Ashra ago

The 2nd article linked in that archived story says >and it’s going to be real food. It’s not going to be fast food. It’s not going to be jumbo slice or, you know, hot dogs.

.... no pizza and hot dogs in her new restaurant....

Catsfive ago

Because it's a place that's "his" that he has access to. I'd refer to it as my "basement," too, if it was dowstairs in a neighbouring house, for instance.

redditsuckz ago

redditsuckz ago

slimg is broken and the creators vanished of the web...if it ever comes back up no one should post anything to that site ever again.

Crensch ago

Struck a nerve, I see; guess I'll fire up the old salt-mining equipment.

ploppy ago

I still think this is a bad move by the mods. Will this happen every time we get a possible real person come forward? The mods gave their reasons here: You can take it up with them on that thread:

Crensch ago

All attempts to find my careface have come up empty.

downwithpizzaelite ago

A psyops?

The guy didn't get two fucking words out... He was shut down on reddit twice immediately and he was shut down here immediately.

The kicker is that he was shut down because his identity was questioned not because of his actual claims. They "couldn't verify who he was."

Guess what, they could, because I fucking did and anybody with a brain could, too.

He was shooed off and told he's not welcome anywhere and stfu.

downwithpizzaelite ago

Idk how the hell people are going to fucking treat people who come forward saying they were abuse victims like they're automatically a fake and a liar when this entire pizzagate thing still has no fucking hard evidence?

How moronic can people be?

He was shut down before he was given a chance to explain himself and his reasoning for making his claims.

It's fucked, this whole place fucked up big time.

Guess nobody remembers the thread talking about "treading lightly" when victims come forwards...

downwithpizzaelite ago

His identity is valid.

The reason the thread was deleted was because the identity of the poster was in question, not the posters' claims.

iamthepizzanow ago

Bingo. Thank you.

datjedi ago

Its going down

BadGuacamoleTV ago My vid on the matter.

noreturn4me ago

I have screen shots of everything as well. If you need them let me know. And as always Bless you for everything you do sir, and hug the pups for me!

BadGuacamoleTV ago


AreWeSure ago

Who admitted what?

ConcernedParent2 ago

It's still odd how this kid comes out 8 years later to tell his story. He isn't a hero. If he had any balls at all he would of went to the police ages ago and most likely would of prevented James from sexually assaulting how many others? I really don't give a shit if he's a "victim with PTSD" or not the fact that he did nothing for 8 years really pisses me off.

Sexual assault and rape victims are often too scared to come forward because of lack of evidence and the fear that people won't believe them. He already claimed that JA said he would hurt and sue him if he went to the authorities, which considering how JA powerful and connected JA is, that's a pretty damn good reason to keep quiet. If OP is real, he is probably coming forward now because JA is not as powerful and there is enough evidence to help support his claims, or because his PSTD has gotten better, etc.

The fact that he never did that makes him accountable for every other person James Alefantis has ever raped over the last 8 years. They both belong in jail, imo. To not do anything makes you just as much as a shitty person as the person who commits a crime.

Kindly go fuck yourself. No one is responsible for what JA has done but JA. Stop blaming the victim and scaring off a (potential) lead. Go shill somewhere else.

teh_Dude ago

They don't want reddit to ban them. Plain simple.

Im_with_her ago

Pizzagate is fake news.

iamthepizzanow ago

You're fake news.

SomeoneOnTheInternet ago

crazy shit afoot

NotTooLate ago

Yes but without a description anywhere I don't think people would expect it to be screenshots of email messages.

Htaed ago

Fuck reddit. It's censoring everything. Get people to voat!!!!

downwithpizzaelite ago

Fuck voat as well, the mods deleted the thread within 30 minutes.

I hope we can rally the pitchforks over it. Huge fuck up.

GrubbyGordan ago

What a coincidence, am I right?

BadGuacamoleTV ago

surely nothing more /s

Birdzeyeview ago

are you? well, I am not your shrink, tell someone who cares.

militant ago

Removed on voat too... Shame on you fake mods.

downwithpizzaelite ago

New v/pizzagate theme.

