foxxywoxxy ago

I think there should be more international cooperation, UK, Aus, Belgium particularly. There is centre of the rotten barrel WORLD EXCLUSIVE: The first full account of the masseuse at the center of the explosive Prince Andrew 'sex slave' drama... but is she telling the truth? , but also very important to connect everyones stories from the grassroots ie all survivors and victims join up and form groups. The patterns of abusers and enabling doctors, dentists, lawyers, cps etc etc can then be built up , as well as movement of abusers and enablers and this points inevitably to the core, which then has less room to deny

Stellarjay ago

It would be fantastic to have world cooperation but difficult when the world is in on it.

foxxywoxxy ago

Its the powers that be that are in on it, the people are the ones that need to cooperate to stop it

smokemirrors ago

Been discussed many times on here. Don't know if you're a Brit or American but google the "Chipping Norton Set" to see who's protecting who, over there.

The British culture/humor is very off-beat and in-bred, with crude sexist, racist, pedo, gay jokes the absolute norm. the 70s/80s were the absolute worst in terms of zero political correctness and pederasty. Authority and institutions everywhere were absolutely corrupt. You have to be from there or have lived there for at least five years or more to truly 'get it'.

This is the society that had bare breasts on the front pages of family newspapers for decades:

These crude soft porn humo(u)r films were popular for years:

An example of common lads humo(u)r still prevailing today:

Yeah, the Brits are truly one of a kind.

Toogi23 ago

I'm a Brit and I completely get what you're saying. Remember though, that doesn't mean we the people aren't fighting this too. Been fighting this sheet for years. Were all connected. Let us unite our knowledge.

SpikyAube ago

Hey they are not all like that at all. Those people who dressed up that way made the news because it was seen as so offensive. The paper with the breasts is utterly horrendous, most people in the UK do not read it, in fact a whole city, Liverpool, 8th biggest city in the whole UK, will not read it and only spell its name with a * for the middle letter, nowhere in the city will sell it because of how awful it is, and because it was involved in a cover up of a huge football disaster in the 80s in which nearly 100 people died.

If you see someone reading that paper, it is basically the certificate for a qualification in extreme stupidity. Carry On films were a bit cheeky I don't think they are anywhere near comparable to child abuse and pedophilia. Every country has their stupid ignorant gross rude mean violent sex pest people. Granted, in the UK those are the people that make up the government, but not the whole country is like that! As with anywhere, most people are lovely, but loveliness doesn't get you as much attention unfortunately.

Toogi23 ago

Its true about the sun. Vile paper. Many taxis have adverts in some towns with 'don't buy the sun' plastered on them. There's a group on twitter called 'stop funding hate and a hastag to match. Lego recently stated they won't be funding hate and no longer advertise in the daily mail another deplorable read. We fight it here too. Edit: we often will look at these papers to 'know thy enemy' so the fact that someone is reading one means nothing... You got to listen in to the noise otherwise you can't use it against them. Some readers are simply researching. Others unfortunately treat it like a truth... Gah...

SpikyAube ago

I can't bring myself to read them even for research, it makes me feel so awful and angry and helpless and upset. I don't get why people seem to think freedom of the press means 'freedom to lie in order to pursue the agenda of the billionaire boss by manipulating public opinion.' I have no idea why the Leveson inquiry didn't go anywhere, you'd think that a democratically elected government would welcome the opportunity to establish some ethical controls on the press, you know, protect journalists' integrity and ability to report freely and honestly, AND protect the public from being harassed, lied about, spied on etc by journalists, AND to ensure that the media cannot simply print outright lies, which are only retracted later in tiny writing on the back page that nobody reads. It would also be good if journalists, broadcasters, media moguls etc, were prohibited by law from interacting socially with politicians, or in any capacity other than work related information exchange.

