tjarco ago

good find, will include this here

micha_ ago

Let’s help the president and the prosecutors: Human trafficking is in our region, in the nation’s capital, in your ward, on your block. Open your eyes. Don’t look abroad. Look down the street.

But if that was meant honestly, why refuses the Washington Post to look at the Podestas, Laura Silsby and the Clinton Foundation?

"Hey Colbert, write an article, how much politics and the police is doing against child trafficking to counter the pizzagate allegations."

LtSilverFox ago

I have a feeling the elites are going to walk away clean and leave the people they been blackmailing to suffer. Watch. Just seems to fishy

rail606 ago

At least they are going to try this. I hope it goes like dominoes.

krisspykriss ago

If nothing else we are getting them to talk about the issue. I see that as a positive, even though it is obviously a smoke screen. The people they mentioned are not involved in a trafficking ring though.They were small time roll your own prostitution services. Completely different creature.

ionized_fallout ago

Just an interesting article I came across.

"Then there’s Linwood Barnhill, then 47, who resigned from the D.C. police department after his arrest in December 2013 on charges of pimping two D.C. girls, ages 15 and 16. He pleaded guilty and was sentenced in 2014 to seven years in prison."

"Let’s help the president and the prosecutors: Human trafficking is in our region, in the nation’s capital, in your ward, on your block."

"Open your eyes. Don’t look abroad. Look down the street."

derram ago :

Washington D.C.’s serious sex-trafficking problem - The Washington Post

'So it should come as no surprise that President Obama proclaimed this month National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month. '

'Let’s help the president and the prosecutors: Human trafficking is in our region, in the nation’s capital, in your ward, on your block. '

'Human trafficking is a cruel and inhumane practice found in countries around the world. '

'But human trafficking is, and has been, a shadowy and seamy part of D.C. life. '

'Marshall was also indicted on charges of child sexual abuse and production of child pornography. '

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