Ocelot ago

Nobody driving is probably one of the biggest factors.

BrokenVoat ago

Thats some boring numbers. If wuflu was as deadly as the black plague 110 million should have died. Around 4 million should die in the USA because of old age (330×(1/80)), consequently those numbers are rather suspicious.

Men13 ago

Here's how I know you're officially a liar:

The first thing you see on the CDC page for 2020 you linked is this notice:

Note: Provisional death counts are based on death certificate data received and coded by the National Center for Health Statistics as of December 4, 2020.

Death counts are delayed and may differ from other published sources (see Technical Notes). Counts will be updated periodically. Additional information will be added to this site as available.

You intentionally use incomplete data to pretend that the total deaths count is low.

Let's do the same calculation but to take the delay in CDC notification into account - let's use 9 months of data instead of 11, ok?

Paranoiaattack ago

There is an edit on the post

Men13 ago

How about writing how you misinterpreted the data?

I just removed the data from November - just November, adjusted the total, divided by 10 months to get the monthly average, then multiplied by 12 to get projection for the entire year

What did I get? 2,966,961 deaths.

How much is that above the previous years?

Paranoiaattack ago

Because regardless of your adjustment, it still doesn't indicate that we are in the midst of a plague of biblical proportions.

Men13 ago

no, its not of biblical proportions. its "just" 1% mortality rate (and insane infection rate)

but 150,000 dead americans? thats a huge number. because of government incompetance? that's a huge deal.

and because you (collequial you, not you specifically) refuse to wear a thin paper mask in public? that makes you a horrible human being that shoukd never ever have any say about morality

Paranoiaattack ago

I said at the beginning of this that if shitholes with no sanitary standards like india and africa aren't completely decimated (as well as the homeless population), then you'll know it's a bullshit virus equivalent to the common cold...and here we are.

Hide in your basement all you want, this is a scam.

Here's a good readjustment of the numbers for brevity as well:

Average number of recorded deaths in the U.S. 2015-2019: 2,792,917

Number of recorded deaths in the U.S. through 11/28/2020: 2,654,825

Men13 ago

And you lying again.

Number of recorded deaths in the U.S. through 11/28/2020: 2,654,825

This number is wrong, as I've explained twice already. It's an incomplete number which is clearly stated in the page you got it from.

The CDC gets death numbers from US morgues only once every few weeks, so they are missing a few weeks' worth of deaths.

You know that, because I've shown it to you multiple times.

So you are just intentionally lying at this point.

Paranoiaattack ago

And if you REALLY want to get that technical.....my OP says "Number of RECORDED deaths in the U.S. through 11/28/2020" and this statement is factually correct. Should there technically be a disclaimer stating there is a lag in reporting? Sure, but the other side refuses to acknowledge the co-morbidity issue so fuck them and fuck you.

Paranoiaattack ago

I HIGHLY doubt there is going to be a significant difference in that few weeks of data, not as much of a difference as you think there is anyways.

Besides that, the numbers are horseshit anyways because dying WITH covid is the same as dying OF covid: https://www.kgw.com/article/news/investigations/questions-over-the-accuracy-of-how-the-state-tracks-covid-deaths/283-0b1b7b6c-695e-4313-92cf-a4cfd7510721

Go ahead and keep screaming about the sky falling though, it's entertaining.

Men13 ago

I HIGHLY doubt there is going to be a significant difference in that few weeks of data

There's are over 2.5 million deaths per year. That's 50,000 per week. 2 weeks' worth of lag is 100,000 extra people dead.

100,000 dead Americans is insignificant to you?

Paranoiaattack ago

It is when they are not dying of covid in the first place

Men13 ago

Ok, so if not covid, what is causing the extra 150,000 American deaths this year?

Why are there so many extra dead Americans?

Paranoiaattack ago

Suicides from people sick of listening to mental midgets like you?

Difference between 2017 and 2016 is 69,255. So in a country of 328 million, that doesn't sound like a massive deviation.

But, to entertain the notion: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/11/201117133908.htm

Hospitals shut down all 'elective' procedures for this scamdemic. Treatments were delayed. My dentist mentioned 'mask mouth' and infections are on the rise as a side effect.

