4 years ago, these guys were doing the same thing as Podesta and his friends (pizzagate)
submitted 8.1 years ago by stunknife
Alpo 8.1 years ago
Did anyone archive this article? It's been scrubbed from the website.
stunknife 8.1 years ago
nope I could of sworn that a bot did it in the comments. sigh I knew it was a lead
Here it is on archive.org, which is said to be not secure: http://web.archive.org/web/20140626063145/http://www.tampabay.com/news/publicsafety/crime/how-pedophile-trail-led-to-a-largo-man/1244304 If there's another way to save it, it would be a good idea to do so. This article is obviously significant - they wouldn't have deleted it if it wasn't. The things they try to hide seem to be some of the most important ones.
Edit: archive of archive: http://archive.is/B0qQ7
salinaslayer 8.1 years ago
great find
throwawaa 8.1 years ago
Well, John Podesta is known for cooking, so not everything food related is necessarily pedo. Here's Marguerite Thompson's CV from another wikileaks email: http://archive.is/9oaXS https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails//fileid/36223/9998
Holy shit
oldchangling 8.1 years ago
"If you had someone with a recurrent sexual fantasy who was also a psychopath," he said, "nothing would stop them." Chilling. And relevant, IMO.
totesgoats908234 8.1 years ago
I read this a few weeks ago, it is a good article.
The men use code words. Young boys, for instance, are referred to as "asparagus."
Have you found anything else with that codeword?
correction: it goes back further than 4 years
Alpo ago
Did anyone archive this article? It's been scrubbed from the website.
stunknife ago
nope I could of sworn that a bot did it in the comments. sigh I knew it was a lead
Alpo ago
Here it is on archive.org, which is said to be not secure: http://web.archive.org/web/20140626063145/http://www.tampabay.com/news/publicsafety/crime/how-pedophile-trail-led-to-a-largo-man/1244304 If there's another way to save it, it would be a good idea to do so. This article is obviously significant - they wouldn't have deleted it if it wasn't. The things they try to hide seem to be some of the most important ones.
Edit: archive of archive: http://archive.is/B0qQ7
salinaslayer ago
great find
throwawaa ago
Well, John Podesta is known for cooking, so not everything food related is necessarily pedo. Here's Marguerite Thompson's CV from another wikileaks email: http://archive.is/9oaXS https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails//fileid/36223/9998
salinaslayer ago
Holy shit
oldchangling ago
"If you had someone with a recurrent sexual fantasy who was also a psychopath," he said, "nothing would stop them." Chilling. And relevant, IMO.
totesgoats908234 ago
I read this a few weeks ago, it is a good article.
stunknife ago
Have you found anything else with that codeword?
stunknife ago
correction: it goes back further than 4 years