Piscina ago

Erotic Service Providers Union is run by Maxine Doogan, pimp. http://prostitutionresearch.com/pre_blog/2012/05/23/pimps_will_be_pimps_whether_ma/

quantokitty ago


pizzagatewillnotdie ago


Sibel Edmonds worked as a contractor for the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and founder of the National Security Whistleblowers Coalition (NSWBC)

In March 2007, I was contacted by one of Rep. Waxman's staff people who felt responsible and conscientious enough to at least let me know that there would never be a hearing into my case by their office, or for that matter, any Democratic office in the House. Based on his/her account, in February 2007 Waxman's office was preparing the necessary ingredients for their promised hearing,but in mid-March the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, called Waxman into a meeting on the case, and after Waxman came out of that twenty-minute meeting, he told his staff 'we are no longer involved in Edmonds' case.' And so they became 'uninvolved.'

What was discussed during that meeting? The facts regarding the FBI's pursuit of Hastert, and certain other representatives, were bound to come out in any Congressional hearing into my case. Now we know that Hastert and Pelosi were both informed of Harman's role in a related case involving counterespionage investigation of AIPAC. Is it possible that Pelosi asked Waxman to lay off my case in order to protect a few of their own in an equally scandalous case?

Video where Sibel talks extensively on the topic of tracking down Hastert with the FBI's help of the CIA (Pedophiles Run the Government & No One Gives a Damn!)


ktinkrbell ago

It's now 1:12am - I couldn't stop watching. This is terrifying.

quantokitty ago

Pelosi is so dirty.

pizzainvestigator ago

There is some good detective work in this thread, nice job all. In general, I think it would be helpful if we could also uncover GOP members actively pursuing similar legislation to show this is not a partisan issue. I think many will dismiss the idea (regardless of evidence) unless both sides are put in the spotlight illuminating the corruption exists on all sides and there is no political motivation in uncovering the dirty truth behind pizzagate.

quantokitty ago

Agree. But this directly related to pizzagate.

hashtaggery ago

Fuck you Nancy Pelosi -- Fuck You!

sunajAeon ago

A man of precise terms, well said:)

birthdaysuit11 ago

Tell me about it, my worldview has been shattered and I'm not sure how much longer I can take it.

roundhouse1776 ago

Take a break from pizzagate and come back when you are rejuvenated. Make time for other activities and interests. Balance is key. I know pizzagate is really important, but you won't do any good at all if you burn out. Staring into the darkness for too long is not healthy for mind, body, or soul.

Stellarjay ago

I thought the same thing except now I realize my true power against this evil. It's my choice not theirs.

Justin_TeroG8 ago

This makes me wonder what's really going on at Pelosi's own pizza joint. Let's all KEEP DIGGING!

HashTagFU ago

I thought she was Roman Catholic?

ReadThatAlready ago

Great find; a good summation of the issue. Supporters of decriminalization include "Harvey Milk Democratic Club, La Raza Centro Legal." Pelosi has talked about Milk emotionally and Feinstein was there when it happened and of course Pelosi loves La Raza. Notice the article says passage would deny funds which are used to catalogue the RACES involved in trafficking. In other words it's mostly a Mexican, Asian, or Black problem and they don't want people to know this. That would be something La Raza would want to keep under wraps for sure. I was looking at the Milk incident and I found this... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moscone%E2%80%93Milk_assassinations http://thecaucus.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/09/17/pelosi-wells-up-while-recalling-political-murders/?_r=0 I noticed Jim Jones and "people's temple" happened around the same time and they are mentioned in wikileaks. Looks like some cables from the incident. A few messages going back and forth about survivors from the people's temple. I wonder if there is anything about Harvey Milk in wikileaks. Might be worth looking into. I know Jim Jones was a communist bi-sexual inter-racial sexual advocate that was a democrat fund raiser and community organizer for the party. I saw a PBS special about it that was very good. From Wiki "On November 18, news broke of the mass deaths of members of Peoples Temple in Jonestown. Prior to the group's move to Guyana, Peoples Temple had been based in San Francisco, so most of the dead were recent Bay Area residents, including Leo Ryan, the United States Congressman who was murdered in the incident. The city was plunged into mourning, and the issue of White's vacant Board of Supervisors seat was pushed aside for several days." It was a hard time for the city I guess.

contrarianism ago

Jim Jones was a front man for the CIA to run mind control experiments on large groups of people. It's also been said that many were killed outright, not suicided, fwiw.