Everybody's lives have been fucked with this year, there will be fallout from all this bullshit.

SerialChiller ago

The 2020 data is only for 11 months. If you annualize the 2020 death rate (i.e. extrapolate 11 months of data to the full 12 months), it is slightly higher than 2019. (2.89 million)

  • 11 months through 11/28/2020: 2,654,825
  • Implied monthly average: 2,654,825 / 11 = 241,347
  • 12 months estimate using monthly average: 241,347 X 12 = 2,89,6164

It is in keeping with the trend from prior years - i.e. a slight increase each year. If anything, the data proves that Covid-19 has not significantly altered mortality outcomes, even if it does not indicate fewer deaths than last five years.

PatList ago

Quick math looks like deaths increase about 0.5% per year. Makes sense. In 2020, we are looking at deaths FALLING 7% since last year. Deaths fell 14x more in 2020 than they typically rise.

heygeorge ago

Fuck off, you are retarded or malicious. Very possibly both.


Pointyball ago

The aliens are coming to cull the herd and they need their product to be as healthy as possible.

pdpbigbang ago

Someone will rebut it by saying it's because we did all the preventative measures. Well, then why are cases skyrocketing now? The state of the matter already proves that protective measures are useless and that the virus is hardly killing people any faster than preexisting causes of death.

oldblo ago

Wow thats like 200,000 fewer deaths a year. A good excuse to live in a dystopian hell hole forever if you ask me. Think of all the lives you can save!

Glory_Beckons ago

To preempt trigger-happy downvotes: This is not an endorsement of the official narrative. Read the whole thing or move along.

2020 number of deaths (all causes) through 11/28/2020, 2,654,825:

So that's 11 months worth. Even a very simple and naive adjustment yields a projected total, for the whole year, of:

(2,654,825 / 11) * 12 =    2,896,173

That's HIGHER than ALL of the previous year numbers you listed. Slightly higher, sure. But higher. Which contradicts your claim that "Deaths at their lowest in 5 years". And by using only your own sources and numbers, no less.

Making claims such as these, which are patently false and so easily disproved, does not help anyone. It just makes you, and everyone here who buys into it, because it is convenient and happens to support the conclusion they want, look like a fool.

Additionally, as another user pointed out in a different thread, the numbers for the last few weeks are not complete and still subject to being updated as reports come in, with delays of up to 8 weeks or sometimes more. As evidenced by the last two weeks being extremely low, at only 82% and 39% of expected deaths, respectively.

My reply to him paints a more complete picture, I think.

The short version:

There are about 20% more deaths this year than previous years, during the weeks "the pandemic" was a factor, on average.

HOWEVER, about one third of the extra deaths could not be "confirmed or presumed" to be Covid (in spite of their best efforts for taxbux subsidies). These can only be assumed to be deaths caused by the lockdowns and surrounding restrictions, since that is the only other major change this year from previous years.

See Table

This is the same data as from the OPs CDC link for this year. It is just cropped to remove incomplete and irrelevant weeks. It also has four additional columns, to highlight the presumed lockdown morbidity. In other words:

For every 2 deaths blamed on Covid, the lockdowns killed 1 more.

That's just going by those numbers and taking their Covid reports at face value. In reality, it is likely worse. Because we know many of the claimed Covid deaths were actually unrelated causes. Which means the real ratio leans more heavily towards lockdown deaths than towards Covid deaths.

And what for?

Would Covid have killed more than that, without them? How do we know? Even if we assume, would it have been significantly more than that? Enough to warrant everything we've given up? Everything we've been forced to give up? Enough to justify taking it upon ourselves, to impose measures that would kill so many, instead of letting nature run its course, the way it always has? And what of all the suffering caused that hasn't (yet) resulted in death?

Was it worth it?

This is a much better and more honest angle to pursue than trying to claim that deaths are lower than usual this year. They're not. Attempting to claim they are will only get you shot down with your own data, as I did here. And anyone who might have been inclined to believe you will rightfully doubt anything else you said or will say.

Ashra ago

Doesn't the population go up every year? So there would naturally be higher deaths because there are more people?

Glory_Beckons ago

Sure, but not by 20% in one year. Unless you think we gained 70+ million people in the last year.

