tjarco ago

excellent work - you made this relevant to timeline of censorship

stunknife ago

I always had that movie in the back of my head when researching on this topic. It's so fucked up that the movie itself is now connected in a way.

stunknife ago

OP from the og post here. Fucking stellar work.

Le_Squish ago

If you like to shitpost

/v/Soapboxbanhammer and /v/ Soapdoxbanhammer are competing shitpost subs and they like new friends to play with.

Voat is the small town of online communities not a city like Reddit. Browsing /v/all is our main street and will give you a good idea of who is about town and where they hang out.

Orange_Circle ago

Didn't Craig's List get started as a homo-hook up sheet?

It still has a lot of perverted Daddy looking for Son type areas.

flyingcuttlefish ago

Thanks for this. I put it on my CF blog post on Omidyar . . . (makes it easier to find later)

OrwellKnew ago

Here is an earlier dated (Nov 17 2013) piece discussing "NewCo" possibly a placeholder name for Democracy Fund(?)

Lots of names mentioned ( Pierre Omidyar, Glenn Greenwald, etc) in there but I don't have time to investigate atm. Leaving for a Christmas party. Good luck and hope this may help!

sunajAeon ago

$1,000,000 sounds like payoff money

Cantilever ago

Not to mention all the whoring craigslist enables. I wouldn't be surprised if Craigslist is the marketing front for the kid fucking industry

TokyoJoe ago

I always wondered how they profit when everything is free, no advertising. No one works for free everything is about money.

n0etics ago

ad revenue or something similar would be one way

rodeo13 ago

I've been thinking we need to scour craigslist posts, especially in DC, and see what we come up with. I noticed several "daycare listings" that seemed sketch.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Tampa Bay Times is also the newspaper which sometimes covers the Church of Scientology's local antics (they own a huge chunk of Clearwater). Relevance? Unknown.

golly ago

Good work! Follow the money, it is exactly the thing that worries Podesta:

n0etics ago

to further back up the claim, look at this post that got downvoted. The shills may change their tactic soon but for now they downvote things they don't want to see us talking about

golly ago

I hear you! I have personal down voters who down vote every single comment I make. Check my post history. Most have a minimum of -1.

They are trying to take away our ability to post (and freedom of speech) by taking away all comment contribution points. Once you go below 0 you can't post anymore. People have nothing better to do I guess.

Edit: the problem is that if you would have 55 points and 60 active comments, one single troll with a few hundred points can down vote all your comments and you won't be able to post anymore. We need to start up voting each other a lot more so shills and trolls down voting has no impact at all.

Le_Squish ago

That is why it is important for you guys to integrate into the wider voat community so you can acquire a healthy buffer.

n0etics ago

Ya, I'm in the same boat right now with not being able to down vote shills.

The problem is that it's dangerous to just hand out upvotes for the sake of allowing folks to downvote. If anyone plans to do that, make sure to look into the account a bit and make sure you aren't inadvertently helping a shill

golly ago

It is because many are new and only have 10 upvotes per day. But if we don't do it then trolls/shills could shut people up like they did before when lots of people were voted in big numbers below 0. We should be able to take care of shills/trolls ourselves here. The only way to do that is start being more generous so everybody can gain points which in turn makes it much harder to attack us by taking away points so we can't post and are forced to beg for upvotes or create new accounts.