brandnewset ago

'oh, I saw it at work one day and thought it looked cool' kinda logo picking?!?

quantokitty ago

Yeah, they were the same nice folks that covered up the faux Presidio scandal. You know the one, where all these kids were getting venereal diseases from potty training seats? Someone should sue that company.

Truthology ago

And Obama bought some very expensive hotdogs and Pizza to the white house, against protocol. But that's just normal.

AnthraxAlex ago

"Marina Abramovic is not a satanist, she's a lovely lady in real life, the bizarre shit she does is just her artistic self."

You know if she wants to be a satanist and drink semen blood or whatever the fuck she was doing fine as long as there are no actual laws being broken im cool with it. Where i draw the line is fanatics of this shit then using it to try and make policy decisions involving our government. What happens when the decision to start a nuclear war or not is based off divining chicken bones or whatever delusional shit they are doing at the moment. I think thats totally unacceptable. Also the pedo shit is criminal and anyone linked definitively to that should be brought down hard.

thezodiac ago

Kinda creepy to imagine that people with so much power like the Clintons, Obama, etc have strong connections with these satanists/pedophyles.

thezodiac ago

I think we quite not nailed all the codes yet. That famous image which supposedly decipher all the codes is very wrong to me, because it doesn't make sense in some e-mails.

About the pedo stuff. There's a solid connection between Marina Abramovic, the Podestas and James Alefantis. Abramovic is a well-known satanist, so I guess "normal" people woundn't like to be friends with her. Alefantis posted some crypto-pedo stuff in his Instagram. Podesta used code words in his emails. So it's not that hard to make the connection: satanism - child sex - coded language.

If the coded words are not pedophylia related, why don't they tell us the true meaning? t can't be possibly worse than that, lol.

1754llp0l171c4l ago

Don't forget that John gets invited to heated pools with kids he don't know the ages of, and sees them as entertainment.

thezodiac ago

Didn't post that because it's not obvious that is coded language. Maybe they really like to "play" with kids, lol.

1754llp0l171c4l ago

Does it have to be coded? Its right there in your face :)

thezodiac ago

I tend to agree with the posts of this thread: - Some say that this specific e-mail could be nothing, just moms playing with kids in a pool or something like that.

1754llp0l171c4l ago

Ask yourself, if their relationship with those kids are as cozy as some think, why mention their ages? They would obvously know.

How many times have you been invited to an event or party, where ages have been relevant?

I still think is very unusual, and something worth mentioning.

thezodiac ago

I don't think mentioning the age is something unusual at all. Women love to tell the age of their kids so the other person can imagine how cute they are.

1754llp0l171c4l ago

I disagree, especially in that context and with the knowledhe we now have.

thezodiac ago

That would be great!

thezodiac ago

EDIT: Added some points suggested by you guys.

thezodiac ago


brokenwings1986 ago

The change proves guilt.

bangbang ago

I don't think that would stand up in court though.

thezodiac ago

I'm trying here to put just the undeniable evidence. The McCann connection for an example could be a super coincidence. If we can put him in Portugal that would be a smoking gun, but we're not there yet.

If the MSM denies all the evidence, they have to explain to us what the hell Podesta and his friends are talking about, because is not pizza.

thezodiac ago

I added some points and removed the pasta with walnut sauce. Didn't know that was a thing, LOL.

Ginger_Snaps ago

......that so many normal adults just happen to hang out with convicted pedophiles.

dindonufin ago

  • Amanda Kleinman is a lovely young lady who spent 13 years helping disabled children, but now has decided to start a band that makes light-hearted jokes about pedophelia while wearing a ski mask and also makes strange videos themed around children with a (yet another) strange hypnotic vibe.


Yeah, you need a map to find pizza, don't you?

baron_samedi ago

Wikileaks always post fake documents

existentialenso ago

People love pasta with walnut sauce.

If we're talking literal pasta with literal walnut sauce, I do. It's a real dish. Here's a recipe:

Could be code, but the idea that it's a not a real thing was flawed from the start.