It's just so obvious there is no free press in the UK, the US and many Western 'democracies.' Just because it's a couple of international billionaire businessmen that a control the media, and not the government, doesn't mean the press is free. It's even worse, really, because the people who decide what reality we think we live in aren't even elected and often don\t even live in the countries they pollute with their toxic disinformation. Gah...

smokemirrors ago

yes Brits can be lovely too, but this isn't a discussion about the good side of different cultures and nations.

SpikyAube ago

Yes very true, but we need to sometimes stop and remember that loveliness is out there, otherwise we might get too gloomy.

smokemirrors ago

I love gloom.

doubletake ago

xlnt suggestion. one of the best legal weak links in the States is the No Plea Agreement reached in the Epstein Case about 10 years ago.

OrwellKnew ago

Thank you for sharing your personal ordeal. I think everyone here has the intention of protecting more children from harm. I mean, wtf are we doing if not that, right?

I have been following the UK cases (i.e. Savile) for a bit and it's quite remarkable how devious and evil the BBC is in covering it all up. We have the same problem in the US with CNN and the other networks. How soulless can those bastards be?

In any case, I would MUCH appreciate it if you could give my most recent submission a look

Stellarjay ago

Cbc in Canada is as pathetic or more so than the BBC. A propaganda machine for soros little puppet mind controlled Trudeau. Cbc is the most left wing bs ever. Government run! And the people of Canada don't care that it costs billions for lies every year.

MountainMama ago

I read your post. Good info. I'll have more to say once I have time to go over this.

Millennial_Falcon ago

heeeeeeeeeey, rule 2. I've had to remove a post of yours for this before. I'll allow it this time since somebody already posted a source in comments.

OrwellKnew ago

Have you taken a look-see at my most recent sub yet?

Pls don't delete it, i think there is real info to be obtained here

Sorry if I was complaining on you but you ARE more strict than most mods

MountainMama ago

I see the user agreement, re kids, privacy.. But where are these numbered rules? I'll follow them if I can find them.

MountainMama ago

Can you provide a link to the rules? I can't find them. I refer to a book, is that not a source? This information is pretty widely known. It's an admitted fact that the UK government is conducting this investigation, but a source is still necessary?

cosmicmind ago

It's the rules on the right hand side of screen. It's the micromanaging American way.

Millennial_Falcon ago

I refer to a book, is that not a source?

need a weblink to something (e.g. a link about the book).

This information is pretty widely known

doesn't cut it. not everybody knows it. to ensure quality of posts, we need these simple rules followed. they are in the sidebar on the right. are you on mobile?

Toogi23 ago

Sidebars do not exist when using mobile. Only main centre is visible.

LeChevalBlanc ago

Sorry to drop anywhere (It’s in the French press but doesn’t make the headlines) :

French former advisor to ex-minister and candidate to presidential elections, member of an influencial liberal Think-Tank « Terra-Nova » now based in London has been framed into trying to approach underaged :

Bejach is still involved in Washigton DC based Monument Capital group :

MountainMama ago

I'm not going to post again today. If you can point me to the rules, that would be great. I'm tech challenged, so I appreciate your patience. Thanks.

Millennial_Falcon ago

(note that you don't need to provide sources to back your personal experiences, but you do need to provide some sources for something in your post. this is just a general rule to weed out low-effort posts, and we have to enforce it to avoid claims of favoritism)

(1) ALL submissions should be directly related to Pizzagate. (Click Here to Read the Pizzagate Definition) It is the responsibility of the poster to demonstrate this relevance. In most cases this will require a Discussion post where you provide a brief explanation of how your content relates to the investigation. Sometimes there will be content (like an article on Pizzagate) where a link post with an accurate, descriptive title will be enough to satisfy this requirement.

(2) EVERY claim that is made as part of your post needs to be sourced. If you are asking a question, give a brief summary of what led to your question, and provide sources for those elements. If you are giving an explanation of how your content relates to Pizzagate (satisfying Rule 1), and you need to connect a few dots to do so, please provide sources for your "dots". If you wish to ask general questions about Pizzagate, please do so HERE.

