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Stab ago

Here's another article specifically about the cannibal puppeteer that has been deleted:


There's also a Huffpost article about the same guys that is currently still live:


DooDooDoodle ago

The Tampa Bat link is dead for me. Here is a DOJ report on the case.

Vindicator ago

Whispering Pines Mobile Home Park...puppeteer...lived in the house with his parents until they died...cannibalism... This is nauseatingly reminiscent of X-Files and Bones episodes. And his damn church provided the pedo van!

Stab ago

Here's a third article that has been deleted as well:

Stab ago

And there's more info here:

According to additional court documents throughout the United States, Arnett was also communicating on the Internet with other child pornography suspects. The following have been arrested and charged as part of this international child pornography investigation; these suspects were communicating directly with Arnett via the Internet: Geoffrey Portway, 40, of Worcester, Mass., Ronald Brown, 57, of Largo, Fla.; Robert Mucha, 56, of Newton, N.J.; Jason Scarcello, 42, of Anderson, Calif.; and Richard Dates, 67, of Grant, N.M. HSI also arrested Robert Poe III, 38, of Kansas City, Aug. 10, 2012. Following the publicity of the Arnett arrest, Poe was identified in May 2012 after a victim came forward and reported that he and his brother were both sexually molested as minors by Poe and Arnett. Poe pleaded guilty Feb. 19.