Blacksmith21 ago

The horrifying thing is thinking of Pelosi in a crotchless leather catwoman suit doing something unthinkable. I hope both she and that fucking asshole Reid get sucked into the morass when the caca hits the rotational air mover known as pizzagate.

quantokitty ago

Okay, I can't purge that out of my mind, but you are so right. I can't wait to see Reid get his. So arrogant. Both of them.

waxdino ago

Remember that the Clintons also worked to narrow the laws on sex trafficking

quantokitty ago

Absolutely. But think about it. According to the San Francisco Chronicle, SF is a major U.S. sex trafficking gateway. If they had been successful, it would have meant one major gateway would have been virtually unguarded and unpoliced. That is just scary. Can you imagine the volume of victims that would have flooded in? And been shipped! I shouldn't forget that.

ReadThatAlready ago

Remember those containers floating off San Fran bay? Google owned them if memory serves. Nobody ever explained what they were for. Some people suggested mobile wi-fi network platform, like pirate radio it's off shore so its a good way around national laws once fully deployed, but shipping containers are being converted into homes too. I've seen articles on that.

quantokitty ago

I'll have to look into this.

sunajAeon ago

It is not Crystal Clear from these posts that Pelosi actually endorsed it (unless she actually wrote the bill)

quantokitty ago

That's what one blog said, but let me put it another way: Did you hear her speaking out against it?

ArthurEdens ago

They don't believe it's true. They don't understand they're being lied to.

ArthurEdens ago

They spun it in a way that made you have compassion for the prostitute. Don't punish the prostitute, it's not her fault. Nowhere in the brief did it mention human trafficking or child prostitution. Read your bills, people, not just the outline. Nancy Pelosi always struck me as weird and brain zapped. There you go, she's in on it too, no doubt now. Goat Hill Pizza is a weird place like Comet.

HashTagFU ago

Drugged out of her mind IMO. Probably an opiate addict.

sunajAeon ago

Jesus Christ can you believe this shat- I knew these two Dual Israeli traitors in office were bad but when it comes to saving children this is their vote???

SaneGoatiSwear ago

what you're telling me is

the child rapists tried to pass a law making it illegal to investigate child rapists?

yeaaaaaaaaaah and v/pizzagate just got taken by v/protectvoat

if you still believe in coincedence like the bots just haaaapened to swoop down when pizzagate arrived

i have a fucking bridge of ice that goes nowhere in antarctica to sell you.

coincidencesmyass ago

Pelosi is possessed by a demon.

quantokitty ago

Or is one. Either way, she is evil.

Chance903 ago

Kitty This is really good information, very good because it allows us to see how she thinks and that she should be expaimned as well.

ThePuppetShow ago

I agree! This is proof they're trying to normalize this bullshit! IMO to benifit their business.

zzvoat ago

Yes, but it's also a huge part of moving the luciferian agenda forward.

quantokitty ago

Absolutely! Can you imagine what they could do with the restraints off?

quantokitty ago

Thanks. Yeah, except for the Goat Hill pizzeria posts, she's been flying under the radar on human trafficking. Hope everyone, digs, digs, digs.

ReadThatAlready ago

See first they demonize male sexuality equating it with violence and exploitation, then they advocate a "feminist" take over of the industry as "empowering." This is the typical playboy/hustler/Jenna Jameson CONTROL SWITCH tactic. A shift in the OWNERSHIP of the corporations from male owned to female owned in order to JUSTIFY and EXCUSE the exploitation which never changes and is ONGOING. Check out these ted talks and notice THE ORDER in which they were presented. Males are bad. Females good. So as long as females own the sex workers it's fine. Watch it. It's so obvious. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gRJ_QfP2mhUYouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z9LaQtfpP_8YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x38-iHvUqLYYouTube

quantokitty ago

You know, that is an excellent point.

