rickman ago

Hi thanks for the detailed response.

The judge ruled Beck was an adult now and could move to a different city. If a person has been detained by ICE, EVEN IF THEY ARE ILLEGAL they are entitled to a bond hearing. I watched as Judge Munoz gave an illegal Mexican (not racist, just trying to explain) give a guy w a felony a $25K bond & another Mexican guy with a violent felony get a $30K bond. Then she gave Beck a $40K bond. They did not want Beck to get out but to send her back to England.

This is where the story confuses me. Becki was denied asylum in October 2015. At this point what was stopping the judge from sending Becki back to England by force? Everything seemed to be going against her at this point.

contrarianism ago

Not convincing at all.

Cbradio ago

Bless you....where truth resides is never popular))))... Dignity ...always two way street.. Overexplain expectations- always an agenda by ones that over expect)))

I'm here..))))

wecanhelp ago

People coming from out of nowhere and taking an article of clothing is very unbelievable.

It only is if you're not already familiar with child sex ring culture from other sources. These are likely organized events of rape and abuse, paid for by the participants. Taking an article of clothing is the same practice as the handkerchief-as-a-souvenir thing, when a handkerchief is placed under the rape victim to collect semen and/or blood, and taken as memorabilia.

DiggingforTruth ago

See, you ARE helping. Thank you!

wecanhelp ago

I honestly don't know what you're talking about.

rickman ago

Can someone explain why and how Becki would have ended up being held in prison for 14 months with a $40k bond? For those who aren't aware Becki says the following: - Tha she travelled to LAX April 21st with a ticket paid for by an online friend Catherine who she would be staying with. - She panicked when questioned by customs and admitted she was seeking asylum. - When they told her she'd be sent back she said she couldn't go back to her country, so they detained her in a detention centre which she describes as a prison. - She went to court in October 2015 and was denied asylum. - She was set a $40k bond and remained in detention centre/prison until June 2016 when it was paid, she doesn't say who, just that God showed a way.

Does this sound believable?

wecanhelp ago

What are you referring to?

Theupsidedown ago

Denying victim testimony is working for the wrong side.

feel_the_bern_baby ago

If pizzagate was real there would be millions of victims. You folks really need some professional help. Pizzagate is not real. The only real thing to see is the fake news being spewed forth by people trying to harm innocent people and companies.

WeWillWin ago


Im_with_her ago

I was thinking the same thing. These tin foil hatters are desperate to try and use anything to make pizzagate seem real when it is fake news.

wecanhelp ago

That is indeed true.

wecanhelp ago

I've certainly thought about that possibility. For now, I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt, too, especially considering how common it is that legit victims of abuse and rape are not taken seriously. She's either a real victim or an amazingly good actress. There is a Q&A going on with her right now, under her Pizzagate video, everyone is encouraged to ask for some sort of verification of her story, just please do it gently and considerately.

Godwillwin ago

I think her testimony is convincing. (The video below titled part 1)

The woods part has a "game aspect" that I have yet to come across in any of the other hunting woods victims' testimonies. For example, the Australian, Fiona, said she was dressed up in a bear costume before being hunted to rape in the woods. Another victim said she was told to hide all the children and that any not hidden in time would be killed. She said after a few minutes children started dropping as she and the others ran. they shot them. Becki tells of a different "game" they would play :(

In the pictures in Tony podesta's house of the little girls, one of the pictures is of a little girl hiding behind a tree trunk in a forest and another is of a 2 dead girls in tall grass :(. Their faces are in a state of decomposition. Heres a link to that pic. It's the third picture https://auticulture.wordpress.com/2016/11/06/here-come-the-designer-fascists-the-perception-managers-last-hurrah/

After I read Fiona's testimony about the woods, I knew that was what these were illustrations of and that sick monster has them hanging in his house in plain sight. What's it gonna take for an investigation! I'm just as disgusted by law enforcement as I am by the predators.

Oh another I noticed in Fiona's story was that she talked about Disney and how she was dressed up like alive in wonderland. In podesta's pictures of the little girls, there's one of 2 with Mickey Mouse ears on. Here's a link to the Mickey Mouse ear painting http://stateofthenation2012.com/?p=60910

Truthplease5 ago

Kathy Obrien had similar allegations of victim hunting running in forests similar to the allegations made by this girl in her testimony video

Cbradio ago

I'm going to give her benefit of doubt, for her safety, but think face of a movement had to build a mutual trust, or be one just found that just escapes in dire condition.