From the numbers in the OP, you can see it does increase slightly year to year. By about 1% to 2% per year.

123456788 ago

How many undocumented illegal aliens have came to the country, thus increasing the population (unofficially), thus increasing deaths?

Men13 ago

2020 number of deaths (all causes) through 11/28/2020, 2,654,825


That's all the deaths notifications they received by 11/28. But they explicitly stated in the same page you got the data from that there's a few weeks of delay in most death notifications.

They say so explicitly in the CDC page you used for the data.

I already showed this to you, but you choose to ignore it.

You do this intentionally, because you aren't wrong - you are lying.

You don't care about the truth. You care only about your narrative.

Glory_Beckons ago

Excuse me? Are you talking to me?

I literally linked to your comment and said:

Additionally, as another user pointed out [that's you] in a different thread, the numbers for the last few weeks are not complete and still subject to being updated as reports come in, with delays of up to 8 weeks or sometimes more. As evidenced by the last two weeks being extremely low, at only 82% and 39% of expected deaths, respectively.

Please read what you're replying to before accusing people of lying. Otherwise they may get the impression this:

You don't care about the truth. You care only about your narrative.

Applies much more so to you, than to anyone else.

Men13 ago

Siri, I replied in the wrong place... :(

Paranoiaattack ago

That is a great angle on the data

phillyjoe ago

Well everyone staying home, what did you expect?

We should have a baby boom, instead we will have a fat ass boom

kishind ago

I chewed on these numbers a bit already, it's not like every November death has been reported you know?

With 55,000 deaths in each of the remaining weeks, which is average, we're on track to reach 2.9m deaths by year's end. 40,000 more than 2018. As you can see, total deaths increase with population. We should have been expecting ~2,880,000 deaths, we're looking at ~2,910,000.

New York Times reports 384,000 excess Covid deaths this year, but that would bring our annual total to over 3.2 million. We're unlikely to hit that mark.

Oh and https://archive.fo/ByNUQ

vdwcdfwmmypwybua ago


green_man ago

First off those numbers are missing nearly a month, if we extrapolate it ends up at ~2,896,173. Second off, if we took your thesis at face value that means social distancing and masks work against the flu. To me it seems like people will die of the flu at the same rate, regardless of the name, and social distancing, lock downs, and masks do fuck all to prevent it.

black_trash ago

Also don't forget, deaths can be reported weeks late, the numbers aren't collected immediately. It's too early to have a tally of all deaths in November

Doglegwarrior ago

So in 4 years the population increased and more voters allowed bidan to get 80 million votes most in history at the same time deaths go down this year during the worst pandemic in world history.

Drenki ago

lern 2 reed

Table 1. Deaths involving coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), pneumonia, and influenza reported to NCHS by week ending date, United States. Week ending 2/1/2020 to 11/28/2020.

Iluvtheconstitution ago

Just an fyi, that number for 2020 doesn’t include January. 2.65 mil is only Feb-Nov, and January and December are always high death months due to flu typically. Realistically probably looking at over 3 mil deaths in 2020. But the worst of that came when it first hit in Feb-April and doctors and no idea how to treat it.

nephileon ago

Okay I'm not shilling for the corunga... more so I'm asking, how the hell does the CDC get conflicting data... with itself!

This graph shows the excess mortality over the last couple of years, showing 2020 having a lot of excess death.


Which is it CDC?!

realmonster ago

the first thing worth noting is the lack of a quantified y axis

nephileon ago

I think i just pulled a shit picture... here's another one but its older and only goes to april


realmonster ago

cdc's information on this stuff is only a couple weeks behind. why are you posting something from april? based on your chart, i see about 40k more deaths than average. thats well within tolerances for not destroying the economy and all small businesses in the USA

nephileon ago

... The original picture that was the OP is the same data for later, i just provided a Y axis from with this picture from april (I'm not making these charts, I'm just finding them, and I was saying I can't find the perfect graph)

I'm also not saying this data is correct or defending anything, I'm complaining about CDC's confusing inconsistencies (IE how can their deaths be lower than previous years but have their excess mortality higher)

bonghits4jeebus ago

Came here to say the same thing.

Alhambra ago

"see! the lockdown is working!"

GhastlySkulduggery ago

On track to come up normal, but on the low side.

