Alpo ago

Did anyone archive this article? It's been scrubbed from the website.

stunknife ago

nope I could of sworn that a bot did it in the comments. sigh I knew it was a lead

Alpo ago

Here it is on, which is said to be not secure: If there's another way to save it, it would be a good idea to do so. This article is obviously significant - they wouldn't have deleted it if it wasn't. The things they try to hide seem to be some of the most important ones.

Edit: archive of archive:

salinaslayer ago

great find

throwawaa ago

Well, John Podesta is known for cooking, so not everything food related is necessarily pedo. Here's Marguerite Thompson's CV from another wikileaks email:

salinaslayer ago

Holy shit

oldchangling ago

"If you had someone with a recurrent sexual fantasy who was also a psychopath," he said, "nothing would stop them." Chilling. And relevant, IMO.

totesgoats908234 ago

I read this a few weeks ago, it is a good article.

The men use code words. Young boys, for instance, are referred to as "asparagus."

stunknife ago

Have you found anything else with that codeword?

stunknife ago

correction: it goes back further than 4 years