Orange_Circle ago

Pic exist of Epstein at Comet Ping Pong.

doubletake ago

the 2nd pic is not Epstein? can't be.

Orange_Circle ago

Some say it is, I thought it was. But I suppose there isn't a way to be sure.

ArthurEdens ago

Where? Can you post the photo?

Anonymous987654321 ago

the truth will come to light soon.

last-word-rosebud ago

I am reading Filthy Rich by James Patterson. It is about Jeffrey Epstein. I am looking passing this book on to friends and family. It might be a way to get folks on board our investigation.

last-word-rosebud ago

I hope he stays safe. These sick people will go to any length to indulge their perverse ways.

doubletake ago

beginning to read it, too. This is a BIGTIME author.

Scirel ago

Dershowitz was named at length, with some extensive witness details, as being a participant in The Island activities in Roger Stone's The Clintons' War on Women.

I take Stone to be a straight shooter, and he has disclosed that he is aware of pedophile activity amongst powerful USG actors.

smokemirrors ago

Im pretty sure this crowd scene included a few feds. Dear Middle America. This is Wall Street's monday night. Enjoy.


Spindle ago

I made TrafficKing, the controversial, nearly unpublished (see manuscript by Conchita Sarnoff, available temporarily for goats. Link to download:

It's a recent in-depth look at Epstein and those surrounding him (including Clinton). If it's useful to you, consider buying at least the Kindle version to support her incredible effort.

flyingcuttlefish ago

**Epstein gave Harvard 8 mill **(Dershowitz alma mater) - so all of the law establishment is in his camp.

More -

smokemirrors ago

I don't think Harvard per se, needed the Epstein money, but Im sure it made a few of those professors' christmases a little more cozy that year.

JrSlimss ago

I have a legal background and I wish people could understand that when outsiders ask what part of Pizzagate is actionable, this is the part that is actionable. We have identified victims, we have perpetrators, we have laws broken in how a case was settled, we have a statute of limitations that hasn't run, and we have things we can ask our congresspeople to do specifically.

First on my list? Ask Trey Gowdy, who so sits on the House Judiciary Committee which oversees the US Attorney General's Office, to review how US Attorneys like Acosta and Villafana can offer a non-prosecution agreement (aka plea bargain) to unidentified co-conspirators. If you were a lawyer, you would know this is a violation of Due Process and unenforceable because the defense lawyers on the case essentially can't represent people they don't know and don't have contact with. Then, we need Gowdy to ask who can still be prosecuted (not a stretch because international child trafficking has no statute of limitations under federal law). High on the list for prosecution are Ghislaine Maxwell and Jean Luc Brunel, both of which are identified in civil trials that followed as people that participated in the Epstein international sex trafficking ring. We also need to ask what charges weren't covered in the Epstein plea bargain and also that the US government throw its weight - through at least amicus briefs, but hopefully more - behind Virginia Roberts' civil case to have the Epstein plea bargain overturned for violations of the CVRA, as Stockman identified in the article. That way Epstein can really be prosecuted (to the extent double jeopardy doesn't apply).

On our end, we need to investigate all the people Alfredo Rodriguez identified in Epstein's Little Black Book. We don't have to investigate the whole book of people - though we can - just the ones he identified as people who would have information material to Epstein's operation by circling them. Here is the full list:

For anyone looking for citations for all this info - the Pizzagate.Wiki covers all of Epstein in serious depth:

Vindicator ago

I am attempting to put together a letter to Representative Gowdy requesting a formal Congressional Inquiry into the conduct of the South Florida US Prosecutors who cowed to intimidation from Epstein's legal team and violated the Criminal Victims Rights Act by keeping plaintiffs in the dark about the plea deal they engineered with Epstein. Is there a way I can access the emails from Assistant U.S. Attorney Marie Villafana mentioned in this article in the NY Post? Or should I just quote the media accounts?

JrSlimss ago

First, I would say wait about two weeks - we're finding all sorts of new stuff about Epstein - like that he flew under a stolen FAA N number or - or that he violated FATCA based on the Swiss Leaks. This would give us new charges outside the scope of the Plea Agreement. But if you want to go ahead immediately - I would refer Gowdy to the Virginia Roberts case, Doe v. US, Federal Civil Lawsuit, Florida Southern District Court, Case No. 9:08-cv-80736 (Link to Docket).Those emails/letters would have been admitted into evidence and it gives him an easy way to obtain them as they are now part of the public record. It also adds legitimacy to what you write.

