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Men13 ago

If anyone wants to know where OP actually lied - I copied both links here so you can follow them and look for yourself.

TL;DR: For 2020, in addition to missing the "future" (which OP accounted for) it's missing the "near past" (because the CDC gets death notices from local morgues a few weeks after death). OP "forgot" to account for that.

The CDC's data has the correct number of "deaths compared to previous years" that OP claims to calculate and it shows MASSIVE INCREASE IN DEATHS. But OP decided to hide these numbers from you and instead wrongly calculate them himself to spread misinformation.

Like all good lies - they intentionally fudge 2 different ways of counting and comparing them.

First page - mortality per week:

Note that there's a column called "percent of expected deaths" that does exactly what OP claims to do - compares the number of deaths to previous years. And you can see it's significantly over 100% almost every week - PEAKING AT 142% FOR SEVERAL WEEKS!

That's 40% EXTRA DEAD compared to previous years! It's HUGE!

Anyway - IF OP were honest, they'd use this data: data counted the same way in multiple years.

But OP is a liar - so they instead decided to use this page for comparison:

They got the total deaths in 2018, and did "math" to compare the numbers.

Why is it wrong? They are both deaths, so why can't we use both numbers?

Well, let's read the comment on the first page:

Percent of expected deaths is the number of deaths for all causes for this week in 2020 compared to the average number across the same week in 2017–2019. Previous analyses of 2015–2016 provisional data completeness have found that...

The important part:

... completeness is lower in the first few weeks following the date of death (<25%), and then increases over time such that data are generally at least 75% complete within 8 weeks of when the death occurred

Meaning real-time data is hard to get. The data takes a few weeks to get from local morgues etc. to the CDC. Meaning the data for the last few weeks is lower than the real data!!!

WE CAN SEE IT IN THE ACTUAL TABLE! Look at the last 4-5 weeks in the table, you'll see the "percent of expected deaths" is extremely low there - like 32% in the last week, 77% in the previous week etc.

Why? Because it's only partial data!

THIS IS OP'S LIE!!! He knows that the data is incomplete (real-time data always is) but pretends in his math that it is complete and compares it to complete data from 2018. Instead of using the week-by-week comparison that would show the 142% of expected death in multiple weeks.


SearchVoatBot ago

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freshoffyourmom ago

You are quoting the CDC? The same organization who later said that only 6% of their previous recorded Covid deaths were "actually" Covid deaths? SIX FUCKING PERCENT. You seem to have left that little detail out of your worthless rant.

Men13 ago

Source of them saying that.

But I'm not quotng them on corvid deaths. Just in total deaths.

That's all. No cause of death at all.

Glory_Beckons ago

You're right, the OP is either misrepresenting or misunderstanding the data.

However, you're making mistakes as well. Chiefly among them:

Not all excess death can be attributed to Covid-19

This is apparent from the data in the CDC table, because the excess percentages do not match the total Covid deaths. However, the CDC glosses over this, or at least fails to highlight it. Similar to how whoever made the slide on the OP glossed over some crucial details to make the data support his views.

I took the liberty of slapping together a table of my own, based on the same data.

The first four columns (including date) are lifted straight from the CDC table. To address your concerns about incomplete data, I removed both the first eight weeks (Covid hadn't really taken off yet) and the last eight weeks (incomplete reports). To highlight what the CDC glossed over, I added four columns of my own.

See Table Here

The additional columns are calculated as follows:

  • E = C / (D / 100)
  • F = C - E
  • G = F - B
  • H = (G / F) * 100

First thing to note is that cutting the irrelevant and incomplete weeks yields a much more representative dataset. Which shows that, during the time Covid has been active, there have been, on average, over 20% excess deaths compared to previous years. However:

This is in spite of the fact that, as we know, they attribute every case they possibly can to Covid, including motorcycle crashes and heart attacks, because doing so brings more handouts from the government. If you die and you ever tested positive for Covid, recently or not, symptomatic or not, you'll likely get labeled with the Covid code. Note their fine print; their "All Covid Deaths" column includes "presumed" cases.

Even setting all that aside, even taking the numbers at face value... 33% of excess deaths being caused by something other than Covid seem pretty significant to me. What mysterious nameless affliction could be killing thousands of Americans every week? What else, besides Covid, is so very different in 2020 compared to previous years, and could be driving so many people to their deaths?

