NerdyNoodle ago

No, I figure he's aware of that and it wasn't pertinent to the question. I didn't want to come off as a paranoid pizzagater. I would prefer to be viewed as a legitimate researcher who just needs a little info for my research.

SChalice ago

"the three had discussed with each other sexual desires to kidnap, slaughter, cook and eat children"

Vindicator ago

Really great post here with numerous great archive contributions as well. We'll done. Regarding the puppeteer in FL

WTSP reported that although Brown told investigators he wanted to eat a little boy he met at his church and had discussed his fantasies on a Yahoo message board, he never intended to actually harm children.

Makes me wonder if there is any connection between this Yahoo pedo forum and the big hack/data theft at Yahoo? Could a system breach create reasonable doubt that would allow a CP enthusiast with a good lawyer to get evidence thrown out?

contrarianism ago

Demons might apply here.


According to the children in the Hampstead affair, the flesh is eaten and the bones incorporated into pottery made to order by a certain Felix, who apparently also makes the skin into 'baby shoes.'

contrarianism ago

Possibly unrelated, but it's very curious this Haitian orphanage is literally next door to the Ft Myers FBI office.

Cbradio ago

Need someone to archive two sites asap!! Aside, this is now the SECOND time, my private PMS are hacked erased. I made a comment to voat, under a subverse to buy their products, never heard back either. Wtf. That's dang illegal to hack my private PMS. Others should know, that's shady as can be, and did I mention, illegal. Second time, PMS hacked and ERASED. COME forward whoever the illegal phucker is, doing this!!/ Get some balls PUSSY! That's no different than someone stealing your wallet, purse, breaking into home. We citizens worldwide have a right to talk and share info, you DONT have a right to illegal break into my voat account PMS and destroy my account data. Who owns and runs voat? This is the SECOND TIME...Why is illegal back and stealing going on here?? As I've never even done a minor crime, how dare someone illegal back MY STUFF, property account!! Fucking pussy afraid of words that people write!!

Aside, need someone told archive two sites asap, don't have capability..

Orange_Circle ago

This pedophile article is older but they didn't scrub it:

Orange_Circle ago

Tampa Bay Times did scrub this pedophile article.

Orange_Circle ago

"I'm starting to believe that the coffins aren't for dead children, but to torture the kids into thinking they're going to be buried alive and cause further dissociation. I'm sure there are numerous other nightmares they could be used for as well, but I don't believe they're for dead children."

I can agree with that.

Millstone ago

In this case it sounds like audio torture was the purpose:

Also located in this room were a child-sized homemade coffin (with large speakers covered in wire mesh at one end)

zoltan907 ago

I agree. It would be sloppy to leave evidence lying around.

anolegion ago

The research the article refers to is the Butner study, very famous in its field. It would be impossible to erase from the internet, even MSM, and an article in a local US newspaper more or less would make no difference whatsoever.

So that is not the reason for removing the article. Neither could it be any kind of cover up on this case: it's one of the landmark pedophile networks rolled up in the past decade, and it's all over the internet.

In particular the Dutch angle where a lot of the CP was traced to, it sent deep and lasting ripples throughout Dutch society - even if everybody in the network came off free except for their 'Monster of Riga' patsy boy.

I don't know why they removed the article, especially at this time, but there has to be a hint in the text. This could be a lead, just as the Norwegian case likely is.

tjarco ago

I followed some links on Operation Holitna and came on this website

there is a link to an article about arrests in the Netherlands, but you need authorization to read this?

tjarco ago

When was this article scrubbed? asking because relevance to

stunknife ago

2 days ago, caught it early

Stab ago

Here's another article specifically about the cannibal puppeteer that has been deleted:


There's also a Huffpost article about the same guys that is currently still live:


DooDooDoodle ago

The Tampa Bat link is dead for me. Here is a DOJ report on the case.

Vindicator ago

Whispering Pines Mobile Home Park...puppeteer...lived in the house with his parents until they died...cannibalism... This is nauseatingly reminiscent of X-Files and Bones episodes. And his damn church provided the pedo van!