Vindicator ago

Excellent! Exactly what I was looking for. As I was looking into how to frame this letter, I came across a page that gave this excellent advice:

  1. Your purpose for writing should be stated in the first sentence of the letter. If the letter pertains to a specific piece of legislation, identify it accordingly.
  2. Be courteous, to the point, and include key information, using examples to support your position. State reasons for your position. Tell how the issue affects you and your community.
  3. **Address only one issue in each letter; and, if possible, keep the letter to one page. **4. Make sure your letter is timely. Write when legislation is pending in committee.>

Given #3, I wonder if we might not want to make multiple requests for each issue? I was going to focus this one only on the US prosecutors -- especially since they complained of being investigated and intimidated by Dershowitz and crew at the time. If it really makes a difference to wait on this topic until after 1/20, I certainly can. It may take me that long to put it together anyway. I understand how Gowdy may not take action until after that date, but would submitting it to him prior really be a problem?

It seems to me that we can wage a two-front war here: a legal one via Representative Gowdy, and a meme war raising questions stoking public outrage like "Why did our government hide the movements of Epstein's pedo jet?" And we should attempt to do both virally.

Do you think if we start the attack too soon, defamation suits might be brought against Voat? From what I am reading about Dershowitz, he's got an ugly penchant for behind the scenes legal nut-squeezing. He did it to plaintiffs, their attorneys and even the US Prosecutors in Florida. It worked every time.

fogdryer ago

Wow. Thanks for your time and advice

doubletake ago

thank you so much for your input.

ArthurEdens ago

If you find someone to prosecute on the non-prosecutable list and it leads to people on the list they'd have to open up the file as their proof of defense no?

JrSlimss ago

If I'm understanding the question, the unidentified co-conspirator part of the plea agreement is unenforceable. Thus, the US government could prosecute Ghislaine Maxwell, Jean Luc Brunel, or anyone else not identified in the plea agreement - including all people on the list (except Sarah Kellen). The reason I say to focus on Ghislaine Maxwell and Jean Luc Brunel though, is there is the most evidence to bring charges against them. And all of the Epstein physical evidence collected would be on the table.

sore_ass_losers ago

Epstein was alleged to have received 2 or 3 12-year old French girls to molest for his birthday. The story goes they were specifically flown in for him by a friend. This seems like a much larger crime than getting an underage masseuse to give him a hand job (which is bad enough, don't get me wrong).

JrSlimss ago

Yup, those French are girls are through Jean Luc Brunel and his "modeling agency."

doubletake ago

cowabunga. xlnt clarification! thx.

ArthurEdens ago

Right unenforceable but if you were to charge someone on the mystery list they'd have to open up the file to prove you can't charge them right? Then you could go after them for crimes made after the agreement.

JrSlimss ago

Right and I think you should be able to go after them crimes regardless of when they were made. It's like when prosecutors give a plea deal to a "small fish" to catch a "bigger fish." In this case, Epstein may be one of the biggest fish, but we can still go after all his associates because they aren't covered in the same deal. And yes, his case file would have to be reexamined, not to litigate him, but because it is evidence in other cases.

ArthurEdens ago

I understand, that's interesting, thanks for clarifying

cosmicmind ago

How does the public make this happen? What are the steps required ?

JrSlimss ago

Call Trey Gowdy's office, know all the facts about Epstein in addition to the facts provided above, be specific about what you want Gowdy to do, and avoid using the term "Pizzagate" if you want them to take you seriously. I would recommend doing it post January 20th as the Epstein investigation may be relevant to the Congressional investigation into the Clinton Foundation that will start then that Jason Chaffetz has mentioned. Those two are relatively tight with one another, having served on several of the same congressional committees, so there may be a benefit if these two issues can be rolled into one another's investigations.

cosmicmind ago

This may be a lot to ask, but is there any chance someone with solid writing skills might put together a request form letter, paste it here with this thread link attached?

Then the public can easily copy the letter and email it to his office or use it as a base for a phone conversation? (it's unlikely voicemail would get a person through)

If he's flooded with emails, along with copies to various other politicians, maybe it won't be easily overlooked.

It's a place to start this investigation rolling.

Vindicator ago

I will do it. Starting it now.

LostandFound ago

Thought this was significant enough to warrant own post so made one permalinked here . This is doable, this might be the thing that starts shutting this shit show down.


Journalist Nick Bryant broke the story about Epstein's black book and I believe he had possession. Nick knows a lot about a lot.

Forgetmenot ago

I read in another forum not related to pizzagate: that the courts are not above public scrutiny. That we have a voice and should make sure that the they know the public is watching them. I think this idea is applicable pizzagate. Maybe as the public we should be calling our representatives and attorney generals demanding action and enforcement. Epsteins case is complicated and outrageous that he was allowed to get away with it. If the public had been active rather than complacent and distracted would the outcome had been any different ? There is really only one to know.

witch_doctor1 ago

Agreed. Hard evidence is going to be hard to come by for us. But making connections and making sure everyone involved gets their day in court is totally doable.

MolochHunter ago

and may the ghosts of raped children haunt megyn kelly the rest of her miserable open-legged days

Don-Keyhote ago

Do we all agree then that Epstein is CIA honeypot

dontsuicidemebro ago

Some people say Mossad.

KosherHiveKicker ago

Some people say ((( CIA ))).