No hashtagfakemods

Birdzeyeview ago

class Action is happening that is what. Don't say you haven't been warned. Expect to get a lot of your accounts completely scrubbed in coming days by Youtube, Reddit, Twitter, and more. Your libel is making them liable and you are all dead wood to them as a result. Bye Bye!

DecimateTheWeak ago

kek. get the fuck outta here.

Birdzeyeview ago

Reddit named in Class action so of course they are going to delete.

FindingTruth ago

Can you elaborate here? Thx

kekistocrat ago

This is the most important topic to be discussing considering the fact that most voaters assume this platform is not 'compromised.' It is. By far. Mods.

rickman ago

Wow to anyone trying to shout this man down by calling him a bullshitter. What "proof" do you want exactly? He is coming forward to make some very serious allegations about someone in the public eye. That takes a lot of courage. I've seen the screenshots of the emails which suggest a person once worked at Comet and that Alefantis was very keen to spend time with them. No this isn't game changing, definitive proof but it is something that can be worked from in helping to get Alefantis investigated.

hopeforall ago

Remember. All victims of rape should be believed. All allegations investigated. I believe in that 100%. If there's no proof of guilt fine but rape and especially pedophilia need to be investigated.

And I'm sure it will turn it these scum surrounding Podesta and Alefantis are guilty.

abortionburger ago

how does your post not have all the upvoats? i agree with you 100%. The majority of ALL sexual assaults are never reported. Here's a dude - only vaguely aware of pizzagate, who comes forward to talk about Alefantis - in a non pizzagate related manner. Too many coincidences at this point to be ignored. This dude should be lauded, and I wouldnt be surprised if more people start coming forward if this story gains traction (Think: Bill Cosby)

Aaanndgo ago

For what it's worth, I posted this is his thread and didn't get a reply(may not have seen it). I hope the mods are setting up an AMA with him.

abortionburger ago


BadGuacamoleTV ago


abortionburger ago

I've never been a victim of sexual assault, but I imagine that it is not particularly easy to "just go to the cops". @FVITEGO showed a fucking ton of courage - not only coming forward in the first place, but actually jumping through hoops to prove something that he really shouldn't have to relive.

ploppy ago

I just had 2 threads removed under the rule 2 and 4 bullshit and others have as well on the topic of voat removing the AMA. Why are the mods doing this? Just give us a PROPER reason. This will not go away. Streisand effect. Also, we finally get an employee to talk to us and the mods shut it dow. Wat is the point of this then?

iamthepizzanow ago

Because it's not valid and is gonna snowball into a shit storm of bullshit that can possibly discredit what we are working so hard for. Pump the brakes.

downwithpizzaelite ago

It is 110% valid.

What is your reason for saying anything otherwise??

teh_Dude ago

Agreed. We have to tread lightly on this one.

ConcernedParent2 ago

I saw it and it is a real comment, he made that comment because someone asked him "Do you sexually assault all your employees?"

TruthIsMyReligion ago

I've asked the OP if he remembers it...

ConcernedParent2 ago

He blocked him before he made that comment.

TruthIsMyReligion ago

I messed up... when you replied I thought it was the op replying, confirming that I'd made a mistake. I hope you are telling the truth. Like I said I've asked the OP...

ConcernedParent2 ago

You can look at OP's reddit account and see where he blocked JA before JA said that comment, so OP wouldn't have seen it.

TruthIsMyReligion ago

So are you saying "JA" made two comments with the exact same words ...Come to Comet Ding Dong to get your pizza topped! +

ConcernedParent2 ago

No. His ORIGINAL comment was the one in the imgur one, the one is the SAME comment that he later edited. You can see the little ' * ' by that comment in the one, hover your mouse over it and it will tell you he edited it. Notice how that's the only comment he edited.

I assume he was trying to be sarcastic, but if it really is JA, that really wasn't a wise thing to say. He must have thought better about it since he edited it.

TruthIsMyReligion ago

Thanks... lets hope the mods setup an AMA with him straight away. If they don't then we know this place is compromised.

ConcernedParent2 ago

I don't get why they removed it, what proof are they looking for?

TruthIsMyReligion ago

No idea! It's a shame, as now he's gone back to reddit, don't blame him really.

I've tried to question the mods:

ConcernedParent2 ago

I don't blame here either. This was supposed to be the safe site for him to post without fear of being censored.

