remedial ago

I found this and posted it, it was then deleted. Especially interesting was Rivera was reporting on a pedo ring, when he was with CNN. I believe it is 1979 vintage? Additionally, River has a 70ft. Sailboat and bought an island off of Porto Rico...stated his wife does not like going, so he and his buddies use it..?

btw: also the producer of this video may have died too?

tjarco ago

I did came across this video yesterday didn't have time to watch it. Can you give me a synopsis? Who are main targets & timeframe to google?

remedial ago

Watch it and we'll talk.

Yuke ago

Fantastic work my friend. Don't take it personally about the lack of response for this, I didn't see it and I've checked the boards every day. It must have got buried in drivel; that can happen. Upvoted.

tjarco ago

haha, no personal offence I was just worried that more people could use this information

srayzie ago

Wow! You put in a lot of time and work! Good job!

tjarco ago

nothing more than archiving every article you see and some excel skills :D

Toogi23 ago

Brilliant and modest, great work. Q? I can't find Rotherham UK have I missed it?

tjarco ago

Ah yes, that is the pakistani sex ring right? I did came across it, but it seemed more like an independent sex-ring run by mobs/gangsters without any elitist affiliation. I could be wrong, I didn't dug into this. Probably also couldn't find any Voat threads on it either (not that that is a must to be on this list, but it helps me to get the importance)

Toogi23 ago

Yes that's the one but its bigger than is realised. There is now a thread on it, I saw it yesterday. Its still ongoing over here and police officers are now being called for question. this link has the youth worker story who tried to bring it forward for 20 years. The council involved is under the Commissioner now.

tjarco ago

thanks, this link made it relevant! I'll put it on the list - you happen to know the Voat thread

Toogi23 ago

Yes, found it. v/pizzagate/1520546

Toogi23 ago

No, but I'll try and find it.

tjarco ago

YingYangMom ago

Why post a negative article about the Hampstead case? This is a disinformation article. You also included an article about the Dutroux case that doesn't mention how wide the ring was and how the first prosecutor was forced to resign after the government refused to investigate the leads any further.

tjarco ago

Simply put because I couldn't find a better article. If you do know please link. Also there are more 'negative' MSM articles, after reading so many some are really just absurd how casual they are about the allegations and often paint the victims as unreliable fantasts. Which made me start to include ALT / alternative links that show another side of the story. I think the contradictions between them is part of this narrative of cover-ups because it shows different sides of the investigation...

NoBS ago

Thank you for reposting. Had to find the "must save" posts and a friendly reminder is just the ticket!

stickittotheman ago

good list thanks

JoJoVoat ago

I ran across Lori and her blog a couple of weeks ago. I took one evening and copy and pasted each of the taxpayer employees in a comment below a fb post with her article.... I had 124 different comments, each a different government employee. I got tired and went to bed at 24 sick btw I did this 2 show my 700 fb friends that this can and does happen. did you read the shi* Lori Handrhan is going through with her daughter?

tjarco ago

I don't get the FB story, could you elaborate?

No, I am not aware of the daughter situation

JoJoVoat ago

YOu've got to read the story of her daughter... sexually abused by the daughters father, with testimony and proof of the abuse, judge still awarded daughter to the father. Corrupt judge, lawyer and father... its so sad. The fathers lawyer who helped him get custody of the daughter wrote a letter to Lori H letting her know how he had become fond of her daughter!!!! OMG!!!

tjarco ago

wow shit is hoooooorrible, what if that story ever came out, abused daughter because of whistleblowing.. and this wow, NO MERCY

JoJoVoat ago

I think the tragedy with her daughter is what catapulted her into all her research. Look at if you havent already... I think Lori might could help with Pizzagate, I tried to reach out to her on twitter but to no avail. I'd say she doesnt trust many ppl any longer... sad story (to add to the pile of sad stories)

JoJoVoat ago

lol yeah, that didnt make sense. To validate to my 700 fb friends that Pizzagate can very much be real news and not fake news, I have been posting many of the worldwide pedo/childporn busts from around the world for several weeks now. One night I found Lori H's info/list of government employees who had been caught with child pedo/porn. I posted her article but knowing ppl read the title and not actually read the article, I wanted to make sure my friends could see the enormity of this problem., So I copy and pasted each individual government employee in a single comment under her article that I posted. So the comment section under the article had 124 different comments, each with an individual government employee and their child pedo/porn crime, branch of governement etc.... Going for the shock awakening or whatever you want to call it.... since I literally cant jump through the computer and slap ppl into reality, facts and more facts is my alternative :)

tjarco ago

that's genius :D

derram ago :

Why Alfred Kinsey Was Controversial - Business Insider :

Dennis Hastert Sentenced to 15 Months, and Apologizes for Sex Abuse - The New York Times :

MI5 and Special Branch 'covered up Cyril Smith's abuse of boys': Police dossier handed to prosecutors in 1970 'went missing for four decades' | Daily Mail Online :

How Thatcher’s Government Covered Up a VIP Pedophile Ring - The Daily Beast :

Dutch Say A Sex Ring Used Infants On Internet - New York Times :

New court documents suggest others at Penn State knew of Jerry Sandusky abuse - The Washington Post :



A Brief History Of "Satanic Panic" In The 1980s :


The Westminster child abuse ‘coverup’: how much did MPs know? | Politics | The Guardian :

How Thatcher’s Government Covered Up a VIP Pedophile Ring - The Daily Beast :

FILM REVIEW - Men Who Love Boys Explain Themselves - :

Members of international paedophile ring to be sentenced | UK news | The Observer :

Theme park employees caught in child porn arrests - :

Made child porn in pizzeria, manager admits - Newfoundland & Labrador - CBC News :

Rep. Foley Quits In Page Scandal

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tjarco ago

continued in PT3 *