ReadThatAlready ago

Oh, just for the record, The Bree Olsen video that said it was bad to work in the sex industry but encouraged the de-stigmatization of sex workers is connected to this facebook page. Check it out fellas. Tell me if you think there's not a connection to the whole pizzagate thing. https://www.facebook.com/realwomenrealstories?_fb_noscript=1

ReadThatAlready ago

Just happens to be tied to https://www.youtube.com/c/RealWomenRealStories We're on to something big here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7YBVoZeL9ugYouTube THE CAPITALIST STATE - See? Marxists.

cantsleepawink ago

This article might be relevant here in terms of Pelosi's connections with the Podesta Group: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2013/feb/13/tony-podesta-group-iraq-lobbying.

See https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1508119

ReadThatAlready ago

It was Pelosi's daughter leading the electoral college charge against Trump and Pelosi owns Goat Hill Pizza.

zzvoat ago

desperate, nasty piece of work on the news shows

CapitalistUtahraptor ago

Well, a fat load of good that did them, right?

sunajAeon ago

Is that in DC? If so that would be very interesting...

ReadThatAlready ago

I think it's in California, SanFran, but you'd have to double check, but it has been alleged that it and a lot of businesses Pelosi and her husband owns are shell companies or fronts of some kind and that money is dumped into them for laundering purposes or just as a tax write off. According to reports it's registered in Panama and kicks back money to Democrat Party so it looks like a laundering scheme, but I can't confirm this, I'll just post the links so you can check them out and some more about general stuff regarding Pelosi. http://magafeed.com/guccifer-2-0-nancy-pelosis-goat-hill-pizza-may-be-a-front-company/ http://freebeacon.com/issues/pelosis-husband-invested-solar-firm-weeks-lucrative-expansion/ SunEdison Connection http://freebeacon.com/politics/pelosi-subsidies-benefit-husbands-investment-in-dem-mega-donors-company/ LightRail Connection The rich bitch connection http://www.latimes.com/politics/la-pol-ca-richest-nancy-pelosi-vineyard-story.html http://www.sfgate.com/politics/article/Pelosi-s-husband-prefers-a-low-profile-2660253.php http://hotair.com/archives/2012/07/11/pelosi-made-up-to-5-million-by-offshoring/ & http://www.weeklystandard.com/dem-chair-invested-swiss-banks-foreign-drug-companies-and-state-bank-india/article/648350?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter bank of India. http://www.discoverthenetworks.org/individualProfile.asp?indid=1248 general info on pelosi This is typical of how laundering/corruption works. http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2016/12/12/dem-rep-chaka-fattah-10-years-prison-fraud-racketeering-money-laundering/ http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/249609-pennsylvania-rep-indicted-in-racketeering-case http://abcnews.go.com/Blotter/story?id=6907429 If you look here you'll see Ellison who Obama wants as DNC head and Kaine whom Hillary chose as running mate are mixed up with MB. http://www.investigativeproject.org/3792/dems-tap-radical-islamists-for-cash Here you'll see a reference to the Foley scandal along with Delay which was a big laundering scandal http://www.cnn.com/2006/POLITICS/11/08/pelosi.speaker/ Here Pelosi brings home the bacon to a brother in law http://www.weeklystandard.com/crony-capitalism-737-million-green-jobs-loan-given-to-nancy-pelosis-brother-in-law/article/594593 http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2011/12/19/pelosis-expert-for-economic-growth-was-family-friend-and-business-partner/ http://crazifornia.com/2013/04/16/dirty-business-as-usual-at-california-high-speed-rail/ http://dailycaller.com/2011/12/19/banking-expert-praised-by-pelosi-was-also-a-major-family-business-partner/ http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2011/11/14/how-visa-courted-nancy-pelosi-hoping-to-forestall-swipe-fee-changes.html http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-congress-insidertrading-idUSTRE81700720120208 I've always said it's easier to get these people for money laundering and financial crimes in general than human trafficking because there is a paper trail that can't be denied. That's how they brought down the mafia. Tax evasion.