TruthIsMyReligion ago

@gopluckyourself just pulled our own AMA with him:

Please remove this mod @kingkongwaswrong @Crensch @Millennial_Falcon

Crensch ago

That post needed to be removed. Read the fucking rules.

HarveyKlinger ago

How fucking stupid. Gopluckyourself deleted the impromptu AMA because of insignificant fucking rules? Fuck that cocksucker. The first person EVER to come forward comes here to tell his story after getting fucked over on reddit and he deletes it? Would he turn away a child rape victim looking for immediate help from his home because it is after 10pm which I'm sure is the bedtime his parents set up for him?


Crensch ago

because of insignificant fucking rules?

Very significant rules.


If the rules weren't followed, it would be reddit, but this is Voat. Rules are everything so that mods can be little more than janitors. Period.

HarveyKlinger ago

Well, at least the rules were followed. Of course, it chased the guy away for good and he literally called coming here "a mistake" BUT AT LEAST THE FUCKING RULES WERE FOLLOWED. Because when it comes to investigating child trafficking, rules are always more important than following a new, major lead and making a drugged rape victim feel welcome.

How fucking pathetic.

Crensch ago

Blame the trolls and CTR and kikes that made the rules necessary, not the mods.

redditsuckz ago

Blame the trolls and CTR and kikes that made the rules necessary, not the mods

Nice try...those are the ones that made the rules on v/pizzagate...;^)

So you must be some kind of fake racist putting on an act?

Crensch ago

Figured I'd get such a stupid answer form someone.

HarveyKlinger ago

Nope. Because if this fucking idiot isn't smart enough to let a rule slide because of something so important he is too fucking ignorant to be a mod. Seriously, how fucking power hungry and stupid do you have to be to chase away a fucking rape victim trying to tell their story in public for the first fucking time?! I hope he gets feline aids.

Crensch ago

Any active mod would/should have done the same thing. Too fucking bad for your feelings or whatever, but modding doesn't work on subjective shit like that here.

TruthIsMyReligion ago

Hope you are in the process of setting up a proper AMA with him then?

Today would be ideal, help show us we can trust this platform.

Crensch ago

Why does anyone need to set up a proper anything? Pizzagatewhatever, post it there.

gopluckyourself ago

That too I didn't even think about that.

TruthIsMyReligion ago

Sort it out and bring him back asap! It's on you now!

Crensch ago

Do what you think is best - i don't think anyone would have an issue with the active mods making an ama or whatever.

I leave it to you guys.

TruthIsMyReligion ago

That's what @gopluckyourself said "FVITEGO rule 2, 4 also you need to contact mods before posting an ama."

You can't even get the story straight among yourselves!

Posting to a sub with 370 users is your best solution?

Crensch ago

Go with the active mods, gopluck, millennial, vindicator, and phobos over any [O] mod.

HarveyKlinger ago

Dammit. Well, at least there is the screenshot. Whoever grabbed that, good job!

I just checked all of my archives and while I did see it, I didn't capture it.

VieBleu ago

lol the washington monument isn't all that impressive.

HarveyKlinger ago

Yep. Luckily, I re-archived it right after his last comment.

tjarco ago

to get this straight, someone nicknamed JamesAlefantis made all those comments and then deleted his account?

thanks for archiving btw!

HarveyKlinger ago

Yep. Based on the interactions I've seen with JA, I think it was legitimately him. Since has been "losing" archived pages lately, I would recommend a few people to download the archived page.

Hey_Sunshine ago

James 'power bottom and part time pedofile' Alefantis is such a stupid piece of shit he doesn't know the difference between then and than. what a walking waste of DNA, I hope he gets arkancided when Bill's wife starts culling loose ends.

HarveyKlinger ago

The "JamesAlefantis" profile on reddit has been deleted. I archived it RIGHT before he deleted it. Enjoy:

Aaanndgo ago

I think this is high-level trolling. Sorry.

abortionburger ago

It's possible, but he was able to provide me via PM with the name of the employee who reported Alefantis assaulting Greenwood's son and if that can be verified, it's likely he's telling the truth. I'm looking into it now.

