WakeyWake ago

I cannot comprehend why there are so many people (or any people at all) that have a desire or attraction to view child porn or actually be sexual with children. Take wanting power over someone out of the equation, just the sexual part alone is very very very disturbing, disgusting, sick, gross, and a million other adjectives.

Think about all the pedophiles that are on the Megan's law/ national registry list, we have their names & faces...

Now think of the ones that are not...bc they haven't been caught, we don't know where they live, what they look like, what job they have...all we know is that there are tens of thousands still out there. And when we even suspect we possibly found a connection to a pedophile (pizzagate), rather than looking into it, everyone suppressed it immediately, from liberals, media, potus, police chief in that city, the pope, etc... it was called fake news before it even was news at all. Knowing the code words, they still shut it down without looking into it. It happened so quickly like--

Us: I think we may have found a connection to a child rapist Them: STFU you are doing damage to people, it's fake!!!! Us: But we are just googling stuff Them: STFU no one is a pedophile, Conspiracy Theory, Fake news, we will delete everything you say!

How they handled us even suggesting there might be a pedophile connection is very very very disturbing (and a million other adjectives)

I believe how MSM, Potus, pope, etc are acting is how authorities acted in the Dutroux case...protect the pedophiles and smear the people. Why did they do that? Bc well known people & authority figures were involved in the same pedophile ring as the pedophile on trial.

There's only 1 solution...keep digging.

garlicbulb ago

Thanks for this- I imagine child abuse is rampant in the US Police. They are out of control with killings and violence and with that extreme power which appears unaccountable comes the ability to do what they want.

LostandFound ago

Power really does appear to corrupt, absolute power absolute corruption