No one says it is not a real thing. It is just an extremely uncommon dish. I've had more Chinese dishes with walnuts in my lifetime than Italian.

baron_samedi ago

•James Alefantis love chicken so much he accidently post a man holding a baby , instead of him eating chicken ...#chickenlover

•price of chicken is high , thats why its a sacrifice to give one to the puppy name Moloch

dontsuicidemebro ago

Exactly. I'm suspicious of the guy who upon being told learning that he'd inadvertently used a symbol for fucking little boys as his business logo is just like, "Idgaf, it's my logo now."

Except maybe if you're as big as Peter's icecream.

TooMuchTuna ago

• It's perfectly normal to "really want a pizza for an hour."

thezodiac ago

LOL i forgot about that one. Thanks!


Well, after an hour it's cold, isn't it? So you wouldn't want it anymore.

SpikyAube ago

I thought cuttafile was referencing cutties, meaning small people? don't know maybe not

SocratesOP ago

Yea a lot of things here are just far fetched. Idk about

People love pasta with walnut sauce.

I mean have you even tried pasta with walnut sauce? I guess your point would stand that it's an uncommon food item - but for someone with his paychecks who knows that could be a weekly thing.

Can't see how you can defend playing checkers on pizza etc

thezodiac ago

Sorry about that item, shouldn't have posted it.

whatisbestinlife ago

this is great

Wellwerefucked ago

This is actually brilliant.

To many already connected dots of dirty politicians to deny that this whole scandal just does hand in hand with what we sort of already knew.. it almost seems like something we should have picked up on earlier... the signs were all there.... we just assumed these sick desires were reserved for a special breed of fucked up people but it certainly seems much much deeper than that!

senpaithatignoresyou ago

people that like to cut themselves.

There was a post on this a few days ago, it was from around 2004, and they had to bring up the urban dictionary archive on it.

CuriousGeorge16 ago

I read on another thread about linking Michael Quinn to the ring, that the guy in the middle is not James Alefantis. It is Christopher Lynch owner of the Cafe (the name on the shirt)

piratse ago

Yes OP, the problem is that those things don't mean pedophile ring. SURE, plenty of rich dudes fuck kids. People in power too. But that's the desert. It's the reward to them, it's not the drive. Pizzagate could uncover so much, but everyone wants it to be pedo stuff because one 4chan guy "connected" those "code" words and everyone has been tunnel vision sense. My problem is, you are probably looking at a few cases of pedophilia and missing the big picture. He's not going to come out and say "boy I sure like fucking kids so much." But those pass through businesses are clearly money fronts (what pizza shop owner travels the world like that?), the connections around the world with all these businesses are clearly fronts. The money involved is clearly illegal. Pizza gate needs to expand their focus. Lazering in on a child stealing ring for the whole purpose of fucking kids is a lot harder to believe than a ring of rich people SELLING humans around the world, playing a shell game with the money, buying guns and drugs and selling those, and probably fucking a kid or two along the way.

Everyone is looking for proof of a ring of satanic child fuckers, when they need to be finding the proof of illegal activity and TYING child fucking to that.

thezodiac ago

I think you're right in some sense, but we can't ignore the Marina Abramovic connection. I think that Podestas are definitely into satanism, and child sex is just one of the things involved in this cult. The child sex part is probably provided by Alefantis, who has some very cryptopedo posts in his instagram.

SpikyAube ago

A guy in the UK spent 15 years researching that kind of thing among the UK establishment, he has reams and reams of evidence apparently exposing hundreds of thousands of steel companies and fraud and money laundering being done by UK politicians and government. There's also an elite child abuse scandal as well, although they refer to it as 'historic abuse' because they're focused on victims from the 80s who recently came forward. Even though it is clearly still going on, why wouldn't it be? No one did anything to stop it in the first place or put safeguards in place. I bet that researcher's work ties in with Pizzagate in some way.

