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NerdyNoodle ago

OK I just emailed him. We'll see if he answers. Probably not. He's working for Washington Post these days.

I asked him if he learned any other code words and whether he knew how they communicate outside the dark web: via symbols, via Facebook role playing games, via YouTube comment systems, etc.

stunknife ago

I don't want to sound like a parent but make sure you don't turn him away, we don't want possible information to be lost.

NerdyNoodle ago

I was polite and professional:

Subject: Looking for further information

Mr. Cox,

Today I read an article you wrote, printed by the Tampa Bay Times on August 4, 2012, entitled "How pedophile trail led to a Largo man".

I am doing a research project on the subject of pedophile communication and I would like to know if you can advise me: are there any other pedophile code words you remember from your time undercover in the dark web pedophile community?

Also, was there any indication that they might ever use a covert means of communicating, i.e.; in real life, via symbols, via Facebook role-playing games, or via the YouTube comment system, etc.?

Thanks for any help you might be able to offer me.

Chance903 ago

Well written , polished and professional. Thank God you did not mention Pizzagate. Think smart get answers, well done. Nerdynoodle

mrjdouble ago

Real smooth, and I mean that. Classic social engineering. Well done!

stunknife ago

solid email, I'm glad it's neutral too.