Stab ago

Here's a third article that has been deleted as well:

Stab ago

And there's more info here:

According to additional court documents throughout the United States, Arnett was also communicating on the Internet with other child pornography suspects. The following have been arrested and charged as part of this international child pornography investigation; these suspects were communicating directly with Arnett via the Internet: Geoffrey Portway, 40, of Worcester, Mass., Ronald Brown, 57, of Largo, Fla.; Robert Mucha, 56, of Newton, N.J.; Jason Scarcello, 42, of Anderson, Calif.; and Richard Dates, 67, of Grant, N.M. HSI also arrested Robert Poe III, 38, of Kansas City, Aug. 10, 2012. Following the publicity of the Arnett arrest, Poe was identified in May 2012 after a victim came forward and reported that he and his brother were both sexually molested as minors by Poe and Arnett. Poe pleaded guilty Feb. 19.

ich1baN ago

Jeezus fuck... I just posted on another VOAT about this link that I've found which is related to the TampaTimes article when they state that the pedophile users use "Internet Relay Chat". This website I found this morning has been posting sexually explicit content of underaged girls. The users seem to be a mix of sexually abused children who are now adults and possibly some pedophiles.... it's a live chat and the image links showed up in the live chat section but it only has a short history, so the photo I mentioned is gone now, but they continually seem to post new stuff... I'm so disturbed over this site I don't know what to do.... Is there a way to report it?

You'll obviously see these people aren't right mentally by their chats.

[I've edited out the link b/c some asshole on another thread believes it's illegal to post to a link that these people are using to communicate through... well, where the fuck else am I supposed to go with this info, the local police?]

ejd4500 ago

Edit 2: Expanded write-up here:

Ok, the latest google cache of this page is from December 2, 2016. (large image)

Notice the rabbit, the code speak, the cannibalism, snapping photos of children...lots of parallels.

Again, December 2, 2016 is Google's last snapshot of that page

He wrote three articles (from a quick glance) at the Post about the 'absurdity' of Pizzagate, fake news, a few days after this Dec 6 and Dec 7 - not saying he removed it from the tampa bay times himself, but the timing is key given the #pizzagate attention.

The stink of this is coming through my monitor...

Edit 1: tried to capture on the 18th and it failed, 404. We should keep this in mind as OP stated they read the article a couple of weeks ago.

Vindicator ago

Nice job analyzing the deletion timing. Great research!

WHAMMO63 ago

Okay, there is only one reason I can think of that the man who wrote that article would ever dismiss #Pizzagate.

2impendingdoom ago

I extracted the quote from the article you linked, to highlight it.. :)

Orange_Circle ago

Googled that investigation and one of the guys arrested had an underground dungeon built with a child sized coffin already installed along with instruments of torture.

Reminds one of the child sized coffin that Alefantis liked on Instagram.

zoltan907 ago

Geoffrey Portway. He's probably the unidentified man mentioned in the Tampa Bay Times article. He was arrested in July 2012 (around the same time as the unidentified man in the article), and had photos on his computer of children who appeared to be dead.

"When his home in Worcester was searched last year, authorities found tens of thousands of computer images and videos of child pornography and 4,500 exchanges of child pornography between Portway and the people he chatted with online. The images included children being cooked and prepared to be eaten, court documents said. Those photographs are sealed."

Photos of the dungeon:

Orange_Circle ago

"Geoffrey Portway"

That's a name that should live in infamy.

Atlantean120 ago

Jesus Christ...

Im_with_her ago

Pizzagate is fake news.

ProudTruther ago

You do realize that the clintons operate a fake charity to enrich themselves and have basically zero real life stories they can share with us about any good work they do. and that is because there is NONE.

2impendingdoom ago

None of us here are going to vote for chelsea 2020. Are you saying that this Tampa story is fake news. Why do you support child molesters?

2impendingdoom ago

Thank you. Great contribution.

Operation Holitna is an ongoing HSI-led investigation that originated in Boston. In 2010, the U.S. Attorneys Office for the District of Massachusetts and HSI Boston arrested Robert Diduca on child pornography production charges. He was convicted and subsequently sentenced in June 2012. Forensic analysis of Diduca's computer led investigators to the Netherlands where a Dutch national was arrested and charged with production, distribution and possession of child pornography, as well as the sexual assault of 87 minors.

projection ago

Good stuff. Thank you.

Cantilever ago

That was creepy. Who is burying this shit?

SpikyAube ago

This article about the same thing also mentions a man arrested in Massachusetts but doesn't say who he is. Weird, considering they identify the others?

2impendingdoom ago

I read just yesterday that AG Carmen Ortiz resigned.