That said, you can't even show people the weekly index on the CDCs website, they aren't capable of reading tables.


Just for fun, too.


Inaminit ago

More people die from car accidents than coronavirus, so let's ban cars.

black_trash ago

40k die from cars each year, almost 300k from the holocough in 9 months. Close though, only off by a factor of 10

Inaminit ago

ORLY? Prove your numbers.

black_trash ago

Hundreds of independent hospitals reporting to the CDC, including many in states that would rather pretend it doesn't exist...and consistent with dozens of other countries... Do you stop and think what it would really take to fake a pandemic like this? Doctors and politicians across the world all in cahoots. Countries that hate each other all coming together to fake a disease, that many of us have witnessed first hand. It's so stupid it makes my head hurt.

Inaminit ago

I already had this 'disease' and was over it in a week... It's no worse than the common cold.

Neverfelted ago

All you need is corrupt media and for profit medical companies.

RM-Goetbbels ago

Obama killed more people with drone strikes than coronavirus has.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

Coronavirus is 9/11 every single day! NEVER FORGET 9/11 GOYS

RM-Goetbbels ago

Paper masks don't melt coronavirus.

Young_Hitler ago

I don't think the coronavirus killed anyone with drone strikes

RM-Goetbbels ago

Coronavirus dindu nuffin'!

tastelessinvective ago

Corona virus was a good pathogen tryin a get his life together and attending community college.

H3r0n ago

On his way to the synagogue

It_was_the_juice ago

Coronavirus was a loving father to his 6 children from 7 baby mommas.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

These numbers are what ends the corona virus scam. The reason you're not seeing a large increase at this part of the year, like you might normally, is that the people who would have died from flu/pneumonia this winter already caught it earlier in the year - all that happened this year was the winter seasonal flu and cold death spike was moved to earlier in the year.

Helena73 ago

Just going to copy and paste what I wrote earlier from the identical post in GA and other similar posts and Im frankly Im getting tired of people not looking closely at the numbers. Anyone who is not a lazy turd can spend 5 or 10 minutes looking at the charts cited here and see that the numbers of total deaths ARE WAY UP. Just look at the numbers people. 5th grade math.

Compare completed data from cdc each week compared to the previous 3 year average (percent expected deaths)

March through Sept. 2020: 1,828,350

The previous 3 year average (March through September only): 1,524,444


From mid march to mid september total deaths all causes is up 17%. Deaths for weeks past september are incomplete and artificially low. When you adjust for a long term trend of about 2% annual increase of deaths, you still have over 15% more deaths than expected.

See my more detailed math here.


Even the CDC page the OP linked to shows that 12 month tally for July 2019 to June 2020 to be over 3 million. And that is a 12 month interval that only includes 4 months of the epidemic.



Not only is the month of December missing from the OPs number but the months of November and October are grossly incomplete as they state on the CDC page. Even numbers from September and August are still not complete. Its the government.

The final number will be over 3 million. 3.1 or 3.2 maybe.

Go ahead. Challenge my math. Try to find an error. Just please fucking do the math.

Rexyl ago

I agree with this post completely. I've been looking at similar posts about provincial and national numbers that declare deaths are down and they always end up being bullshit. Now that being said in Canada deaths ARE up by about 5,000 but they were also up 5,000 from the year before last year, and the year before that...

Not that we don't have a ton of obese people up here but perhaps it's the result of higher obesity rates in the USA. Or just completely made up numbers, at this point I don't know if I can believe anything that federal organizations are reporting.

Helena73 ago

Its just demographics. The boomers are getting to that age I guess. An analyst pointed out there has been an average 2% rise in deaths every year for the past several years. In the US anyway.

Deaths will be way up in northern cities in the US and Canada until April. The virus will then go away in the north for 6 or 8 months. Very pronounced seasonal fluctuation up north.

I started giving my pet old person low dose ivermectin (8mg / week) and quinine (liter/day) which hopefully he will keep up for 4 months. And he’s being discouraged from running around the neighborhood off leash till then. We live in the worst hit area basically in the world, and we know several people who died at this point. I try to impress upon him that he just needs to lay low for the winter when the risk is 10 or 20 times higher than the rest of the year.

