CrackerJacks ago

That was interesting to read the way it's set out like that.....I read an article yesterday and it wasn't all that great. Found this on the bottom of the article.....What's posted below.

Here is a re-post of what Chief Videos posted (taken verbatim) :

archive of original reddit post:

A few things about this seemingly independent case have struck me as odd. Some articles are in Spanish and may need to be translated through Chrome.

1 - FBI involvement in the case² Why would FBI agents come to Colombia to aid a seemingly isolated child abduction case? This article states that officers will focus on deciphering forms of communication from before, during, and after the kidnapping.

2 - Rafael Noguera & his family³ Rafael Noguera comes from a wealthy and distinguished family. His father Rafael Rivera is Dean of Architecture at Javeriana University in Bogotá, his mother Maria Noguera is a legal representative for Lascaux Constructions Company, and his brother Francisco Noguera works at prestigious law firm Brigard & Urrutia.⁴ Carlos Urrutia, founder of the firm and former Colombian Ambassador to the United States, was forced to resign after investigators uncovered his involvement in the illegal purchase of protected peasant land holdings by multinational companies (including US food giant Cargill Inc., Colombian sugar company Riopaila, and financial firm Grupo Aval).⁵ Investigators have since opened up an investigation into Rafael's brother Francisco Noguera, stating the crime scene was manipulated by more than one person.⁶ Police are looking at what involvement the family played, as Rafael's siblings were present after the kidnapping and before police arrived.⁷

3 - Javeriana University and the Clinton Foundation Rafael Uribe Noguera attended Javeriana University, where his thesis titled ‘Sustainable Housing Complex For Low - Income Families’ focused on the Calderon Forest neighborhood, the same neighborhood where Yuliana Samboni was taken on the morning of December 4th.⁸ Previously mentioned, the father was Dean of Architecture at the University, with one former student calling him ‘a totally evil being’ who ’viewed the poor as animals, without any rights⁹.’ The wikipedia page for the University states that they participate in ‘volunteer programs with Mission Country Colombia, working in the areas most affected by social inequality and armed conflict in the country.’¹⁰ And lastly, a 2014 initiative by the Clinton Foundation (with a budget of $250,000) committed to developing programs in Colombia that would ‘devote at least 50% of its coverage to girls and women involved in the social impact space.’ Among the small list of partners is the Javeriana University.¹¹

4 - Areas of interest Fernando Merchen, the doorman of the Rafael Noguera's building, was found dead 5 days after Yuliana was murdered. Although police found a suicide note, they have not ruled out foul play.¹² Perhaps the biggest area of investigation should be the Clinton Foundation and their previous involvement in Colombia. One article, titled ‘Clinton Foundation’s Toxic Legacy in Colombia,’ investigates the unscrupulous dealings of the charity - with one union official saying he’s unsure of their involvement ‘other than exploiting poverty and extracting money.’¹³ Final person of interest is Frank Giustera, one of the wealthiest donors to the foundation.¹⁴ Giustera is close with Bill Clinton, who reportedly set up meetings with Colombian President Álvaro Uribe, after which Giustra obtained permission for his timber company to log in Colombia.¹⁵

So, some very high strangeness indeed. So much so that Colombians have taken to the streets and erupted with criticism on social media.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Yes, delighted the Columbia d are protesting