Ah, yes. "The Lockdowns."

The great big elephant in the room that nobody wants to talk about: How many people have the locksdowns killed? We know it has to be quite a few, between missed essential healthcare, suicides out of desperation, and everything else. But nobody seems interested in keeping track of it.

Well, you can get a pretty good idea here: Over 3,500 every week, on average, in the US alone.

That's just under 100,000 in just over half a year.

For every 2 deaths blamed on Covid, the lockdowns took 1 more.

And what for? Would Covid have killed more than that, without them? How do we know? Even if we assume, would it have been significantly more than that? Enough to warrant everything we've given up? Everything we've been forced to give up? Enough to justify taking it upon ourselves, to impose measures that would kill so many, instead of letting nature run its course, the way it always has? And what of all the suffering caused that hasn't (yet) resulted in death?

Was it worth it?

26565698? ago

Would be interested in demographics of the dead. I would wager the covid deaths are largely old, fat or other pre-existing conditions and the non covid deaths have a comparably larger percentage of younger and healthier people.

waucka ago

Sounds like somebody wants us to back up our anti-lockdown position with an easily defeated argument.

crazy_eyes ago

so let us know when you have the data showing 4 million deaths in the US in 2020

Men13 ago

There will be no data about 4 million deaths, since the death increase is "only" about 10-15%, so from 2.8 million to around 3.2 million (extra 300-400k)

And I don't want to wait until 2021 to get data, so instead how about I look at the number of deaths per week, and ignore the last few weeks since their data is incomplete. Sounds good?

I can do that now! How cool is that? Here's the data:

Or a different page that looks per-month and has 2020 data for the first 6 months, and 2019 data you can compare to? I have that as well!

You can look yourself and see - there are HUGE excess death numbers between 2020 and previous years. Almost 200k extra dead in just the first 6 months. More now.

I linked the data, you can check for yourself.

Good enough for you?

crazy_eyes ago

You said the deaths were up 40% that would make for 4 million deaths if you take an average year and add 40% additional deaths

Men13 ago


Really? Really?! I said deaths were up 40% for several weeks, NOT for the entire year.

Here's what I wrote:

And you can see it's significantly over 100% almost every week - PEAKING AT 142% FOR SEVERAL WEEKS!

That's 40% EXTRA DEAD compared to previous years! It's HUGE!

The 40% is the peak difference, meaning the biggest difference, not the average difference. You know - like the peak of a mountain isn't the hight of the entire mountain, just of one spot at the top.

Men13 ago

Johns Hopkins disagrees with your data

Nope. John Hopkins (university) didn't publish that.

The Johns Hopkins News-Letter (which is the page you linked) ISN'T published by the university and doesn't represent the university's opinions in any way.

It's an independent newsletter run by a few students. That is all

And also, they retracted and removed this article, probably because it was wrong. But you already knew that - that's why you linked the archive of their page

But forget all that - the bigger question is WHY DO YOU NEED SOMEONE ELSE TO TELL YOU WHAT THE DATA IS?!

You can look at the data yourself instead of trusting others. Don't read about people who looked at the data - you have your own eyes, look at the data yourself.

What are you afraid of? That if you look at the data yourself you'll find that reality doesn't conform to your opinions?

crazy_eyes ago

I don't need anybody to tell me a damned thing

I know there is no pandemic

You want to know how I know

Because if there was a truly deadly viral pandemic, there would be military people in containment suits in the streets picking up the dead, nobody would be allowed to leave for any reason at all. And if they did have a reason to they would be in full containment suits. There would be food deliveries to all homes so people were not starving to death.

It would not be a situation where some stores are allowed to stay open as long as people wear a paper mask, thats nothing more than theater and mind control tactics, pretending there is a pandemic.

A real pandemic would not leave us with questions about its existence, it would be obvious to all

Men13 ago

Because if there was a truly deadly viral pandemic, there would be military people in containment suits in the streets picking up the dead

You watch too many movies.

Also, that's for pandemics with very high mortality rate (say, 30% if you want so much death that you need to pick up corpses from the street)

COVID only has like 1% death rate, or even less than that.

1% of the US is still 3 million people. We're talking about 300k dead - so just 0.1% It's a tiny tiny number, 0.1%

It's still 300k fucking people. It's still a HUGE number of deaths. But no where near the nightmare scenario you're describing of military in the streets and picking up corpses.