I dont know if I trust anything the government does anymore but I do trust total deaths all causes reasonably well even if I don’t trust them to categorize cause of death properly. A 17% increase in deaths all causes seems reasonable to me

Empire_of_the_mind ago

I actually do know the real numbers and noticed the CDC's claim that recent death numbers lag 1-8 week, along with the claim that most weeks of the year are +100%. (Note that I don't think CDC data is worth much to begin with). The real point of highlighting these numbers is psychological - most people have no concept of how many people die every year and they're easily manipulated by various figures thrown at them - this effect is why they've been inflating deaths attributed to the novel coronavirus? It may seem important to you but the difference between 3.1 million and 2.9 million is not enough to convince people to shut down their entire society. A plague showing 2x death rates or more is what you'd need for that.

Further, virology and disease are all rather questionably linked. The world does not work the way medical science tells you it does - they're no more correct than people using leeches to bleed disease a few centuries ago. Once you lose the hubris of present-moment bias you'll see that worshipping the medical industry is retarded.

Finally, I don't care if 200k fat people die this year or next, it's only a matter of a few years difference and the health care system is going to save a mint after this year. A novel coronavirus, practically by definition, is going to pluck the low-hanging fruit from the tree. It's going to cull the weakest of the herd. Aside from a few people who got extraordinary viral loads introduced through unusual circumstances this virus only impacts people with completely ineffective immune systems. Imagine the degree of ill health needed to fully compromise an immune system against a virus from a common class you should've been exposed to dozens of times prior in your life.

Helena73 ago

It may seem important to you but the difference between 3.1 million and 2.9 million is not enough to convince people to shut down their entire society.

Yeah I get that but most of the quarantine/lockdown/social distancing measures were misapplied and largely useless —therefore unnecessary.

The only places where quarantines/school closures/cancelling large social gatherings ever made sense was with northern cities, december through march. The virus doesn’t spred very rapidly in southern warmer states. The virus doesn’t spread rapidly in rural areas. We didn’t need to apply quarantining and social distancing in those places. Prophylactic hydoxychloroquine, ivermectin, doxycycline could have been given to high risk populations. Urban “hotspots” could have likewise used population wide prophylactics to curb the spread. Lots of useful measures could have been implemented to prevent spread in targeted areas while protecting targeted high risk groups.

But no, it seems there are two equally stupid camps:

1. commie karens drunk with power who will punish anyone they can, regardless of whether it helps prevent the spread of covid, who assiduously prevent the elderly from gaining access to life saving drugs

2. Obtuse scamdemic partisans who, because they perceive the epidemic has been used as an excuse for a commie power grab, deny the existence of the virus altogether or when cornered claim “fat old people deserve to die”

Is there any other perspective besides these two options? Is there? Is your only defense against a tyrannical communist crackdown: “old people are low hanging fruit— fuck them”

Hundreds of thousands of old people were needlessly infected and this continues everyday. They are taken prisoner and held in a hospital broom closet, left to die alone, forbidden from seeing family members in their last moments. Its an atrocity. All you can say is fuck fat people. Maybe you should rethink this view.

Further, virology and disease are all rather questionably linked. The world does not work the way medical science tells you it does - they're no more correct than people using leeches to bleed disease a few centuries ago.

Agree. The healthcare system has become hopelessly corrupt. Its run by lawyers and commie social workers and bean counters and insurance salesmen. The ranks of healthcare workers are filled with midwits who don’t understand how to read a medical study critically, who follow protocols blindly and bring not an ounce of common science to their day-to-day decisions. Follow protocols, cover your ass, rinse repeat. I fucking get it. Im not impressed with state issued credetials and a whiff of scientism.

My tools are research and a bullshit detector. But I don’t deny a medical crisis exists because its inconvenient to a political narrative. One out of 500 people have died in my state. Of covid. Out of all people in the state. That could double this winter.

That could happen everywhere in the next couple years. Demand prophylaxis and otc antivirals instead of minimizing the problem.

jammicsmith ago

Even numbers from September and August are still not complete. Its the government.

Yep, just like votes. They need to see what they need first. Then they'll report whatever they want to justify fucking us.