VieBleu ago


HarveyKlinger ago

He owns and operates the restaurant Bucks, which is basically right next door. He was telling the truth about putting the canned tomatoes in the basement (I assume that's what you're referencing).


Hey guys, I'm the one who posted onto r/IaMa and made a new post on the donald

Somevoatguy ago

Can you do an AMA here? Seems like all AMA's on reddit were removed.

downwithpizzaelite ago

He tried and it lasted less than a half hour, the mods deleted his post.

pepe16 ago

The ladder of escalation and freer speech is voat, then 4chan, then 8ch, then endchan.

I hope you won't be silenced.

survivingtime ago

That is not a good link from mobile? Anyone else having troubles?

HarveyKlinger ago

FYI @1ew, you speak (uh... type) very good English. Don't worry about it.

VieBleu ago

NICE catch.

HarveyKlinger ago

Comet has no basement. Bucks does.

Common knowledge now.

S3m8o3 ago

CAN WE HAVE THIS AT AS MANY PLACES AS POSSIBLE! I've lost faith in the Archive...

Never use CAPS but this is the shit they make dissappear asap.

23eulogy23 ago

How was username u/JamesAlefantis not taken before today?

abortionburger ago

Ha, I thought the same thing. Missed opportunity!

SlackeryTurnBull ago

It appears the guy posted a meme of pepe the frog several hours ago, if that says anything.

militant ago

unless one of the victims was under the age of 16

It might be the case.

Fateswebb ago

Uh the claim is he drugged them as well as Dylan was under age. Really I think James probably likes teen boys but not prepubescent ones.. heck he even said himself he hates kids.. any it's probably true. I think he is probably more into sadistic shit like murder but is also gay.. but like the video said which could have been James in the ape suit. "We all have our preferences" if it was James in the ape suit at the time, which I think he does wear it sometimes, it would mean, hey I don't personally like kids but it's okay if you do.. of course this is all speculation.....

dickface8 ago

He never said he hates kids did he? Are you referring to when he was denying alegations and said "I don't like kids"? cos if so I think he just meant it like he doesn't like to fuck them.

AreWeSure ago

Yes, proof would be useful. A credible accusation would be useful. But, as you point out, that hasn't happened yet.

Thrulkggls ago

This is live right now at Reddit...and someone claiming to be Alefantis is interacting with the accuser.

peechag8 ago

Wow, this guy was absolutely brave for posting a photo of himself as his proof. Hope he doesn't get suicided

SlackeryTurnBull ago

How exactly is that proof of anything?


Was interesting move to go this route vs direct to police though....who can u trust?

downwithpizzaelites ago

This is getting spicy.

A /JamesAlefantis just commented telling OP to contact him and asked why he was "spreading lies/ slanderous information."

Birdzeyeview ago

OP was spreading lies cos you are all a bunch of brain dead SHEEP on here.

HarveyKlinger ago

Holy crap that just made the AMA interesting as hell. The OP isn't convinced it's really James though so to prove it, "James" said he was a bottom, is grossed out by topping and EVERYBODY that knows him intimately knows that. TMA, man. TMA.

Oh, "James" also calls it Comet Ding Dong a few times. I'm good with that going forward and hilariously, we can legally use it and discuss goings on there since it's obvious parody.

EDIT: Worth reading:


VieBleu ago

maybe we can get Ryan will call him and ask. Only half-joking.

HarveyKlinger ago

For the past couple weeks I've been tempted to call James myself. Not to accuse him of anything or be a dick like some people do. I'd have a legitimate conversation with him and probably help him make this go away if it's not true. But to be honest, I'm not convinced I wouldn't get arrested, threatened, etc. I won't be in DC for almost a year to talk to him face to face, which I'd prefer, but that will be too late.

VieBleu ago

Gee, nice pizza guy, runs a "beloved community institution", a real giver, but people are scared shitless to talk to him. Go figure.

ConcernedParent2 ago

I wonder if it's really him. I'm actually surprised that username wasn't taken before today.

