PrideOfOshtekk ago

Yeah if they accept it. They didn't. Using what-ifs is a terrible fucking argument. If the family doesn't care enough and thinks this can be solved by money then they are disgusting people and will be treated as such by the society around them. Similarly, the guy who killed the girl is fucked, rightfully. That's more than can be said by the US and its allowance of child trafficking everywhere just because people have the right connections.

I don't hate Jews. I hate Israelis. Since you are using Islam Terrorism, I will use Jewish Terrorism in my examples too. Get over yourself.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

HAHAHAHA just looked at your fucking profile. You Shillary Clinton worshipping fuck.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

This is all bullshit. You literally just repeated Israeli talking points - the same points they use to detain, torture and sexually abuse 12 year old Palestinian children - with no proof whatsoever. In the Torah, children are free sexual game. Lots of fucked up shit in Abrahamic religions. Nice try bullshitting with Sharia law this Sharia law that.

Uh what exactly is wrong with sending a murderer to prison and giving him the death penalty? You clearly stated that Iran did that. What's wrong? He's a top preacher too right?

Here's the thing: top preachers and elites get away with murder and ritual sacrifice of children in the West. At least in Iran they are sending creepy fucks like that to prison. So you can get off your high horse and your Israel love (which is truly disgusting by the way, you pedophile child killing shit) and fuck off cunt.

On what fucking planet do the majority of muslims go around shooting cunts and running people over? Don't lie and make shit up, shill. Clearly being paid off by Hasbara you fucking subhuman.

connornm777 ago

Dear curious readers,

All these posts about how the Jews are behind it all is not an accepted or even relevant part of the pizzagate investigation. This is a concerted effort to discredit the more rigorous and useful evidence in this community, please disregard it.

Runaway-White-Slave ago

Dude the Jews are behind EVERYTHING... Seriously, they own; the Federal Reserve, the Media/Hollywood/Music Industry, and Israel, a nation about the size of what Jersey, they get more foreign aid from the U.S. then any other nation out there....

And the Jewish Mafia, took over the FBI back in the day by blackmailing that faggot J. Edgar Hoover who was a rather inconvenient FAGGOT in his day....

Not to mention the Jews brought us "socially acceptable" genital mutilation, but they just call it "circumcision", pretend it's more "healthy" and nobody gives a damn..... You ever see a Rabbi preform a circumcision? Sucking little Jewish boy cock.....?

That's pedophilia, genital mutilation, & vampirism.....

But, Nooooooooooooo, "the Jews are innocent!!!"

connornm777 ago

I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm saying it's not relevant. Focus on useful leads specific to this case.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

I think the key here is elite.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

Fuck off. What did Arabs do to you? Steal your girl or something huh loser?

Dah Moozlumz - the elite's scapegoat before Trumpasaurus. And before that da Jewz. Funny how its never Christians i.e. the Vatican (the biggest pedophiles on the planet).

PrideOfOshtekk ago

I suspect that Jews were blamed for missing children due to this phenomena. However, these were probably rumours started by Royalty or barons and other members of the aristocracy at the time. We know all this hysteria started in the 12th Century (in England at least) and we know the aristocracy do shit like this:

I think the Jews are just scapegoats. Always have been for the elite. The Nazis had their own secret societies too (much like the US or the EU); do not be fooled.

derram ago :

'The Chosen': Getting In -

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