"I get e-mails like this from former co-workers all the time. My wife has sent pictures like this of our children to our own friends and family on numerous occasions."

And does she then fly to see them, bringing the child with her? If I had business to attend to in Washington I would leave my baby with my mother to look after while I was away.


Exactly! And what it implies is that the relationship that matters is one between Podesta and Rosie, rather than Podesta and Juliana. The only context is which this would make sense is if Podesta were Rosie's god daughter. But they can't use that one again, now, can they?


I think it would be extremely naive to think that this is innocent. Regardless, there is another email from this "Juliana" (Juliana Kohl Gendelman, who was at the time Executive Assistant to President Obama and CEO of the Center for American Progress) that mentions Rosie [short for Rosalie]. It reads "Any chance you are free for coffee this weekend? Rosie and I are on the plane right now on our way to DC. Would love to get together!" (Jan 17, 2015) As a result of this second reference to Rosie, I decided that Gendelman deserves some scrutiny. This article from earlier this year includes a photo of Rosie with a woman identified as Juliana's mother (not mother-in-law), Lori Gendelman (bottom right):

If Juliana's mother is Lori Gendelman, then the man shown in the photo, Bruce Gendelman, is presumably Juliana's father. As for Juliana's husband or Rosie's father, there is a photo in which she is identified as Juliana Goldberg - so her husband would presumably be a Mr. Goldberg.

Photo here:

Juliana is photographed here with a tall, creepy looking guy called Chris Goldberg.

Mystery solved.

lurch91 ago

In no way am I saying this is a smoking gun. What I AM saying is that the same people were investigating pizzagate for, one of those people was sent this email, with THAT attachment.

I understand we have to take precaution, that's noted. But if you think for a second this is as innocent as it seems, I guess you can also assume the 5 times James Alefantis visited the white House he was actually just delivering a legitimate pizza.

These people are not innocent in ANYTHING they do.

Always-Check-EXIF ago

JPEG EXIF Data is in tact. GPS co-ordinates etc. Expensive professional camera.

chronos ago

FWIW his birthday is Jan 8. -

pleasedontsuicideme ago

I wouldn't exactly call this disgusting. It could simply be a friend of his sending a picture of their daughter. Something to take note of, but it could be 100% innocent.

chronos ago

I tend to agree with you. Many things could be very innocent. Sometimes a birthday greeting is just a birthday greeting.

pleasedontsuicideme ago

Thank you. I feel like way too many people here are posting things that could very well be innocent with sensationalist titles like "SMOKING GUN" "DISGUSTING" "BREAKING" etc. It only hurts our cause and I'm a little disappointed with the mods right now. Granted, I don't know how much they ARE cleaning up, but I feel like this sub is currently just a cesspool of spam with very little actual investigation or info. I even messaged them volunteering to mod, but haven't gotten a response even to just say "no, thanks" :/

AnonCanuck ago

mods aren't in on it from what i can see so far. i just hope they dont add too many more. I'm glad youre on the same page as me, i've been very outspoken of posts like these. If submissions are cut in half each day but whats get through is legit and a good lead...i'd rather have it like that then constant shit posts by shills and new naive users.

Saying that, Im trying to figure out what the next stage for the shills is, they need to adapt to this place because of the tighter rules. What i think theyre going to do next is stop with the sensationalist titles and shit posts (well not completely) for example right now that bullshit post about Pedophilia in a gameshow or some fucking shit is on the front page and garbage about other pizza resturants...fucking stop already.. Anyway i think their next step is to focus on posts that look legit, they look well done with tons of Links to click and a proper title but is a complete waste of time. Example, posting shit leads on the FBI, posting shit leads or posts about SOROS, etc Just dead ends.

We really do need a sticked thread for all confirmed evidence. and only mods can add to it once the evidence has been submitted and approved.

DeathToMasons ago

Starting to think the mods are in on it.

caliginosity ago

Sick mother fucker. I'm surprised there's not a bow on top of her.

WhoReallyCares ago

She does have a bow on top of her.

contrary_mma_hipster ago

I've been looking at this stuff a long time now and this one still makes me tear up. What a sweet, beautiful, innocent child. I truly can not comprehend how someone could harm a precious infant. Fuck all these psychopathic monsters. I hope they die a drawn out, painful death.

lurch91 ago

Be sure to view the attachment with it.