You guys better remember not to vote (either up or down) on anything. Last time people were linked from here to reddit, the reddit admins mass suspended everyone's accounts for 3 days. Some claimed they were banned even if they didn't vote on anything.

edit: adding more info on voting on reddit.

it_was_foretold ago

Fuck I forgot about that.

ich1baN ago

(at)birdseyeview is definitely likely JA... He made a comment so nuanced about Comet Ping Pong pizza ingredients that are particular to Comet Ping Pong that only a chef, employee, himself, or potentially a customer would know but think about the odds of a customer posting about some nuanced pizza comment and being on VOAT... extremely infinitesimal. So that leaves an employee or himself.

Fateswebb ago

I don't really care if they ban me, the sooner people realize Reddit is censorship the better. I can still read just not write and as far as reddit goes at this point that's all I care about.

chickyrogue ago

especially since there is no guarentee that spez wont change everything you wrote to suit someone else

downwithpizzaelites ago

Like up or downvote?

ConcernedParent2 ago

Don't vote (either up or down) on anything. Last time people were linked from here to reddit, the reddit admins mass suspended everyone's accounts for 3 days. Some claimed they were banned even if they didn't vote on anything.

sandernista_4_TRUMP ago

Where? his comment page is blank

downwithpizzaelites ago

It's on Reddit.

Fateswebb ago

Oh James is on here too, he doesn't use that name.... but he is on here and has spoken up.

Womb_Raider ago

What's his username?



redditsuckz ago

I doubt Carole Wagner Greenwood is a saint

Otherwise, Greenwood has been operating what she calls a “rogue restaurant” named Orange Arrow, which conducts private pop-up-style dinners in random places: church basements, art galleries, a rural Maryland farm. It’s just the sort of pseudo-secret supper club that has become one of the biggest trends in D.C. dining in recent years.

RedCatus ago

I don't recall this being on but why the fuck was it deleted if it was, I thought voat was for freedom of speech?

abortionburger ago

It's on Reddit, not Voat. It's still going on too, just removed from r/iama front page.

fckItsReal ago

Note Carole Greenwood left Comet in 2006 for "urgent family matters" per wiki. Cant think of much more urgent than dealing with the rape of your child

Birdzeyeview ago

but then you can't think at all, right?

Hey_Sunshine ago

Me thinks ye be a certain DC pedo, trying to feel like a normal person and troll your haters John? When was the last time you seen ol hildog? feeling Arkancidal john boy just wait, cos you'll be found dead in an apparent suicide, with two of your bullets lodged in your head.

HarveyKlinger ago

In that case, her son Dylan (Dillon?) was 16 or 17. I think he was born in 1990. Age of consent in DC is 16.

AreWeSure ago

No. She left in June of 2009, which would make her son 19.

SlackeryTurnBull ago

People that think anonymous claims made on the internet are proof of anything are complete idiots and should be chased out of the investigation. Or maybe I should say "investigation", at this point.

AreWeSure ago

The shills are expecting young victims? The shills? Really? This board claims the guy runs a childtrafficking ring and is involved in pedophilia and cannabalism and that children are kept in cages and moved around the city in tunnels and that girl taped to a table is a victim and the authorities need to find her and all the children in the instagram photos are victims.

Young victims is a bedrock belief of this board. Also another way to say what you're saying, is if the people are over the age 16 they are not a victim.

abortionburger ago

IIRC that comment was posted shortly after PG broke, I think it was one of us who said that.

ConcernedParent2 ago

No it wasn't. It was confirmed an old comet employee. I saw it with my own eyes and clicked her profile, it was NOT posted after.

AreWeSure ago

How do you know it was not posted afterwards? The previous comment looks like afterwards as well.

ConcernedParent2 ago

To be frank, I am going off of memory. I will admit I have no proof of it being posted before, and I could be wrong, but I know people found out cosmicmama was a former employee (or the wife of one).

AreWeSure ago

Yeah, I don't know if there is any way to date Instagram comments. It seems the date is for the original post.

abortionburger ago

He did say he was drugged. Of course it was 8 years ago so no legal case, but it does help to add credibility to the investigation, much like the Cosby situation.

Marthvedderette ago

Well, she's a guy.

Nana66 ago

Wearing khakis...

Whizwit21 ago

Jake from State Farm?

ploppy ago

This MUST be handled with great care. Talking to a victim is no small thing. It takes care, understanding and skill. This has to done the right way.

abortionburger ago

I PM'd him and asked if I could do a write up on his AMA and would it be okay for me to PM him later if I thought of more questions and he said yes to both!

