nathanwblair ago

Don't treat me like an idiot. I'm fully aware a "screencap" can be faked quicker than anything.

nathanwblair ago

this is slanderous and you know it. i have not done anything of the sort, nor have i any reason to

nathanwblair ago

well i don't play greiveance politics if you contradict yourself and you're bipolar, it's excusable, but if you're not - it's kinda weird to

and you contradicted urself

nathanwblair ago

well what did you mean by that, then? either you agree with me or you don't

nathanwblair ago

"Forgot I said that. You're right about that. Since then, I've made my feelings more clear."

are you bipolar or somethin?

nathanwblair ago

in that case, fair enough. but since the MSM keeps on complaining we don't have testimonies, i think she, and the testimonies she asks others to bring forth, is the "missing link" in the puzzle

nathanwblair ago

"There is no direct evidence in Becki's videos, as far as I can tell" - my post

you clearly don't know what a testimony is. google it.

nathanwblair ago

are you claiming she is not making valid testimony? how so? or are you claiming we've claimed something else?

nathanwblair ago

@breakdown99 no one has said she offers anything other than Testimony (a formal written or spoken statement, especially one given in a court of law), in fact, that's how she titles some of her videos.

Testimonies/Eyewitnesses don't require evidence, They are a form of evidence as themselves. Don't pretend you didn't know that, you're just being a shill now

EDIT: and no, the creators of this forum who flagged "PizzaGate PosterGirl Becki Percy doing Youtube Q&A!!!!" as "IMPORTANT" were NOT trolling. Neither were the 295 who upvoted the OC that labelled her as a poster child.

nathanwblair ago

@breakdown99 as for this post - the mods - creators of this subvoat - requested the creation of this post & gave it a flair - so yea, it does belong here.

how do i know the story's authentic? doesn't matter. she's a testimony. she's what the lyin' MSM claims we don't have - a living debunking of their propoganda

nathanwblair ago

i didn't call her a poster child - ew1 did & he got a flair & 296 votes in the process if that vid doesn't belong here, neither do the mods or the 296 who liked the vid

sorry to break it down for you

nathanwblair ago

not my point. tell her not to do this, not me. it's her choice: not yours, not mine

nathanwblair ago

@breakdown99 do you ask her what she wanted? I did.

nathanwblair ago

she wants her testimony heard, her request also, staying in the sunlight is a lot safer, you're more dangerous as a dead martyr than alive if you're front & center

DefenderOfTruth ago

I didn't think of that. You have a good point. Of course, she put herself out there using her, presumed, real name. Also her face is out there so anyone who knows her can ID her anyway. I hope she stays safe, poster child or not.

nathanwblair ago

she told me she was crying with happiness when she saw the original post whose quote @breakdown99 critizised ("There is no direct evidence in Becki's videos, as far as I can tell, but I think in a way she's a poster child for Pizzagate." - @1ew)

since @breakdown99 says her safety is "not the point" (here:, i'd say there is no real issue

Zorox ago

How anyone could watch her testify vids and still be a non believer boggles the mind. Also, she tweeted me. I can't imagine her strength and resilience. I'm in tears even typing this. I think everyone should listen to her testimony vid in the background as we are researching...Keep us focused, and angry.

derram ago :

Becki on Twitter: "@breitbartnkorea I am planning on making a few videos to answer peoples questions about #SRA and #PizzaGate" :

Becki on Twitter: "@breitbartnkorea I noticed many people on voat was asking questions. I will be glad to answer any questions in the comments under the vid"

This has been an automated message.

wecanhelp ago

Thank you very much for this, sorry for not being around. Another mod apparently flaired your post as "IMPORTANT" in the meantime. I'm voting it up.