Vindicator ago

So the post will be empty for a while. I wonder if that prevents prosecutions or investigations from moving forward? Or makes it easier to get cases dismissed?

zoltan907 ago

The article identifies Robert Diduca, a Sheraton hotel manager from Milford, Mass., who passed the incriminating photo to an undercover agent, but in the third-to-last paragraph, it mentions another, unidentified man from Massachusetts:

"Last week, they arrested another Massachusetts man after finding child pornography and photos of what appeared to be dead children on his computer. He allegedly had online chats with Arnett and Brown."

2impendingdoom ago

Oh, sorry, I thought you meant Diduca. I don't know. Maybe they let him off.

Orange_Circle ago

It's very interesting that he plants a little 6 year old boy in the lede for his pro-Alefantis "story."

NerdyNoodle ago

OK I just emailed him. We'll see if he answers. Probably not. He's working for Washington Post these days.

I asked him if he learned any other code words and whether he knew how they communicate outside the dark web: via symbols, via Facebook role playing games, via YouTube comment systems, etc.

stunknife ago

I don't want to sound like a parent but make sure you don't turn him away, we don't want possible information to be lost.

NerdyNoodle ago

I was polite and professional:

Subject: Looking for further information

Mr. Cox,

Today I read an article you wrote, printed by the Tampa Bay Times on August 4, 2012, entitled "How pedophile trail led to a Largo man".

I am doing a research project on the subject of pedophile communication and I would like to know if you can advise me: are there any other pedophile code words you remember from your time undercover in the dark web pedophile community?

Also, was there any indication that they might ever use a covert means of communicating, i.e.; in real life, via symbols, via Facebook role-playing games, or via the YouTube comment system, etc.?

Thanks for any help you might be able to offer me.

Chance903 ago

Well written , polished and professional. Thank God you did not mention Pizzagate. Think smart get answers, well done. Nerdynoodle

mrjdouble ago

Real smooth, and I mean that. Classic social engineering. Well done!

stunknife ago

solid email, I'm glad it's neutral too.

cosmicmind ago

It's interesting that people distinguish themselves from being viewers versus abusers, but they say that viewers usually become abusers. Brown denied being an abuser, but was discovered to have many victims. Since Franklin Scandal and Project Flicker, how many child porn viewers have become full out abusers. and deny it?

The story of the toy bunny leading to a bust in Netherlands shows that every lead could be helpful, even a seemingly small and insignificant lead - in other words, disregard people who say it's nothing, or who tell you to leave it alone.

2impendingdoom ago

Thank you for this. This toy bunny comment needs to be added to the sidebar rules.

hedy ago

Forensics studies these photos. Awhile back - there was another "toy bunny" clue in an image of a child. A man took a photo of a child and in the far background was a bottle of medication. Forensics was able to pull his name off the bottle and he was found.

SpikyAube ago

Wow, that's interesting. The latest time it was archived was November 13th 2016. It was also archived in June 2014, despite having been originally published in 2014. So what prompted someone to save it in June 2014? And what prompted its deletion some time since pizzagate started?

Maybe all the people mentioned in the article need thoroughly investigating?

Forgetmenot ago

Great article. Why would this be scrubbed? The public needs to be aware of how these predators operate. I honestly cannot make sense why the media wants to endanger the public by keeping people ignorant to this threat. What is going on???

Destroyer_of_Worlds ago

Fear of losing their career/life, having their own secrets brought to light(legit or fabricated), lest I forget the obvious $$$. As payoffs can be direct or indirect, as in you will not be promoted anytime soon as a journalist if you were to become associated with the investigation of pizzagate. This is especially true since (s) the NYT already did a massive, time consuming, and painfully overarching investigation into PG (/s)

The vasy majority of MSM's "journalists" do not want to bite the liberal hand that they know feeds them, etc.. Bear in mind that PG does not mesh well with the political left's preferred narritive at this moment.

These are the same MSM assholes who could not stop talking about the gay club shooting in Orlando fast enough because it did not fit their narrative and that involved the freaking mass slaughter of LGBT people. And those who died in Orlando(for the most part at least) are supposedly a cherished/protected group among the left. Now, with PG we are dealing with infants and small children which to be frank the left could not give a single shit about relatively speaking. So as disgusting as it is it at least makes sense if you pretend for a moment that you have no heart, morals, shame, etc..