VieBleu ago

Can you just change your name already?

downwithpizzaelites ago

Watch out /u/Millennial_Falcon might scrub this and tell you to see rule 2.

Hopefully (in the sense of more evidence against the crimes, terrible for the victims) it is true but it's a difficult claim to verify.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Another shill trying to frame me as a shill? And no, I'm not going to remove it. OP linked to the thread. One could argue there's no proof he really is a victim or worked at Comet, but he apparently showed his face, and this links possibly to previous claim of someone claiming to be Carole Greenwood.

downwithpizzaelites ago


HE BROUGHT THE AMA OVER HERE BECAUSE HE'S BEING CENSORED ON REDDIT AND HIS POST WAS DELETED!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!??!?!?!?!??!?!??!?!??!?!??!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!??!?!??????????????????????

Fateswebb ago

Seems like if he worked there there would be some skort of record, unless he was paid under the table.. as in tax records. Although good luck calling comets owed and asking for your old W2 from him. Something tells me the place he gives it to you in will be a bit uncomfortable.

redditsuckz ago

ArthurEdens ago

He was caught f***ing her son. Whay a p.o.s. this guy is.

HarveyKlinger ago

CORRECTION: He was caught fucking her son after he allegedly drugged him when he was 17 or 18.

AreWeSure ago

Where's your support for that?

HarveyKlinger ago

In the AMA before it got all deleted and censored: - Last 2 paragraphs.

AreWeSure ago

OK. I didn't read that as drugging her son, because the AMA guy wouldn't have first hand knowledge of that.

HarveyKlinger ago

Here's what it says (simplified): I drank with JA, then he drugged me and had sex with me. He did something similar to her kid.

It sounded like he knew the story though. Whoever told him about the incident surely knew the details I would think.

AreWeSure ago

Yes, sounded like he had heard a story about JA and Greenwood's son.

Fateswebb ago

I find it gross that James (allegedly) like to rape assholes in the kitchen of his restaurant, there has got to be some sort of health code violation with that?

HarveyKlinger ago

There is. For sure.

ArthurEdens ago

I didn't catch the part about the son being drugged either, just the ama guy. But I wouldn't be surprised.

ploppy ago

edit. Proof: cache before it was deleted.

investigatethepizza ago

Unable to load second photo

ploppy ago

Is there a google cache for the reddit link? was it crawled in time? i cant find one. Anyone else?

abortionburger ago

the link is still active. i wont post the link so you don't get your reddit account banned by clicking it, but it is: /r/IAmA/comments/5opvyd/i_was_sexually_assaulted_8_years_ago_by_the/

downwithpizzaelites ago

Try to bring him here for the AMA?

ploppy ago


thisisnotagame ago

My only concern in the authenticity of this story is when you click on their referenced links they are all click bait for money making sponsorship...why if the source is truly trying to educate the public are they cashing in too?

EDIT: This does not mean that the story is not true, I am just questioning this source because of the click bait.

Fateswebb ago

Yeah not sure what you're referencing? The main link is to reddit.

CWenstra ago

I didn't get redirected on the first link. I don't want to check the rest yet because I'm at work. I have to limit how much bandwidth I use or they'll start looking at my internet usage.

thisisnotagame ago

Maybe it is just me...

ConcernedParent2 ago

He claims Comet doesn't have a basement.

AreWeSure ago

and it doesn't correct?

Godwillwin ago

It does not. The kill room is at pegasus. I don't know what Buck's has

AreWeSure ago

I'm sure we'll find a walk in freezer at Pegasus.

Konran ago

I'm sure we'll find nothing at Pegasus now.

abortionburger ago

He confirmed it's her in the AMA.

abortionburger ago

Wow. Well now all the shills who say HURR HURR WHERE ARE THE VICTIMS will have to find something else to shout about.

SlackeryTurnBull ago

Sorry, anonymous possible attention-seekers on the internet don't exactly qualify. I think the shills are doing more to promote stuff like this that make pizzagate qualify as FAKE NEWS.

For example: how many downvotes does this submission have? How many shills are on this site? (Hundreds, in case you're not aware).Skepticism is not the tool being used, quite the contrary.