Bulgakov ago

Exactly!!! This is what I've been spouting. I'm researching child advocacy/orphanages agencies that work internationally/globally and the elites/politicians/traffickers connected to money laundering fronts, it's just like the mob but w child trafficking

piratse ago

Child trafficking is HUGE business. I posted the numbers somewhere on voat but its hundreds of millions of dollars a year made, and the charities also make tens of millions a year. It's a big business. I think it's like owning a whore house, you aren't IN IT to fuck the girls, it's just a perk when you're bored. You are in the trafficking game, to make money.

fartyshorts ago

Don't forget about laundering all the money through art dealing.

thezodiac ago

Maybe he could buy some less disturbing art to launder money. The guy has a huge photo of a naked man in his living room.

piratse ago

Oh yeah, that's money laundering 101. Well and wine. Wine is a better investment than art (serious).


I wish people would stop saying that. Alefantis is a normal Greek surname.

jfromlost ago

Briebart just happened to guess podesta woukd happen to be some involved in crazy weird conspiracy with tons of circumstancial evidemce pedo in 2011. Briebart is a obviously psychic that knew people would research him and just get everyone all riled up for shits and giggles.

Just couldn't see his death ..

thezodiac ago

Good evidence!

quantokitty ago

Yeah, and #chickenlovers literally means Alefantis' friends all love hens, and the baby in the photo with the yellow necklace around his head just happened to be in the nice #chickenlovers arms when the photo was taken And silly us, Alefantis knows a talented carpenter who specializes in creating boxes that just happen to resemble tiny child-size coffins. Then there's the pool parties where grown adults actually transport stranger's kids to come swim with them in heated water. Everyone knows it's good to swim with children under ten to build aerobic strength in case you have to hold your breath while eating pizza.

thezodiac ago



And one of your political friends flies her baby up from Palm Beach to meet you.

KnowThyself ago

Which email was this? That sounds disturbing.


Do a search for Juliana Koch Gendelman. Sent John Podesta a birthday email with an attached image of her baby daughter Rosalie. Then soon afterwards she writes to him telling him that she is flying up to Washington with Rosie.

auggie313 ago

I did the search and didn't find that email. Please link to it. Thanks.


You have to search the Podesta emails on the Wikileaks site.

auggie313 ago

I searched the Podesta emails for "Gendelman" and got about 150 results but no attachments with a baby picture. I've found the searching to be lacking in the past as well. Please link to the email or tell me the criteria. Thanks.


This is the email with the baby picture attached:

This is the Voat thread:

auggie313 ago

Thanks for posting, i can get lost in these emails.


The search function either works extremely badly or else the relevant threads have been removed (this seems to be the case). It is definitely in the Podesta emails. Search for "Juliana Kohl Gendelman." The subject line is something like "Happy Birthday Mr. Podesta." The attachment shows a photo of the baby. Then there is another email in which Gendelman says she is flying to Washington with Rosie to see him.

KnowThyself ago

Ahh ok, creepy as fuck.

brandnewset ago

Well so would anyone. But they would also offer a statement that they didn't know, not make their instagram private and have an article in the NYT.

thezodiac ago


SlackeryTurnBull ago

It's looking like that may be the case.

Lockeye ago

James Alefantis coincidentally is the live-in boyfriend to David Brock, who operates the PAC Media Matters that gives talking points to the media, and any media outlets like NYT and NPR that write stories defending James Alefantis is purely coincidental.


Yes, the most likely person to be behind the 'debunking' of Pizzagate is Brock. Possibly working with Podesta, but I doubt it.

Lockeye ago

I think Podesta is a lone wolf in hiding now, on a remote Japanese Island

ztx87 ago

Hmm.. for a guy loving fast food so much John Podesta has a pretty vampiric body fat level and I'm not talking twilight Abercrombie vampires, I'm talking old school Nosferatu level


And if Podesta was just a 'master of cuisine' wouldn't he be talking about dishes with more expensive ingredients? Most of the superfoodies I know are into truffles, lobster, real caviar etc. - stuff that most people can't really afford.

RebelSkum ago

Plus his "complicated films" basement and pig-human statues. He's a real gem, that one.