sunajAeon ago

Amazing, thanx for the info

cantsleepawink ago


srayzie ago

Time to make a meme to spread everywhere

ReadThatAlready ago

Ah, I see the issue immediately "A significant reason for the surge is the shortage of girls created by sex selection abortions, particularly in Asia, but now infiltrating the Asian cultures in the U.S. according to the Boston Globe. It is widely acknowledged that legalized prostitution exacerbates the problem." What they are saying is that in Asia because so many girls have been aborted because of the one child policy of China and Indian culture preferring male children over females there are FAR more males than females in Asia and this is becoming true in America too because of immigration and because women are whores. This is creating a shortage of suitable women and an increase of men who need sexual partners. This is the EXACT scenario the MGTOWs and TFLers in America have reported and which Christians PREDICTED many years ago would be the natural result of abortion and the sexual revolution. HAREM CULTURE. To meet the need then more and more girls are being SHARED through pornographic and general sex work exploitation, wife sharing/swapping, etc. and so that is FURTHER exacerbating the problem as more and more women are being taken off the marriage market as nobody will NOR WILL BE ALLOWED TO marry these women as they are OWED by corporations/pimps. This is INSANELY profitable for criminals/corportions/government(through sex work taxation), but DEVASTATING for society as girls are ALL becoming slaves and men no longer have women to marry. The effect is causing the POPULATION GROWTH TO FALL TO NEGATIVE ZERO. Which is of course what BILL GATES STATED WAS THE PLAN. I predicted this scenario years ago and said that the next stage will be that Asians will flood into Western countries looking for wives and will TAKE THEM BY FORCE if not stopped and war will ensue either way as this means a WAR FOR RESOURCES. That is HUMAN RESOURCES. War for vagina and the right to REPRODUCE. which is the MEANS OF PRODUCTION that the Marxists were really after all along. GENOCIDE. Deny your enemy the ability to reproduce and continue to reproduce yourself and you win the FUTURE. And so here we are. The exact scenario that Sanger wanted us in. A battle over REPRODUCTION TO FORCE A NEW RACE TO EMERGE. This class struggle/race struggle will not be fought over money, but rather over the RIGHT OF REPRODUCTION based SOLELY ON PHYSICAL PROWESS and INTELLIGENCE and not economics just as Sanger wanted. The Fabians admitted they planned this to result in the destruction of capitalism and the return to animal instinct which Darwin said would ensure the survival of the species. See chapter 3 in Origin of the Species. The man was a human hating PSYCHOPATH. A genocidal maniac. In other words they are FORCING us to fight like animals for women for their amusement as a sick experiment to see what will emerge because they believe that whatever it is will be the best mankind can hope for and in the mean time they will make a fortune selling pornography, massages, tricks, lap dances, etc. and forced abortions and birth control administered as early as possible and sterilizing vaccines (see Texas law and Bill Gates foundation) paid through Obamacare tax to make sure the women are not out of commission too long so the money keeps flowing and the population continues to decrease to a level our overlords can manage and easily control and if that fails they'll start another world war and wipe out hundred of millions to make whatever adjustment they feel necessary as they have done twice before and as they did in Vietnam destroying an entire generation of conservative men in America. This is why they want to "remove the stigma" of sex work. Check out Bree Olsen's statements on the subject. She's part of this. They need more sex workers and in a hurry.

zzvoat ago

You might want to ixnay the aps-cay. Bring it down a notch so it's easier for people to "hear" what you have to say.

Break things into paragraphs - doesn't matter where, really, it's for the optics.

