DavidSemen ago

It's called art, and the issue is right-wing assholes are intolerant of art.

Here's the deal, Podesta under Hillary has been racking in $75M/YEAR as a lobbyist (CF money), when you make that kind of money you invest it in non-cash, outside the banking system. He's obviously built a collection that to elite world over would consider worth 100's of millions of dollars, sorry but this is the problem there in the real world of big money, and the little world of moronic memes.

ThorTheWonderful ago

There are days that all a guy can do is cry. For this my thanks and best regards to all the fire fighters and other first responder who are usually the first to make these gruesome discoveries.

Bulgakov ago

First Off, I don't believe Pizza Gate is centered on Alefantis or Satanic, Eyes Wide Shut themes, those are mainly the clients and of course "spirit cooking" John Podesta. I believe we may have stumbled upon a child human trafficking/abuse racket based in the USA. Notice the majority of missing children are along coastal, water channels, easy for transporting and receiving "goods" and by goods I mean more than kids(which still blows my mind) but also drugs, guns and whatever loathsome item you'd NEED to smuggle in and outta here. There have been cases in Haiti involving Lauren Silsby and Monica Petersen that have direct involvement with Hillary Clinton and child abuse/kidnapping. Hillary saved Silsby while Monica bought the farm. Just another one on the list I'm afraid. Then we come to Jeffrey Epstein and his close relationship with the Clintons, the flight logs alone put Clinton on "Lolita Express" to Epstein's private Island where he indulged himself and friends in underage sexual child abuse. Epstein went to jail and his cohort named in court documents as the procurer of underage sex slaves for Jeffrey Epstein was Ghisalaine Maxwell. Then we go Full Circle back to the Clinton Foundation and Child Trafficking concerns. Why is Ghislaine Maxwell (** procurer of underage sex slaves**) working with the Clinton Foundation? Why was Hillary determined to protect a child abductor as SOS? Other concerns are the shelters and child advocacy groups connected to John Podesta and Hillary Clinton. The Two Major areas of interest IMHO are John Podesta & The Clinton Foundation’s involvement with child advocacy programs, shelters,orphanages and transportation/shipping services.I believe we are looking at Elites including Democrats and Republicans (possibly Mitch McConnell & Nancy Pelosi) being involved. We are stumbling upon the underbelly of Dark Capitalism. I don't deny the COPIOUS amounts of Satanic evidence is disturbing but again this is the clientele of the people who buy/rent/abuse these defenseless kids/babies. YES, THESE PEOPLE ARE DEFINITELY WEIRDOS but I would say it'd be wiser to focus on the people stealing the kids and shuffling them around globally first and YES TAKE DOWN THE PURCHASERS/PEDOS AS WELL. I think #PizzaGate is MAINLY about making dark money from child trafficking and YES some sick satanic ritual kinda stuff w/ some of the people/pedos involved, Making MONEY is the real motivator for these traffickers, so basically it's not only tracking down the pedophiles involved but also the Traffickers. I feel like the CF and John Podesta HOLD THE KEYS to blowing this wide open, Comet Ping Pong is "interesting" but I think the smoking gun is w/ the people running the show not the ones buying the tickets. Yes, we take down the pedos but if we wanna do some real damage we need to focus on the Ring Masters. Andrew Breitbart's tweet from beyond the grave convinced me that there is legitimately a child sex slave, human trafficking business directly connected to John Podesta and his friends

DavidSemen ago

Most of the kids are coming from these war's. In Syria refugees there are 50,000 children sent to Europe un-accounted for, 100's have turned up in Israel whore houses.

Iraq,Libya,Somalia; Wherever the CIA goes, ,the children go missing the men die, and the women are raped.

Study black water ( prince ) they were running child-sex slaves into the GREEN-ZONE up until Blackwater got kicked out of Iraq.

DavidSemen ago

You my friend are going down the RIGHT rabbit hole.

Eyes Wide Shut Spills it all, I suggest all to watch the deep analysis of all Kubrick files, he's trying to tell, remember he covered for the fake moon landings, he was part of the deepest part of deep state.

PizzaGate should be about DEEP-STATE and how they operate, sadly Pizzagate is about destroying little fuck-bitches, after some nutcase has harmed elefantis GOV will announce censorship of Internet, and pizzagate will call for closure of pedo investigation as comet-pizza is shutdown.

.. Just look at the pizza-gate investigation, your not allowed to mention TRUMP, who just happens to have setup sex-island with Epstein, who both owned the same Teen Modeling Agency's in NYC that supplied all the casinos (MOB) with young whores. TRUMP is the biggest child sex slave PIMP in the country and PIZZAGATE is omerta.

ThorTheWonderful ago

We are not all morons and blind political supporters like you! Some of us are retired agents who have been trying to fight this for 40 plus years! When you get your leads together and your teams races to a house you know whats going on. But somebody above you you tips them off so the time you get there the house is gutted by fire and you go in to root around for evidence and you find the children bound and packed in a once locked room or closet all burnt to death. Then you come and tell me this shit is fake.

You pedophile supporting shills make me sick and you will all rot in hell !

DavidSemen ago

Since J Edgar Hoover started his FBI its been about compromising the elite with child-sex, the FBI is the biggest deep-state enabler of child-sex slavery in the country. Hoover spent his entire life fucking little boys in the ass. If it be true you spent 40 years in GOV, then you are part of the pedophile elite system. You only care about your pension, so when the political heads of law enforcement tell you to 'hold back, or drop an investigation' that you know in your heart to be killing, raping, enslaving children, you tuck your tail and crawl under your desk and save to Hoover "Sir, may I have another" Why are all you cops and MIL afraid? Why do you not put an end to the insanity, because you are all carefully selected when you joined the FBI-et-al to be men who put their reitirement check before all else.

ThorTheWonderful ago

You are the scum of the earth! You can go strait to fucking hell. YOU are probably one of these pedophiles!

I didn't work in the FBI, but I investigated them. They have many good men and women who work very hard to fight this. When they have to fight the elites like Obama with $65,000 expense reports for "pizza and hotdogs" from Chicago. Or the many cases that opened on Bill and Hillary Clinton over 40 years ago with regards to human trafficking, pedophilia, murder, rape and assortments of other criminal behavior and corruption. When their cases are open in other countries like Canada, UK etc but all swept under the rug..

Ya you go fuck yourself, we will be coming for you someday soon!

RainingPiss ago

CTR employee info is public domain @ThorTheWonderful they get paid by the gov't. ;)

EDIT: I suppose it may not just be CTR for something of this magnitude

ThorTheWonderful ago

Its in everything from Child and Family services to feminist orgs to Presidents and Prime-ministers. Its is such a highly organized system it could only be orchestrated from the top down, the FED, MSM, Top level Gov, Hollywood.. The vast majority of wealthy and powerful club members.

TheGettysburgAddress ago

Fucking shitter can't even copy and paste the name Alefantis, which BTW is an anagram for SATAN LIFE.


Poncho567 ago

Elefantis? Try Alefantis, which means "I love children" in French, which he changed his name to. Why not ask him why he changed his name to "I love children"?

DavidSemen ago

Elefantis is greek, James is Greek in Greek it means elephant.

In spanish Poncho means a blanket, are you trying to cover something up?. Are you pedo?

betadynamique ago

So where did you get your name, Semen?