Helena73 ago

Well look, doctors and coroners have to write out the death certificates. Then the CDC has to enter them. These are bureaucrats. It is not new that the numbers are incomplete. I saw the same thing when I looked at this chart 8 months ago. The note on the CDC page states that a study from 2016 determine the period prior to the latest 8 weeks was at least 75% complete, indicating that they didn’t just start holding back death data.

Really you guys need to account for the fact that most bureacracy is a total clusterfuck and it is a rare thing for them to be able to accomplish anything in a coordinated manner.

jammicsmith ago

doctors and coroners have to write out the death certificates.

Wow. That sounds really complicated. I'm sure glad we trust doctors with guiding us through this deadly pandemic when they're so overworked (or incompetent) that they can't get death certificates written with 8 weeks.

Helena73 ago

What do you want me to say to you? That doctors aren’t very responsible and don’t prioritize this paperwork sufficiently? I have no idea.

That bureaucrats are lazy and inefficient? What difference does it make.

This is how long it takes. Its a bureacracy

Waaahh! Bureacracies are slow. Maybe being super sarcastic to Helena will change that.


FarPointPatriot ago

Statsfag here. Can confirm anon is 100% correct. What is out of place is the normality of the daths by natural cause % increase in conjunction with all causes total. The % increase is almost identical. Your would expect, in a pandemic, for rate of increase of natural causes to diverge as "covid" or what ever pushes the total higher. This is not the case deaths increased normally in almost all categories. BOTTOM LINE .... NOT A PANDEMIC AT ALL.

Helena73 ago

What is out of place is the normality of the daths by natural cause %

How are you calculating “natural cause”? You mean total - covid deaths? What table are you looking at?

You are saying deaths from other causes went up too? Covid deaths did not entirely account for “excess deaths” above the expected number. Is that what you mean?

In a previous post, an article discussed that deaths have been increasing by about 2% a year on average due to aging population— which accounts for some of the increase in total deaths. That 2% seems to account for about half the disparity I see between non-covid deaths and expected deaths, after covid is removed. The additional 2 percent or so could be due to isolation, suicide, disruption of normal timely healthcare. Or there could be a errors in diagnosis or death certificates, and those are actual covid deaths.

I suspect March deaths were a bit low (like 1%) because everyone was very compliant with lockdown initially and virtually all economic activity ceased, yet people had not started dying of covid in high numbers. A lot of people got sick in March and died in April.

Hardly anyone died of covid in the northern states like new york, Michegan, etc because northern areas are following a pronounced seasonal trend for covid just like for the flu. The north is nearly covid free for 6 months a year. The sun-belt has less of a seasonal trend for flu and the same proved true for covid. The spread there is slower and year round . But that is why deaths dropped a lot in June.

I don’t think this trend is artificial or controlled.

FarPointPatriot ago

I did not 'calculate' natural cause. That is a category within the CDC data set.

You causative analysis on March deaths is completely fallacious. If your logic were solid, then when PPE was mandated all across the country in late summer, there would NOT have been spikes UPWARD. There WOULD NOT have been a massive UPSURGE in April and May. If PPE was effective in any way, then the numbers (observations) should have moved dramatically outside the standard deviations. THEY DID NOT.



Helena73 ago

I did not 'calculate' natural cause. That is a category within the CDC data set.

Yes okay. Can you tell me where to find “natural cause” on the tables?

You are mixing two signals. North and south tell radically different stories. Northern cities are showing clear seasonal spikes with low infection spread throughout the summer. Just like the flu.

The sunbelt cities had low infections in March and April due largely to the draconian shut downs in spring. But after the restrictions began lifting they showed a moderate infection rate throughout the summer which is comparable to the moderate year round flu rate in those areas ( i.e. no strong seasonal fluctuation).

The surgical masks don’t seem to be doing much in the way of preventing spread so I don’t think PPE is particularly relevant here.

Population density, hours of daylight, temperature, humidity, — these are more relevant factors. Perhaps cancelling school and large gatherings can make a difference in some “hotspots”.

FarPointPatriot ago

go to cdc site. find cdc download data. It's a field in the all deaths table. its not hard. the fact you had to ask proves you have no clue what you are talking about and are only making speculation.

YOU: "The surgical masks don’t seem to be doing much in the way of preventing spread so I don’t think PPE is particularly relevant here."