Forgetmenot ago

It is so hard to comprehend, such a theatrical dog and pony show they play before us. All you say is true!

stunknife ago

great find. It's just so hypocritical that Obama is congratulating them. Almost as if he's saving face

SheSaidDestroy ago

The part they likely primarily want to hide is this:

A 2008 study conducted by Michael Bourke, a psychologist for the U.S. Marshals Service, offered compelling evidence to the contrary. He found that people who view child pornography also tend to sexually abuse children. Bourke examined 155 prison inmates who had been convicted of possessing or distributing child pornography. Of those, only 26 percent had a known history of abusing kids. Bourke observed the group progress through months of therapy and eventually found that 131 of those men — 85 percent — acknowledged that they had molested a child.

Repeated exposure to child pornography makes abuse more likely, Bourke found, because it dehumanizes children. The online communities exacerbate the problem because they provide social validation and a sense of belonging.

This is significant, because presently there is an increasingly aggressive push in western societies to normalize pedophilia, and they are coming out of the woodwork under many videos about pizzagate and elsewhere, trying to insist that they would never harm a child, that it is just another sexual "orientation" and not a disorder, etc.

This is some next-level Machiavellianism from the overall Dark Triad, the other two elements being Narcissism and Psychopathy, which both also fit perfectly in the case of child predators.

There is an overwhelming amount of evidence that some of the people in question are pedophiles, as in they have the disorder that is pedophilia. As this evidence continues to grow and becomes harder to ignore or downplay, so too does the rebuttal grow louder that pedophilia is not the same thing as actually abusing a child.

Articles such as that one demonstrate that actually, by the time pedophiles are brazen enough to put themselves out there and try to manipulate people into accepting pedophilia as harmless or normal, the statistical chances are that children have already been abused in their wake.

RexAxisMundi ago

Eloquently put!

micha_ ago

And how many of these monsters are gay?

hedy ago

Take that shit somewhere else.

Cbradio ago

Someone who can archive. Please read my comment, before this on other thread!!!! ))))))))

ThePuppetShow ago

I disagree, but only because of one particular question that we keep getting hit with. The question? Where are the victims? For that reason I'm leaning towards...

He saw in these men, and their words, a deeper shade of darkness. For months, according to court records, the three had discussed with each other sexual desires to kidnap, slaughter, cook and eat children. Arnett bragged of the boys and girls he had murdered and roasted, according to the records. He took photos of a toddler posed in a pan inside an oven, authorities say; he was found with images of decapitated children that a medical doctor believed to be real.

I don't think they want people awakening to the fact that this kind of crap actually does happen. They are supposed "foodies" too. Of course, I'm just speculating again, but maybe that's what Podesta is so good at cooking.

ThePuppetShow ago

That's disgusting.

crystalclearme ago

Excellent- thank you. Nice for folks to read it and remember it without having to keep track did they hear it or read it

Forgetmenot ago

Excellent point. I am utterly disgusted that the media is pushing this dangerous theory on the public regarding normalizing pedofilia. It becomes obvious recently that our society has changed drastically over the last decade it's a shock how much has changed.

stunknife ago

I absolutely agree. The author did go into surprising detail about this study. They are testing the waters by making articles that say pedophilia is on the same level as other mental illnesses. I'm guessing once the public keeps seeing these articles and become desensitized to the topic, they will agree, and the people who decide to come out will be treated as victims of a horrible illness

NeedPolyGF ago

I'm guessing once the public keeps seeing these articles and become desensitized to the topic, they will agree, and the people who decide to come out will be treated as victims of a horrible illness


Actually, society has made progress in the past 4 decades at least in increasingly recognizing formerly hidden abuses. First there was spouse abuse, mostly women. Then there was physical child abuse. Then date rape. And before those things, back in the 60s, racism was recognized widely for the first time.

I don't think society will ever countenance pedophilia, which is child abuse.

Maybe you're looking at this from the perspective of religiously fundamentalist-defined sexual perversion. Homosexuality was widely considered to be sinful and evil, but is largely accepted now, because most realize that everyone has peculiar likes and dislikes and, if people mutually consent and don't harm each other or anyone else, then it's no one else's business. But in the case of pedophilia a child cannot properly consent, and society wants to protect kids from all abuses. It's initially hard to wake society up to abuses, but once they wake up, they don't tolerate it.

ich1baN ago

You're absolutely wrong... Homosexuality is wrong and natural law proves it. If it was okay, then homosexuals wouldn't have the disease rate they do and they wouldn't have the much lower lifespan than average humans if it was a morally acceptable position.

