I will be praying for you

V____Z ago

Thanks for making perfectly clear that none of your comments are worth reading.

redditsuckz ago

My comments are specifically aimed towards the "goyum" and that was made perfectly clear by one of the former mods in how he referred to us "cattle"...

wecanhelp ago

Have you perhaps noticed how he's not part of the mod team anymore?

hardrock ago

I would expect every comment to include the fact of having contributed some money to their project. I just kicked in $100 for starters. Your turn.

becki_p20 ago

Thank you. Lord bless you

TheVobProject ago

Thank you SO much for your support!

wecanhelp ago

Good job, mate.

unpluggedlol ago

@wecanhelp @Flaaffy Someone suggested that I should post pictures of myself in here, so I'm giving it a shot. New here! (: | realgirls

unpluggedlol ago

@wecanhelp "rule 3 LOL"

wecanhelp ago

@becki_p20, @sohonest, @Flaaffy, @pmichel, @equineluvr – for your information.

Flaaffy ago

Just logged back in after being away from Voat for a long time. I wish I had seen this earlier. Would you still like me to contribute? :)

wecanhelp ago

Thanks for reacting anyway. :) I think the project still hasn't kicked off and there's ample need for contributors, but I'm not involved in the production, I just posted about it when I found out. If you would be willing to help with the project, please reach out to either Becki or Kenneth, you can find their contact information in the post.