Prepper_Jack ago

Was it Alefantis with his dead eye of the pig photo? What the hell is with these people and pigs?

RebelSkum ago

Alefantis is indeed part of this chain of emails, albeit I think Tony is who sent the photo. A possible correlation is that pigs are a "substitute" or a euphemism for humans in many ways, including "long pig" being a code phrase for humans who are eaten, "pigs" being a phrase to describe NeoFascists, and the similarities between pig and human organs. Tony has an elongated pig-human mother suckling piglets on one of his couches. Tell me what the deep, artistic meaning behind that piece is.

templarknight ago

Check out this email from Tony Podesta to John, showing a Pig Carcas cut down the middle. There is no way this was about "food":

RebelSkum ago

Holy fuck! "James A" is our very same James Alefantis and I gotta say the text/photo combo leaves me speechless. There's pretty much nothing in the text to warn or prepare you for a sliced up pig corpse and yet, there it is, just hanging out.

SaveTheChildren ago

Yup. You pretty much got it. Anyone who can deny pizza gate must really believe all of that...

RebelSkum ago

This post is me every day. When you've drilled down to it, it's seriously more difficult to not to think something's going. I said once, I'll say it again, the DNC would have to be the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to justify this much fucking talk about pizza.

madhatter67 ago

ohhhhh shit...... you reckon those heroes in a half shell were in on it too?

This rabbit hole never ends!

JamesSaville ago

Yes, but is this really proof? Or just a photoshop joke? Same with hillary clinton going to comet-pizza,where is the proof? Or the basement exist or not? Where is the proof? ... Early on city building permits were pulled and there is NO mod on file for that location. If it be true that they built tunnels without a permit you could have the entire city-hall crawling up their ass.

Lopsid ago

Nice going ass wipe, now you'll certainly expose these people's embarrassing addiction to cumming on inanimate pastries.

DamnTheTorPEDOES ago


Yuser_Manuel ago

-oh, pasta and walnut sauce is actually a popular dish.

thezodiac ago

Sorry about that, you're right.


I've cooked Italian from dozens of cookbooks in my lifetime and have travelled in Italy extensively and I have never once seen a recipe for pasta with walnut sauce in a book or seen it on a restaurant menu. It is NOT a popular dish.

KnowThyself ago

While it may not be a popular dish, it at least makes sense. I actually love OPs narrative and think it should be pushed through memes in a sarcastic way, but it should only include the really bizarre ones. Also to make a correction it was Todd D. Stern who was dreaming about Podesta's hot dog stand in Hawaii. So now we have to believe that either Podesta has a hot dog stand in Hawaii, or his friends think he does.

anonnynonny ago

I'm not arguing against pizzagate as a whole, but...

My dad always used to always talk about quitting the rat race and opening a chili stand. The big joke was that he was going to intentionally make bad chili so that no one would come buy anything. It's a joke "dream" about getting away from a stressful job - and I could definitely see the same being the case here.. Podesta is even from my dad's generation, so that type of joke could be common in that age group.

Stern could just be playing on a running joke like that to indicate that he's stressed out.

KnowThyself ago

Could be, in fact this article supports your idea. It's still a little creepy in light of the weird stuff about hawaii from 7 months ago.

SaveTheChildren ago

Of course. It needs to be real actual things for the code to function. But yeah, maybe OP didn't know it was a real thing.

I would say that in America it isn't really that common of a thing. I've never eaten it in my life, and I'm a big restaurant eater.

dontsuicidemebro ago

True, but the guy's also meant to be a "gourmet" chef and these people are massive yuppies. Walnut sauce makes more sense to me than spaghetti and meatballs from these kind of people tbh.

Yuser_Manuel ago

This is true. The only reason I know about walnut sauce is because i had walnut trees in my yard as a kid and my grandfather would always pick every one up..yay, walnuts for 6 months.

Yuser_Manuel ago

-Marina Abramovic is a cutter, which is not healthy, but she is an adult so she can make her own decisions. -CPP did in fact host a performer that joked about well as guests.

thicktail1730947 ago

I think she has a religious attachment to the dissociation produced by pain. Hence, cutting and "eat the pain".

senpaithatignoresyou ago


did you say cutter? ping pong is slang for child sex in cutter circles.