Also, homosexuals commit pedophilia and child abuse WAY WAY WAY above the average population. Jerry Sandusky is such an example. He is a homosexual. No matter how you twist and turn and try to change the logic, a man that has sex with a boy is a homosexual.

NeedPolyGF ago

Pedophiles mostly have sex with girls and are heterosexual.

ich1baN ago

Girls are abused more but barely, while boys are actually sexually penetrated more than girls.... almost 2x the rate of girls:

Go to table 2: Out of a sample size of 1276 boys, 41.8% of them were sexually penetrated whereas only 22.9% of girls (out of a sample >2000).... A sample of >1000 is highly robust.

Also 4 out of 5 abusers are hetero or pedophile, and 1 out of 5 are gay which means that gays are WELL over-represented by population type. Gays are estimated to be anywhere between 1-5% of the population so at best, they are 4x over-represented by population statistics and at worst 20x.

simagule ago

I remember reading a post a few years ago, the same way being gay has been normalised pedophila will be next. At the time i thought the person was crazy, starting to look like i was wrong.

Atlantean120 ago

Homosexuality involves consent-pedophilia does not. Big difference.

AmishMechWarrior ago

There are extreme examples in all walks of life. Homosexuality and pedophilia are not inherently related.

Konran ago

It's a totally transhuman agenda, my friend.

The same way allowing/pushing children as young as 4 to decide on their gender orientation with hormone therapy and surgical changes by The Tavistock fuckers in the UK has been promoted and generally accepted as reasonable, we see the same shit happening with pedos.

The truth becomes the crazy.

zoltan907 ago

This article is almost 5 years old...There is something in here that makes them afraid.

My guess would be this: "Then, last week, authorities arrested a man in Massachusetts who had corresponded for years with Arnett and Brown.

"His arrest, authorities say, will likely lead to others."

The article didn't identify this man, or what city he was arrested in. If anyone had a good way to access arrest records from Massachusetts, and filter the results so that they show only people arrested for possession of child pornography, that might be a step in the right direction.

derram ago :

John Woodrow Cox on Twitter: "From Bob in Ontario. Brb, gotta get started on the retraction."

This has been an automated message.

2impendingdoom ago

JW Cox finally read alafantis' Instagram...

NerdyNoodle ago

"The men use code words. Young boys, for instance, are referred to as "asparagus.""

We need to find a way to reach John Woodrow Cox! He would know more of the code words.

Orange_Circle ago

Cox has already sold out to the elite. He's a big Alefantis fan.

LostandFound ago

Very interesting article links quite a lot of common themes. Interesting Jeffrey Dahmer comes up here also.

stunknife ago

I hope the author is okay.

2impendingdoom ago

explains the author's change of tune. Thank you for adding the Comet articles.

2impendingdoom ago

The typical child pornographer, according to the center, is single and white and male. He could be any age. He is normally well respected in his community. He often works in a position of trust, like a pastor, teacher or coach. His victims are seldom strangers. They are his neighbors' kids, his nieces and nephews or, often, his own children. These men exist behind anonymous usernames in a sordid online underworld hidden from public view. Still, they find each other, often through primitive software known as Internet Relay Chat, which allows participants to create public forums. Since its creation in the 1980s, chat room topics have been diverse. Offerings are as benign as knitting and as disturbing as pedophilia. Because the system is unregulated, users often make no effort to hide their interests, according to Neil O'Callaghan of the federal Cyber Crimes Center. He knew of one forum titled: "Rape, torture and murder children." The men use code words. Young boys, for instance, are referred to as "asparagus." New contacts typically invite each other to a private chat on mainstream sites like Yahoo or Hotmail. Within online communities, hierarchies form. The people who produce the most heinous images are given access to the most desired content. "They try to one-up each other," Foucart said. "It almost becomes competitive."

stunknife ago

Yes this is a good quote from it. These online communities are without a doubt still operating, and definitely more technologically advanced. Asparagus has also been mentioned in the Wikileaks.

Atlantean120 ago

Amazing documentary on Netflix called Call Me Lucky. A comedian tries to fight pedophilia-based internet chat rooms. Highly recommended.

salinaslayer ago


stunknife ago

"grilled & sauteed asparagus . cheese pastry cup with spring garlic & herbs . sweet rhubarb compote and maple syrup" Doesn't look incriminating but I wouldn't turn my back on it.