To emphasize things, maybe doing --- this --- using hyphens on either side vs THIS, which is, of course, online shouting and drives many/most people nuts.

ThePuppetShow ago

Try doing a little research on the bullshit you read. The population is pretty much split down the middle as far as gender is concerned.


GenericVodka13 ago

A literal war over women to create a new race?

Jesus dude. That uncomfortable about women being sexual beings?

ReadThatAlready ago

Read Sanger. My words are straight from her books. Deal with it.

GenericVodka13 ago


Mooka_Molaka ago

Ayy LMAO ~ Margaret Sanger is one of Hillary Clinton's HEROES!


Oh, and Hillary also won the Planned Parenthood Margaret Sanger Award ~

"I want to assure you that reproductive rights and the umbrella issue of women's rights and empowerment will be a key to the foreign policy of this Administration."

I'm not here to debate abortion, I just want to understand WTF it has to do with Obama Administration's Foreign Policy!

Gone20 ago

Wack jobs like you are why a lot of people aren't taking pizzagate seriously.

BloodGod1337 ago

To be completely fair, the theory about Globalism seemed fucking batshit insane many years ago, but now it's being widely acknowledged as something that's being set in motion. This really isn't too farfetched, as a shortage of women can create a problem in society wherein men get fed up that they're not getting anything, and when it's realized on a societal level that in order to even get a chance at getting sex, you'd have to go to foreign lands for it, there might be a battle for it, as creating new life, a whole new generation is needed if you want your own peoples to survive. China is full of smart people that will eventually figure this out... When that happens, it may actually be a grave situation.

ReadThatAlready ago

Go check out Sandman and StarDusk videos on youtube and tell me this wasn't the plan from the outset. They were PREPPING us for this. A war of REPRODUCTION. That is what the left wing of the MGTOW movement is all about hence artificial wombs and surrogates and sex tourism and mail order brides and sex robots. It's all a part of this. quantokitty stumbled upon it, but I've been covering it for YEARS as has the entire manosphere. We knew about this years ago.

ThePuppetShow ago

How about just looking at the actual population split.

50.4% male 49.6% female


ReadThatAlready ago


HashTagFU ago

I got one for ya : I think you're right and I don't care. Said all of that without raising my voice (figuratively) even once. Give it a try. Mebbe people will listen to you more. I doubt it but mebbe.

ThePuppetShow ago

<yawn> It may have plummeted in China and India where the popluations double any other country, but not everywhere. You've gone full lunatic at this point so there's no reason to discuss this anymore. Let's get back to Nancy Pelosi and crew trying to normalize the sex slave industry.

ReadThatAlready ago

It doesn't have to plummet everywhere. The china deficit of women alone is larger than the entire population of Canada of both sexes COMBINED. That means all the Chinese men currently of fighting age would need to destroy Canada and rape all the women to even meet 25% of their demand for females and that's being generous with the numbers. India makes the matter even worse. The atheists are taught that the greatest motivator is THE SEX DRIVE. They are gearing UP FOR WAR and raising a horny army REWARDING SOLDIERS WITH SEX. The Clinton foundation already does this. Don't you remember? hashtag give us back our girls? Those guys were PAID IN CHILD BRIDES. This is what Clinton does. It's part of how she raises armies. We're on to it.

ThePuppetShow ago

My point, China and India may have the problem you speak of, the world doesn't. They can't invade Canada, the world would destroy them for it. Not to mention their gender split is only a 2% difference.

You sound like globalist Bill Gates arguing over populatuon. It's absurd.

ReadThatAlready ago

Actually I'm arguing against Bill Gates. I'm saying he is trying to kill off people one way or another because what they did fucked up the gender balance and they know it and that was the plan so they could implement a war using sex a motivator and then reduce the world's population even more.

ThePuppetShow ago

You claim there needs to be more males than females. In reality, most species that reproducie are at a 1:1 ratio. Someone filled you head with the bullshit that there has to be more females than males. You quoted some evolution mumbo jumbo earlier, I'm suprised you don't know this. Look up Fishers principle.

mvrak ago

Someone has to build theory, and someone has to investigate. While his causal statements are weird his consequence statements have some truth.