LibertyAndJustice ago

Yeah. What the hell is a cutter circle?

Yuser_Manuel ago

well shit.

Zinnsee ago

no, this seems to be a coincidence

edit: link1, link2

ShoaNanas ago

This is a very disturbing coincidence. (i still think it's a coincidence).

  • Pure coincidence (it's name match 95% of "j'aime les enfants"), he post pic of a man with shirt "J'aime l'enfant" and he post log of pics in a "child love" theme. not probability expert, but it look like 0.0002%. Still possible.
  • It could be an infiltrated FBI agent for decades, here to take down a pedo ring.
  • It become a child lover after understanding the meaning of its name

8_billion_eaters ago

Maybe his birth name caused him to become a pedophile when he found out what it meant in French.

Like if my birth name was Jed Etestelesnegres, I might have become a racist.

SaveTheChildren ago

I do not believe that could be just a coincidence.

Zinnsee ago

There is enough damning material out there already. This little wordplay has no relevance.

SaveTheChildren ago

It has relevance. You don't get to personally decide what is and isn't relevant.

RainingPiss ago

What the fuck am I reading?

mjmoore ago

My initial belief was that people very directly linked to Clinton/DNC did not have direct involvement. If nothings else, too many red flags would keep them out of the inner circle. In politics, the appearance of impropriety is as bad as the reality of it. But then I see Podesta's brother invites people into his home with large cock photos on the wall and a sculpture of a Jeffery Dahmer victim. Now it is hard to say who wouldn't be involved with what. People that brazen and outwardly perverse would think they could get away with something like this.

cousineerie ago

He also loves kids but in a healthy adult/young-person type of way.

He's like the super cool dad we all wish we had.

ChimiChanga ago

Just healthy big brother mentoring. Nothing to see folks, move along. /s

llm2016 ago

In order to fake Pizzagate, someone had to:

Fake wrote cryptic emails and spread them trough Wikileaks. Connect those emails with a pizza restaurant in which The Clintons and Barack Obama: Celebrated events. Funded. Make the pick so pedophile codes match the contextual symbology. Build, promote or find a sinister Instagram pizza restaurant owner in which sex and violence towards children are referenced. Use the Clinton Foundation and its multiple relations as a source of weaknesses to explode. Relate local artists with sinister connotations. John Podesta and Tony Podesta resemblance with Madeleine McCain's case suspect portraits is arbitrary.


They would also have to choose a pizza restaurant that had received funding from George Soros.

pizzainvestigator ago

No offense... I really wish people would stop bringing up the McCain disappearance. The two photos of one suspect based on two different eyewitnesses leaves room for MSM to immediately dismiss the whole thing. Stick to the more concrete evidence that exists. Yes the resemblance is uncanny, but that cannot be evidence used to cement the case because it is difficult to prove, despite Podestas supposedly traveling etc. at that time.

RightThisWay ago

Plus the notion that, if the Podestas are major players in an international human-trafficking ring, that they would be personally running around, stealing tourists' children. Doesn't that seem like a high-risk task they'd assign to somebody lower down the ladder?

madhatter67 ago

Just thinking out loud......

I've no doubt the Podesta's wouldn't go snatching a innocent tourist's child.....

If however they had purchased some pizza, they might well go pick it up rather than have it delivered

Agreed though, total speculation based on interesting coincidences until they can be conclusively placed in Portugal or at Clement Freud's villa

templarknight ago

I agree, until we have hard evidence of their travels we should stick to the truth. What I will say is this: The fact that her abductors look so eerily similar to the Podesta's is perhaps consciousness' way of showing US, that we're on the right path. There is no way that happened by accident or sheer coincidence.

piratse ago

Not to mention, what are the odds that they would be traveling the world to kidnap kids on their own, with their high profile lives? About 0.

angular_planes ago

that's not the theory at all...

piratse ago

Uhhhh yes it is. People think the drawing of the dudes in the kidnapping case are the podesta brothers. The eyewitness drawings from Scotland Yard.

im_at_a_desk ago

i agree its a ghost story people will be trying to connect those dots untill the end of time. so many more valid connections that can be made.

