Lowdog ago

Thanks for archiving.... a lot of 404's now!

spacewitch ago

There's also the Coral affair in France in 1982. French politicians were rumored to be involved. Didn't find an english link. https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Affaire_du_Coral

idontlikesalmon ago


MrRain ago

Casa pia was a fucking scandal many names were discarded including Important politicians from Portugal. If you look at the original process file you can see the amount of names indicted were in the hundreds... But then they basically found some escape goats to take the fall. It was something im still ashamed of to be honest. Im not gonna look at it again but for the people who do wanna look at it all i can say is find the removed names from the original process and you will be surprised by the amount of people and public figures mentioned.

andrevandelft ago

Stelling may be an obscure site, but people mentioned there, even from abroad, tend to take it seriously. For instance, in the main thread they wrote on 14 July 2014 that the English barones Elizabeth Oldfield Butler-Sloss presided an investigation into child abuse by the elite. "But she is also the sister of Sir Michael Havers".

Apparently she read this, and she resigned, as reported on 15 July 2014.

S3m8o ago

My honest opinion? The site looks like it's still 1995, the articles look like stories (style) and they almost never link to sources. Not a reliable source for me.

I'm sorry, you probably put some time in your post but that site isn't working for me.

andrevandelft ago

They are working on a new site. However, their current 1995 style tells me that they have spent their time on content rather than form.

About 10 years ago Stelling reported accurately on a sequence of crimes in my home town, and related issues; they gave more information than any other source.

I listed several cases in my piece that Stelling covered, so that you can easily google more information.

foxxywoxxy ago

Great post, we do need to develop international links more to solve this child abuse/trafficking networks, will need human translators where autotranslators fail or for nuance - perhaps we should make lists of who is willing to translate. apologise i cannot