It's more of a "wear your masks" kind of thing, not a "containment suite" kind of thing.

You think you're a critical thinker, but you're just confusing your lack of knowledge with insight.

rayfarmer ago

If covid only has a death rate of 1%, what is the death rate of influenza, flu and standard Coronas?

Men13 ago

The death rate? About the same. Slightly lower, but not by a lot. It's hard to measure because not everyone that gets the flu tells their doctor.

The infection rate? MUCH MUCH LOWER for influenza, flu etc.

Meaning many many more people are infected with COVID, and if more people are infected, then 1% mortality means more people die.

Making it a much deadlier pandemic.

Does that make sense?

rayfarmer ago

Yes, that makes sense. I’m not retarded.

What the the various infection rates?

crazy_eyes ago

less than 0.03% death rate to be precise, that is not a pandemic

prairie ago

That article is looking at the relative levels of different causes of death, and different age groups. A different angle on calling the hoax out, but doesn't counter there being more total deaths due to all causes.

Tandemlee ago

Where have you seen there is more deaths due to all causes?

Usually we get around 57 million global deaths a year, this year so far we have 54 million. There has not been more all cause deaths this year.

crazy_eyes ago

bullshit, it looks at death rate of all age groups, and there is no significant increase in deaths of ANY age group

prairie ago

Briand focused on total deaths per age group and per cause of death in the U.S. and used this information to shed light on the effects of COVID-19.

She explained that the significance of COVID-19 on U.S. deaths can be fully understood only through comparison to the number of total deaths in the United States.

After retrieving data on the CDC website, Briand compiled a graph representing percentages of total deaths per age category

Since COVID-19 mainly affects the elderly, experts expected an increase in the percentage of deaths in older age groups.

Parts talking about absolute numbers:

Briand also noted that 50,000 to 70,000 deaths are seen both before and after COVID-19, indicating that this number of deaths was normal long before COVID-19 emerged. Therefore, according to Briand, not only has COVID-19 had no effect on the percentage of deaths of older people, but it has also not increased the total number of deaths.

Which is lacking on what she was comparing. Before and after? What time periods? Which is 50k and 70k for?

In other words, the effect of COVID-19 on deaths in the U.S. is considered problematic only when it increases the total number of deaths or the true death burden by a significant amount in addition to the expected deaths by other causes. Since the crude number of total deaths by all causes before and after COVID-19 has stayed the same, one can hardly say, in Briand’s view, that COVID-19 deaths are concerning.

Which contradicts what you see if you look at the CDC total deaths numbers. What source of data is she using?

Apparently the article has been removed. I'd like to see the data she based this on.

Men13 ago

Why are you so chicken that you can't look at the data yourself to make a decision? Why do you need to read about other people who looked at the data?

What are you afraid of?

FreespeechOverReddit ago

He's not afraid of Covid, like you... You gotta be a real fucking moron to be afraid of Covid! A moron or a manipulator. Maybe you work for the government? Maybe you're a nigger jew? Who cares? Either way, you're a pussy and your fear mongering and lies over a fake pandemic isn't going to work here. Faggot.

Men13 ago

Forget about whether to be scared or not - we're talking about whether there's a COVID pandemic or if it's invented by the government.

That's the whole question - is it even real?

Well, the numbers show it is real, and kills many Americans. That's all. Nothing about being scared or not being scared. Just acknowledging reality.

Can you do that?

FreespeechOverReddit ago

Of-fucking-course it's real!

Go look up what pandemic's awfully broad. People keep using that word as if there's power behind it.

It kills fat, old, and diseased people! That's what it kills. Many VERY sick people. And even saying "many" is going too far.

Tandemlee ago

55 million deaths this year total:

57 million total died in 2017

Men13 ago

I don't care about "the world" I live in the US.

The US has 300k extra dead this year compared to previous years. I've linked to the data multiple times already.

Sure, the world as a whole had wars in 2017,, and handled COVID better than we did. That's meaningless. I care about the US only.

Tandemlee ago

In any case US policy is probably the explanation for the excess deaths if there were any. Many were murdered by medical staff. I know some personalty that were killed with ventilators.