I honestly think that free trade is more important, and am only concerned because Ds are usually NOT for free trade. Stigma is like social repercussions against free trade.

Julian55 ago

Readthatalready, I have to tell you, even though you probably sound like a nut job to most people on here with that last comment, I can sympathize, I probably sound like a nut job on here myself. However, it is very nice to meet someone that has a little imagination of their own. If you can not even imagine it, than you are defenseless to it. Very interesting analysis, readthatalready. I bet that I could learn a thing or two from you. I feel like whats being missed here in the chasing down of all this information is a wider understanding of whats going on. And so I am going to sound crazy, but, a pizza is a rose. The pizza is the rose. The rose is a rose is a pizza. This shit has been going on at least 500 years. If you don't agree with me by end of video 4 of rosetta files I would be shocked. here is the link, sorry the quality of video is third rate, (my first videos), be patient, its there. paradigm change. after video 4 you will even understand how to appreciate Chagall and Picasso. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1506322

ReadThatAlready ago

More? http://hir.harvard.edu/the-missing-girls-from-china-reforms-are-too-little-too-late/ "The “Missing Girls” From China: Reforms Are Too Little, Too Late Kevin Xie January 8, 2015 36(2) Fall 2014/Winter 2015, Asia, East Asia, Features, Health, Politics, Security “Chinese Children” by Joan Vila. CC BY 2.0, accessed via flickr.com China is currently “missing” more females than the size of Canada’s total population. In China, the decades-old one-child policy has created a substantial gender imbalance, with many more males than females. The sex ratio at birth (SRB) has risen over the past few decades from a natural 103 males for every 100 female infants to a peak of 121 boys per 100 girls in 2005 (recent numbers put the current ratio at 118 boys to 100 girls). Some estimates predict that there will be 55 million more males than females by 2020."

Got that? The entire population of Canada can't make up for the difference between men and women in China so what are those Chinese men going to do? They are going to INVADE AND TAKE OUR WOMEN. Got that? It's as sure as the sun will rise tomorrow.

Yuke ago

Not with the dicks they have!

ThePuppetShow ago

Way to spam up a good post with propaganda. Guess you accomplished your real goal.

@quanotkitty sorry for the hijack, but I'm not going to let this person spew bullshit.

ThePuppetShow ago

The analysis is bunk. People need to look shit up for themselves before they just believe it. Here's the world population broken down by gender.


ThePuppetShow ago

World population split by gender...

50.4% male 49.6% female

Want more facts?

ReadThatAlready ago


ThePuppetShow ago

It's pretty obvious who the liar is. I'll let everyone decide for themselves.

ThePuppetShow ago


1,385,566,537 population

51.8% male, 48.2% female

United States

49.2% male 50.8% female

ReadThatAlready ago

More? You want to fuck with me? I have studied this topic for 20 years. https://www.bloomberg.com/view/articles/2014-12-25/china-needs-millions-of-brides-asap

ThePuppetShow ago

I bet those same sites will tell you Russia hacked the election. Do you believe that too?

ReadThatAlready ago

ThePuppetShow ago

Sure it is... The MSM is all about truth. /s

You must be a shill with how agitated you just got for getting called out with facts.


dogwalker ago

Thanks for the hard work it took to write this out

NakatomiBaby ago

Can we spam her twitter with this??

bodthedog ago

Can you can format your post in paragraphs? It makes it difficult to read, and could be used a shill tactic to prevent users from reading other important posts.

Haven't even read the content, so not making any judgement on shill or not at this time.

ReadThatAlready ago

No. I refuse to use paragraphs unless the topic has changed, which it has not. The entire thesis, summation of arguments, and evidence are presented in one paragraph in collegiate writing. Deal with it.

HashTagFU ago

You're an asshole. Deal with it.

concernedaboutitall ago

Wow, great find.