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wecanhelp ago

See this video of hers also, unless you do intend to sleep tonight.

Dick_Tits ago

That video has me at a boiling point. I got to the part where he'd force her out of the car and had to stop. I can't stand that people like that are in our society

DiggingforTruth ago

I cried my way through all her videos. (I'm a grown man,)

Birdzeyeview ago

but why would you believe her.? she could be an aspiring acting student making a show reel to help her get into acting school, for all we know.

redditfuckingsucksyo ago

Thanks for sharing. I'm aware of that one. I have no doubts of Pizzagate being real, just based off what I've heard about that video from others who have watched it I know I need to pick the right time to sit down and watch it. Probably sometime after the New Year.

Godwillwin ago

She's not graphic. She says rape but no nitty gritty details. I can't handle nitty gritty details. I cried of course, but I was able to watch all the way through. I think the woods story was the last one and the rest is about how she's healing. Her little face lights up when she talks about God. She's a brave girl. I pray more come forward in an effort to be rescued as well as to rescue others.