Men13 ago

Why were they on ventilators I wonder <.<

so you're saying 300 thousand more people than usual were killed by doctors this year? That's what you're going with?

Tandemlee ago

Im saying there was no global increase in deaths.

And Im saying many people in the US, primary old frail people, would be alive if they weren't terrorized, isolated, and put on ventilators inappropriately under the guise of COVID. Yes, ventillators kill. They are only to be used like CPR, if the patient is dead anyway as a hail Mary to keep them alive. You don't put someone who simply has trouble breathing on a vent. And thats why many doctors did because they got caught up in being told that is the right thing to do to treat COVID.

EngelbertHumperdinck ago

Don't forget the monetary incentives given to hospitals for each person they intubated.

Tandemlee ago


I have heard they were able to bill 30 k for each patient put on a vent.

The stars aligned to push as many vents as possible and this led to more death.

EngelbertHumperdinck ago

Yeah dude. Don't let these kike shills bog you down in the minutia. None of that shit matters.

I don't give a fuck what the corrupt CDC or WHO claims is going on. Those agencies are run by the same league of commies that wrote Agenda 21/2030 and "The Great Reset". Whether the holocough is real or fake, whether the virus has been isolated from an infected patient or just synthesized in a lab, whether the PCR test is reliable or not, whether more people died this year or not, whether masks reduce the spread of the alleged virus or not... none of that matters.

What matters is that it's all being used to destroy the US economy and middle class in particular. It's a transfer of wealth, measuring in the trillions, from Americans' future pockets to multinational corporations and jewish banks. And it's being used to justify the destruction of our remaining liberties and the installation of a massive, invasive, privacy eradicating surveillance and control apparatus.

Bahramu ago

Excellent summary of the situation. People get bogged down in the details, but what's important is what's being DONE in the name of covid. And what's being done wasn't dreamed up overnight; it's been in the works for a while. Which means it's highly likely that this virus was released intentionally, as well as any deadlier viruses following this one.

EngelbertHumperdinck ago

Absolutely. The odds of Event 201 predicting a world wide pandemic with the exact same type of virus only a month before the first alleged breakout are almost as absurd as the odds of the US military coincidentally performing exercises simulating hijacked airliners being flown into buildings on the morning of 9/11.

Also, +1 for the proper use of the semicolon.

Men13 ago

Im saying there was no global increase in deaths

I agree. There was no global increase in deaths vs 2017. 100% agree.

There was a US increase in death though.

You claim it's from ventilators? You think we had 300k people on ventilators in the US? OK sure - I'll entertain the idea.

What makes you think that? What actual data did you use? Do you know how many people were put on ventilators in the US?

Do you know how many people died when on ventilators in the US this year? If that number is 300k, then you might be on to something!

Can you link me the data about death connected to ventilators? Or did you just invent that because you want to be right at any cost?

Tandemlee ago

All I see here is baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Men13 ago

OK so you just made a claim with nothing to back you up.

You don't care about the truth, you just care about confirming your point of view.

Fine. Some people like being sheep. I personally prefer to be skeptical and learn about the world first hand.

Tandemlee ago


Honestly I was hoping I might learn something from you but it turned out your not worth my time. Not interested in educating since I'm extremely selfish.

Men13 ago

No you weren't.

If you wanted to learn - you had every opportunity. I linked 4 different sources of cold, hard, data (all from the CDC, but 4 different sources of data)

You could have at least looked at them if you really wanted to learn something.

But you don't want to learn. You want to "be right". Enjoy being right. That makes you so cool that you and only you know that this is all a lie. You're so smart.

Tandemlee ago

Lol you know nothing about me yet you throw your projections at me like a confused sheep.

You must be wearing the mask to tight poor baby

Men13 ago

OK then humor me - why didn't you look at the actual data I've linked multiple times? Why do you link blogs by crazy people instead of linking actual data to support your case?

Can you explain that?

Tandemlee ago

we have 2.8 million deaths usually every year in the usa\

looks like weve have 2.4 million so far this year

Men13 ago

Why do you insist on linking to private blogs and quaky websites instead of actual data?

Where does this blog get its data? If a person dies right now - how long will it take for that person to be added to the counter on the website? A day? A month?

