sound_of_silence ago

our house will absolutely be praying and some hopefully attending!

shared on reddit with @Mageant, organizer of the previous Synchronized Mass Meditation/Prayer for Arrests of DC Pedophiles: Saturday Feb. 25, 11:11am EST and which received an amazing amount of collective, positive support from Christians to Atheists and every kind of us in between..everyone coming together as one, for the children.. this mass meditation/prayer was (co)incidentally(?) the same date as the march, one month ago..

events like these (both the mass spiritual gathering events, and the mass physical gathering events) are going to prove more and more that our "global, diversified unity" is greater, stronger, and more effective than that of the opposition.... all kinds of everyone, dropping everything that divides us, to stand together on what unites us.. just like Narnia.. the side of truth has the deeper magic the opposition can never gain access to.. through this entire progression, the side of truth and right has been able to take what the opposition started, and re-purpose it to work against them.. "They Will Not Divide Us"

as long as we keep everything positive, peaceful and proactive (basically the exact opposite of the feminazi marches)... we need to always be beyond reproach in our efforts.

zlomsocz ago

I'm very very apprehensive about public disobedience or protesting. This issue is close to but has not quite yet reached critical mass awareness. And I'm afraid and event can too easily be used as a driver to create a sub narrative about this investigation. The headlines will tell the story, and if any media covers this those headlines will certainly take away from the credability of this cause. The headline will read " conspiracy theorists gather to bother pizza shop owners on the debunked pizzagate conspiracy" and and efforts to convey demands or to deliver a message will be thwarted to undermine the cause. Events are also too easily hijacked by rogue element. Just look at MLK and cointelpro, the Intel community will easily control the narrative on any street action. Even an honest effort can't amount to much. A single act of disobedience like painting #pizzagate on Trump tower would have more affect of awareness outreach on this topic. bE WEARY of protests, it's too early.

sound_of_silence ago

initially i had many of your same concerns until watching the video update here


Yes. Food for thought.

TypicalVoaters ago

"thoughts and prayers" smh...they need coverage, large numbers of participants, financing and resource support. Fucking useless prayers wont do shit....


Furthermore this cause needs people of all races and religions to be heard! well except for a couple of dem religions YAAAA KNOW WHICH 1's!!!!! So why talk shit? Go do something else positive then. Whatever YOU think that is!


You are correct except for your last sentence. Everyone has their OWN answer to that last sentence...

jokersmild ago

Get me some video of "based stick man" if he shows up.

awarenessadventurer ago

I can donate, I can send prayers... but I cannot attend! Would it be possible for any of the attendees to livestream? Would like to be able to be a part of it that way as well, see the turnout and any possible shenanigens the guilty may try to pull.

Please everyone, stay alert, pay attention to odd people and details and dont be afraid to peacefully address trouble makers or plants. That usually makes them run, or try to instigate violence. As we have seen in standing rock these people are experts and turning a worthy movement into a debacle and using it to provoke the un-educated or provoke a larger resistance through propaganda in the MSM. I would hope that one of the organizers can send out information on non-violent protest techniques so that people dont get baited for the cameras (if there is any MSM coverage, they will be looking to use it to negatively portray the entire movement) Livestream or take video (bring lots of extra battery packs & memory cards) Be prepared to out anyone in the crowd that is clearly a plant. They will be there. They will make this anti-gay (as we have seen the false drama protest play out at comet) and try to tin-foil hat everyone in attendance. Carry yourselves with honor and good thoughts, good words and good actions of someone who is an upstanding warrior of truth. This is an important event and I would hate to see it hijacked. If everyone in the truth network are on board with non-violent protest tactics it will speak well for the cause. The plants will stick out like a sore thumb. Call them out. Be aware of stingray technology (get an app, or take battery out of your phone) bring digital cameras with no wi-fi to record if needed. We know from standing rock the tactics that are used and once they have your device locked, they are in for good (even if you wipe the phone) Some may see these precautions as overkill, but given what we know I would venture to guess they would stop at nothing to set-up and track as many people as possible. Dont be in fear, but stand in truth and unity (and strength). I truly wish I could be there to document this from a citizen journalist perspective. We truly have to be the media and capturing a truth oriented perspective from our own eyes is the anti-propaganda that will surely follow) Prayers to all. DONATE!

If anyone would like me to compile information regarding non-violent protest actions to share with attendees I would be happy to do that. The children need someone to stand for them and the time is now!! I am proud of you all for your bravery and committment.

There will most certainly be backlask so come prepared and watch each others backs!!!


Mutabaruka - Any Which Way...Freedom

Meanwhile yuh dancin' to dis musik And tryin' to figure out these lyrics Meanwhile yuh drinkin' and havin' fun Watch out! De revolution a come

Betta be a part a de solution Dis mite be di final confrontation Betta awake to dis reality Dis is no time to loose yuh sanity, 'cause..

By de ballot or de bullet By de Bible or de gun Any which way freedom mus' come

Killin' de children in Soweato Turnin' El Salvador inna one big ghetto Dumpin' waste on sea and lan' Buildin' up arsenal of nuclear weapon Opressin' de Haitians, bombin' in Iran Troops in Afganistan There mus' be, there mus' be, A solution.. a revolution

Mutabaruka - Any Which Way Freedom Must Come

forno_a_legna ago

Fuck your prayers, god doesn't exist. If you think he does, why does he let all these kids get molested and abused by freaks? Because god has a plan for everything and everyone? Hahaha good one. Stop intertwining these investigations with religion. It's stupid, pathetic, and shows how weak of a backbone you have.