(3) LINK posts (VIDEO, IMAGE, ARTICLE, etc.) all need to include an accurate description of the actual content. If you can't provide an accurate summary in the title of a Link post then you must submit it as a Discussion post where you provide the link with a brief description of the content.

(4) META submissions and general discussion submissions without sources will be removed. To avoid diluting the front page, please make those sorts of submissions HERE. Please bring any meta concerns you have HERE (this is also where the mods will discuss moderating the sub, so you are welcome to participate in those conversations as well).

(5) Standalone MEMES will be removed. Please post standalone memes HERE. If you feel that a given meme can be used to raise awareness, please link it as part of a Discussion post where you source the elements that it is related to and discuss the best ways to use it. If you want to discuss the accuracy of a meme, again, link it in a Discussion post that sources the relevant elements from the investigation.

(6) NSFW submissions (gore, nudity, etc.) must be labeled as such. This is not an adult subverse.

Please note that adspam, illegal content, and personal information about Voat subscribers will be removed, and the offender will be banned.

MountainMama ago

Thanks, got it. I assume this relates only to submissions & not replies to comments?

Millennial_Falcon ago


MountainMama ago

Thanks for your patience. I'll follow these rules from now on.

MountainMama ago

Yes. I'm on a mobile. I've searched the site & can't find these.

Orange_Circle ago

The US media covered it up, but within the past month a huge pedophilia scandal was exposed in their Football programs. It went to the top, and more than a few top players have come out to say they were abused as children.

Annon365 ago

Uk media I think you ment to say. Yes more than 3-400 victims come forward so far and about 50 or more abusers accused from the top of my head. Let's hope there is no cover up!

SpikyAube ago

Undoubtedly there will be politicians implicated somehow. They will have all been part of the same groups going to the same parties, and that Dolphin Square place etc. I find it insane that people seem to accept the idea that it's 'historic abuse' as though it happened 'back then' and wasn't it awful, but of course it all stopped all of a sudden in the 90s and we don't have to worry about it anymore. Don't people realise that if it was happening then and it was covered up, and nothing was ever done to address it or stop it, and the people doing it remained powerful, recruiting people they knew and favoured into both the political sphere and in the media, then surely, logically, it follows that if anything, today it will be MORE prevalent, by now probably most of the top people are part of it, in government, the Courts and the media. Why else is the child abuse inquiry going nowhere? Why is there no outrage about it?!

Annon365 ago

People are assholes , it's been in the papers no one cares. The files with all the witness statements and evidence 'went missing' and the heads of the enquiry got changed 3 times due to conflict of interest, it's another cover up waiting to happen. Sickening

SpikyAube ago

People follow the media's lead way too much. If the media reports something as an 'outrage' people will be outraged. I can't believe people were more outraged about the fact Jeremy Corbyn sat on the floor on the train than they were about the obvious ongoing attempts to cover up the rape, torture and murder of children by Members of Parliament. The only possible reason I can think of is that the media sets the stage for what most people deem important. It's so scary. I notice how no one applies any critical thinking to the media, not really. No one seems to stop and think - hang on, everything I know about the world and what's going on beyond my own direct experience, I know from this relatively small group of people, people who are either making money from disseminating the information by selling advertisements to giant corporations, or people who are essentially employed by the state and mostly have their job due to nepotism, with the oversight of what information is provided to me, carried out by government appointees. Should I really just take it all as gospel? What if they decided to lie for their own nefarious reasons? Would I know? Isn't it important that I at least CHECK? Nope, no one thinks like that, even intelligent people who can critique anything. Scary.

Orange_Circle ago

Well, the UK media went with it a little bit at first, but the US media would not touch it at all.

madhatter67 ago

The football "historical" abuse thing seems like a diversion to me....clearly this stuff is deeply woven into all levels of society....the way it broke just as pizzagate was starting to take off is kind of weird....also, like the Savile thing, expect a lot of finger pointing and lessons to be learned, but should anyone start asking questions that lead towards politicians or royals, the whole thing will suddenly go very quiet

Orange_Circle ago

They have pretty much shut it down over there, as far as media goes.