Here's the same data, just as actual data you can look at:

It's a week-by-week breakdown including the number of deaths, AND THE CHANGE COMPARED TO PREVIOUS YEARS for that same week (column named "percent of expected deaths")

You can see the "percent of expected deaths" is very very close to 100% in the first few weeks of the year, then it jumps and get to almost 42% for a few weeks!

Note that this pages answers the questions I asked above!

completeness is lower in the first few weeks following the date of death

Meaning it takes a few weeks for them to get notified of deaths. So you can't trust the data for the last few weeks

Indeed, if you look at the end of the table you'll see we have just like 32% of expected deaths of the last week (because they didn't get all the notifications yet), or 77% for the week before that.

THAT'S HOW THAT BLOG YOU LINKED LIED TO YOU - they pretended the data for the last few weeks was accurate, when in fact they explicitly state it's missing deaths.

Remove the last few weeks and you'll see the total number of deaths this year is much much higher than previous years.

Tandemlee ago

2,579,548 is the number in the link you gave, it was 2,486,519 in my link

And i didnt link a blog wtf.

Are you jewish?

Tandemlee ago

I looked at your data and I see what you mean, it says there was an increase in death in the USA. It does not explain why however because it does not know why.

Men13 ago

Sure, yeah. I'm sure you don't trust official cause of deaths - so I linked the most "clean" data there is - total deaths from any cause.

I mean, you believe there's a global conspiracy to falsly mark "regular" deaths as COVID, so why would you trust the official causes of deaths?

But no matter what the cause - we have up to 42% (in peak weeks) increase in number of deaths compared to previous years. 42% (in peak weeks NOT all weeks) -if not from this "pandemic" then what? Was there a war? Why did so many more people die in those weeks?

You yourself introduced the argument about "no global increase in death since 2017".

You didn't care about causes (wars etc.), just total number of deaths. If you did care about causes - the global number of deaths due to COVID is much higher this year than 2017!

But you only look at total numbers - so I did as well.

Is it possible that these huge increases are due to the pandemic people are talking about?

Tandemlee ago

There are no huge increases

Men13 ago

The link to the blog? Or the link to the other blog?

Can you send me actual data please?

Men13 ago

Yes, that one link was up to June. Did it show increase up to june? Or not? And if it did - why are you claiming "there are no huge increases" if you saw huge increases with your own eyes up to June?

I also sent you another link that's accurate up to a few weeks ago.

It also has a huge increase.

So even though you saw huge increases with your own eyes (and admitted it:

I looked at your data and I see what you mean, it says there was an increase in death in the USA in 2020 compared to 2019.

You wrote that. Now you claim no huge increases. Why does the truth scare you so much?

Tandemlee ago

And youre also an idiot you have like 2 reports you're obsessed with and have nothing of substance to offer. No whole view. Just a faggot zooming in on some details he likes.

Men13 ago

4 reports.

Compared to your 0 actual data, and a couple of opinion pieces by people fudging the math.

Simple question: was there an increase of 200-300 thousand American deaths this year compared to the previous years, or not?

Given the data you looked at - is that a thing that actually happened?

Tandemlee ago

Oh god this is getting tiresome and pointless you just keep repeating the same thing over and over.

Bye, and good luck on being an emasculated sheep.

Men13 ago

I'm repeating it because you're ignoring it.

Will you acknowledge there's a 200-300 thousand increase in American deaths this year? Can you be man enough to ackowledge the truth you see with your own eyes?

Tandemlee ago

Oh God you are so full of shit. I thought I could actually gain a meaningful perspective from you for a moment and that is why I engaged you. Was clearly wrong.

Men13 ago

Oh bullshit.

Why are you talking about the "world" in 2017 vs. today? The world has more wars in 2017. Syria has a lot more deaths from fighing in 2017 for example.

And the world handled COVID much much better than the US. The global death rate from COVID is very small really compared to the US - because they actually did something about it.

The US didn't do shit, and we have hard numbers showing 300k extra deaths this year compared to previous years.

Why do you ignore 300 thousand dead?!

Tandemlee ago

Why don't you try to explain your point with data instead of making personal attacks? What are you afraid of?

Where have you seen there is more deaths due to all causes?

Usually we get around 57 million global deaths a year, this year so far we have 54 million. There has not been more all cause deaths this year.

Men13 ago

What are you talking about - I gave literally 4 different links pointing to actual, real, data (not opinions, not "discussions about the data", actual cold hard data).

