Millennial_Falcon ago

Thank you for your hard work, please know that I'm trying to help us get somewhere with it, as you are too.

Thanks to you, too!

Millennial_Falcon ago

You've got to stop crying wolf

I don't.

you delete another of my posts

Must have been in violation of submission quality rules.

Before you label something disinformation or delete it, look through the user's posts

Disinfo is disinfo. User history isn't relevant, nor do I have time to analyze a user's history before I flair a post. I will change the flair on this post, though, because you do have a point.

Millennial_Falcon ago

You're taking this waaaay too personally, not to mention making a personal attack on me. Lots of false assumptions in your comment. This isn't personal at all. I had no intention of labeling you personally as a disinformant. I'm giving users a heads-up that this "Mr. X" apparently seems a bit of a CP apologist.

listening to CP apologists should be a step towards fixing it. I disagree with Mr. X too, but the information might help.

Then how about posting this as a discussion post and explaining how the information is helpful?

Millennial_Falcon ago

Flairing as possible disinformation, based on user comments.

Edit: Changing flair to "accuracy in question" (I don't want to unfairly imply the OP is a shill).

Vindicator ago

Am I the only one chaffed by the constant 'Russians Russians Russians'? I almost feel like this 'expert testimony' might have been created and put out there so that if CF pedocracy was ever busted, they could just say Russians put it on my system.

Jem777 ago

For those following this thread. The mention in this article of CARDS or careers is a crucial part of this investigation. The FBIANON made a point of emphasizing to investigate CARDS as it relates to pedophelia and CP.

Ang68 ago

Not sure what "Cards" means, but Sandusky traded child porn images with others like baseball cards according to testimony.

ghost_marauder ago

Really big problem with carders is that the whole industry is built around anonymity. 99% of "Carders" on the darkweb are con artists after a simple bit coin from an idiot. But, the others are part of an actual industry that completely operates on the idea that opsec is important. I don't see a chance of us catching anybody there.

That being said, looking into EBT fraud, or sales of gift cards at Wally World, Handy World, or whatever jackass retail shop you go to would be a good place to start going down that path.

NerdyNoodle ago

There is some good info here and a lot of disinfo. i.e., that the hurtcore is all from families. We know that this DOES happen as in the testimonies of the Hampstead case and Becki Percy

But overall, this claim (that hurtcore originates in families and not in the "CP Industry") flies in the face of witness testimonies that the ELITE use trafficked kids (strangers) for their horrid activities and they love to film it all. There may be some "lovey dovey touchy feely CP" out there but it is still EXPLOITATION in the end. And a HUGE percentage of pedo's are into the BDSM CP.

If you read the whole thing, this guy is an apologist for "industry" CP. In the end he argues that kids are more mature than they look and they enjoy making CP.


tossbow ago

Great article - invaluable for understanding what the landscape looks like, even if it's uncomfortable to think about. These claims don't fly in the face of anything, they simply make clearer that the child-trafficking elites operate on an entirely separate level, and are not part of the "industry" which has largely ceased to exist in the first place, or the family trading rings either. They have no need for such low-class operations. They have money, security, bunkers, secret codes, in-person meetings, and even more money. Why on earth would they make contact outside of their walled gardens of abuse?

As far as that final section, though... it is a hard fact that "CP" is produced by underagers (teens) enjoying themselves on webcams, without exploitation. They are not our problem, and to fight about this is a useless moral crusade when we could be spending our energy on the true abusers and rapists.

YingYangMom ago


I read it all and I completely agree. The guy's an apologist for CP. Prolly a pedophile himself.

fartyshorts ago

I agree with you to a large extent, but on CP forums, there really are many parents trading with each other. All kinds are out there.

srayzie ago

That's so disgusting. Those poor innocent children come into the world needing love and protection. To think that some parents are the ones hurting them just breaks my heart. It's even sicker when it is your very own children.

concernedaboutitall ago

That is so beyond sad and troubling. These kids... How can they ever trust anyone when their own families are abusing them so?

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

They can't and sometimes thats the point, especially in MKUltra, you purposely break the childs strongest bond to show no1 can be trusted, severely fucks up the brain, I think its part of their inducing dissociation