WTF! Triggered much? I put the prayer part for people that do believe in a GOD or that are spiritually in touch with a creator and cannot attend. Fuck me? Nah bud you need to direct that energy to the ones we be protesting. You talk like that in a ReaL World conversation with people? If you do watch out people like to punch bufoons who spout off like a loud drunk in a BAR

forno_a_legna ago

Explain where your God is while those kids are getting raped and abused?

Psalm100 ago

I don't live near D.C. but will be praying that this event bears a lot of fruit.

Touchdown50 ago

Be aware our good friends in the cia and the dc police will be watching very closely

SturdyGal ago

Let's hope they're busy shredding documents and degaussing their hard drives ;0)

Touchdown50 ago

Nah they aint doing dick.

PizzaGateDiscovery ago

So there's one on 3/18 and one on 3/25. These should have been combined to have a better turn out. Can they merge these two events?

daddysdarlin ago

Wishing all those who can attend my prayers and best wishes! Its just wonderful to see the many people who love and care about these children and those adults who are being trafficked!

wecanhelp ago

If one is trying to help expose PIZZAGATE to the masses why delete a thread that's informing the public of a gathering in Washington DC to expose PIZZAGATE/Pedogate in the form of protesting and bringing awareness to the subject?

Because your original submission was targeted at the mods for stickying your post, which is a meta concern. We haven't removed other submissions about this protest, in fact, they have been flaired.

Any press is good press right?

Not necessarily. If this turns into a violent act, possibly in an orchestrated way in the fashion of the CPP shooting incident, it provides grounds for smearing the investigation altogether one more time, never mind that people can also get hurt.

JasonHeywardsBeard ago

I made a post asking for ideas to get the general public more involved (I. E. Creating infographics displaying the epidemic of human trafficking) and it got deleted citing rule 4. Can you explain why? All I am wanting to do is to try and create a bridge from the general public with the overriding issue, making a basis of knowledge to help ease them into the reality of things.

wecanhelp ago

I can't if I don't see the particular post. I recommend pinging the mod who removed it for an explanation (if it was me, then me but with the link).

JasonHeywardsBeard ago

I tried to but I'm new to voat... Well at least as a contributor... It said I didn't have enough points to send a message. :(

Edit: screen shot

wecanhelp ago

Please read the Submission Requirements, you can find them in the sidebar. Your post is a clear-cut case of rule 4 and it is obvious you haven't read them before posting.

JasonHeywardsBeard ago

I did read them and it was stating something about links and videos. But I will go back and re-read it and see what I am misunderstanding.

wecanhelp ago

Basically, you will never see a post on this subverse that doesn't contain at least one link as a source to at least one claim. That is because this is an investigative subverse, we're primarily trying to build up evidence on here. Meta concerns, and general discussion posts without sources (like yours) should be discussed on /v/pizzagatewhatever, another subverse created precisely for this purpose. But, again, all this is explicit in the submission rules, so please do read them once more. Thank you.

JasonHeywardsBeard ago

Thank you for the explanation. I guess I was reading rule 3. And didn't understand what "meta" was referring to. Definitely don't want my post to interrupt the good work this subverse is doing. I'll be more careful from now on. Thanks again! I really do appreciate the help :)

wecanhelp ago

No problem, thanks for being understanding. Welcome to the community.


Fair enough answers. GOing against the grain is always uncomfortable but must be done to break new ground! Breaking the Dam so to speak and let the flood pour! Kinda like the Oroville CA situation Oroville,CA Dam Update! METAphors!

Millennial_Falcon ago

Can only have one sticky at a time. @wecanhelp, can you include the link to the flier at the top of the current sticky? I can add it to the top of the exec. summary sticky as well.

huhhh ago

Why was there tons of shit deleted yesterday that shouldn't have been? There was even a pause on threads going through. This happens regularly and you pseudo mods just stay silent and pretend like nothing happened.

wecanhelp ago

I thought of actually adding the flyer image to the sidebar, but wasn't sure we officially wanted to endorse this event. If we do, then I suggest we use the sidebar for more visibility.

Millennial_Falcon ago

I see no reason not to support it. I would suggest both a sidebar link and a link at top of sticky.

wecanhelp ago

And done. Unfortunately I won't be able to turn the banner into an actual clickable link as it's being put there with a CSS hack.

wecanhelp ago

Will gladly do both.

To sum up, my main concern was that there is another protest happening on the 18th, in Washington, D.C. as well, and I'm not sure what's going on with these. The earlier one is endorsed by Becki Percy, this later one is endorsed by David Seaman, and they're apparently closely in touch, so it's weird to me that they wouldn't pick the same protest to attend, at the same place one week apart. My gut tells me that one of these will be a honeypot event. If that is true, then the one on the 18th has more potential to be that, given that it's both earlier than the presumably legit one, and got scheduled weeks later. With this doubt, I wasn't sure if endorsing any of them is a good idea, and I've been discussing this with @Vindicator in private messages.