I've linked them multiple times, and even put the data itself in my posts. In this actual thread you're replying to I've posted data.

Did you look at the data at all?

And most of the world handled Covid19 pretty well. It's just the US that went crazy. The US has a measurable 300k extra deaths this year so far compared to previous years - and I've given the data multiple times.

Tandemlee ago

Usually we get around 57 million global deaths a year, this year so far we have 54 million. There has not been more all cause deaths this year.

I gave you two links indicating and you have no response, link boy. You're full of shit.

Men13 ago

I had multiple responses. I said:

  • there were more wars in 2017 than now (e.g. syrian deaths)

  • the world as a whole handled COVID very well and has a fraction of the deaths as the US.

Why are you changing the conversation from the US to the world? Because the US data disagrees with your bias?

Tandemlee ago

if it was a terrible global catastrophe like your masters want you to believe there would be 100 millions total deaths, or 150 million. Not roughly the same as every year.

Idk why Im engaging you Im usually good with not arguing with idiots

Men13 ago

Why? It's a disease with about 1% mortality rate. How would that ever get to 100 million deaths even if every single person got sick?

Most people in the world didn't get sick because their governments were functional.

It's just the US that's so crazy.

Men13 ago

Oh a BLOG! Wow, yeah - a BLOG never lies! Never!

BTW - he does actually lie. Like really - I've read this page it's lies.

For example - which months does he use for comparison? Oct, Nov, Dec - you know, the months that didn't actually happen yet!

Why? Because then he'll have to "extrapolate" the data and it gives him the opportunity to do some wrong "math".

Why didn't he choose 3 months that actually happened already this year? For example, why didn't he do APR, MAY, JUNE?


Here's an alternative link, which has actual death numbers for 2019 and 2020:

You can look at the data yourself, but if you're too lazy I copied the total deaths column here:

2019 January 258,000

2019 February 233,000

2019 March 255,000

2019 April 235,000

2019 May 237,000

2019 June 225,000

2020 January 264,000 +6k since last year

2020 February 244,000 +11k since last year

2020 March 269,000 +14k since last year

2020 April 321,000 +86k (!) Since last year

2020 May 279,000 +42k since last year

2020 June 249,000 +24k since last year

Do you dare look at actual data?

Tandemlee ago

Also, you are only comparing to 2019 and not looking at the yearly average, how much was it in 2015? 2016? How does this year compare?

Men13 ago

I just linked you data that compares 2020 to 2017-2019 (averages those 3 years and sees how much 2020 deaths are compared to that average every week)

You can look at my other reply for details, but I'll link the page here as well:

crazy_eyes ago

you are the one who is in fear, i have no fear. I know truth from lies

Even in the hospitals the staff there do not wear containment suits.

There is no deadly pandemic, that is a fact

Men13 ago

You wouldn't know the truth if it were staring you in the face.

Which right now it actually is staring you in the face - and you refuse to even look at it.

Did you even try to look at the actual data yourself?

crazy_eyes ago

i have looked at the data, and there is no evidence of a pandemic, hell there is no evidence that covid19 even actually exists

Men13 ago

Did you look at the data? Really? Can you link me the data you looked at? I'd love to see the same data you saw.

Link or it didn't happen.

crazy_eyes ago

i sent you the Johns Hopkins data, and you pretty much discarded it instantly, so why should i bother?

Men13 ago

Liar - you sent me a john hopkins student's newsletter TALKING about the data.

Did you send me the actual data? No you didn't. You said you saw the actual data - please, send me the actual data.

The actual numbers.

NOT an article discussing the data - the actual numbers.

crazy_eyes ago

you know what, fuck you, you are the fucking liar.

There is no Pandemic.

I explained that to you already. You poo poo'd that by saying I watch too many movies. Thing is, your assumptions are entirely incorrect. I do not watch any movies. I do not watch any TV.

If you believe that in an actual pandemic that medical providers would be using nothing more than a paper mask to protect themselves and their lives you are a fool. They would all be dead within a week in a real pandemic.

Men13 ago

You said you looked at the data.

Link me the data. If you don't link me the data (actual numbers - you know: "data"), then I'll know you lied and you didn't look at the data.

Data or GTFO

crazy_eyes ago

adios asshole

Men13 ago

So you admit you lied when you claimed you saw the data.

OK. Liar confirmed.