V____Z ago

This isn't new information. I'm not sure why she did this video before looking for answers to some of her questions: why did David delete his videos? The answer is that he is sick of getting hounded, which happened as a result of the MSM hit piece that came out featuring him on the same day he left social media. He interviewed Becki Percy (who Voat has called "pizzagate poster girl") and since then they have been staying in touch. IF yo uwant to know about David's whereabouts and well-being, check her Twitter feed @Becki_p20

21yearsofdigging ago

The other day was insane on here just prior to him taking his videos down. It is really becoming apparent that you can not even loosely defend him without a small army attacking you.

V____Z ago

And this thread would be no different. You're the only non-negative response so far! I don't think anyone even listened to the video.

21yearsofdigging ago

Yes, I listened to it and she gives an unbiased view to Seaman. Like many of us here ( forget the shill attacks) the more that Pizzagate is talked about the better. I am still rattled by exchanges I had a day ago and the HATE directed at Seaman is insane. You would think he was endorsing pedophilia!! Personally I was upset that he ignored a woman who claimed to have been ritually abused and I repeatedly commented to him about that. He amended his ways and did the interview with Becky(SRA victim). He was then attacked because he is jewsh and accused of working for the Rothschilds. He then did a video where he called out the Rothschilds and in particular Lynn De Rothschild.This hate is unreal. I am not opposed to someone not liking him, he can be a bit annoying at times, but the flat out HATE. Wow, and now we have, who, talking about pizzagate? Basically a vacuum here. Yes, I was actually threatened yesterday. It was bizarre.

V____Z ago

Oh we have Alex Jones now, bumbling for an entire hour saying NOTHING. https://youtu.be/-A86s4yowLE

David knows what's up. It's a Brock-funded hit job. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hn1n9tfzmuI

chelseaclinton ago

I saw that also, and once I found https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_j3ZoPVBkdg it made sense.

21yearsofdigging ago



What I find odd about it is that he'd just posted a new video a couple of hours before he took all his stuff down. Why would you post a new video in such circumstances?

dFrog ago

Maybe he was advised to take all of his stuff down after that video. I really think this was probably the result of legal advice.

dFrog ago

Wasn't there an e-mail screenshot of him confirming that he was advised to take his stuff down and that he'd have more info in a week?

sponiatowski ago

There are a million ways to look at this so I would say sit tight and wait for more information. I hope he is alive and well protected from harm and that the proper, non-corrupt authorities know his status and whereabouts.