DefenderOfTruth ago


I hope you come and lurk on voat and read this response your story is getting here and on another thread here.

Wow I can't believe you made it this far! You are an amazing young woman and I see God working in your life so much. I will be praying for your continued protection and healing. Also, and I think I speak for most of us here on Voat, know you have a virtual family here who will come to your aid if the US tries to kick you out or if you have other issues here. We are actively looking for specific things to do and it's hard to know what will help and what won't.

You have given me more faith that God will win this war in the end. And I know He will. Satan and his followers will have more justice than we ever imagined served to them and all of the kids who were abused will finally be in the arms of Jesus and safe forever.

You made a powerful testimony. I encourage you to keep speaking out and be the face for opening the piblic's eyes to truth.

Finally, despite what your biological mother told you, you are beautiful. You have a beautiful heart and a lovely face.


A Defender of Truth

bikergang_accountant ago

Amazing. The internet is awesome. Through it we can reject globalism. Let people know about abuse. Help this girl find a home with people that care about her. Investigate what they don't want to be investigated.

The internet is something that the globalists think is to their advantage but every time, as if balanced on the edge of a knife we seem to make better use of it than they do and one day we will spell their entire downfall and there will be no more people in power acting outside of their stewardship or abusing people in general. They don't understand what meme magic can do and they don't understand what people with an honest voice can do. If they have to meet honesty with lies then they will just repel more people away from them and towards us. We will constrict them till the dishonest and the abusive die. And we will make sure everyone like Becky who deserve care is heard and responded to and supported.

The elite never knew what their darpa machine could do.

nathanwblair ago

@1ew she says "I'm still in shock seriously", so maybe she'll ping you on voat sometime once she's recovered

nathanwblair ago "I want to thank whoever wrote this up on voat. Thank you so much!!! You can't even begin to imagine how much this means to me #PizzaGate"

i think she really wants to thank you... could you please contact her on twitter? i think it'd really mean a lot to her!

nathanwblair ago

@1ew i can give you a twitter account to use if neccesary

nathanwblair ago

she's crying with tears of joy. she really wants to thank you. i can give her my voat account so she can thank you here on voat if you can't do twitter

nathanwblair ago

i think she's not too tech savvy. might be a lot easier for her to contact you on twitter - if you could drop even a twitter alt account for her to contact?

nathanwblair ago

@1ew would that be OK? please?

Ronnilynn31 ago

This just breaks my heart. The idea of a little innocent girl going through this fear and pain is almost too much to think about. But we must, and we need to keep the fight alive for all girls, boys, and the adult survivors who need people to listen and act.

nathanwblair ago said: if you could find out his Twitter handle that would be awesome; I would like to thank him

@1ew so could you please throw me your twitter handle (via voat so we know it's legit u)?

DirtyDancingRedShoes ago

I hope more victims will come forward that can also save others. What she is doing is angelic!