ALSO YOU: "I suspect March deaths were a bit low (like 1%) because everyone was very compliant"

Helena73 ago

I cannot download data right now. I just wanted a link to a table that showed “natural causes” nationwide by week.

But you refused to include a link. So I hunted around for 5 minutes. I could only see natural causes broken out by state. Which I can’t download.

I guess if you do know where the relevant table is, you absolutely refuse to include a link. You are just one of those people.

I think Ive made the distinction multiple times between full lockdown (no one leaving their houses) and people resuming their normal lives with a thin tissue over their mouths. But you refuse to acknowlege any distinction whatsoever. You can’t separate the two at all, its just all “compliance with scamdemic” but I assure you these are different behaviors with different effects on epidemics.

There is no contradiction here. People stayed home in March and April more than any other months. There were no car accidents. There were no drive by shootings. All non-emergency surgeries were cancelled. This drove down non-covid deaths A LITTLE. Temporarily. And completely halted spread of covid in the sunbelt were it wasn’t really spreading fast anyway.

In May and June people in the Sunbelt started leaving their houses, leading to a modest uptick in cases in the South. Surgical masks probably did not play a significant factor.

But if you want to be perverse and continue to deny any distinction between these factors, carry on with your willful ignorance.

FarPointPatriot ago

Do your own work.

You are pissing away time replying to me instead of actual research ... which I seriously doubt you have ever done.

Your posts are RIFE with faulty assumptions. Read a book.

Helena73 ago

Thats what I thought.

Mayhawk ago

Too many people believing in this fallacial argument: "Lots of people died, good thing we locked you down! Few people died, good thing we locked you down!" Either way they claim victory.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

I'm pretty sure the fewer deaths are the result of so many people staying home and not doing anything. Automobile deaths alone are a pretty big number, and with people driving less there naturally will be less automobile involved deaths.

Thadeus ago

If you’re up to it look at those historical numbers and add them to the list. Accidental deaths is comparatively low as far as I know.

I’m surprised to see this data because I know 65-70 year old fairly healthy people get covid and die. Taken 10 years off a life is still terrible.

ChickenDeath ago

..how do you know that 65-70 year olds die? What about people older than 70?

BasedBabyYoda ago

Hidden in plain sight. Not even heard anyone trying to 'debunk' it.

Glory_Beckons ago

See my comment here for a comprehensive breakdown.

blackguard19 ago

The debunk will be that all the deaths haven’t been added yet for this year or something.

Guy_Justsome ago

There is always a lag in reporting deaths, because the various sources of information (hospitals, nursing homes, coroners, and health departments) have different cadences of delivering data (daily, weekly, monthly reports).

We won't see a stable total for 2020 until March 2021.

The totals should and shall increase, because the boomers are starting to die off. This isn't a good statistic to expose the hoax.

Use death rates, per 10,000 population, broken down by age group and cause-of-death. There have been 50% increases in drug overdoses and suicides among working age adults, for example.

realmonster ago

bcuz ppl are staying home and staying safe #wearamask #stayhome #staysafe #fuckmyassimagayretard

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

That does make sense though. Consider automobile related deaths.. with people driving less there's naturally going to be far less total deaths from car accidents.

realmonster ago

it would make sense if people did the stay home thing for more than about a week before going about their daily lives, as they had to since nobody owns a garden to support their family. sorry, not enough time spent at home to make up the difference.

SmokeyMeadow ago

I love quoting that 2.855m stat for 2019 to normies, and then asking them to guess how many we're on track for this year.

In_Cog_Nito ago

asking them to guess how many we're on track for this year.

My math says 2,937,253 by Dec 31. What does your math say?

In_Cog_Nito ago

While my numbers do show in increase of deaths from last year, it is important to realize that yoy increases are expected. It's also important to realize that 4 states murdered lots of senior citizens early in the scam, and incorrect methods/medicines have been used to treat The Covid, increasing the early fatality rate.

realmonster ago

did you respond to yourself? this isnt twitter, you can edit a post to add more info

In_Cog_Nito ago

Yes, I did it intentionally. I wanted to see their math first, without them being distracted by the fact that an increase automatically means The Covid is as deadly as the communists want us to believe.