jsac ago

pics or it didnt happen... o.. wait.......

Code-x ago

Hottie bangalottie

Islamiscancer ago

Ehh you are moderately attractive. But its hard to tell with all the makeup.

Post timestamped tits or GTFO

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

Welcome to Voat! Not sure how many pretty women we have here, but we can never have too many!

How are you keeping after the whole 'horseshoe ' nightmare?

chmod ago

It's 1:28 am. Up with a cluster headache. Get hit with fucking forced white mode on this sub. Soo light sensitive. Fuck you @bodybuilder.

You're cute though!

nakk ago

Boss? Is that you?

Flaaffy ago


SendingLove ago


googlehangoutsnow ago

Does anybody else see the nsfw part? I'm not seeing it. Maybe my computer is broken or something.

Flaaffy ago

The NSFW tag is a default when submitting a post. I looked at some of other pictures that were posted in this sub that weren't showing any nipples or pussies, and they were submitted with a NSFW tag, so I kept mine that way just because of my cleavage. Shrugs

googlehangoutsnow ago

The more you show the easier will be to perform an accurate transvestigation and confirm that you are female or not. You don't have to show everything, but a full body shot with some clothing on would be satisfying to my curiosity.

armday2day ago


tanukihat ago

Not naked enough. Get more naked, then we'll see.

Evileddie13 ago

Fake. Verify or fuck off. Send a pic with my user name.

Aboresh ago

Prove you aren't a tranny.

Flaaffy ago

Dick slaps your face

Aboresh ago

Not surprised.

Apathy ago

Would bang.

Groomzilla ago

noodz when?

lopan ago

better angle maybe, this one makes you have a huge forehead

festeringsoul ago

Some people just might appreciate a large forehead.

festeringsoul ago

Can honestly say I'm surprised that the comments haven't gone too far into the creep zone. It's already been an hour.

nakk ago

I'd say it's probably because goats aren't creeps. We're all pretty self-aware, excepting the sane ones among us.

festeringsoul ago

Although plausible, only op could quantify the volume of dick pics that graced their inbox. Overall something can be said about us being less outwardly creepy.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

i'd let you suck my dong

nottashill ago


TH3_1D10T ago

Like every baby ever.

nottashill ago

Unfortunately your mother didn't share that philosophy.

Philosopher_King ago

And... where's that one post from 4chan that talks about girls who lose their power on the internet, so they have to emphasis they are girl to get attention?

rail606 ago

This is hilariously true. Autistic logic and reasoning is a force to be reckon with ahah.

Womb_Raider ago

Hey, someone made the winged eye liner thing look great. Color me surprised

Firevine ago

We really do have the most beautiful women here on Voat, don't we folks? The most beautiful women. They're simply lovely. Simply lovely. O know something about beautiful women too, believe me.

Clientkill ago

We have absolutely amazing, tremendous women. They're tremendous. Great ally.

Drkadrka ago

Mr President is that you?

hairless_rock_ape ago

Thanks for the post. Felt like hearing a bird chirp in war zone of the voat front page.

festeringsoul ago

Excellent metaphor, you are but a butterfly amidst a plague of locusts!

DrShitlord ago

Hey, this is locust-shaming, shitlord!

Pwning4Ever ago

would smash, wouldn't even care if you are a tranny.

Flaaffy ago

Hahaha I'm definitely not a tranny, but thank you for the compliment!

SaveTheChildren ago

You a tranny?

Flaaffy ago

Hahaha no. I'm not a tranny.

SaveTheChildren ago

:) It was mostly just a joke. I run a subreddit around here outing celebrities who are trannies.

Do you bite your nails?

Flaaffy ago

I like to keep my nails cut very short. I can't really do the manicures, or the long, fake nails.

When I was younger, I had tried gluing some fake nails on, and then I was unable to unbutton my pants in time and ended up peeing my pants!

Since then, I haven't bothered with them anymore. It makes it really difficult for me to type, write, or do much of anything with my hands.

But sometimes I will bite my nails, yes. ._.

SaveTheChildren ago

Called it.

I can spot a nail bitters from a mile away. It's one of my gifts. Don't fret, though, I bite mine too, just don't bite so far down and your fingers won't be so obvious.

I hope you didn't take any offense, you are clearly a beautiful girl! It was fun 'reading' you to see if you were a tranny. You would be a good one!

tanukihat ago

I also hope she has a dick.

SaveTheChildren ago

I'm a head transvestigator over at /v/Transvestigation, and this one is giving me some indicators. I think it's trying to fool you boys.

Flaaffy ago

What uh... Indications... Might I be giving you? >.>

SaveTheChildren ago

Nothing really too extreme. You do have large facial features, and wider eyes, your hands look a little boyish, but like I asked earlier I was wondering if maybe it's because you bite your nails. Your cleavage looks like maybe you're trying to be deceitful? Same with the bangs, bangs can be used to hide a boy hairline.

Nothing really besides that though. You have a very feminine face. It's just that this COULD be an image of a tranny doing a good job deceiving.

I mean, if you were a tranny you would obviously be a really good one. This is just a sort of hobby of mine.

tanukihat ago

I hope that this cute girl has a cute feminine penis so I can jack one off. What's wrong with that?

SaveTheChildren ago

I think tranny fetishes are a byproduct of the sick degenerates in hollywood and in the elites, but if that's your bag, then I won't stop you.

epsilona01 ago

Might be the best pic I've ever seen posted in this sub.

Hendrix2112 ago

Oh god, here come the dick pics.

Drkadrka ago

I sent her a duck pic.

festeringsoul ago

We need to quantify the ratio of attractiveness to unsolicited dick pics. You know, for science.

bm2112 ago

Ah a fellow 2112 brother. Assuming you're a Rush fan as well? Can't go wrong with some Hendrix either.

bikergang_accountant ago

That or he likes numerical palindromes and picked one at random.

But anyone who would be into that would also be a Rush fan so your bets are hedged.

ShittyAdvice ago

I just sent her one of my balls. Did I do it wrong?

Flaaffy ago

No pictures of his balls were sent to me. I'm a little disappointed.

durchfall ago

GuyIDisagreeWith ago

You were supposed to send pictures, not body parts. You have one left, try again.

MichelleObamasPenis ago

You are very pretty. But don't use imgur. Use https://imgtc.com/

Flaaffy ago

Thank you! I'll use the website you provided instead of imgur for future uploads! (:

Karbuster ago

Thank you for that, it really dis mean a lot more than people think

Goater ago

Imgur is comprised of terrible people.

Also, I'm not a sub of this community but shouldn't you guys at least say verify or GTFO for titles such as this.

Sorry to tack an aside to your high upvoted comment matey, just was amazed that isn't a rule.

520patriot ago

Hole. EEEE. Fuck! Is this really you?

Flaaffy ago

Yes. Its really me. I'm feeling compelled to verify that its me based on some of the other comments. I'll get on that here in a sec!