I'll have Becky's back and boundaries and give her dignity, unless series if event prove otherwise. I would like to.know, why in LA of all places, and how and up there?

wecanhelp ago

She talks about that in this video I've linked. The woman who had reached out to her and helped her escape is apparently from there.

Cbradio ago

Aw, thx..wonder who that women is.

In mk ultra other, support rings andbpsych and a call in number; ones warn of bad types that infiltrate..and ones that go to support conferences, do hand signals and note to retraumatize victims...

I'm not wild about LA or Dc...esp for victims


wecanhelp ago

Do you have a source for this? I'm interested.

Cbradio ago

I did have a recent one. Its on numerous blogs by victims and advocates. The last blog I read, brought up this and a Florida satanist that tried to get rick Scott involved. So if you google, satanist, rick Scott, you can find the bad guy that goes by two names. Then google him with key words to find victim advocate that goes into the hand retrauma signals in many of his blogs and how that satanist bullieshim, tries to go to the survivor conferences.

There is a call on number for victims each week, but you get number from counselors in the loop, by going through questions and ones are not allowed to give that number out..

Another way to find more is the lady that was victimized by Clinton. Other victims have written about here, warning of various counselors and how a lot of sabotaging goes on.

Birdzeyeview ago

correction; she is some random girl on the internet CLAIMING to have been a victim of SRA etc.

SpikyAube ago

When the media reports on some kind of scandal like this, when they actually do report, for example in the UK with the Jimmy Savile abuse scandal, or the recent football managers scandal, they will report that people have come forward to say they were abused. They don't demand any additional proof beyond perhaps establishing that the person was part of that football club or did spend time in that particular hospital or whatever. And people believe it because the media reported it. So when we have victim testimony coming to us over the internet, because the media won't report on any of this, that testimony is no less real than the testimonies reported by the media in other cases. I think lot of people still have this idea that it's not valid or true until the MSM says so, like a subconscious idea. When it comes to witness testimony, unless there's a good reason to suspect they're lying, you have to take it seriously. What would this girl get from lying? She's not getting money, in fact it's pretty dangerous what she's doing.

So many skeptics have said to me 'well where's the victims/ There aren't any victims!' But there are, so many people have come forward over the years to say what has happened to them and no one believes them, and the media won't report it, so everyone assumes they're all just crazy liars who happen to all have very similar stories. They get ignored and many people have no idea that anyone even spoke up. I think we need more people to come forward, and people are only going to feel comfortable coming forward if they see that others who have spoken out have been believed by this community and treated with care and respect. Anyone claiming to be a victim of this should be given the benefit of the doubt unless there's a very good reason not to trust them. I think the likelihood of people lying about this stuff is very very small.

Theupsidedown ago

What do you need personally to believe a victim's testimony? Do you need to see it happening?

If so, you're on the wrong side of this fight, fucko.

Aysemari ago

This was a really great interview and I specially like how we gave a lot of insight on how helpless the person in a trafficking situation really feels and how authority after authority just lets her down. I don't know who the person is here in America that's helping her but I sure as heck hope that she will come through for Becky she deserves some happiness in her life

wecanhelp ago

She hasn't provided proof, no. But technically, witness/victim testimony counts as evidence.

Fingersweating ago


cosmicmind ago

I hope more people come forward, bUT I think most are groomed to think it's okay. And many are psychologically messed up. The mess up factor is clear while reading comments on a video the other day busting the chanel onision for using pics and videos of underage girls... showed the girls, and other perps/pervs think it's okay... defending it and excusing it. Many have been groomed to accept it and/or shut up.

I think Becki is rare and she has rare morals that might be able to help others realize that they need moral education and a moral backbone. The fact that she has lived through it physically and psychologically is amazing. I look forward to her book, and hopefully she can eventually do live awareness lectures to kids and adults.

What a great hero she is, especially because she likely felt and did things she's not proud of, and may have even thought were okay at the time.
I hope she gets a good counselor, one who's litigation smart in case she eventually decides to litigate, she needs a counselor who won't mess that up.

Cbradio ago

Yes. And surely victims, witnesses and advocates that have endured harassment and are scared to come forward.

