Worldfailcenter ago

Quick question, Why are James Alefantis in the picture on the site?

dcdale9 ago

I recognize this. It's been identified as a pedo place. They offer massage, a Chinese menu when translated is a dating site? In a trove of pics Bill a Clinton is posing with the same woman who's in the bed. It's located in the Hamptons. It's been a long time. I have a bunch of links if interested

bdmthrfkr ago

That looks an awful lot like a younger Jimmie Comet!! You should post this and see if the board can find out any new info on this. Unfortunately, he isn't mentioned by name in the article but this sort of scenario is plausible, satanists are heavily into home birth (for obvious reasons).

I would recommend using a title along the lines of "Is this Alefantis in a picture with Maeve Luzzato?" or something like this, maybe some of the other guys can dig around for connections, this is the sort of thing that really needs to be looked into. Also, I have archived this page, here is the link:

Somebody else archived this page 3 weeks ago so maybe this has been followed up on, maybe not. Great find though!

Worldfailcenter ago

made this yesterday.

bdmthrfkr ago

As I said, this is a very plausible situation. John Podesta is connected with James Alefantis. John Podesta is connected with the Luzzattos. Please post this to the main v/pizzagate thread. I think it will get a lot of traction. My old post here on v/politics will never be seen and I don't want to cross post your find, you deserve the credit.

Excellent work!

Worldfailcenter ago

Made a new thread so it's up, just keep digging Thank you.

bdmthrfkr ago

Good man!

XVktm ago

jesus christ. you're ID'ing a FUCKING SEVEN YEAR OLD KID in here? And people bitch that the reddit got shit down. We need to stop this amateur bullshit. Unbelievably stupid.

bdmthrfkr ago

Hey Shill, the kids names are in the email. Fuck off.

XVktm ago

exactly. in the email. there's big a difference between that and putting a kid's name up on a thread header, dumbass. you're just like the other fucking morons that ruined the reddit.

thefloodcontrol ago

People need to read more e mails than this to get a better picture of the creepy implications. Fuck halfchan is full of shills.

BentAxel ago

Like I said in another post. I want to believe they are more like you and I rather than some monster I personally couldn't or would not want to imagine. I don't want to think of the children around me I care for being treated other than with respect and by people that want to guide them as I was when I was a kid. I don't take your comments harsh in anyway. I don't expect you to agree with me, nor do I always want you to.

It has less to do with defending the political elite and more to do with humanity and being human. As far as critical thinking, point out to me in one email where this is directly related to people doing horrible shit to kids vs two women, being women. So to point out to you:

Critical thinking means: making clear, reasoned judgments. During the process of critical thinking, ideas should be reasoned,

Where in the email does it say they are doing horrible shit a seven year old? Seriously? Pull your head out of your ass and find the connection point of guilt.

BentAxel ago

My wife gets exited to take care of any kid. Hate to make it a gender thing but no shit, it is. Some women (mothers) live for this shit. When you have a wife and family thats grown, Let us know then.

ShineShooter ago

They wouldn't be talking about having dinner AND pizza. They're all kid diddlers and possibly killers.

stradian ago

Have you seen the wikileaks twitter today?

CowWithBeef ago

There is no evidence of sex crime here. This only proves that a girl mentioned in his emails exists.

bdmthrfkr ago

This is no smoking gun for sure, but if there is any meat on this bone it is another body for the pile.

This email stinks to high heaven, I honestly hope that this whole pedophile narrative is just a distraction, because if it isn't and all of the most highly placed officials in America are involved our Country is truly in the hands of scum.

SoloPoloVision ago

... in an email from the girl's mother, who also mentioned her 2 other children, because they were all staying at a farm apparently owned by the Luzzattos.

SoloPoloVision ago

It's Tamera Luzzatto, Alexandra Tydings doesn't even have the right number of children.

gazillions ago

Personally, I'm uneasy about identifying children.

bdmthrfkr ago

The original sender identified the children by name, both first and last. If this was a family outing why include the children's last name's?

gazillions ago

Possibly because these people are painfully pretentious, and that's how painfully pretentious people speak.

bdmthrfkr ago

Like I said earlier, this is no smoking gun. The problem is that when the people in charge of your Country get so pretentious that they cannot even communicate with normal Americans there is no way for regular people to identify with their Government. This group are not an Art Commune living in the NorthWest, they are not a crowd of Hollywood Producers making back room deals.They are the people who have been in charge of the most powerful Country on the planet for the last 8 years. Communication and trust are critical components in a Democracy and once those components are lost chaos ensues.