Fateswebb ago

Anonymous? The dude put his picture out there. How the heck is that anonymous?

SlackeryTurnBull ago

It was anonymous when I looked at it. Still, everything should always be questioned.

TowerOfPizza ago

He/She just said that Alefantis' business partner's kid was also molested. He/She also confirmed the business partner was Carole Greenwood, maybe another lead?

AreWeSure ago

Confirmed? This was common public knowledge that Carole Greenwod was the first chef at Bucks and Comet.

redditsuckz ago

Carole Wagner Greenwood work history;

Executive Chef Comet Ping PongWashington, DC, US Jul. 2005 to May. 2010 (4 years and 10 months) Role & Tasks:

founder, designer and executive chef of this farm to table pizza restaurant. Awards: food network named 'the smoky' (smoked mozzarella, smoked mushrooms, smoked bacon, roasted onions and garlic), a brainchild pizza of greenwood's , "best pizza in DC." Executive Chef Buck's Fishing & CampingWashington, DC, US Jan. 2000 to May. 2009 (9 years and 4 months) Role & Tasks:

founder, owner and executive chef of this longtime farm to table restaurant. Created concept and designed restaurant, interiors, all menus and wine list.

AreWeSure ago

Is that basically a resume she posted? I think the dates for Buck's are correct and the Comet date is off by a year. Because I think she left both places at the same time.

TowerOfPizza ago

Sorry, did not know that.

AreWeSure ago

At the time Bucks opened she was much more well known than he was in DC food circles.

There's a bunch of stuff on her on this board. I

abortionburger ago

I followed her on Twitter so that I could PM her the thread, I didn't want to publicly embarrass her by just tweeting it at her. Maybe we can find another way to get in touch.

MrMysterious ago

Look, let's assume that happened... If that is the case and with the hacking/threats which have been going on, it's highly likely she has already been threatened / there would be a limited benefit of us getting involved. The only hope for justice here is someone that can protect the "whistleblowers" The last thing we want to do is burn a lead because we wanted to take it in our own hands. (we know these douches track what is going on here) It could just be putting any individual at risk... There has to be a good way to go forward with it where where potential witnesses and such have protection.

TowerOfPizza ago

Smart move on your part, this could be really huge if it's true and she is willing to help.

ConcernedParent2 ago

Wonder if this is fake. If it's real, I hope it isn't just a way to make JA the scapegoat.

ArthurEdens ago

I don't think they'll scapegoat this guy. I bet he has all kinds of photos and videos of people to drop if he goes down

abortionburger ago

There was a mod comment that said "privately verified" that has now been deleted.

ConcernedParent2 ago


DrumpfBTFO ago

Doesnt still make his story true, but it would be insane of him to show his face and falsely accuse someone as powerful as Alefantis, which makes the story more believable. Too bad he doesn't have any proof of it: " No proof, really. I have some cringe worthy emails, but I discarded or destroyed anything that reminded me of the event and Just tried to move on."

iamthepizzanow ago


ConcernedParent2 ago

I was thinking the same thing. It could be fake, but anyone willing to give their face and use an account that gives some details of his life (check posting history), it seems really crazy to make this up. He would be risking big time trouble.

DrumpfBTFO ago

His latest replies seem to indicate that hes just fucking around with people, but we'll see.

Link to his post-history for anyone interested:

ConcernedParent2 ago

This guy has to be pretty fucking stupid if he's trolling. This could get him sued.

DrumpfBTFO ago

Maybe so, i think he removed the comments from Marina Abramovic(?, spirit cooking lady either way). I'll check ceddit on what he removed later on.

abortionburger ago

screenshot from ceddit showing privately verified by mod, that post has been removed. (right click link and open in new tab)

ArthurEdens ago

Are there more screengrabs? How far did the ama go before it was shut down?

kaptklok ago

There was a hyperlink. "Proof", leading to this :

Atlantean120 ago

link broken

ConcernedParent2 ago

I wouldn't link to her, trolls might harass her. It also might get this sub shut down.

Marthvedderette ago

Remember James is gay. This is a male victim.

ConcernedParent2 ago

The old link was to a woman in connection with this.

abortionburger ago

deleted link