TAThatBoomerang ago

Why don't the bad people kill the victims after their done? It seems silly of people with no morals to leave any loose ends.

cosmicmind ago

I grew up in a city that had a documented high level of ritual abuse.
Some are killed, some become the perpetrators, some are so emotionally and mentally deranged that nobody believes them and they aren't a threat, they're actually used to disprove it and convince people that it's not real and isn't happening.
Somebody posted the stats of victims who become perpetrators --- it's very high, which is why the perversion is mushrooming (along with the lack of moral ethical education.) Some people function very well as perpetrators, and the world is so dysfunctional that most victims can blend in very easily; especially if they're groomed to believe that it's normal and okay.

Kathy O'Briend didn't realize her life was ''wrong'' until she met a man who loved animals and the animals loved him. Something in her clicked as she saw that the abuse that she called normal wasn't normal.

Still others, like Kathy O'Brien and Bryce Taylor, are used in a very strange game that some perverted sects enjoy, which is to deliver some information in plain sight. Some of the groups enjoy keeping info (or people) out in plain sight, then having them (or the information) slammed as being fake. A woman in France, who was groomed to be a perpetrator, said that they have specific techniques so if the person whistle-blows the evidence is not there, or other things put in place to make the whistle-blower look deranged and unreliable or unbelievable.

This becomes part of a game and it's done a lot.

It seems like Becki has a good support group and a good moral foundation to build on, so hopefully she'll have a good counselor to help her navigate around the cesspool of perversion. I spoke to one victim who said it's very hard because he physically responded and even liked his perpetrator. (they call that stockholm syndrome. My own partner had Stockholm syndrome from an emotionally and verbally, and violently abusive father, and it took many, many years to break that chain. My partner had/has entire chunks of memory missing from childhood.)

Cbradio ago

Yes, and some are raised to be all gore and attack victims, not in the family. An example of a family that encourages gore, ( not saying crimes, but wonder), is that German Nazi artist that is huge pals with Arnold Schwarniggro and Marilyon Manson

Three guys investigating his top Scientology links, went to his LA home and a man ran out with a axe, and hit them and their equipment, very hard. The cops, oddly, were going Ag the victims and to charge for tresspassing.

The kids and now, grandkids, all are onto the lifestyle of gore and society and art mags, adoringly call them.the Adams Family.

Abromoth adored and all the gore artists taking over the art renaissance with elirescab backed work, vs real art Renaissance. #skeemart is part of it. All entertainment genres have been hijacked, even comedy.

davemcgowanwasright ago

What angers me the most about this whole thing is how most people refuse to see the obvious truth about child sex rings, even though the existence is an established fact. This is why victims are so afraid to speak out. Too many brainwashed robots with their heads in the sand refusing to believe. And by choosing to remain ignorant, they are complicit in perpetuating the abuse.

Cbradio ago

As media, Clinton, Obama push, "believe the adult rape victims." Way note evidence when a child speaks of things they should not know.

Aside, how old is Becky, for she still looks very young. And what she does know, of the bad AND the positive eisim.of healing is not typical for a young teen, either, to know so well.

Which to me, and fact only a cell phone to.post, makes it more legit to me.

I really would not expect victims to be having so much access to make fancy videos, nor have lower quality. For its not a show, its a striving to beard, to help, to build networks and supports.

I'll give her the good faith belief, for if legit, would be dangerous and way to unethical to not have her back.

Dick_Tits ago

Yeah but they have the latest cell phone and I heard on CNN that it was all fake news.

wecanhelp ago

I'm flairing this as IMPORTANT as it is a victim testimony. Thank you for the submission.

redditfuckingsucksyo ago

Thank you :)

wecanhelp ago

See this video of hers also, unless you do intend to sleep tonight.

Dick_Tits ago

That video has me at a boiling point. I got to the part where he'd force her out of the car and had to stop. I can't stand that people like that are in our society

DiggingforTruth ago

I cried my way through all her videos. (I'm a grown man,)

Birdzeyeview ago

but why would you believe her.? she could be an aspiring acting student making a show reel to help her get into acting school, for all we know.

redditfuckingsucksyo ago

Thanks for sharing. I'm aware of that one. I have no doubts of Pizzagate being real, just based off what I've heard about that video from others who have watched it I know I need to pick the right time to sit down and watch it. Probably sometime after the New Year.

Godwillwin ago

She's not graphic. She says rape but no nitty gritty details. I can't handle nitty gritty details. I cried of course, but I was able to watch all the way through. I think the woods story was the last one and the rest is about how she's healing. Her little face lights up when she talks about God. She's a brave girl. I pray more come forward in an effort to be rescued as well as to rescue others.