Oh, and this email is really hard to explain away. Really, it is. Read it again.

gazillions ago

I agree with everything you're saying. I also realize the names were out there already. My uneasiness is simply in repeating their names for google's pleasure forever and ever. I don't know what's going on with those kids, whether it's nefarious or not.

bdmthrfkr ago

I honestly hope that nothing surrounding those children is nefarious and that all of this is a typical alt-right blowup. I HATE the idea of children not being able to grow up and have fun, learn and experience normal kid stuff. I had a fantastic time in a pile of mud that we all dug tunnels through to see who could make the "best" tunnel for our Hot Wheels cars. Being a kid was fun!

BentAxel ago

Oh you are? You are reading private email of which the owner has not granted you permission to read. And this makes you uneasy?

gazillions ago

Perhaps you don't understand the concept of children as opposed to political hack. Too bad for you.

pauly_pants ago

You're right. Maybe we can get CNN to provide us a proper interpretation?

BentAxel ago

Or maybe OP can shut the fuck up with the special snowflake feelings. "Uneasy." Jesus fucking Christ.

Its like we are living in the girls dormitory and everyone is menstruating together.

ninjajunkie ago

It's cold enough to wear sweaters but you can promise the kids will swim?

Other people need to know how to do this one thing politicians hate! You know, in case I get shot when we march to Washington.

SoloPoloVision ago

"We plan to heat the pool, so a swim is a possibility."

placoid ago

That's typical mom talk, she's joking that the kids are going to be unruly. If it weren't for the pedo rumors this would never be interpreted as exploitation.

bdmthrfkr ago

The woman who wrote the email is not the children's mother, at best, she is an unmarried aunt from the father's side. She is also a high-level Clinton confidante She is now working at the Pew Charitable Trusts.

Luzzatto served as then-Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton’s chief of staff from 2001 to 2009. Prior to her service with Senator Clinton, Luzzatto was on the staff of West Virginia Senator John D. Rockefeller IV for nearly 15 years, serving as legislative director and chief of staff. She was Senator Rockefeller’s primary liaison to two major advisory panels which he chaired, the National Commission on Children and the Pepper Commission on Health Care.

She is associated with Sen Rockefeller and was his liaison to the National Commission on Children. This is not a nice person.

XVktm ago

she's the kids grandmother. this is old news.

BentAxel ago

Im going with this. People are reading WAY too much into this shit. Push away from the computer. It was written from one woman to another. The kids coming are exciting for women. My wife gets all excited when my nieces and nephews come to visit. Fuck the bank account gets drained for remove all stops fun for the kids. And I take one weekend to go race off-road - Hell to pay.

Anyway - Bullshit post in my opinion.


Quads, trucks, or bikes?

BentAxel ago

Bikes. Best in the Desert or WORC's


Nice, I ride a drz, but still need to get 21's for the dirt

Pwning4Ever ago

There is something happening for sure, they talk about pizza and hotdogs at such a frequency you know something is happening

BentAxel ago

You mean people with fat ass bank accounts are buying up pizza and hotdogs for parties?

Do you have kids? Do they have friends over? Do you have money? Some people want to be the "IT" House. So they go out of their way to make sure there is food, and soda to crank up the kids.

Im not seeing it. Maybe you guys could bridge this gap. Provide the smoking gun. I'd like to think this is just like you and I having a party and there is nothing nefarious going on.

Pwning4Ever ago

They are making appointments to have pizza for a hour.

BentAxel ago

Where does it say this? I have provided the Links from the 4Chan. You are making assertions from something else that I may not have seen. The links below do not denote Appointments for "Pizza for an Hour." You follow? to imply the guilt, the motivation you have to prove it.

Pwning4Ever ago

I wasn't referring to that email, when someone says they're going to have pizza for an hour, it is very forced and unnatural. People like you who simply refuse that something strange is happening (doesn't have to be pedophilia, this could simply be prostitution) is how things like Rotheram happen.

BentAxel ago

I wasn't referring to that email

Stay the fuck on topic.

when someone says they're going to have pizza for an hour, it is very forced and unnatural

Where the fuck is this coming from? How does it relate to the kids in the email being abused?

