Orange_Circle ago

Upvoat for interest!

RexAxisMundi ago

Putin knows from his KGB days that these so called adopted kids are sold into sex trafficking cricles.

Audalia ago

That's what I'm wondering too!

Stosh21 ago

Excellent stuff...the wolves are ALWAYS found around the sheep. The day care center atrocities clearly demonstrate this.

Eastwood350 ago

Facebook has some pages that also advertise rehoming adopted children. Here's one of them:

Audalia ago

They deleted or blocked this! Do you have an archived link or screenshots?

Eastwood350 ago

The FB page is still working for me. Type in Second Chance Adoptions on FB.

tjarco ago

Please screencapture the pricing & fees, archived links do not show these - not able to find them easily on websites

Audalia ago

I tried on, doesn't work. Here's the pricing for a hiatian adoption

Fees Item Cost *Application Fee $500 Document Handling Fee/Foreign Courier Fee $500 *Program Fee $3000 Home Study Review (for out of state clients) $150 Placement Fee $2500 Post Placement Fee $1750 (Utah clients) or $1200 (out of state clients) First Child Foreign Fee $13,000-15,000 (depending on orphanage) Second Child Foreign Fee $13,000 -$15,000 (depending on orphanage) DNA Testing $500-1,000(charged only if requested by DHS in Haiti.) Home Study (Utah) $1400 Home Study (Out of State) Varies form State to State Filing of USCIS paperwork $720 Fingerprinting $85/person Authentication of documents $500 Translation of dossier $400 MMPI Psychological Exam $150-$250 depending on your doctor. Ground Transportation $150 *** Food/Lodging in Haiti $150/day *** Flights $500-$800/person Passport for child $50 Embassy Medical Exam $125 Visa for child $325 FedEx Fees $300

Audalia ago

Just read this entire exposé. This is heart wrenching. Families that would choose to give their adopted children to randos just so they don't have to pay child support until they are 18. Smh.

Yuke ago

My God that is heartbreaking to see them listed as 'products'. And to see the money involved, I guess it's no wonder it's flourishing the way it is. By the way 'rehoming' makes me instantly think of dogs and cats - it's pretty grim. I'm going to link this thread as well as there is some important information included. Also a probable link to Puerto Rico.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

I hate to say it, but look into Tibetan Buddhist temples. They bring over kids, the parents ask and get no money, all money paid is state side. I heard this from an adoptive mother here in 2005. She had a beautiful little girl, 10 years old. She said the mother had died and the father had 5 boys to raise so he gave her up. For free. She said they were leaving the door open for the family. I never saw her again. That's all I know.

belphegorsprime ago

What the FUCK??? They are listed as products!

Audalia ago

Thanks @Matchboxmeglet. Thanks for reading my post.

Audalia ago

The shills are downvoating this to oblivion! If you downvoated at least have the courage to say why and how this could be improved.

Audalia ago

Notice the Haiti connection and Colombia connection...what to make of it now? If anyone has time to look into it, I would appreciate it.

Audalia ago

It's disturbing that kids are being advertised for test runs.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

That's what foster parenting is. I know a gay male couple who tried out several boys. They didn't all make the cut. I reported them. They were confronted; nothing was done.

LostandFound ago

Good work, some leads here. I can see why you were insta downvoated , must have hit a sore spot.

Audalia ago

Thanks @lostandfound. The insta downvoat only gives me more conviction that this is on the right track.