DavidSemen ago

I watch PizzaGate unfold and hear 100's of lies daily, and notice that nobody questions the insanity of this witch hunt.

1.) James Elefantis says he has NO BASEMENT in his interview, I would agree modern strip-malls don't have basements they just sit on a slab of cement. The photos of the cold-storage room, there is no proof those photos are from comet-pizza, The photos of the digging, there is no proof that those photos are from comet-piazza.

2.) Elefantis said in his interview he never met Hillary Clinton. Who is lying? Him or the people that seeded the wikileak emails??

3.) There is a photo of Elefantis in the whitehouse with Obama, and Elefantis is leaning against the wall and Obama is playing ping-pong witih a child. Who has proven these photos are not fake, who has proven they are real. Elefantis says he has never been to the white house.

4.) Alex Jones say's that there are 1,000's of reference to code-word pizza in the Podesta wikileak emails, I have read and grep'd these emails, I count about 18 references to pizza in 55,000 emails. Gourmet cooks like Podesta frequently bake pizza in their homes, its fun and everybody enjoy building their own custom pizza.

5.) PizzaGate is on record saying that Elefantis is the #48 most powerful person in DC and quote a faux GQ article as the source, if you read the article you will see that krusty-the-clown is #1, and Hillary Cllinton is #10. James Elifant is a fuck-bitch of Brock ( a powerful man ), I don't even think Brock made it to the list why would that be unless the makers of the list were retarded. Elefantis has records that he didn't pay his payroll taxes and he has judgements against him for $25k that he didn't pay his janitorial services. So Pizzagate is saying that a guy facing bankruptcyr during the past two years is the #48 most powerful person in DC? This is insanity, the meme is that he is supplying baby's to the richest ppl in DC, if that were true they would be paying all his bills and debt and keep him out of the courts. I could go on, but PizzaGate is deep in lies. I also note that the pro-trump people running pizzagate have quit defending their arguments now they just do personal attacks on anybody that questions the PizzaGate witch-hunt.

thezodiac ago

I think we should all be very skeptic, but you didn't debunk any of my points.

1) The fact he has or doesn't have a basement doesn't change anything. Why would he post that #killroom photo? 2) It's probably a lie, because he was involved in the campaign. 3) He was at the White House several times, it's documented. 4) So he draws "pizza-related maps" and "eats pizza for an hour"? Lol 5) Maybe the GQ article is bullshit, I'll give you that. But that doesn't mean pizzagate is fake.

RebelSkum ago

Shill accounts with the forename David == hyper redflag mode

edit: It's been a theme. You're not that cool or sneaky, David.

And you couldn't even debunk this story using the guy's right name.

llm2016 ago

You replied my post and yet failed to address any single one of the points I listed. Cherrypicking stuff you think you have a good explanation for while ignoring all the key pieces of evidence suggests that you are nothing but a SHILL.

JamesSaville ago

List the points somebody will address them. Points of concern R what? Please be explicit

llm2016 ago

Can you read? Member for 29 minutes? SHILL CONFIRMED.

JoeBidenIsCreepy ago

Of course hes a fucking shill. look at his username. Anyways innocent until proven guilty, however investigations are to prove guilty so there is nothing wrong with investigating. This is not a witch hunt yet.

thezodiac ago

Also: - The pedo symbols found in the Besta Pizza logo, in the video clip of a Comet Ping Pong related band and in other related places/people are all a coincidence.

templarknight ago

To me the most damming thing was the artwork in Tony Podesta's house. Nobody, and I mean nobody, in their right mind, who was not a pedophile, would have the artwork of kids being tortured, bound and gagged in their home. That tied everything together for me, much more so than James Alefantis and Comet Ping Pong.

brandnewset ago

And Besta Pizza just changed it's logo because.. just because.