People like you who simply refuse that something strange is happening

You mean someone smarter than you? We have the one email in question right? I provided that link above. You are talking Rotheram now. CONNECT THE TWO. Listen up. I'm on your side. really. BUT Also understand we have Due process. we can't call people pedophiles without proof. And you can't make proof up in your head. I have asked for the proof and you can't provide it. You sound more like CTR than anyone else at the moment. I'm not refuting anything but the fabrication you morons have pulled out of your ass.

How about you share that smoking gun so I can get in on understanding it as well?

Pwning4Ever ago

holy shit dude, fucking read the damn emails yourself

Read the message, then view the attachment. In follow up emails they talk about having pizza for an hour in a way that it seems like some sort of appointment. They are not talking about pizza

BentAxel ago

Holy Shit Dude! If you have to explain your point of view in multiple posts about a dozen emails that arent in the thread we are talking about or email's that dont pertain to this post - what have you got? Nothing. You cant do shit. You haven't done shit other than cry like a bitch. Connect the dots. Connect this to how the British event happened that you decided to toss out there.

Tip: don't start shit with someone if you haven't got the ammunition. Now. Find the smoking gun and put that up. If that means its all the emails - do so. At this point you're just jerking off. Be a solution not a little cunt.

Pwning4Ever ago

The Rotheram was an example that we can't deny the possibility of institutionalized grooming.

So the pizza email with the attachment of the little girl means nothing???? I'm not saying a pedophile ring is happening, but something very strange is going on and they are not talking about pizza. Cheese Pizza is common slang for child porn by the way, but i'm sure a pedophile defender such as your self is well aware of that fact.

BentAxel ago

Yes strange. Enough to imply guilt? Not enough. We need the point where the jury without a doubt will connect the dots easily that they are pedophiles.

Pwning4Ever ago

And i'm not saying they are guilty, i'm just saying this is very strange. And there is a chance that they are doing something strange. The NYPD has the emails so the FBI dismiss the case, they know what's going on.

We're just going to have to wait and see.

BentAxel ago

Fuck? Strange? They have been Strange going back 45 years. We all know they are strange. What we want is conviction that buries them 12 feet deep. A rope-a-dope that She cant recover from. Because you think she's done after this? If she loses, she's not done. She wants Chelsea to run for President.

TheDude2 ago

My mom never offered me up as "entertainment", but I like to believe it is just poor wording. This whole thing smells like a disinfo program like the UFO thing. People would see an SR-71 and the FBI/CIA would turn the story into a UFO fringe piece and everyone dismissed it.

Crensch ago

Hijacking highest post possible for Kek.

Read. The. Fucking. Email.

From: Trudy Vincent [mailto:[email protected]]

With enormous gratitude to Advance Man Extraordinaire Haber, I am popping up again to share our excitement about the Reprise of Our Gang’s visit to the farm in Lovettsville. And I thought I’d share a couple more notes: We plan to heat the pool, so a swim is a possibility. Bonnie will be Uber Service to transport Ruby, Emerson, and Maeve Luzzatto (11, 9, and almost 7) so you’ll have some further entertainment, and they will be in that pool for sure. And with the forecast showing prospects of some sun, and a cooler temp of lower 60s, I suggest you bring sweaters of whatever attire will enable us to use our outdoor table with a pergola overhead so we dine al fresco (and ideally not al-CHILLo).

I am ccing Trudy to repeat the invite, and sending pining wishes-you-could-come to Rima, John P, and Laurie & Chris.


Tamera Luzzatto

"Pizza" is not found there, despite it being mentioned elsewhere below.

There might be pedophilia, but this looks exactly like a mom e-mail about her sprogs and MAYBE some suspicious capitalizing in the second line ("Reprise of Our Gang") but could easily be chocked up to a stupid bimbo getting overexcited.

placoid ago

She was being sarcastic, the kids weren't going to entertain people, they were going to annoy them.

bdmthrfkr ago

Why did they need an Uber? Didn't Mom drive them to the party?

And if you were going to invite the kids wouldn't you tell the guardians that you heated up the pool so that the kids could use it? This is beyond the pail.

Here's the Mom btw:

XVktm ago

I've looked at this. My opinion is the Uber is an updated cultural ref. Back in the day, we'd say we were "taxiing" our kids around.

voat5846 ago

This is so sad and disgusting. I can't believe they would treat women and girls like this.

smokratez ago

Even worse is that women think Hillary is with them.